Christ My Song - English hymns
l A l B l C l D l E l F l G l H l I l J l K l L l M l N l O l P l Q l R l S l T l U l V l W l Y l
- A
- A clearer view of things unseen
- A few more conflicts, toils, and tears
- A few more years shall roll
- A gentle angel wendeth
- A great and mighty wonder
- A homeless Stranger amongst us came
- A land I know there is
- A little flock! So calls he thee
- "A little while!" so spake our gracious Lord
- A pilgrim for his new abode
- A pilgrim through this lonely world
- A sinful man am I
- A voice beloved thus spoke of late
- "Abba, Father!" we approach thee
- Abide with us, the shades of eve
- Abide ye in my love!
- Acquaint thyself with God!
- Again the Lord of life and light
- Against thee only have I sinned, I own it
- Age of the ages
- Ah! how empty is the heart
- Ah, Jesus Lord, thou art near to me
- Ah, Lord, the world is dark!
- Ah, Lord! why am I thus?
- Ah! when shall I be, from sinning
- Alas for the city, deserted and lonely
- All around the gracious seasons
- All fair within those Children of the light
- All gone, all gone! for this life gone
- All hail! O glorious Son of God
- All hail the power of Jesu's name!
- All have their work to do
- All my heart this night rejoices
- All night upon the city wall
- All that I was, my sin, my guilt
- All the earth this day is crying
- All things to mine eyes are bright
- Allured into the desert, with God alone, apart
- Almighty Comforter and friend
- Almighty Father, just and good
- Almighty King! whose wondrous hand
- Alone! – a stranger here
- Alone with thee! Alone with thee!
- Always in the Lord rejoice
- Am I not enough, mine own?
- Amid the darkness, when the storm
- Amid the shadows and the fears
- Among the many, I am lost and weary
- An absent Lord I serve and love
- And art thou, gracious Master, gone
- And art thou ready, Saviour dear!
- And does my parting hour draw nigh
- And is it so, I shall be like thy Son
- And is there, Lord, a rest
- And shall we see thy face
- Angel-voices sweetly singing
- Angels heard with admiration
- Are there no wounds for me?
- Arise! ye lingering saints, arise!
- Arise, ye saints, arise
- Around one name they gather
- Art thou afflicted? O belovèd, pray!
- Art thou weary, art thou languid
- Art thou weary, sad, and lonely
- As a lamb led forth to slaughter
- As a traveller, returning
- As God shall lead I'll take my way
- As on a vast eternal shore
- As one to self-indulgence prone
- As the bridegroom to his chosen
- As the lily of the valley
- As with gladness men of old
- Ascribe ye strength to God - The mighty God
- Ask not, what it is that ails me
- Ask not why my soul doth languish
- Ask ye what great thing I know
- At last!
- At our Father's table meeting
- At the Lord's right hand there are pleasures
- Awake, awake, O arm of God!
- Awake, glad soul! awake! awake!
- Awake, my glory! harp and lute!
- Awake, my heart; arise, my tongue
- Awake, my heart, this day of rest
- Awake, my soul, from sleep arise!
- "Awake, O sword," awake and smite
- Awake our souls! awake our tongues!
- Awake, sweet harp of Judah, wake!
- Awake, ye saints, awake and watch
- Awaked by Sinai's awful sound
- Away, away! thy work is done!
- Away from earth my spirit turns
- Away! he calls thee hence away
- Away! thou dying saint, away!
- Away with Egypt's burdens
- A B C
- B
- Base among the base
- Be not afraid / Fürchte dich nicht
- Be still, my soul, be still
- Be still, my soul; Jehovah loveth thee
- Be still, my soul! – the Lord is on thy side
- Be thou my Friend, and look upon my heart
- Bear Jesus Christ the Lord in mind
- Bear thou my burden
- Bearer of sin, he came to earth
- Before thy throne with tearful eyes
- Begin the day with God!
- Behind the hills of Naphtali
- Behold! behold! what wonder's here!
- Behold me here, in grief draw near
- Behold the glories of the Lamb
- Behold the Lamb, with glory crowned!
- Behold the man! how glorious he!
- Behold, the shade of night is now receding!
- Beloved associates in the strife
- Beloved one, thy place no more
- Belovèd! still 'tis "Onward!" Faint not, the goal is nigh
- Beneath Moriah's rocky side
- Beside the dark grave standing
- Better two than one
- Beyond the hills where suns go down
- Beyond the smiling and the weeping
- Beyond the world a city stands
- Bless, my soul, the name of Jesus
- Blessed are ye, ye chosen bearers
- Blessèd be God, my God! who, ever near
- Blessed be the Lord for ever!
- Blessed Father, infinite in grace
- Blessed fountain, full of grace!
- Blessed hope! that we the sinful
- Blessed morning! all the year
- Blessed morning, whose young dawning rays
- Blessed, whom Jesus keeps
- Born in a stable he
- Born in sin, and doomed to die
- Boundless glory, Lord, be thine!
- Break not this heart, my children
- Breathe from the gentle south, O Lord
- Brethren, called by one vocation
- Bride of the Lamb, awake! awake!
- Bright, bright Home! Beyond the skies
- Brightest and best of the sons of the morning!
- Brightly hopeful for the future
- Bring no money here, nor price
- Bring the bright day to me
- Broken was his body; broken
- Burdened and plagued within
- By sleep he consecrated sleep
- By the cross of Jesus standing
- By the holy hills surrounded
- A B C
- C
- Calm me, my God, and keep me calm
- Calm was the hallowed night!
- Can then the world make no provision
- Carol, brothers, carol
- Cheer up, my soul, there is a mercy-seat
- Cheerfully to work proceed
- Chief of sinners, Lord, am I
- Chief of sinners though I be
- Child of the Eternal Father
- Child of promise, looked for long!
- Children of God and heirs of heaven
- Children of light, arise and shine!
- Christ has done the mighty work!
- Christ is born, go tell the story
- Christ is my hope, Christ is my life
- Christ is risen! Alleluia!
- Christ, of heaven the life and grace
- Christ, whose first appearance lighted
- Christian, wouldst thou fruitful be?
- Christians an arduous fight maintain
- City of celestial health
- Cling to the Crucified!
- Come, all ye nations, utter all your praises
- Come and deck the grave with flowers
- Come and let us praise our King!
- Come, children, on and forward!
- Come hither, ye faithful
- Come, Holy Ghost, in love
- "Come in, thou blessed of the Lord"
- Come, Jesus, Redeemer, abide thou with me
- Come, Jesus, with the coming night
- Come, Lord, and tarry not
- Come, mighty Spirit, penetrate
- Come, O Lord, the heavens rending
- Come praise the Lord, exalt his name
- Come, saints, praise the Lamb, rejoice in his name!
- Come to Calvary's holy mountain
- Come to thy temple here on earth
- Come, tune your heart, to bear its part
- Come, weary souls, with sin distressed
- Come, ye lofty! come, ye lowly!
- Come, ye saints, look here and wonder
- Commit whatever grieves thee
- Conquering Prince and Lord of glory
- Constrained by their Lord to embark
- Could ye not watch?
