Christ My Song-Logo

Christ My Song - History

Hymns added or revised (=r) in / Lieder hinzugefügt oder revidiert (=r) in:
l 2025 l 2024 l 2023 l 2022 l 2021 l 2020 l 2019 l 2018 l 2017 l 2016 l 2015 l 2014 l 2013 l 2012 l 2011 l 2010 l 2009

February / Februar 2025
O thou! who by a star didst guide (Neale) (r)
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December / Dezember 2024
Du bist ein guter Hirt (Laurentii)
Lord! how oft shall I forgive? - Forgiveness (Monsell) (r)
Wie herrlich ist's, ein Schäflein Christi werden (Rambach)
With what bright and holy charm - Unconscious helpers (Monsell) (r)
Jesus! my Master! when I feel - Watching in Gethsemane (Monsell) (r)
Awake, glad soul! awake! awake! - Eternal Spring (Monsell) (r)
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November 2024
Gently think and gently speak - Gentleness (Monsell) (r)
Mein Jesus rufet mich (Schwedler)
Abide with us, the shades of eve - Abide with us (Monsell) (r)
I längtan tron begynner (Okänd)
Higher! higher to aspire! - Higher, higher (Monsell) (r)
It is not with uncertain step - The road (Darby) (r)
Unverwandt auf Christus sehen (Rothe)
There is rest for the weary soul - Rest (Darby) (r)
I'm waiting for the glory - Waiting for the glory (Darby) (r)
Blessed Father, infinite in grace - The Father's love (Darby) (r)
Soon we taste the endless sweetness - The Tree of life (Darby) (r)
Aus irdischem Getümmel (Arndt)
Wake thee, O Zion, thy mourning is ended - The day of joy (Palmer) (r)
O tell me, Jesus, to my heart - Self-questioning (Palmer) (r)
Jesus, thou Joy of loving hearts! - Jesus the Beloved (Bernard of Clairvaux/Palmer) (r)
Tut mir auf die schöne Pforte (Schmolck)
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October / Oktober 2024
All things to mine eyes are bright - The hour of joy (Palmer) (r)
Away from earth my spirit turns - The bread of life (Palmer) (r)
Thine holy day's returning - Sabbath morning (Palmer) (r)
In the dark days of grief - De profundis (Palmer) (r)
And is there, Lord, a rest - The heavenly rest (Palmer) (r)
Smile, O my God, on me - A present God (Palmer) (r)
I give my heart to thee - I give my heart (Palmer) (r)
O Holy Comforter - The Comforter (Palmer) (r)
Jesus, I love thy charming name - Christ precious to the believer (Doddridge) (r)
My God, within thy secret place - God's hidden ones (Palmer) (r)
With the Sabbath's holy dawning - Sabbath morning worship (Palmer) (r)
Jesus, these eyes have never seen - Unseen, not unknown (Palmer) (r)
Where climbs thy steep, fair Olivet - Gethsemane (Palmer) (r)
O Christ, I long to know thee - The vision of Christ (Palmer) (r)
Jesus, Lamb of God, for me - Repentance at the Cross (Palmer) (r)
Sweet to trace his toiling footsteps - The great High Priest (Bevan) (r)
When inward turns my searching gaze - Jesus the all in all (Palmer) (r)
I see my Lord, the pure, the meek, the lowly - Via Dolorosa (Palmer) (r)
I need no priest save him who is above - My High Priest (Bonar) (r)
Let not terrors haunt thee - The Good Shepherd (Palmer) (r)
Come, Jesus, Redeemer, abide thou with me - Abide with me (Palmer) (r)
My Father God, lead on! - Father, lead on (Palmer) (r)
Han på korset, han allena (Runeberg)
Ach! wie wichtig, ach, wie richtig (Betulius)
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September 2024
Milde Jesus, var oss när (Okänd)
Alle Welt, was lebt und webet (Franck)
Ack, sälla hem, mitt hjärta ser (Okänd)
Komm, Tröster! komm hernieder (Laurentii)
Mit håb, min trøst og al tillid (Ukendt)
Jesus! Alles bist du mir (Silberrad)
I den ljusa morgonstunden (Sandell)
Du hast auch mir zur Seligkeit (Jorissen)
Why stand I lingering without - Let us Draw Near (Bonar)
Verdens børn har mange venner (Timm)
Herr, öffne mir die Herzenstür (Olearius)
Tiden är så kort (Sandell)
Have faith in truth (Bonar)
Der Glaube hilft (Pfeil)
Jesus, min drot (Pétrursson/Brandt)
När dagens hetta svalkas (Sandell)
The Bridegroom comes! - The Bridal Day (Bonar)
Mein Heiland! es ist deine Sache (Hiller)
Wie jauchzt mein Geist schon hier im Staube (Döring)
König, dem kein König gleichet (Rambach)
Es preise Gottes Macht und Stärke (Spreng)
Der letzte meiner Tage (Münter)
Reich des Herrn! (Garve)
Der Himmel ist mein Vaterland! (Deckert)
Hebet eure Häupter auf (Schmolck)
Der Herr bricht ein um Mitternacht (Zinzendorf)
Es ist noch eine Ruh vorhanden (Diterich)
Herr, deine Toten werden leben (Löber)
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July / Juli 2024
When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streaming - Help, Lord, or we perish! (Heber) (r)
For the first time I see - The Eye Opening on the Cross (Bonar) (r)
Oh help me o'er this river - Jesus, Help! (Bonar) (r)
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June / Juni 2024
Rock of the desert - The Desert Rock (Bonar) (r)
Danke für alle die Jahre - Gott sei Dank! (Rüegg)
Shine on, sweet sun, and let my day - Shine on (Bonar) (r)
Mit dem Haufen deiner Frommen (Lavater)
Great King of kings, why dost thou stay? - Thy Kingdom Come (Bonar) (r)
Nun danket all und bringet Ehr (Gerhardt)
Op alle, som på jorden bor (Gerhardt/Ukendt)
Life is coming, death is going - Even so, Amen (Bonar) (r)
Ah, Lord, the world is dark! - Light in darkness (Bonar) (r)
Nay, 'tis not what we fancied it - Vanity (Bonar)
O du betrübte Seele mein! (Dilherr)
Done is the work that saves - The Work that Saves (Bonar) (r)
Süßes Evangelium (Schmolck)
Lord, give me light to do thy work - Light for work (Bonar) (r)
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May / Mai 2024
Einer ist König, Immanuel sieget (Allendorf)
Tryggare kan ingen vara (Sandell)
Geist der Wahrheit, lehre mich (Hiller)
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April 2024
Light hath arisen, we walk in its brightness - The Walk of Faith (Bonar) (r)
Sagt, was hat die weite Welt (Garve)
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March / März 2024
Var är du, o Jesus, som älskade mig (Beskow)
'Tis a sharp rugged hill, that seems to mock - To the Mark (Bonar) (r)
Thee in the loving bloom of morn - God in all, and all in God (Bonar) (r)
Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Muhlenberg) (r)
