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Hymn score of: I take my pilgrim staff anew - Hymn for the New Year (Charlotte Elliott/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1008

I take my pilgrim staff anew - Hymn for the New Year
(Charlotte Elliott/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Hymn for the New Year.

1. I take my pilgrim staff anew,
  life's path, untrodden, to pursue,
    thy guiding eye, my Lord, I view;
          my times are in thy hand. PDF - Midi

2. Throughout the year, my heavenly Friend,
  on thy blessed guidance I depend;
    from its commencement to its end
          my times are in thy hand.

3. Should comfort, health, and peace be mine,
  should hours of gladness on me shine,
    then let me trace thy love divine;
          my times are in thy hand.

4. But shouldst thou visit me again
  with languor, sorrow, sickness, pain,
    still let this thought my hope sustain,
          my times are in thy hand.

5. Thy smile alone makes moments bright,
  that smile turns darkness into light;
    this thought will soothe grief's saddest night,
          my times are in thy hand.

6. Should those this year be called away
  who lent to life its brightest ray,
    teach me in that dark hour to say,
          my times are in thy hand.

7. A few more days, a few more years, –
  oh, then a bright reverse appears,
    then I shall no more say with tears,
          my times are in thy hand.

8. That hand my steps will gently guide,
  to the dark brink of Jordan's tide,
    then bear me to the heavenward side;
          my times are in thy hand.

Charlotte Elliott, Selections from the Poems of Charlotte Elliott, 96-98.

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