- Courage, ye who fighting are
- Crowns of glory, ever bright
- A B C
- D
- Dark was the night, the wind was high
- Darkness reigns, – the hum of life's commotion
- Day of judgment! day of wonders!
- Days are dying; suns are setting
- Dead unto sin through him who died
- Deal gently with thy servant, Lord
- Dear Lord! accept a sinful heart
- Dear to thee, O Lord, and precious
- Death, the Grave, and Resurrection
- Does the way seem long and lonely?
- Done is the work that saves
- Doubt it not – thou too shalt come
- Doubting soul! lay down thy fears
- Draw, Holy Spirit, nearer - Whitsunday
- A B C
- E
- Each pang I feel is known to thee
- Embosomed in the fragrance sweet
- Endless praises
- Ere God had built the mountains
- Eternal Father, gracious One - Laudate Deum
- Eternal Father, mighty Lord
- Eternal Father! Thou hast said
- Eternal honour be to him
- Eternity for glory
- Ever as I onward go
- Ever gladness, never sadness
- Ever patient, gentle, meek
- Ever would I fain be reading
- Everlasting glory
- Every good and perfect gift
- Every good possessing
- Every knee shall bow to Jesus
- Exalt, exalt, the heavenly gates
- Exalt the name of him who bore
- Excite in me, O Lord, an ardent thirst
- A B C
- F
- Fair world of earth, and air, and clouds, and sea
- Far from the world, O Lord, I flee
- Father, in thine eternal power
- Father, thy name our souls would bless
- Father, thy sovereign love has sought
- Father, thou needest not our praise
- Father! when thy child is dying
- Father, while the shades of night
- Father, whose hand hath led me so securely
- Fear not, beloved, go calmly on
- Feelest thou disquiet, care, unrest
- Fetch me the lightning from yon frowning cloud
- Fierce was the wild billow
- Fierce passions discompose the mind
- Fight the good fight
- Fill thou my life, O Lord my God
- Finish thy work, the time is short
- Firm is my hope of future good
- Fling out the Banner! let it float
- Fly abroad, and tell the story
- Fly, ye seasons, fly still faster
- Food of the soul, eternal bread
- For help, O whither shall I flee?
- For him the wilderness did not sing
- For the bread and for the wine
- For the first time I see
- For the hope we have of life
- For the vision of the Bridegroom
- For whom is yonder crown prepared
- Forgotten! no; that cannot be
- Forsake me not, my God, my heart is sinking
- Forth from the dark and stormy sky
- Fount of everlasting love
- From Bethlehem to Calvary
- From earth retiring
- From every stormy wind that blows
- From far I see the glorious day
- From the brightness of the glory
- From the cross the blood is falling
- From the far East we come
- From the glory and the gladness
- From the palace of his glory
- From the Rock that God has riven
- From this green earth of ours
- Fruit we have of God's election
- Full many a bud and flow'ret fair
- A B C
- G
- Gently think and gently speak
- Gift of the Father's living love!
- Give thanks for all things, children of our God!
- Give thou thy youth to God
- Giver of rest!
- Glad I am to have thee
- Glad I was today
- Glad we keep the feast today
- Glorious and solemn hour
- Glorious River of God's pleasures
- Glory be to God on high!
- Glory be to him who saved us
- Glory, glory everlasting
- Glory, glory to our King!
- Glory to God above
- Glory to God on high!
- Go and dig my grave today!
- Go! and let my grave be made
- Go forth to sow, O sowers
- Go to Jesus when you're weary - Tell him all
- Go up, go up, my heart
- God comes; – and who shall stand before his fear?
- God forbid that I should glory
- God has turned my grief to gladness
- God in heaven hath a treasure
- God is for us
- God is gone up with a merry noise
- 'God is love,' by him upholden
- "God is love," his word has said it
- God is my light! – Never, my soul, despair
- God moves in a mysterious way
- God must acquaint his comforters with grief
- God of hope and consolation
- God of my life! Thy boundless grace
- God of my life, to thee I call
- God of Truth, tho' thy hand
- God, to my soul benighted
- Going home, and going quickly
- Good and faithful are thy words
- "Good courage"! Good success!
- Good is thy will, O Lord, and good thy way
- Grace and peace and glory yonder
- Grace is the sweetest sound
- Grace, triumphant in the throne
- Gracious Lord, my heart is fixèd
- Gracious Lord, our children see
- Great Captain of salvation
- Great gain is thine, belovèd one, exchanging
- Great King of kings, why dost thou stay?
- Great Ruler of the land and sea
- Ground of my hope, the Cross appears!
- A B C
- H
- Had David done as Saul advised
- Hail the day that sees him rise
- Half a wreck, by tempests driven
- Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
- Hallelujah! I believe!
- Happiness, thou lovely name
- Hard to be won! No, no
- Hark! a voice! it cries from heaven
- Hark! hark! hark!
- Hark, how all the welkin rings!
- Hark, my soul! it is the Lord
- Hark, ten thousand harps and voices
- Hark! ten thousand voices cry
- Hark! that shout of rapturous joy
- Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comes
- Hark the notes of angels singing
- Hark! the solemn trumpet sounding
- Hark! the voice of love and mercy
- Hark, 'tis a martial sound!
- Hark! 'tis the trumpet's sound
- Hark! what mean those holy voices
- Hark! what sounds salute our ears
- Hark! what voice of love is speaking
- Hath not each heart a passion and a dream?
- Have faith in truth
- Have we known indeed, and tasted
- Having nothing, yet possessing all things
- He bore the sin!
- He called them, and they left
- He came a leper, all unclean and foul
- He comes! Emmanuel comes!
- He comes! the Saviour full of grace
- He found me the lost and the wandering
- He has come! the Christ of God
- He looks on us, we look on him
- He must grow greater
- He must increase, and I decrease
- He's gone! see where his body lay
- He's gone – the Saviour's work on earth
- He speaks! The gracious words I hear
- He took our flesh!
- He who on earth as man was known
- He who saved us when assaulted
- He whom all the prophets told of
- Heal us, Emmanuel, here we are
- Hear the glad words of grace
- Hear what God the Lord hath spoken
- Heavenward still our pathway tends
- Help me, my God, be thou thyself my guide!
- Help me, my God, to speak
- Hem of the seamless robe
- Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face
- High at God's right hand is seated
- Higher! higher to aspire!
- Him on yonder cross I love
- Himself he cannot save
- His master taken from his head
- His name is Jesus! None beside
- Ho, ye thirsty! here's a spring
- Holy Comforter! my Guide!
- Holy Comforter! who guidest
- Holy Father, mighty God
- Holy Ghost, that promised came
- Holy, holy, holy Lord
- Holy Slumberer, rest in peace!
- Holy Spirit! long expected
- Holy Spirit! mighty God!
- Holy Spirit, spring of gladness
- Home of holy light
- Homeward bound, the way is dreary
- Honour and happiness unite
- Hope in Christ our Lord possessing
- Hope is the anchor of the soul
- Hope of our hearts, O Lord, appear!
- Hosanna to the living Lord!
- Hosanna to the Prince of light
- Hours, and days, and months, and years
- How blessed and how bright the day
- How blessed are we, that God of us
- How blessed is he, whom God forgives
- How blessed thy creature is, O God
- How goes the fight with thee
- How good it is, Lord, to be here
- How great Jehovah's love, how tender!