Rise, daughter of Zion, thy mourning is o'er - Hymn for the Epiphany (Muhlenberg) (r)
Mein Gott! gib mir deinen Geist (Schmolck)
Give thou thy youth to God - The Days of Thy Youth (Bonar) (r)
Finish thy work, the time is short - Finish thy work (Bonar) (r)
Yes, I will always love (Guyon/Cowper) (r)
To thee, to thee alone, Lord, would I hearken - True thinking (Bonar) (r)
Peace upon peace, like wave on wave - Divine peace (Bonar) (r)
I place an offering at thy shrine - The perfect sacrifice (Guyon/Cowper) (r)
We take the peace which he has won - The gift of peace (Bonar) (r)
Dort droben im Himmel, dort haben wir's gut (Hoffmann)
Risen Son of God, this day - The Light of the Risen One (Bonar) (r)
Come, all ye nations, utter all your praises - Laudate (Bonar) (r)
Holy Spirit, spring of gladness - To the Holy Spirit (Bonar) (r)
Look, child of time, he comes, the Son of God! - The Christ of the ages (Bonar) (r)
Jesu! du allein (Pfeil)
Great Ruler of the land and sea - The sailor's litany (Bonar) (r)
Quickly bright life withers - For ever perfect (Bonar) (r)
Seamless and fair - Let us not rend it (Bonar) (r)
Sweet song of life! oh, sound again - The song of life (Bonar) (r)
Now at the Father's side - Remember me (Bonar) (r)
Help me, my God, to speak - Heart and lip (Bonar) (r)
Almighty Comforter and friend - Prayer to the Spirit (Bonar) (r)
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February / Februar 2024
Dead unto sin through him who died - Dead and alive (Bonar) (r)
Eternal Father, gracious One - Laudate Deum (Bonar) (r)
Take these things hence! - The purging of the temple (Bonar) (r)
Time's sun is fast setting - The night cometh (Bonar) (r)
Through good report and evil, Lord - We follow thee (Bonar) (r)
Thine Handmaid, Saviour! can it be? - Come, follow me! (Muhlenberg) (r)
Not far from any one of us - The fellowship of the unseen (Bonar) (r)
They hear his voice! - The Shepherd's Voice (Bonar) (r)
He came a leper, all unclean and foul - As many as Touched Him (Bonar) (r)
By the cross of Jesus standing - The Cross (Bonar) (r)
Refuse him not, O man! - Hear, and your souls shall live (Bonar) (r)
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December / Dezember 2023
Thine and yet ours, O Lord! - My Cup (Bonar) (r)
I come, I rest beneath - Beneath His Wing (Bonar) (r)
I follow thee, O gracious Son of God! - Follow thou Me (Bonar) (r)
All the earth this day is crying - The Cry of the Needy (Bonar) (r)
He looks on us, we look on him - Eye to Eye (Bonar) (r)
Lie still, lie still - All in Him (Bonar) (r)
Sore sick of sin, and longing to be free - I am poor and needy (Bonar) (r)
Kneeling on the earth, he prays - Passio Christi (Bonar) (r)
Jauchzet eurem Gott! erhebt (Lavater)
Rich in mercy, great in love - The Children's Cry (Bonar) (r)
We have heard the voice of trembling - Israel's song of hope (Bonar) (r)
He must grow greater - He must increase, I must decrease (Bonar) (r)
In the hour when guilt assails me - Christ my all (Bonar) (r)
There lies a land beyond these clouds - Strangers and pilgrims (Bonar) (r)
Night of wonder, night of glory - Night of wonder (Bonar) (r)
From the far East we come - The Signal Star (Bonar) (r)
He has come! the Christ of God - A Bethlehem Hymn (Bonar) (r)
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November 2023
I hinder not, nor would reprove thy tears - Comfort in tribulation (Bonar) (r)
Around one name they gather - None other name (Bonar) (r)
They did not die! - Sleep in Jesus (Bonar) (r)
Hard to be won! No, no - Easy to be entreated (Bonar) (r)
On thee, O Jesus, strongly leaning - Fellowship with Christ (Bonar) (r)
Who touched me? - Luke 8,45 (Bonar) (r)
Bear thou my burden (Bonar) (r)
I thank thee, Lord, for using me - Forget not all his benefits (Bonar) (r)
Doubt it not – thou too shalt come - Words of Cheer (Heusser/Borthwick) (r)
Endlich, endlich wirst auch du - Ermutigung (Heusser) (r)
'Tis a dead world through which I walk - I am with thee (Bonar) (r)
Peace! earth's last battle has been won - The kingdom (Bonar) (r)
Yes, for me, for me he careth - The elder brother (Bonar) (r)
Fill thou my life, O Lord my God - Life's praise (Bonar) (r)
Speak thou to me, O Son of God - Speak, for thy servant heareth (Bonar) (r)
Jesus, thy love alone - Thee, Only Thee (Bonar) (r)
Forgotten! no; that cannot be - Everlasting remembrance (Bonar) (r)
Under dine vingers skygge (Timm) (r)
Rest, weary Son of God, and I, with thee (Bonar) (r)
Beneath Moriah's rocky side - Fountain of Siloam (M'Cheyne) (r)
Ten virgins, clothed in white - Oil in the lamp (M'Cheyne) (r)
I LITTLE thought, when last we met - We'll meet again (M'Cheyne) (r)
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October / Oktober 2023
Like mist on the mountain, like ships on the sea - Children called to Christ (M'Cheyne) (r)
Hem of the seamless robe - The seamless raiment (Bonar) (r)
The race of God's anointed priests - The royal priesthood (Tersteegen/Bevan) (r)
Des Herren priesterlich Geschlecht - Königliches Priestertum (Tersteegen) (r)
Dark was the night, the wind was high - They sing the song of Moses (M'Cheyne) (r)
Within a vineyard's sunny bound - The barren fig-tree (M'Cheyne) (r)
Take me, Jesus, to thy breast - Evensong (Tersteegen/Bevan) (r)
O sjæl! vær stille i din Gud (Timm) (r)
Jerusalem the golden (Bernard of Cluny/Neale) (r)
O that my ways were made so strait - O that my ways were made so direct … (Toplady) (r)
Himmel, er du her på jorden! - Følelser ved alterens sakramente (Lund) (r)
Oh, there are many tears and sighs - "Ho! every one that thirsteth" (Deck) (r)
Light of the cradle! shine - Manifold Light (Bonar) (r)
Oh, what is thy Beloved? - My Beloved (Deck) (r)
Thou knewest not where to lay thy head - His dwelling-place (Bevan) (r)
O Lord, my heart aspires - Aspirations (Deck) (r)
Hvad er jeg, Gud! hvad er jeg dog (Timm) (r)
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September 2023
My body is weary and weak - Faint, yet Pursuing (Elliott) (r)
Leaning on thee, my Guide, my Friend - Leaning on her Beloved (Elliott) (r)
I heard the voice of Love divine - Blessed are they that Mourn (Elliott) (r)
My God! how wonderful thou art - Our Heavenly Father (Faber) (r)
