Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: O Lord, who now art seated - Constraining love (James George Deck/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 939

O Lord, who now art seated - Constraining love
(James George Deck/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Constraining love.

2 Corinthians 5.

1. O Lord, who now art seated
  above the heavens on high,
(the gracious work completed,
  for which thou cam'st to die):
to thee our hearts are lifted,
  while pilgrims wand'ring here;
for thou art truly gifted
  our every grief to share. PDF - Midi

2. We know that thou hast bought us,
  and washed us in thy blood;
we know that thou hast brought us,
  as kings and priests, to God:
we know that soon the morning,
  long looked for, draweth near,
when we, at thy returning,
  in glory shall appear.

3. O Lord, thy love's unbounded;
  so full, so vast, so free!
Our thoughts are all confounded
  whene'er we think of thee:
for us thou cam'st from heaven,
  for us to bleed and die;
that, purchased and forgiven,
  we might ascend on high.

4. O Lord, thy love constrains us
  to yield ourselves to thee;
let nothing henceforth pain us,
  but that which paineth thee:
our joy, our one endeavour,
  through suff'ring, conflict, shame,
to serve thee, gracious Saviour,
  and magnify thy name.

James George Deck, Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1906, 7-8.

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