- How long, O Lord, in weariness and sorrow
- How mean ye thus by weeping
- How patiently, O Lord, thy love endures!
- How pleasant is the sound of praise!
- How pleasant to me thy deep blue wave
- How proud is the position
- How smiling the day departed
- How tedious and tasteless the hours
- How the spirit oft is moved
- How wondrous are the works of God
- A B C
- I
- I am a passing stranger here
- "I am not;" O words unwelcome
- I and my house are ready, Lord
- I ask a perfect creed!
- I believe, and so have spoken
- I came and saw, and hoped to conquer
- I can gaze on that beautiful sky
- I close my heavy eye
- I come, I rest beneath
- I come, my Lord, to offer up to thee
- I come to thee once more, my God!
- I follow thee, O gracious Son of God!
- I give my heart to thee
- I give thee back thine own again
- I go from grief and sighing
- I go on my way rejoicing
- I go to life, and not to death
- I have a mighty Friend
- I have no comfort but thy love
- I have sinned, but thou hast suffered
- I hear my Shepherd calling
- I hear the words of love
- I heard the voice of Jesus say
- I heard the voice of Love divine
- I hinder not, nor would reprove thy tears
- I hunger and I thirst
- I journey forth rejoicing
- I knew thee in the land of drought
- I know I should be wholly his
- I know in whom I put my trust
- I know, Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son
- I know, my God, that thou art near
- I know not the song of thy praises
- I know, O Lord, though all around is dark
- I know thy poverty, but thou art rich
- I lay my sins on Jesus
- I lay up treasure in the heavens
- I lean upon no broken reed
- I LITTLE thought, when last we met
- I look along the past, and gather themes
- I look to thee! I hope in thee!
- I love the sacred book of God
- I'm but a weary pilgrim here
- I'm waiting for the glory
- I'm waiting for thee, Lord (Burlingham)
- I'm waiting for thee, Lord (Darby)
- I'm weary of myself
- I must go hence, – here there is nought abiding
- I need no priest save him who is above
- I need not blush to own that he
- I need not fear to die
- I need thee, precious Jesus
- I once was a stranger - Jehovah Tsidkenu
- I place an offering at thy shrine
- I place myself in Jesus' hands
- I praise thee, blessed God
- I praised the earth, in beauty seen
- I say to all men, far and near
- I see my Lord, the pure, the meek, the lowly
- I sing of death and dying
- I sit in my silent chamber
- I sleep, my heart awaketh
- I sought thee when my heart was low
- I suffer, that I may behold
- I take my pilgrim staff anew
- I thank thee, Lord, for using me
- I think of thee, my God, by night
- I thought upon my sins, and I was sad
- I trust the Lord
- I've found a joy in sorrow
- I've found the pearl of greatest price
- I wake from sleep, and this new day
- I want that adorning Divine
- I was a wandering sheep
- I was in love with hill and vale
- I was journeying in the noontide
- I weep, but do not yield
- I will praise thee every day
- I would bear in my body the dying
- I would not live alway – live alway below!
- I would see Jesus now, when life is bright
- If belovèd, why belovèd?
- If I had wings, then would I go
- If I only have thee
- If Jesus rose not from the grave
- If thy Presence go not with me
- If worldly thoughts so much employ
- Immortal love, for ever full
- In all my plans, thou Highest
- In evil long I took delight
- In faith we sing this song of thankfulness
- In form I long had bowed the knee
- In God my faithful God
- In God, your God, be strong
- In him we live, in him we move
- In him, whose presence gladdens heaven
- In our Lord we have redemption
- In spirit, Lord, we dwell with thee above
- In the Book of Life enrolled
- In the bosom of the Father
- In the dark days of grief
- In the day when silent sorrow
- In the death of Christ I die
- In the depths of his bright glory
- In the distant land of famine
- In the great and terrible wilderness
- In the hour when guilt assails me
- In the Lord put I my trust
- In the Paradise of glory
- In the region of light and of glory
- In the silent midnight watches
- In the sun and moon and stars
- In the world ye shall have tribulation
- In thee, O God, I find my joy
- In thee, O God, the hosts above
- In thee our God will we rejoice
- In this great world of ours
- In this the wondrous love of God
- In this world of sorrow
- In thy service will I ever
- In thy tabernacle, Lord, I offer
- In trouble, Lord, I sought thy face
- In vain, in vain with human love
- In vain thou seekest in thyself to find
- Into the heaven of the heavens hath he gone
- Is God for me? I fear not
- Is it not God appoints it so?
- Is life's evening long and dreary?
- Is not this a brand
- Is the Lord among us?
- Israel's Keeper, never sleeping
- It ends – the vigil of high festival
- It has not fully yet appeared
- It is a practice greatly blessed
- "It is finished!" sinners, hear it
- It is not after all so hard
- It is not death to die
- It is not time that flies
- It is not we who can direct
- It is not with uncertain step
- It is said that the exile who chances to hear
- It is the Father's voice that cries
- It is thy hand, my God!
- It is winter: all seems dead or dying
- It tarries long - Not in vain
- It was as if upon his breast
- A B C
- J
- Jacob's star is risen at last
- Jerusalem celestial
- Jerusalem, Jerusalem
- Jerusalem the golden
- Jerusalem, the holy!
- Jerusalem! thou glorious City-height
- Jesus, canst thou receive
- Jesus Christ is risen today
- Jesus Christ, the Shepherd True
- Jesus Christ! thou Son of David!
- Jesus comes, by crowds attended
- Jesus comes, the Judge of all
- Jesus drains the cup of sorrows
- Jesus, Friend of sinners
- Jesus gave his life, to save us
- Jesus! gentle Sufferer, say
- Jesus gives his people freedom
- Jesus' holy Cross and dying
- Jesus, how much thy name unfolds
- Jesus, how sweet thy memory is!
- Jesus, I come to thee
- Jesus! I live to thee
- Jesus, I love thee evermore
- Jesus, I love thy charming name
- Jesus, I rest in thee
- Jesus is God! the solid earth
- Jesus is the Lord my Shepherd
- Jesus is the Lord's anointed
- Jesus, Lamb of God, for me
- Jesus leaves his throne of glory
- Jesus – let him thy portion be
- Jesus lives! no longer now
- Jesus, Lord, in whom the Father
- Jesus, Lord of life eternal
- Jesus, my Lord! my life! my all!
- Jesus, my Lord, 'tis sweet to rest
- Jesus, my Lord, to thee
- Jesus, my loving Lord! I know
- Jesus! my Master! when I feel
- Jesus, my Saviour! look on me
- Jesus, my Saviour! Thou art mine
- JESUS, our life, is risen
- Jesus our Lord is King
- Jesus soon will come to bless us
- Jesus, spotless Lamb of God
- Jesus, sun and shield art thou
- Jesus, the Christ of God
- Jesus, the One unchanging
- Jesus, the Shepherd of the sheep
- Jesus, these eyes have never seen
- Jesus, this heart within me burns
- Jesus, thy boundless love to me
- Jesus, thy Church, with longing eyes
- Jesus, thy love alone - Thee, Only Thee
- Jesus! thou in heaven art pleading
- Jesus, thou Joy of loving hearts!