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August 2023
"Sit thou on my right hand, my Son!" saith the Lord - Ascension Day and Sunday after (Heber) (r)
Vig fra mig, onde frister! (Timm) (r)
Hærskarernes højlovet Gud! - Om englene (Lund) (r)
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July / Juli 2023
Ye sons of earth, prepare the plough - The sower (Cowper) (r)
O min sjæl! sig hvorpå grunder - Langfredag (Timm) (r)
Es ist noch nichts verbrochen - Ermunterung (Lange) (r)
O how I love thy holy word - Afflictions sanctified by the word (Cowper) (r)
Jeg ved du lever, Jesus Krist! (Timm) (r)
Gud er med os, når dagen viger - Gud er med os (Timm) (r)
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June / Juni 2023
O Gud min kære Fader hør! - Bøn (Johan Ernst Heilmann) (r)
There is a fountain filled with blood - Praise for the Fountain opened (Cowper) (r)
Hvor er jeg – Gud! jeg ser din magt - Skabningen, som Guds tempel (Lund) (r)
Fein niedrig sein auf Erden (Hiller)
Mig kläd i helig prydnad (Okänd)
A few more years shall roll - A Pilgrim's Song (Bonar)
Not long, not long! The spirit-wasting fever - Rest (Bonar)
Jeg kender ham, hvem jeg har overgivet (Kampmann)
Kehre doch nun einmal wieder (Buchholz)
O, att jag, o, att jag (Ahnfelt)
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May / Mai 2023
No shadows yonder! - The Cloudless (Bonar)
Et trofast hjerte, Herre min (Sthen)
O süßes Wort, das Jesus spricht (Höfel)
Min själ, till nådens tron träd fram (Okänd)
Angel-voices sweetly singing - Heaven at Last (Bonar)
Traure nicht, betrübtes Herz! (Schmolck)
Jesus, Jesus, gör mig stilla (Okänd)
Praises to him who built the hills - Praise (Bonar)
Kehre wieder, meine Seele (Junker)
Herre, jag beder (Sandell)
Speak, lips of mine! - Bless the Lord (Bonar)
Weicht ihr Berge, fallt ihr Hügel (Hiller)
Dig, Jesus, min dyraste Jesus, jag beder (Okänd)
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April 2023
Mighty Comforter, to thee - To the Comforter (Bonar)
Kann man Gott in Trübsal loben? (Hiller)
Vægter, vil da mørkets rige (Richter/Brorson)
Jesu lilla lamm jag är (Okänd)
Amid the shadows and the fears - The Anchor within the Veil (Bonar)
Durch Gnade bin ich, was ich bin (Hiller)
Søde Jesus, glædens kilde (Kingo)
Känner du herden god (Okänd)
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February / Februar 2023
True bread of life, in pitying mercy given - The True Bread (Bonar)
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December / Dezember 2022
Komm du Heiden-Heiland an (Schmolck)
Kun Gud er stor - Nogle af Guds egenskaber (Lund) (r)
Hjælp mig, o Gud, at prise - Guds magt og godhed i skabningen (Lund) (r)
Herre! hvo fatter dig? (Timm) (r)
Ett barn i dag är oss givet (Ehrenborg)
O God, my God, an anguished heart - Contrition (Timm/Tait) (r)
O Gud, min Gud! det bange hjerte - Almindelig Bededag (Timm) (r)
'Tis my happiness below - Welcome Cross (Cowper) (r)
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November 2022
Bliv hos mig, kære Herre Krist! (Timm) (r)
When Hagar found the bottle spent - For the Poor (Cowper) (r)
Lord, my soul with pleasure springs - True Pleasures (Cowper) (r)
The billows swell, the winds are high - Temptation (Cowper) (r)
Jesus is God! the solid earth - Jesus is God (Faber) (r)
Wenn zu Zeiten schwere Leiden (Schöner)
Ik weet, dat ik zal zalig worden - Ik weet, Wien ik gelove! (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Jag vet, på vem jag tror och hoppas - Jag vet på vem jag tror (Spitta/Lundberg) (r)
Jeg ved, at salig vil jeg blive - Jeg ved, på hvem jeg tror, og er sikker i min tro (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
I know, Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son - I know in whom I believe (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Ich weiß, ich werde selig werden - Ich weiß, an wen ich glaube, und bin gewiss (Spitta) (r)
O Vaderoog, mijn schreden trouw bewakend! - Vader, Zoon en Geest (Spitta/Kehrer) (r)
O, fadershand, som hittills mig ledsagat - Fader, Son och Ande (Spitta/Lundberg) (r)
O Faderhånd, som mig så trofast førte - Fader, Søn og Ånd (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
Father, whose hand hath led me so securely - Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Spitta/Massie) (r)
O Vaterhand, die mich so treu geführet - Vater, Sohn und Geist (Spitta) (r)
I Jesus søger jeg min fred (Ukendt)
O, mitt hjärta, det längtar till hemlandets frid (Okänd)
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October / Oktober 2022
Be still, my soul; Jehovah loveth thee - Be Still (Bonar)
Meinen Jesus lass ich nicht (Schmolck)
Gud, efter dig jeg længes (Sthen)
O Jesus kär (Sandell)
O this soul, how dark and blind! - Confession (Bonar)
Weicht, ihr finstern Sorgen! (Woltersdorf)
Ak kunne jeg mig ned (Aemilie/Brorson)
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September 2022
Vem är den stora skaran där (Wadström)
O strong to save and bless - Hear my Cry (Bonar)
Jesus bleibet mein Vergnügen (Schröder)
Jeg vil mig Herren love (Thomissøn)
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August 2022
Hemma, hemma få vi vila (Sandell)
I ask a perfect creed! - Credo, non opinor (Bonar)
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May / Mai 2022
O everlasting Light - Christ is All (Bonar)
Ur stormarna ser jag (Yttergren)
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April 2022
Up now, my soul, 'tis day! - Up, my Soul, 'tis Day! (Bonar)
Om salighed og glæde (Arrebo)
Halleluja! Jesus lebt! (Schmolck)
När får jag skåda Jesus? (Okänd)
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March / März 2022
Jesus, the Christ of God - Praise to Christ (Bonar)
Ach! sagt mir nichts von Gold und Schätzen (Angelus Silesius)
Bort, verden, af mit sind og øje! (Angelus Silesius/Brorson)
Meine Hoffnung steht auf Gott (Unbekannt)
Här uti världen en främling jag går (R.W./Palmquist)
O safe at home, where the dark tempter roams not - Far Better (Bonar)
Dig vil jeg elske, du min styrke (Angelus Silesius/Glahn)
Jesus meiner Seele Ruh (Backmeister)
Bor Kristus genom tron uti mitt hjärta (Sandell)
