Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: On the Lord depending - "Wait on the Lord" (Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1132

On the Lord depending - "Wait on the Lord"
(Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

"Wait on the Lord."

  1. On the Lord depending,
    wait thou, my soul,
  all to him commending,
    trust his sure control;
yield not to fear,
morning draweth near;
and a sunny spring-time follows winter drear.
  Storms, tribulations,
    foes, may oppress,
  God is thy salvation,
    he waits to bless. PDF - Midi

  2. On the Lord depending,
    wait thou, my soul,
  all to him commending,
    trust his sure control;
hearts here may break,
God doth not forsake,
greater than thy Helper none thy need shall make.
  Faithful for ever,
    near for redress,
  God will fail thee never,
    he waits to bless.

  3. On the Lord depending,
    wait thou, my soul,
  all to him commending,
    trust his sure control;
our pilgrim way
lasteth not for aye;
Christ shall hush our weeping – calling us away
  past every sorrow,
    every distress –
  joys eternal follow,
    God waits to bless.

Hannah K. Burlingham, Wayside Songs, 1901, 135-136. (Translated from the German.)

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