- Jesus, thou precious One, what depths of love
- "Jesus" was written broadly on the cross
- Jesus, we hail thee Israel's King
- Jesus! where'er thy people meet
- Jesus, whose blood so freely streamed
- Joy and gladness! joy and gladness!
- Joyful be the hours today
- Joyful let us raise our voices
- Just as thou art
- A B C
- K
- Keep silence, God is speaking
- Keep us, Lord, O keep us ever!
- King of glory, sov'reign God
- King of kings, and Lord of lords!
- King of kings, and wilt thou deign
- King of kings! ascend thy throne
- Kneeling on the earth, he prays
- A B C
- L
- Labouring and heavy-laden
- Laid up for those who fear thee, Lord
- Lamb of God! our souls adore thee
- Lamb of God! thou now art seated
- Lamb, the once crucified! Lion, by triumph surrounded!
- Lamb, thy white-robed people feeding
- Lead us, O Lord, to Bethlehem
- Leaning on thee, my Guide, my Friend
- Leave all to God
- Led by a Father's gracious hand
- Let all the creation
- Let all who name his blessed name
- Let crowns of glory wreathe the head
- Let God arise
- Let me build on this secure foundation
- Let me but hear my Saviour say
- Let me call nothing dark or ill
- Let me suffer wrong without complaining
- Let not terrors haunt thee
- Let not your heart be faint
- Let others in their wealth delight
- Let others labour to possess
- Let sinners saved give thanks, and sing
- Let us low in rev'rence wait
- Let us sing, for we have reason
- Let Zion's sons and daughters say
- Lie down in peace to take thy rest
- Lie still, lie still
- Life is coming, death is going
- Life nor Death shall us dissever
- Light beams upon my inward eye
- Light hath arisen, we walk in its brightness
- Light of life, so softly shining
- Light of the cradle! shine
- Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart
- Light of the world, I come to thee!
- Like mist on the mountain
- Listen to the wondrous story
- Lo! God to heaven ascendeth!
- Lo, he comes! let all adore him!
- Lo! he comes with clouds descending
- Lo! my choice is now decided
- Lo! the infant Saviour lies
- Lo the lilies of the field
- Lo! the storms of life are breaking
- Lo! what a glorious sight appears
- Lonely was the way and dreary
- Long and earnestly she pleaded
- Long and toilsome is the road
- Long days and nights, upon this restless bed
- Long did I toil, and knew no earthly rest
- Long hast thou wept and sorrowed
- Long hath he waited for you, long
- Look, child of time, he comes ...
- Look on the better sacrifice, O Lord
- Lord, by thy hand withdrawn apart
- Lord, dearest Lord! to thee I call
- Lord, dissolve my frozen heart
- Lord, exceeding sorrowful
- Lord, give me light to do thy work
- Lord! how oft shall I forgive?
- Lord, I have trusted in thy name
- Lord, I put my trust in thee
- Lord! I thank thee thou dost listen
- Lord, I trust in thee, O never
- Lord, I would heavenward ever press
- Lord, if he sleep he shall do well!
- Lord, if thou wilt
- Lord! in all I offer thee
- Lord Jesus, all my sin and guilt
- Lord Jesus, are we one with thee?
- Lord Jesus Christ, in glorious worth made known
- Lord Jesus Christ, my Life, my Light
- Lord Jesus, source of every grace
- Lord Jesus, when I think of thee
- Lord Jesus, 'tis exceeding gain
- Lord, let the people of thy love
- Lord, let thy Spirit from above
- Lord, my portion thou shalt be
- Lord! much we need thy Shepherd-care
- Lord, my soul with pleasure springs
- Lord, my weak thought in vain would climb
- Lord of all power and might!
- Lord of Mercy and of might
- Lord of the mountains, and the hills!
- Lord, this is not Jerusalem
- Lord, thou art mine
- Lord, thou hast said it, thy Word standeth sure
- Lord, thou knowest that I love thee!
- Lord, thou on earth didst love thine own
- Lord, thou wilt bring the joyful day!
- Lord, 'tis good to know thy grace
- Lord, to be with thee in thine own abode
- Lord, to thy holy Temple
- Lord, to thy will my anxious soul
- Lord, to whom except to thee
- Lord, we are thine: our God thou art
- Lord, we plead thy promise given
- Lord, what am I? I once for answer sought
- Lord, when I see thee as thou art
- Lord, when I wander from thy side
- Lord! whose love, in power excelling
- Loss is gain, and pain is pleasure
- Love Divine, all loves excelling
- Love, in all its depth and height
- Love not the world!
- Love of Christ which passeth knowledge
- Love thou the truth
- Love, who in the first beginning
- Low at thy feet I lie
- Low at thy feet my spirit lies
- A B C
- M
- Make friends with Time: the years are flying
- Make thy face to shine upon us
- Make use of me, my God!
- Man hath his anxious seasons
- Many foes our march opposing
- Many perils, many crosses
- Many sorrows hard and bitter
- May heavenly guides attend thee!
- Meek and lowly let me be
- Mercy, mercy, God the Father!
- Messiah, at thy glad approach
- Mid evening shadows let us all be watching
- 'Midst the darkness, storm and sorrow
- Mighty Comforter, to thee
- Mighty Father! Blessed Son!
- Mighty is the arm that saves us
- Mine own Belovèd's voice!
- Mine was a hopeless case
- Morning breaks upon the tomb
- Mourner! is thy heart still grieving
- Most at home among the angels
- Much I love the honoured name
- Much there is to harm us
- Much there is to turn us
- Much there is to try us here
- My Beloved, from earth's many voices
- My body is weary and weak
- My faith looks up to thee
- My Father God, lead on!
- My Father knows my feeble frame
- My former hopes are fled
- My froward heart, my wayward will
- My God and Father, while I stray
- My God how great thy goodness
- My God, how perfect are thy ways!
- My God! how wonderful thou art
- My God! is any hour so sweet
- My God! the dreaded hour draws near
- My God, though far above my thought
- My God with me in every place!
- My God, within thy secret place
- My head is low, my heart is sad
- "My home, my home, my happy home!"
- My home! 't is not here in a region of death
- My Jesus, as thou wilt!
- My Jesus, if the seraphim
- My Lord and God, whose gracious hand
- My past, O Lord, with all its scenes
- My path through the desert grows dreary
- My Saviour! I am thine
- My Saviour, I am weary
- My Saviour! I can think of thee
- My Saviour! when I come to die
- My sins have taken such an hold on me
- My sins, my sins, my Saviour!
- My song shall bless the Lord of all
- My soul in God abideth still
- My soul is sad, and much dismayed
- My soul, thou art weary within me and faint
- My tempted soul, arise and fight!
- A B C
- N
- Name of Jesus! highest Name!
- Nay, 'tis not what we fancied it
- Neither "voice" we have, nor "vision"
- Never leave us nor forsake us
- Night of wonder, night of glory
- No distance now! the far-off and the near
- No language can express, O Lord
- No more veil! God bids me enter
- No, not despairingly
- No, not the love without the blood
- No other voice than thine has ever spoken
- No shadows yonder!