Christ has done the mighty work! - It is Finished (Bonar)
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February / Februar 2022
Hvo ikkun lader Herren råde (Neumark/Rostgaard)
Wohl dem, der Gott zum Freunde hat (Gerber)
Ack salig, ack salig den själen, som tror (Sandell)
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December / Dezember 2021
This is not my place of resting - Rest Yonder (Bonar)
Jesus ist mein Freudenlicht (Arnold)
Mer helighet giv mig (Bliss/Lundequist)
Gud Herren er min hyrde god (Arrebo)
A little flock! So calls he thee - The Little Flock (Bonar)
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November 2021
Der Herr hat alles wohl gemacht (Heinrich Müller)
Säll den som haver Jesus kär (Bernard of Clairvaux/Spegel)
O Jesus, stärk min svaga tro (Okänd)
He must increase, and I decrease - For me (Bonar)
Nun, so gehe mit mir aus (Weihe)
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October / Oktober 2021
At komme, Jesus, dig i hu (Bernard of Clairvaux/Grundtvig)
O min Jesus, låt mig skåda (Okänd)
Stilla, ja, alltmera stilla (Sandell)
Among the many, I am lost and weary - Return unto thy Rest (Bonar)
Aldrig ensam! O mitt hjärta (Sandell)
Liebster Jesus, ich will dich (Schmolck)
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September 2021
Herre, mitt hjärta (Sandell)
Jag sjunger nu om seger (Linderot)
Jag sjunger helst om Jesus (Okänd)
Vik ej ur mitt hjärta (Rosenius)
Amen! Jesus han skal råde (Niels Brorson)
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August 2021
Warum willst du doch für morgen (Laurentii)
Bergen må vika och högarna falla (Sandell)
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June / Juni 2021
Gud ske lov, min vän han blivit! (Rosenius)
Nu är min träldom slut (Ahnfelt)
Pass away, earthly joy (Catherine Jane Bonar)
Stilla, o stilla (Sandell)
För mig till den klippan höga (Okänd)
Hjärtans Jesus, i ditt hjärta (Rutström)
En vän framför andra, min Frälsare huld (Rosenius)
Vid Jesu hjärta är min vilostad (Okänd)
Alltid salig, om ej alltid glad (Okänd)
Fram en suck sig smyger (Böttiger)
Den port är trång och smal den stig (Sandell)
Närmare, o Jesus Krist, till dig! (Sandell)
Es ist vollbracht! so ruft am Kreuze (Diterich)
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April 2021
JESUS, our life, is risen - Praise to Jesus (Deck) (r)
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March / März 2021
Oster- und Auferstehngslieder (Übersicht/Index) (r)
Frelseren er mig en hyrde god (Ingemann)
Jesus – let him thy portion be - The Eternal Portion (Bonar)
Hör, huru sången den klingar (N. P./V. W.)
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February / Februar 2021
Jag har en vän så huld, så mild, så tålig (Rosenius)
Go up, go up, my heart - Sursum Corda (Bonar)
Jag nu den pärlan funnit har (Mason/Hamberg)
I've found the pearl of greatest price (Mason)
Herr! bei jedem Wort und Werke (Pfeil)
Jesus, mit liv! (Ukendt)
Här kan mitt arma hjärta (Holmes)
Ye virgins, gird your loins! - "Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh" (Bonar)
Es traure, wer da will (Liscov)
Der er et helligt værge (Ingemann)
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January / Januar 2021
Upp min själ att Herren lova (Sandell)
Abide ye in my love! - "Abide in My Love" (Bonar)
Fürchte dich nicht, glaube nur! (Hiller)
Aldrig er jeg uden våde (Kingo)
Nu är jag glad och hjärtligt nöjd (Sandell)
Lord, if he sleep he shall do well! - Holy Sleep (Bonar)
Fröhlich, fröhlich, immer fröhlich! (Lange, Johann C.)
Frisch auf, mein Seel! verzage nicht (Schmucker)
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December / Dezember 2020
Lyft, min själ, ur jordegruset (Alin)
Frisk op, min sjæl, forsag dog ej (Schmucker/Ravn)
I wake from sleep, and this new day - Morning Hymn (Bonar)
Jesus ist der schönste Nam (Angelus Silesius)
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November 2020
Misströsta ej, min själ! Gud gärna sig förbarmar (Sellergren)
Min Jesus han er min (Ziegler/Heermann/Brorson)
Hoffnung wird niemals zuschanden (Unbekannt)
Shall this life of mine be wasted? - Forward (Bonar)
Herre, samla oss nu alla (Sandell)
Wer ist wohl wie du (Freylinghausen)
Jesus, du min fred (Freylinghausen/Brorson)
Beyond the hills where suns go down - The New Song (Bonar)
Från Gud vill jag ej vika (Helmbold/Evers/Eklund)
Meine Hoffnung lässt mich nicht (Schmolck)
Top / Übersicht
October / Oktober 2020
Hvorfor skulle jeg forsage? (Gerhardt/Ukendt)
Thy way, not mine, O Lord - Thy Way, not Mine (Bonar)
Vi sökte väl ro, och vi sökte väl frid (Ehrenborg/Sandell)
Herr, mein guter Hirte (Rüegg)
Hos Gud är idel glädje (Brun/Sandell)
Hos Gud er idel glæde (Brun)
Ich habe gnug, mein Herr ist Jesus Christ (Unbekannt)
Mein Freund ist mein (Anna Sophia)
O Light of light, shine in! - The Cry of the Weary (Bonar)
Ich habe den gefunden (Garve)
Din, o Jesus, vill jag vara (Beckman)
O sjælehyrde, Gud og mand (Kingo)
To have each day the thing I wish - The Better Will (Bonar)
Herre, med kraft utav höjden bekläd mig! (Sandell)
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September 2020
Tålmodighed behøves (Gerhardt/Brorson)
Geduld ist euch vonnöten (Gerhardt)
I hear the words of love - He Died and Lives (Bonar)
O Jesus, du fröjdar mitt hjärta (Sandell)
Vandrer mellem liv og død (Hammerich)
Aufrichtig, redlich, offen, frei (Cramer)
Why walk in darkness? Has the dear light vanished - Why Walk in Darkness? (Bonar)
Om Herren mig bjuder gå hit eller dit (Sandell)
Op, al den ting, som Gud har gjort (Brorson)
Gelobt sei Gott! ihm will ich fröhlich singen (Cramer)
Begin the day with God! - Begin with God (Bonar)
Herre, föröka min tro och min kärlek! (Sandell)
Lad din nåde på os regne (Kramer/Brorson)
Ich soll zum Leben dringen (Cramer)
The Son of God, in mighty love - The Word made Flesh (Bonar)
O, hur kärleksfull, hur vänlig (Sandell)
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August 2020
Hvor salig er den lille flok (Holm)
Thy works, not mine, O Christ - The Sin-Bearer (Bonar)
Vad sörjer du så svåra? (Heermann/Arrhenius/Wallin)
Christus, mein Leben, mein Hoffen, mein Glauben, mein Wallen (Kellner von Zinnendorf)
