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Hymn score of: Lord, to whom except to thee - Divine Food (John S. B. Monsell/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 2057

Lord, to whom except to thee - Divine Food
(John S. B. Monsell/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Divine Food.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?
Thou hast the words of Eternal Life."
(John 6,68)

1. Lord, to whom except to thee
  shall our wand'ring spirits go?
Thee whom it is light to see,
  and eternal life to know. PDF - Midi

2. Though thy dread mysterious word
  hard to human sense may prove,
where can deeper truth be heard,
  dropped from purer lips of love?

3. Awful is that life of thine
  which the Spirit's breath inspires,
and the food must be divine,
  which each new-born soul desires.

4. Israel on the heavenly seed
  fed and died in days of yore,
but the souls, that on thee feed,
  never thirst nor hunger more.

5. Lord, to whom except to thee
  shall we go when ills betide?
Who, except thyself, can be
  hope, and help, and strength, and guide?

6. Who can prove what thou hast proved?
  Who can win what thou hast won?
Who can love as thou hast loved?
  Who can do as thou hast done?

7. Who can cleanse the soul from sin,
  hear the prayer, and seal the vow?
Who can fill the void within,
  blessed Saviour! who, but thou?

8. Therefore evermore I'll give
  laud and praise, my God! to thee,
evermore in thee I live,
  evermore live thou in me.

John S. B. Monsell, Hymns of Love and Praise, 1877, 82-83.
Hymn title from the index, page 172.

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