- No strength at all belongs to us
- No strength have I, no strength at all
- No strength of nature can suffice
- None to help us, no, not one
- Not built with hands is that fair radiant chamber
- Not far from any one of us
- Not in the silence only - Ever with thee
- Not in thine anger, Lord
- Not long, not long! The spirit-wasting fever
- Not the reproach of men
- Not thine, not thine, but THEE
- Not to ourselves again
- Not what I am, O Lord, but what thou art!
- Not what these hands have done
- Not yet the dawn – the things around
- Nothing but the purest grace
- Nothing fair on earth I see
- Now at the Father's side
- Now – borne upon the still, the boundless deep
- Now have I seen thee and found thee
- Now I have found a friend
- Now in thy presence I appear
- Now let us all together sing
- Now may the Spirit from above
- Now may the Spirit, sent from heav'n
- Now may the Spirit's power be felt
- Now, pilgrim! of thy journey home
- Now praise we, and bless we, the Lord
- Now raise a solemn, cheerful strain
- Now we sow in tears
- A B C
- O
- O abide, abide in Jesus
- O blessèd Lord! we own in all our sorrow
- O blessed Sun, whose splendour
- O blind, O blind in sin
- O Bread to pilgrims given
- O Captain of God's host
- O Christ, I long to know thee
- O Christ, my Life, my Saviour
- O Christ, our hope, our heart's desire
- O Christ, our King, Creator, Lord!
- O Christ, our true and only Light
- O Christ, the same through changing years
- O Christ, thy precious blood was shed
- O Christ, who hast prepared a place
- O Christian, search the Scriptures!
- O City, golden-bright!
- O earth, rejoice! from Salem see
- O ever sacred spot
- O everlasting Light
- O faint and feeble-hearted!
- "O Father! not my will, but thine be done!"
- O fear not, Christians, that rough path to tread
- O for a deeper knowledge of thy ways!
- O Friend of souls! how blessed the time
- O glad the wilderness for me
- O God, a world of empty show
- O God, I long thy Light to see
- O God! may I look up to thee?
- O God, my God, an anguished heart
- O God, my God, just as I thee
- O God, my God, these aching thoughts control
- O God! my sins are manifold, against my life they cry
- O God of matchless grace
- O God, through Christ the living way
- O God, whose favourable eye
- O had I the wings of a dove
- O happy house, O home supremely blessed
- O Heaven! Sweet Heaven! the home of the blessed
- O Holy and mighty and marvellous Word
- O Holy Comforter
- O Holy Ghost! thy heavenly dew
- O holy Saviour! Friend unseen!
- O how blessed the hour, Lord Jesus
- O how good and pleasant
- O how I love thy holy word
- O how many hours of gladness
- O how shall I describe the pleasure
- O how sweet the sadness
- O Israel to thy tents repair
- O Jesus Christ, our Saviour
- O Jesus, Friend unfailing
- O Jesus, gracious Saviour
- O Jesus, Lord! 'tis joy to know
- O Jesus, precious Saviour
- O Jesus, who art gone before
- O Lamb of God, still keep me
- O Light of light, shine in!
- O Lord, I have loved the fair beauty
- O Lord, I would delight in thee
- O Lord, in my songs I have praised thee
- O Lord, in thee is all my trust
- O Lord, my best desire fulfil
- O Lord, my heart aspires
- O Lord, the most fair, the most tender
- O Lord, thy glory we behold
- O Lord, thy love's unbounded
- O Lord! 'tis but a little while
- O Lord, 'tis joy to look above
- O Lord, what sorrows past expression
- O Lord, when we the path retrace
- O Lord, who by thy presence hast made light
- O Lord, who now art seated
- O love invisible, yet infinite
- O love of God, how strong and true
- O love that casts out fear - The love of God
- O Love, too boundless to be shown
- O mighty Breath of God
- O much beloved! fear not to die
- O my soul, why dost thou grieve
- O Name, the psalm and the music
- O path which no eagle knoweth
- O Rock of Ages, since on thee
- O safe at home, where the dark tempter roams not
- O Saviour! thou this day didst make
- O Spirit of the living God
- O strong to save and bless
- O sweet home-echo on the pilgrim's way!
- O tell me, Jesus, to my heart
- O that my soul might never lack
- O that my ways were made so strait
- O that thy Name may be sounded
- O this soul, how dark and blind!
- O thou Father of all living
- O thou beautiful Creation
- O thou Redeemer of our race
- O thou, the contrite sinner's Friend!
- O thou, the hope, the strength of Israel
- O thou! who by a star didst guide
- O thou, who from Eternity
- O thou, who holdest in my heart
- O thou whose grace first found us
- O weary soul with guilt oppressed
- O, would that I were fairer, Lord!
- O ye of little faith
- O Zion, when I think on thee
- O'er the distant mountains breaking
- Of all the gifts thine hand bestows
- Of God I sing
- Of Jesus we'll sing
- Of sinners the chief
- Oft comes to me a blessed hour
- Oh, blessed Lord, I fain would be resigned
- Oh, bright and blessed hope!
- Oh! bright and blessed scenes
- Oh bright will be the waking
- Oh, can we be forgetful, Lord
- Oh! for a closer walk with God
- Oh for a heart to praise my God!
- Oh for the peace which floweth as a river
- Oh hand of bounty, largely spread
- Oh happy day! when first we felt
- Oh help me o'er this river
- Oh how could I forget him
- Oh, how wondrous is the story!
- Oh! if I walked by sight, not faith
- Oh, Jesus Christ, grow thou in me
- Oh, Jesus! ever present Friend
- Oh King of earth and air and sea!
- Oh! let him whose sorrow
- Oh, make me, Jesus, Saviour
- Oh more than merciful! whose bounty gave
- Oh, never can I serve thee here
- Oh, oneness beyond all that words can tell!
- Oh, our God, how full of blessing
- Oh Saviour, is thy promise fled?
- Oh Saviour, whom this holy morn
- Oh! the joy of the salvation
- Oh, the love of Christ is boundless
- Oh, there are many tears and sighs
- Oh, thou glorious world unseen
- Oh thou whom neither time nor space
- Oh, what a tranquil, hallowed sleep
- Oh, what is thy Beloved?
- Oh what will be the day when won at last
- Oh when shall the fair day break
- Oh! when the exile views his home
- Oh wondrous City: pure, translucent gold!
- Oh yes! there is a land of light!
- On both sides is my anchor firmly cast
- On earth awhile, 'mid sufferings tried
- On, O beloved children
- On our way rejoicing
- On that eternal love of thine
- On the great love of God I lean
- On the Lord depending
- On thee, O Jesus, strongly leaning
- Once to other lords we bowed
- One Christ we feed upon, one living Christ
- One place I have in heaven above
- One there is, above all others
- One with Christ – within the golden City
- Only one cross!
- Onward, and upward, and forward today!
- Oppressed with noonday's scorching heat
- Other Name than my dear Lord's
- Our blessings come, O God
- Our Father sits on yonder throne
- Our life is often dark
- Our lot is fall'n in pleasant places
- Our rest be here, the Cross beneath
- Our souls, they cleave unto the dust
- Ours is a pardon bought with blood
- Out in the dew and cold he stands
- Out of darkness into light
- A B C
- P
- Pass away, earthly joy
- Peace, be still
- Peace! earth's last battle has been won
- Peace! O restless heart of mine
- Peace upon peace, like wave on wave
- Peaceful lay the doomèd city
- Pity on us, Heavenly Father
- Poor fainting spirit, still hold on thy way
- Poor stranger, in the Master's name
- Pour out all your heart in praises
- Praise, all praise, to thee be given
- Praise him! Praise the conquering King!