Lovsynger Herren, min mund og mit indre - Den 103die Davids Salme (Grundtvig)
It is the Father's voice that cries - The Beloved Son (Bonar)
All that I was, my sin, my guilt - Mine and Thine (Bonar)
Beklaga och begråta (Wallin)
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus sigter (Ludämilia Elisabeth/Brorson)
Mein Gott und Hort - Vom Nutzen des göttlichen Wortes (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
When, wounded sore, the stricken soul (C. F. Alexander)
Min vän är ljuv, min vän är mild (Sjöberg)
Lyksalig den, som ydmygt tror (Boye)
Den Glauben, der an Gott sich hält (Sturm, Christoph)
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July / Juli 2020
Herr, mein Schöpfer, mein Erlöser - Bitte um des Heiligen Geistes Leitung (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
When across the heart deep waves of sorrow (Unknown)
Jesus, tag mitt arma hjärta (Sandell)
Sage, wo bist du gewesen (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Schuf mich Gott für Augenblicke? (Cramer)
Fra verden har jeg vendt min hu - Den 25de Davids Salme (Knöpken)
Der Glaub ist feste Zuversicht (Unbekannt)
The way is long and dreary (Procter)
Glädje utan Gud ej finnes (Wallin)
Den tro, som Jesus favner (Brorson)
Freue dich, dass du musst tragen - Christliche Gedanken im Kreuz (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
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June / Juni 2020
When gathering clouds around I view (Grant)
With tearful eyes I look around (Hugh White)
Mitt hjärta, fröjda dig (Olearius/Ollon)
Gud skal alting mage (Stockmann/Brorson)
Gott, der wird's wohl machen (Stockmann)
Hur ljuvt det är att komma (Runeberg)
There is an everlasting home - Latus Salvatoris (Bridges)
O salig fryd, vor Jesus er opstanden (Freylinghausen/Brorson/Malling)
Triumph! Triumph! der Herr ist auferstanden (Freylinghausen)
Thus far the Lord hath led us on, – in darkness and in day - Ebenezer (Borthwick)
Herre, du som sänder trösten (Arrhenius/Choræus)
Christus, der ist mein Leben - Nach dem heiligen Abendmahl (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Come, weary souls, with sin distressed (Steele)
So will ich, Jesus, dich nicht lassen - Von der süßen Gesellschaft des Herrn Jesus (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
I need thee, precious Jesus (Whitfield)
Varför sörja, varför klaga? (Wallin)
Gott, du kannst mich nicht verlassen - Gott verlässt die Seinen nicht (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Amid the darkness, when the storm - Christ in the Storm (Palmer)
Ei was frag ich denn darnach - Von dem Vergnügen in Jesus (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Wer kann wohl vergnügter leben - Von dem Vergnügen in Jesus (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Ich ergebe mich dem Willen - Ergebung in Gottes Willen (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
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May / Mai 2020
Enhver, som bor i den Almægt'ges skygge - Tillid til forsynet (Lund) (r)
O Love, too boundless to be shown (Ken)
Mein Jesus, wie wird's werden - Vom christlöblichen Beginnen (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Som den gyldne sol frembryder (Kingo)
Gott, bei dir ist die Gnade - Dank für die Gnade Gottes (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Gottlob, dass abermals ein Tag - Abendlied (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Räds ej bekänna Kristi namn (Söderberg)
Jesus, meine Lust und Ehre - Verlangen nach der Jesushilfe (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Gute Nacht, ihr matten Glieder - Abendlied (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Was mag doch der von Kummer sagen - Trostlied (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Gott kennet mich, des freuet sich - Gottes kennt die Seinen (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Christus, mein Schatz und Leben - Gottes Will des Lebens Ziel (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Ach, lass dich jetzt finden - Von der Freundschaft mit Christus (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Christus soll mir alles sein - Bitte um göttlichen Beistand (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Gå varsamt, min kristen, giv akt på din gång! (Kolmodin)
Vater, ach Vater, was hab ich verübet! (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
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April 2020
Friede, Friede, meine Seele! - Ostern (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Er Gud for mig, så træde (Gerhardt/Brorson)
Der Herr mit mir! Was darf ich klagen? - Trostlied (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Is God for me? I fear not - My High Tower (Gerhardt/Bevan)
Meine Seele, sei zufrieden! - Trostlied (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Ich kann nicht sein betrübet - Das traute Kind Gottes und dessen Freudengründe (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Jag ville lova och prisa (Laurinus/Eklund)
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March / März 2020
Through night and tribulation - The Pilgrimage of the Soul (Ingemann/Tait) (r)
Igennem nat og trængsel (Ingemann) (r)
Så kom, forønskde dødens stund - Dog for min Jesu kærlighed (Sophie Elisabeth/Brorson) (r)
So komm, geliebte Todesstund - Doch, Jesus, deine Liebe macht (Sophie Elisabeth) (r)
Højpriset vorde Gud af dig - Menneskets fornuftige sjæl (Cramer/Lund) (r)
Lobsinget Gott, und betet an! (Johann Andreas Cramer) (r)
Stilla jag på dig vill akta (Wallin)
Är Gud i himlen för mig (Gerhardt/Eklund)
Du hast mein Herz in Händen - Bitte um die Gnade recht zu beten (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Come, mighty Spirit, penetrate - Come, Mighty Spirit (Bonar)
Var är den vän, som överallt jag söker? (Wallin)
Sörj för mig, o Fader, kär! (Ludämilia Elisabeth/Ullman)
Sorge, Vater, sorge du (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Keinen hat Gott verlassen (Unbekannt)
Befall i Herrens händer (Gerhardt/Wallin)
Ich hoffe nur auf Gnade (Hiller)
Er wird es tun, der fromme, treue Gott (Herrnschmidt)
Lord, I have trusted in thy name - The Lord is my Helper (Reißner/Mills)
In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr! (Reißner)
Ah! when shall I be, from sinning - Christian Warfare (Münter/Mills)
Ach, wann werd ich von der Sünde (Münter)
I'm but a weary pilgrim here - Christian's View of Eternity (Sturm, Christoph/Mills)
Ein Pilger bin ich in der Welt (Sturm, Christoph)
Our blessings come, O God - A General Prayer (Heermann/Mills)
Gott ist und bleibt der Wundermann (Olearius)
Why is my heart so far from thee - The Joy of God's Presence (G. B. Funk/Mills)
Wie ist mein Herz so fern von dir (G. B. Funk)
Wondrous ways is God pursuing - God's Ways Wonderful (Weissenborn/Mills)
Wunderlich ist Gottes Schicken (Weissenborn)
In thee, O God, I find my joy - Joy in God (Liscov/Mills)
Ich freue mich, mein Gott, in dir (Liscov)
Gott, welch ein Trost erquickt mein Herz! (Unbekannt)
God, to my soul benighted - Faithfulness of God (Helmbold/Mills)
Von Gott will ich nicht lassen (Helmbold)
Nie kann mein Herz dich, Jesus, gnug erheben (Heeren)
Ich weiß, ich weiß an wen ich glaube (Unbekannt)
For help, O whither shall I flee? - The Believer's Conflict. (Neander/Mills)
Weg mit allem, was da scheinet (Neander)
God is my light! – Never, my soul, despair - God our Light, etc. (Hengstenberg/Mills)
Who lives in God has save abode - Believers Safe in Death (Magdeburg/Mills)
Wer Gott vertraut, hat wohl gebaut (Magdeburg)
The Lord, to whom I pleaded - Gratitude to Christ (Jörgens/Mills)
Der Herr ist meine Stärke! (Jörgens)
O fear not, Christians, that rough path to tread - The Footprints of Christ (Unbekannt/Cox)
Lebt, ihr Christen, so allhier auf Erden - Christi Fußstapfen (Unbekannt)
What is human life below? - The shortness of Life (Salomon Franck/Cox)
Ach, was ist doch unsre Zeit? - Die Vergänglichkeit des Lebens (Salomon Franck)
Oh! let him whose sorrow - The Mourner's Consolation (Oswald/Cox)
Wem in Leidenstagen - Trost des Trauernden (Oswald)
O Holy Ghost! thy heavenly dew - Hymn for Whit-Sunday (Lavater/Cox)
O Geist des Herrn, nur deine Kraft - Pfingstlied (Lavater)
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February / Februar 2020
Nun, so bleibt es fest dabei (Woltersdorf)
Wilt thou not, my Shepherd true - Hymn to the Good Shepherd (Angelus Silesius/Cox)
Guter Hirte, willst du nicht - Lied an den treuen Hirten (Angelus Silesius)
Awake, my soul, from sleep arise! - Morning Hymn (Lackmann/Mills)
Love, who in the first beginning - Hymn to the God of Love (Angelus Silesius/Cox)
Liebe, die du mich zum Bilde - Lied an den Gott der Liebe (Angelus Silesius)
Come to thy temple here on earth (Gerhardt/Winkworth)
Wann werd ich mich erhöret sehen? (Unbekannt)
We would see Jesus; – all is gloom around us - Looking unto Jesus (Borthwick)
The channels are on earth, the fountain is above - Streams by the Way (Borthwick)
In all my plans, thou Highest - Dependence on God (Flemming/Mills)
Wohlauf, mein Herz, zu Gott (Olearius)
Lord Jesus Christ, my Life, my Light - In Weakness and Distress of Mind (Behm/Winkworth)
Wohl dem, der fest im Glauben steht (Laurentii)
Hallelujah! I believe! - Joy in Believing (Möwes/Borthwick)
Zähle meine Tränen (Woltersdorf)
Arise! ye lingering saints, arise! - Arise! (Gotter/Findlater)
Ich will dich immer treuer lieben (Flessa)
O Lord, in thee is all my trust (Chandler)
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (Neale)
Fling out the Banner! let it float (Doane)
Let Zion's sons and daughters say (Porter)
Almighty Father, just and good (Chandler)
O Friend of souls! how blessed the time (Deßler/Schaff)
Den klare sol går ned, det kvælder mer og mer (Kingo)
Jesus' holy Cross and dying (Bonaventura/Alexander)
Blandt alle ting i verden her (Kingo)
Today our Lord went up on high (Zwick/Winkworth)
Rind nu op i Jesu navn (Kingo)
What terrors shake my trembling soul! (Chandler)
Ingen højhed, ingen ære (Kingo)
O Christ, our hope, our heart's desire (Chandler)
Nu rinder solen op (Kingo)
Sorrig og glæde de vandre til hobe (Kingo)
'Tis the day of Resurrection (John of Damascus/Neale)
Gak, under Jesu kors at stå (Kingo)
O helt som undertvang al død - Påskesang (Lund)
How pleasant to me thy deep blue wave - The Sea of Galilee (M'Cheyne)
Hvi vil du, menneske, ej være - Mod had og uforsonlighed (Lund)
Du, der et forsyn dog tilbeder - Forsynet (Lund)
Sweet is the gentle voice of Spring - Seedtime (Monsell)
O Jesus, troens øjemed - Jesus, troens øjemed (Lund)
Holy Father, mighty God - The Cry of the Needy (Bonar)
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January / Januar 2020
Hold, fromme sjæl! din kirkegang - Påskedag (Timm)
It is not time that flies - Time and Eternity (Bonar)
Herre! jeg må klage (Timm)
O Jesus, who art gone before (Chandler)
Ak, hvad nedslår dog, hvad vil mig forbyde - Noget om sjælens udødelighed (Lund)
O Christ, who hast prepared a place (Chandler)
Himlens hære, alt opstilte - Menneskets skabelse og kald (Lund)
We leave now behind us - The Heavenward March (Bonar)
Der er en krans at vinde (Timm)
Gott Vater, sende deinen Geist (Gerhardt)
Zieh ein zu meinen Toren (Gerhardt)
Tungsindige, hvi er dit hjerte - Mod tungsindighed (Lund)
Wird das nicht Freude sein? (Schweinitz)
Weine nicht, Gott lebet noch (Schmolck)
Herre! her er godt at være (Timm)
How blessed thy creature is, O God - The Happy Change (Cowper)
Fly, falske verden! fra mit sind (Timm)
Hark! the voice of love and mercy - Finished Redemption (Evans)
Jeg finder intet sted på jord (Timm)
In Gottes Reich ... (Stübner)
Hvo er fri på denne jord (Timm)
Hjerte, sig hvi kan du klage (Timm)
Behold me here, in grief draw near - Let me find Thee! (Neander/Findlater)
Sieh, hier bin ich, Ehrenkönig (Neander)
Ønske på ønske i hjertet opstiger (Timm)
Af alt, hvad her i livet (Timm)
I would not live alway – live alway below! (Muhlenberg)
Der Vater sieht's: Kind, lass es sein! (Pfeil)
Sig, hvo er dog den Hyrde god (Timm)
Jesus, Lord of life eternal (Joseph of the Studium/Neale)
Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen! (Neumeister)
Lad andre mættes ved den lyst (Timm)
Lo! my choice is now decided - The good choice (Tersteegen/Cox)
Nun, so will ich denn mein Leben - Die gute Wahl (Tersteegen)
Det er så yndigt at følges ad (Grundtvig)