- Praise, O Lord, we know becomes us
- Praise the God of our salvation
- Praise the Lord
- Praise the Lord! rejoice, ye Gentiles
- "Praise the Lord," 'tis meet we should
- Praise the Lord, who died to save us
- Praise the Lord, ye heavens above!
- Praise the Saviour, ye who know him
- Praise will I unto thee
- Praise ye the Lord, all things that be!
- Praises more than we can render
- Praises to him who built the hills
- Precious volume! what thou doest
- Press up the hill!
- A B C
- Q
- Quick and powerful is the word
- Quickly bright life withers
- A B C
- R
- Ransomed spirit! heavenward hasten!
- Refuse him not, O man!
- Region of life and light!
- Rejoice, all ye believers
- Rejoice and be glad!
- Rejoice, believer, in the Lord
- Rejoice in the beautiful earth
- Rejoice, my soul, the Christ has come!
- Rejoice, the Lord is risen
- Rejoice, ye saints! – your fears be gone!
- Rejoice ye with Jerusalem!
- Rescued from the lake infernal
- Rest of all rests art thou
- Rest of the saints above
- Rest of the weary
- Rest, weary Son of God, and I, with thee
- Rest, weary soul!
- Resting from his work today
- Resting on thy footstool, Lord!
- Rich and poor, and high and low
- Rich in mercy, great in love
- Rich, our God, art thou in mercy
- Rise, daughter of Zion, thy mourning is o'er
- Rise, my soul, thy God directs thee
- Rise, my soul! to Heaven ascend
- Risen Son of God, this day
- Rock of the desert
- Rule thou my portion, Lord; my skill
- A B C
- S
- Salvation is of God alone
- Saved by blood, I live to tell
- Saviour, be thou with us, going
- Saviour, I come for rest!
- Saviour, I long to follow thee
- Saviour, send a blessing to us
- Saviour, send us help from heaven
- Saviour, this is what I ask
- Saviour! thou hast done much, but we want more
- Saviour, through the desert lead us
- Saviour, 'tis to thee
- Saviour, we have seen thy goings
- Saviour, work in us thy pleasure
- Say where doth Wisdom dwell?
- Say, who they are who have believed
- Say, why art thou cast down, my soul?
- See! he comes, his work is done
- See, O see, what love the Father
- See the holy victim smitten
- See, the ransomed millions stand!
- See the saints in heaven appearing
- See, the spring begins to waken
- See where the Lord his glory spreads
- Seamless and fair
- Searcher of the human heart
- Seed of the woman, looked for long
- Seeking thy lost ones here on earth
- Seems it in my anguish lone
- Send thy Spirit, Lord, from heaven
- Shadow of a mighty Rock!
- Shall I be ashamed of Jesus?
- Shall I forsake the ways divine
- Shall I never wash thy feet?
- Shall this life of mine be wasted?
- Shepherd of the chosen number
- Shine on, sweet sun, and let my day
- Shut in with God, as in his tent
- Sin enslaved me many years
- Since o'er thy footstool here below
- Sinful, sighing to be blessed
- Sing aloud to God, our strength
- Sing, O Heavens! O Earth, rejoice!
- Sing of grace, the grace of Jesus
- Sing of him, the Lord, who
- Sing of him who bore our guilt
- Sing of him who came to save us
- Sing of him who gives us
- Sing of him, who left a throne
- Sing of him who lives for ever
- Sing of Jesus, sing for ever
- Sing, sing his lofty praise
- Sing the Saviour's praises
- Sing to the Lord a joyful song
- Sing we our choral strain
- Sing we praise to God above
- Sing without ceasing, sing
- Sinks the swift sun
- "Sinner, I am thy salvation"
- Sinner, wilt thou still go on?
- Sinners Jesus will receive
- "Sit thou on my right hand, my Son!" saith the Lord
- Smile, O my God, on me
- So early in the morning
- So they said, who saw the wonders
- Sometimes a light surprises
- Son of God, who 'midst the throne
- Sons of men, behold from far!
- Sons of Zion, raise your songs
- Soon and for ever
- Soon shall our Master come
- Soon this corruptible
- Soon we taste the endless sweetness
- Sore sick of sin, and longing to be free
- Soul, journeying through the desert wild
- Souls of men! why will ye scatter
- Speak, my Saviour, speak to me
- Sounds the trumpet from afar!
- Spared a little longer
- Speak, lips of mine!
- Speak thou to me, O Son of God
- Spirit, by whose operation
- Spirit of truth, of power, of love
- Spirit of Truth! on this thy day
- Stand for Christ
- Stars of the silent night
- Stealing from the world away
- Still, O soul! the sign and wonder
- Still on thy loving heart let me repose
- Still, still with thee, when purple morning breaketh
- Stillness midst the ever-changing
- Strange and mysterious is my life
- Stricken, smitten, and afflicted
- Suffer me to come to Jesus
- Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear
- Sun, shine forth in all thy splendour
- Sure anchor of the soul!
- Sure the record; Christ has come!
- Surely Christ thy griefs has borne
- Sweet cup of sorrow
- Sweet is the gentle voice of Spring
- Sweet is the savour of his name
- Sweet is thy mercy, Lord!
- Sweet lily of the field, declare
- Sweet shades and fields that glow with summer flowers
- Sweet song of life! oh, sound again
- Sweet the moments, rich in blessing
- Sweet to trace his toiling footsteps
- Sweet was the hour, O Lord, to thee
- Sweet were the sounds that reached our ears - Sweet sounds
- A B C
- T
- Take me, Jesus, to thy breast
- Take me, O my Father, take me
- Take these things hence!
- Tale of tenderness unfathomed
- Teach me thy love, O gracious Son of God!
- Ten virgins, clothed in white - Oil in the lamp
- Thank God that towards eternity
- That Holy One
- That love is purest and most true
- The angel has come down
- The atoning work is done
- The badge the Christian wears on earth
- The battle is the Lord's
- The billows swell - Temptation
- The Bridegroom comes!
- The channels are on earth, the fountain is above
- The chariot! the chariot! its wheels roll on fire
- The Christ of God hath come
- The Christ, the Son of God, hath died!
- The clouds that gather overhead
- The Cross! a theme of joy to some
- The Cross! my hope, my boast, my theme
- The cross, it standeth fast
- The cross stands firm
- The cross! The cross of Jesus Christ our Lord
- The crowd sweeps onward still
- The crowns of earth are jewelled dust
- "The cup of salvation", the cup that we drink of
- The day is gone – my soul looks on
- The day of God at length appears
- The demon, Lord, expel
- The earth was without form and void
- The earthen pitcher frail
- The evening comes, the sun is sunk and gone
- "The everlasting hills!" how calm they rise
- The Father sent the Son
- The gems of earth are still within
- The glory shines before me
- The God himself, who reigns on high
- The God of glory dwells on high
- The God, who made the silver stars
- The Good old Times! how glorious!
- The Gospel is of God
- The grave is empty now, – its prey
- The hart panteth after the waters
- The head that once was crowned with thorns
- The heavens declare thy glory, Lord!
- The land! the glory of all lands
- The light is sweet, and pleasant is
- The little while! how nearly gone
- The Lord be praised, that in my heart
- The Lord his people all
- The Lord, his way is in the storms
- The Lord is coming in the clouds
- The Lord is my help and my shield
- The Lord is my strength
- The Lord is risen indeed
- "THE LORD IS RISEN!" – Oh, what joy
- The Lord of all things, in his humble birth
- The Lord of life is risen!
- The Lord of Might, from Sinai's brow
- The Lord receives his highest praise
- The Lord, "the only wise", is he
- The Lord, to whom I pleaded
- The Lord, who sits enthroned in light
- The love that passeth knowledge
- The man is highly blessed
- The Master hath his word fulfilled
- The Master saith, 'My time is now at hand'
- The mighty God our father is
- The new-born child of gospel grace
- The night is dark and sad
- The night is now far spent
- The night-shades have begun their flight
- The old is better than the new
- The people of the Lord
- The pilgrim spirit journeys on
- The pilgrimage cares and calamities past
- The praise of heaven to him is due
- The privilege I greatly prize
- The promise, Lord, that thou hast given
- The purple morning gilds the eastern skies
- The race of God's anointed priests
- The Rock was smitten, and from it
- The saints shall have joy in the morning
- The saints should never be dismayed
- The Saviour bears a lovely name
- The Saviour hides his face!
- The Saviour, Jesus, left the skies
- The Saviour leads his people on
- The Saviour, what a noble flame
- The shades of evening chase away
- The sky is clouded over
- The Son of God descends
- The Son of God, in mighty love
- The Spirit breathes upon the Word
- The Spirit, coming in his pow'r
- "The Spirit of the Truth" is he
- The thought of death inspires no fear
- The Throne of his Glory
- The time is short!
- The tomb is empty: wouldst thou have it full
- The trump of God is heard on high
- The trumpet is sounding, the Lord is appearing
- The trumpet shall sound
- The twilight hour is come
- The veil is rent. Lo! Jesus stands
- The way is long and dreary
- The winds were howling o'er the deep
- The wish so near my heart
- The wondering sages trace from far
- The world can neither give nor take
- The world is bright, but I am sad
- The world is grown old, and her pleasures are past
- Thee in the loving bloom of morn
- Thee would I trust, my God
- Thee would we follow to the cross
- There are ten at the feet of the Saviour
- There is a balm for every pain
- There is a Day of rest before thee
- There is a fountain deep and pure
- There is a family on earth
- There is a fountain filled with blood
- There is a land where troubles never come
- There is a place of endless joy
- There is a song so thrilling
- There is an everlasting home
- There is no love like the love of Jesus
- There is rest for the weary soul
- There lies a land beyond these clouds
- There's not a name beneath the skies
- There's one sweet day the Christian heart holds dear
- There sounds a glorious music
- There was joy in Heaven!
- There was no angel midst the throng
- There were two worn and weary ones
- They did not die! - Sleep in Jesus
- They hear his voice!
- Thine and yet ours, O Lord!
- Thine Handmaid, Saviour! can it be?
- Thine holy day's returning
- Things unseen engage us now
- Think, oh, think, my heaven-born spirit
- Thinner and thinner grows the veil
- This is not my place of resting
- This is, of a truth, the Prophet
- This is the day of toil
- This is the feast of heavenly wine
- This is thy love, my God!
- This night a wondrous revelation
- This world is a wilderness wide
- This year will prove a happy one
- Thou art coming, mighty Saviour!
- Thou art home at last, each waymark past
- Thou art my Joy, Lord Jesus!
- Thou art our refuge, O Eternal God
- Thou Breath from still eternity
- Thou for whom we look, now aid me
- Thou gracious Lord and God
- Thou hast borne our sins and sorrows
- Thou knewest not where to lay thy head
- Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrow
- Thou know'st my longings to be taught of thee
- Thou living God! how blessed are all
- Thou, Lord, art all to me
- Thou Lord of all, on earth hast dwelt
- Thou must deny thyself
- Thou, Saviour, from thy throne on high
- Thou sweet beloved Will of God
- Thou, through whose all-prevailing name
- Thou who givest of thy gladness
- Thou, who searchest every heart
- Thou, whose coming seers and sages
- Though sorrows rise, and dangers roll
- Though thou slay me, I will trust
- Though troubles assail - The Lord will provide
- Three hours the land was wrapped in gloom
- Through good report and evil, Lord
- Through night and tribulation
- Through the long vista of the bygone days
- Through the love of God our Saviour
- Thus far the Lord hath led us on, – in darkness and in day
- Thy death – Lord Jesus! Death wherein we died
- Thy Father's house! Thine own bright home!
- Thy holy will, my God, be mine
- Thy mansion is the Christian's heart
- Thy precious gift, O Lord, impart
- Thy promise, Lord, just suits my case
- Thy rebuke my heart hath broken!
- Thy thoughts are here, my God
- Thy way, not mine, O Lord
- "Thy way, O Lord, is in the sea"
- Thy will I cheerfully obey
- Thy works, not mine, O Christ
- Thy yoke! All other yokes are hard
- Till he come we own his name
- Time hastens on, and as it wings its flight
- Time's sun is fast setting
- 'Tis a blessed thing to know
- 'Tis a dead world through which I walk
- 'Tis a long and a toilsome day
- 'Tis a sharp rugged hill, that seems to mock
- 'Tis finished all – our souls to win
- 'Tis good, 'tis sweet, 'tis passing sweet
- 'Tis Jesus in the sunshine
- 'Tis meet that we should humbled be
- 'Tis my happiness below
- 'Tis not far off – the hour
- "Tis not yet the hour appointed!"
- 'Tis only for a season
- 'Tis sweet to know the sacred name
- 'Tis the day of Resurrection
- 'Tis the last trumpet's voice
- 'Tis the Lord, I know it is
- 'Tis to thee we owe allegiance
- 'Tis to us no cause of sorrow
- To Calvary, Lord, in spirit now
- To God, my Saviour, praise is due
- To God our Saviour and our King
- To have each day the thing I wish
- To heart and soul how sweet thou art
- To heaven's eternal King
- To him alone, whose name is love
- To him that sits upon the throne
- To him, "the only wise"
- To him who left his throne
- To him who reigns in heaven above
- To him who washed them in his blood
- To him whose name is "love"
- To Israel's God let praise be given
- To Jehovah, God of might
- To Jesus, the Crown of my hope
- To keep the lamp alive
- To learn, and yet to learn, whilst life goes by
- To live of thee – blessed source of deepest joy!
- "To me to live is Christ," and yet the days
- To my beloved ones my steps are moving
- To our Lord a throne is giv'n
- To praise him in the dance! O glorious day!
- To see the Saviour as he is
- To tell the Saviour all my wants
- To the cross, away, away!
- To the name of God on high
- To thee, Lord, my heart unfoldeth
- To thee, O dear dear Saviour!