Nu hjertelig mig længes (Grundtvig)
O Christ, our true and only Light - The Light of the World (Heermann/Winkworth)
O Jesus Christus, wahres Licht! (Heermann)
Kender du den livsens kilde? (Timm)
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December / Dezember 2019
Til ende året haster - Prøvelse ved årets udgang (Lund)
Hvo vil med til himmerige (Brorson)
Wer sind die vor Gottes Throne? (Schenk)
Tremble not, though darkly gather - Discipline (Borthwick)
Ét er nødigt, dette ene (Schröder/Brorson)
Eins ist not! ach Herr, dies Eine (Schröder)
This night a wondrous revelation (Nachtenhöfer/Hoppe)
Dies ist die Nacht, da mir erschienen (Nachtenhöfer)
Hyggelig, rolig (Grundtvig)
Halleluja! schöner Morgen! (Jonathan Krause)
Du, som går ud fra den levende Gud (Grundtvig)
Praise the Lord, ye heavens above! - The Epiphany (Monsell)
Han, som har hjulpet hidindtil (Grundtvig)
What various hindrances we meet - Exhortation to Prayer (Cowper)
Dejlig er jorden (Ingemann)
What thousands never knew the road! - The Narrow Way (Cowper)
Glory be to God on high! - Christmas (Monsell)
Ak! vidste du, som går i syndens lænke (Brorson)
Walte, walte nah und fern (Bahnmaier)
Guds igenfødte, nye, levende sjæle! (Brorson)
Wie Gott will! also will ich sagen (Neumeister)
Jeg ser dig, søde Lam, at stå (Brorson)
Blessed morning! all the year - The Light of Life (Monsell)
Den store hvide flok vi se (Brorson)
There are ten at the feet of the Saviour - Ingratitude (Monsell)
Dejligste blandt kvinder! (Brorson)
Peaceful lay the doomèd city - Precious Tears (Monsell)
Mit hjerte altid vanker (Brorson)
Would I lead another right? - The Silent Teacher (Monsell)
Stille er min sjæl til Gud (Brorson)
How the spirit oft is moved - Joy in Heaven (Monsell)
Den ypperligste vej (Brorson)
And art thou ready, Saviour dear! - Unreadiness (Monsell)
Jeg går i fare, hvor jeg går (Brorson)
All around the gracious seasons - The Dew of the Spirit (Monsell)
Her kommer dine arme små (Brorson)
The Lord, who sits enthroned in light - Fastings with Christ (Monsell)
I journey forth rejoicing - The Long Goodnight (Sturm, Leonhard/Borthwick)
Ich fahr dahin mit Freuden (Sturm, Leonhard)
Hvad er det godt at lande (Brorson)
Jesus Christ! thou Son of David! - The Call of Christ (Monsell)
Lord, to thy will my anxious soul - The Follower (Monsell)
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November 2019
Sweet shades and fields that glow with summer flowers - The summer day (Bevan)
O that thy Name may be sounded - The joyful sound (Bevan)
Rise, daughter of Zion, thy mourning is o'er - Hymn for the Epiphany (Muhlenberg)
Du bist mein Herr, drum soll ich dir auch dienen - Ich bin der Herr dein Gott ... (Spitta)
Jesus, my loving Lord! I know - The Hidden Face (Monsell)
Send uns Hirten, Herr, die du gewählet - Bittet den Herrn der Ernte, dass er ... (Spitta)
I place an offering at thy shrine - The perfect sacrifice (Guyon/Cowper)
Herr, was kann von deiner Liebe scheiden - Die Liebe ist sein Panier über mir (Spitta)
Always in the Lord rejoice - Joy in the Lord (Monsell)
Jesus! geh voran (Zinzendorf)
From Bethlehem to Calvary - The Wedding Garment (Monsell)
Was Gott gefällt, mein frommes Kind (Gerhardt)
Why, my soul, so sad and fearful - Peace in Jesus (Monsell)
Allwissender, vollkommner Geist (Rambach)
Amen! Amen! lauter Amen (Schmolck)
Zaget nicht, wenn Dunkelheiten (Reche)
Long and earnestly she pleaded - Help in Hindrances (Monsell)
Gott ist getreu! Sein Herz, sein Vaterherz (Liebich)
Thy rebuke my heart hath broken! - The Broken Heart (Monsell)
Alles lebt und schwebt im Preise! (Schöner)
O Jesus! sieh darein (Dippel)
Du bist so gut, du bist so nahe! (Döring)
Ich halte Gott in allem stille (Crantz)
Zuletzt geht's wohl dem, der gerecht auf Erden (Bernstein)
Lord, exceeding sorrowful - Thy will be done (Monsell)
Du sollst glauben, und du Armer (Reiber)
Ich weiß von keinem andern Grunde (Bogatzky)
Wie wohl ist mir, o Freund der Seele! (Deßler)
So führst du doch recht selig, Herr! die Deinen (Arnold)
Christ is risen! Alleluia! - Easter (Monsell)
Hours, and days, and months, and years - The Circumcision of Christ (Monsell)
Auf! hinauf zu deiner Freude (Schade)
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October / Oktober 2019
Höre meinen Glauben (Woltersdorf)
I sleep, my heart awaketh - Christ's Beauty (Monsell)
Gift of the Father's living love! - Whit Sunday (Monsell)
Himmelan, nur himmelan! (Schöner)
Resting on thy footstool, Lord! - The Throne and Footstool (Monsell)
Tree of Life! that, in the desert - Remember me (Monsell)
So early in the morning - Early Calling (Monsell)
Ein reines Herz, Herr, schaff in mir (Neuß)
Lord, if thou wilt - Sickness (Monsell)
Jesus, hilf siegen, du Fürste des Lebens (Schröder)
Soon and for ever - The Dying Christian (Monsell)
Lord, my portion thou shalt be - The Unchangeable (Monsell)
Rich and poor, and high and low - The Poor (Monsell)
Herr, unser Gott, dich loben wir! (Unbekannt)
O Saviour! thou this day didst make - The Incarnation (Monsell)
I knew thee in the land of drought - Song of Love (Monsell)
Har jeg kun fred udi samvittigheden - En god samvittigheds lykke (Gellert/Heilmann)
Besitz ich nur ein ruhiges Gewissen! - Das Glück eines guten Gewissens (Gellert)
Lord, to thy holy Temple - Second Advent (Monsell)
Other Name than my dear Lord's - His Name (Monsell)
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September 2019
O, would that I were fairer, Lord! - Song of Love (Monsell)
Ermuntert die Herzen, erweckt die Gemüter (Allendorf)
Brightly hopeful for the future - The Days of my Life (Monsell)
Ich weiß von keinen Plagen (Woltersdorf)
Sohn des Vaters, Herr der Ehren (Knapp)
To thee, O dear dear Saviour! - Song of Love (Monsell)
In aller Welt (Mess)
If thy Presence go not with me - Removal (Monsell)
Trockne gern die Kummertränen (Reche)
Du Ursprung aller Güte (Rambach)
In the Lord put I my trust - Trust (Monsell)
Jesus, der du bist alleine (Tersteegen)
Kommt ihr traurigen Gemüter (Gerhardt)
Pity on us, Heavenly Father - Litany Hymn (Monsell)
Ein Christ braucht keinen Schatz auf Erden (Hahn)
The world is bright, but I am sad - Sorrow with Christ (Monsell)
Nur frisch hinein (Kongehl)