- To thee, O Lord our God, we come
- To thee, O Lord, we turn our eyes
- To thee, to thee alone, Lord, would I hearken
- To thee we come, our God, to thee
- To those who know the Lord I speak
- To visit earth, O Master
- To wait for that important day
- To whom should those in trouble flee?
- Today our Lord went up on high
- Tree of Life! that, in the desert
- Tremble not, though darkly gather
- Trembling before thine awful throne
- Trim the lamp, its light is fading
- True bread of life, in pitying mercy given
- True mirror of the Godhead! Perfect Light!
- "Trust ye in the Lord for ever"
- Trustingly, trustingly - My Pilgrimage
- Turn, poor wanderer, ere the sentence
- 'Twas a conflict while it lasted
- 'Twas a dark and fearful hour
- 'Twas a foolish thing to say
- 'Twas he who made the world that said
- 'Twixt gleams of joy and clouds of doubt
- A B C
- U
- Uncomplaining, though with care grown hoary
- Under thy shadow
- Unfold, O Lord, to us unfold
- Unknown by men, the Christian lives
- Unto us a Son is given
- Up now, my soul, 'tis day!
- Up! up! my heart with gladness
- Upon the Rock I plant my foot!
- Upward, where the stars are burning
- A B C
- V
- Voices of Spring, with what gladness I hear you again!
- Victor of night!
- A B C
- W
- Wake thee, O Zion, thy mourning is ended
- Wake, ye saints, from sleep awake
- Wanderer, rest thy weary feet
- Watch, for ye know not when the Master cometh
- We are come unto Mount Zion
- We are the Lord's, whether we live or die
- We bless our Saviour's name
- We give thee thanks, O Lord, who hast
- We give thee thanks, O Saviour dear
- We glory only in the cross
- We have heard the voice of trembling
- We have not seen the Saviour's face
- We leave now behind us
- We'll praise thee, glorious Lord
- We'll sing in spite of scorn
- We'll sing of the Shepherd that died
- We'll speak of Christ
- We look for joys to come
- We need not be ashamed to own
- We ought to sing for joy today
- We praise and bless the Saviour's name
- We're bound for yonder land
- We're not of this world that fadeth away
- We sing of him, and so we should
- We sing of him who came from heav'n
- We sing of him who died
- We sing the praise of him who died
- We sing the praise of him who gave
- We sing the Saviour's praise
- We sing to thee, Immanuel
- We sing with joy today
- We slept – a sleep of death, and yet of dreams
- We speak of the realms of the blessed
- We stand in deep repentance
- We take the peace which he has won
- We thank thee, Lord, for weary days
- We wait for thee, O Son of God - The Day of Glory
- "We walk by faith, and not by sight"
- We walk on earth – and to its ways
- We were lost, but God has found us
- We would see Jesus; – all is gloom around us
- We yield to death; the fight is lost
- Wearily my spirit sinketh
- Weep no more, my soul! forgiven
- Weep no more, poor child of sorrow
- Weep no more, ye saints, why should ye?
- Welcome thou victor in the strife
- Welcome, welcome, Holy Child!
- What affects my heart?
- What for us is more befitting
- What grace, O Lord, and beauty shone
- What greater blessedness can be
- What in the Lord thou doest must succeed
- What is human life below?
- What is life? 'Tis but a vapour
- What is our sweetest joy?
- What is the lesson I am taught
- What love is this the Father shows
- What love, what pleasure, what surprise
- What! Know ye not
- What pleasure there is in expecting the season
- What powerful, mighty Voice, so near
- What shall we be, and whither shall we go
- What should keep me from the cross?
- What sudden blaze of song
- What terrors shake my trembling soul!
- "What things were gain to me"
- What thou hast
- What thousands never knew the road!
- What tongue can tell, what fancy paint
- What various hindrances we meet
- What within me and without
- When a believer yields his breath
- When across the heart deep waves of sorrow
- When all outward comfort flies
- When along life's thorny road
- When, by the busy crowd of life
- When comes the hour which seals my doom
- When darkness long has veiled my mind
- When downward to the darksome tomb
- When earth's supports and comforts fail
- When first I heard of Jesus' name
- When gathering clouds around I view
- When Hagar found the bottle spent
- When I shall wake on that fair morn of morns
- When inward turns my searching gaze
- When it is well with thee before thy God
- When o'er Judea's vales and hills
- When one whom ...
- When passing through deep waters
- When Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil
- When the leaves of life are falling
- When the Lord rebukes his servant
- When the night is dark and dreary
- When this passing world is done
- When through the torn sail the wild tempest
- When two or three together meet
- When waves of trouble round me swell
- When we cannot see our way
- When we stand on Pisgah's summit
- When winds are raging o'er the upper ocean
- When, wounded sore, the stricken soul
- Whence those sounds symphonious
- Whence those unusual bursts of joy
- Where climbs thy steep, fair Olivet
- Where high the heavenly temple stands
- Where, in this waste unlovely world
- Where is mercy and compassion
- Where shall I go, my Lord, from thee?
- Where the faded flower shall freshen
- Where yonder mount, with olives clad
- Wherever our Master may call us
- Wherefore goest thou with me?
- Wherefore weep we over Jesus
- While ceaseless love and ceaseless care
- While I wandered, Jesus sought me
- While in the world we still remain
- Who are these who come amongst us
- Who are these whose faces are irradiate
- "Who is this that calms the ocean?"
- Who knows how near my life's expended?
- Who lives in God has save abode
- Who shall condemn the Lord's elect?
- Who touched me? - Luke 8,45
- Who yonder on the desert heath
- Why is my heart so far from thee
- Why, my soul, so sad and fearful
- Why should these eyes be tearful
- Why sleeps the harp of Judah now?
- Why stand I lingering without
- Why those fears? behold 'tis Jesus
- Why walk in darkness? Has the dear light vanished
- Why, why art thou so fearful
- Wilt thou not, my Shepherd true
- Winter has a joy for me
- With heart and soul in sweet accord
- With heav'n in view, we tread the path
- With tearful eyes I look around
- With thanks we closed the year
- With the Sabbath's holy dawning
- With what bright and holy charm
- Withhold not, Lord, the help I crave
- Within a vineyard's sunny bound
- Wondrous is the simple story
- Wondrous joy, thy joy, Lord Jesus
- Wondrous ways is God pursuing
- Word of Life, eternal Fountain
- Work in me, Lord, thy wondrous will
- Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness!
- Would I lead another right?
- Wouldst thou learn the depth of sin
- A B C
- Y
- Ye desolate children of sorrow!
- Ye heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ, arise!
- Ye know not what ye ask!
- Ye must suffer ere ye serve
- Ye saints, come and join in the praise of the Lamb
- Ye sons of earth, prepare the plough
- Ye virgins, gird your loins!
- Ye who know the Lord, draw nigh
- Yes, a call there is
- Yes, for me, for me he careth
- Yes, I love the name that is
- Yes, I will always love
- Yes, kind Saviour, grieving
- Yes, Lord, thou hast the words of life
- Yes! – my Redeemer lives, to save us
- Yes, "the battle is the Lord's"
- Yes, the day is at hand; rejoice, then, ye saints
- Yes, the Lord has thus far led us
- Yes! "the Lord is good", I know it
- Yes, the Lord no more is found
- A B C