Though thou slay me, I will trust - Faith (Monsell)
O Liebesglut, die Erd und Himmel paaret (Lampe)
Sweet is thy mercy, Lord! - Mercy Sweet (Monsell)
Ein Christ kann ohne Kreuz nicht sein (Schmolck)
My sins have taken such an hold on me - Repentance (Monsell)
Weep no more, my soul! forgiven - The Return (Monsell)
Beschwertes Herz, leg ab die Sorgen (Sturm, Christoph)
Der Weisheit Pfad (Unbekannt)
My froward heart, my wayward will - God's Gentleness (Monsell)
In Jesu Namen will alleine (Tersteegen)
Mein Weg kommt von der Wiege (Lange)
Geht, ihr Streiter! (Tersteegen)
In allen meinen Taten (Flemming)
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August 2019
Mein König weiß wohl zu regieren (Unbekannt)
Weg Lust, an Not und Unlust reich! (Rube)
Herr, der du als ein stilles Lamm (J.A.Schlegel)
Hört das Wort voll Ernst und Liebe (Garve)
Seele, was ermüdst du dich? (Wolf)
Holy Spirit! long expected - Whit Sunday. (Monsell)
Wenn auch vor deiner Tür einmal (Hey)
O Fels des Heils, o Gotteslamm (Lampe)
Welch ein Himmel, welche Klarheit (Wessenberg)
Sing, O Heavens! O Earth, rejoice! - Ascension Day (Monsell)
Dies ist der Tag, da Gottes Sohn (Rist)
The night is dark and sad - Watch Song (Monsell)
Heilig, heilig soll uns bleiben (Rothe)
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! - Adoration (Monsell)
My God how great thy goodness - Song of Praise (Monsell)
O Tag, der uns des Vaters Rat (J.A.Schlegel)
Shadow of a mighty Rock! - The Shadow (Monsell)
Let us low in rev'rence wait - Song of Praise (Monsell)
Neue Liebe, neue Blicke (Lampe)
My head is low, my heart is sad - Penitence (Monsell)
I have no comfort but thy love - The Comfort of Love (Monsell)
Fight the good fight - The Good Fight (Monsell)
Lord, to whom except to thee - Divine Food (Monsell)
I sought thee when my heart was low - Joy Restored (Monsell)
O werter Geist im höchsten Throne (Spreng)
Love, in all its depth and height - Song of Love (Monsell)
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July / Juli 2019
Singen will ich von dem Wehen (Engstfeld)
My sins, my sins, my Saviour! - Penitence (Monsell)
Thank God that towards eternity - The New Year (Francke/Winkworth)
Gottlob! ein Schritt zur Ewigkeit (Francke)
Geist Gottes, unerschaffner Geist (Garve)
Low at thy feet I lie - I am thine (Monsell)
Schwebend über Raum und Zeit (Engstfeld)
Ja lauter Gnadenwunder sind die Deinen (Unbekannt)
Praise the Lord! rejoice, ye Gentiles - Song of Praise (Monsell)
Immer noch strahlst du, erleuchtende Liebe, durch Nächte (Döring)
Sei Gott getreu, halt seinen Bund (Michael Franck)
O'er the distant mountains breaking - Christ's Coming (Monsell)
O Durchbrecher aller Bande! (Arnold)
Dir will ich folgen ohne Grämen (Meyer)
Trim the lamp, its light is fading - Evening (Monsell)
O Herr, mein Heil, wie preis ich dich (Silberrad)
I think of thee, my God, by night - Evening (Monsell)
Wer sich dünken lässt zu stehen (Unbekannt)
Ach, Vater, zieh mich zu dem Sohne (Unbekannt)
Awake, my glory! harp and lute! - Morning (Monsell)
O Mensch, der Himmel ist zu fern (Unbekannt)
Menschenfreund, nach deinem Bilde (Niemeyer)
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June / Juni 2019
Sing to the Lord a joyful song - Morning (Monsell)
Schwing dich auf, betrübte Seele! (Ruopp)
Gott, du Brunnquell aller Dinge! (Georgii)
The Good old Times! how glorious! - Advent (Monsell)
Gott rufet noch: sollt ich nicht endlich hören? (Tersteegen)
Ach, präge deinen Tod in mich (Bengel)
O Vater der Barmherzigkeit (Denicke)
Der Vater kennt dich. Kenn auch ihn (Freudentheil)
Let others in their wealth delight - Joy in the Lord (Monsell)
Du, der kein Böses tut (Diterich)
Jerusalem, the holy! - The Lamb's Bride (Monsell)
Gott lebt! wie kann ich traurig sein? (Schmolck)
Let all the creation - Song of Praise (Monsell)
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May / Mai 2019
Hoch über Erd und Welt und Zeit (Oswald)
O, der Alles hätt verloren (Arnold)
I hunger and I thirst - Holy Communion (Monsell)
Du Glanz vom ewgen Lichte (Hiller)
Mein ganzer Sinn (Tersteegen)
In thee our God will we rejoice - Dearth (Monsell)
Mercy, mercy, God the Father! - Saviour God, deliver me! (Monsell)
Ja fürwahr, uns führt mit sanfter Hand - Der treue Hirte (Krummacher)
Labouring and heavy-laden - Christ our Life (Monsell)
Ich halte meinem Jesus still (Pfeil)
I'm weary of myself - Love's Revival (Monsell)
Getrost! mein Leiden hat ein Ziel (Unbekannt)
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April 2019
Come and deck the grave with flowers - Easter-Even (Monsell)
Treuer Hirte deiner Herde (Gersdorff)
On our way rejoicing - Song of Joy (Monsell)
Gott ist mein Licht! verzage nicht, mein Herz! (Hengstenberg)
Mein Gott, wie bist du so verborgen! (Salomon Franck)
Wohl dem Menschen, der nicht wandelt - Der erste Psalm Davids (Gerhardt)
Ich bin Gottes Bild und Ehr (Unbekannt)
O Rock of Ages, since on thee - The Rock of Ages (Palmer)
Auf den Nebel folgt die Sonn (Gerhardt)
O Bread to pilgrims given - Sacramental Hymn (Palmer)
Gib dich zufrieden und sei stille (Gerhardt)
Oh, blessed Lord, I fain would be resigned - Resignation under Bereavement (Deck)
Was willst du dich betrüben (Heermann)
Die sich auf den Herrn verlassen (Lehmus)
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March / März 2019
Auf Leiden folgt die Herrlichkeit (Lackmann)
Dich will ich lieben, immer lieben (Rüegg)
Mein Gott! ich klopf an deine Pforte (Schmolck)
Nicht eine Welt, die in ihr Nichts vergeht (Huber)
Gott! deine Güte reicht so weit (Gellert)
Fasst die Seelen in Geduld (Hiller)
Hüter! wird die Nacht der Sünden (Richter)
Was soll ich ängstlich klagen (Sturm, Christoph)
Ich weiß, es kann mir nichts geschehen (Salomon Franck)
Ich hab in Gottes Herz und Sinn (Gerhardt)
Nun habe Dank für deine Liebe (Lavater)
Mach's, lieber Gott! wie dir's gefällt (Neumeister)
Hoffe, Herz, nur mit Geduld! (Mahlmann)
Jesus ist mein Leben (Unbekannt)
Meine Sorgen, Angst und Plagen (Unbekannt)
Wie lieblich ist dein Tempel, Herr (Unbekannt)
Getrost, mein Herz, und zage nicht (Unbekannt)
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February / Februar 2019
Heiliges, gerechtes Wesen (Unbekannt)
Gott ist und bleibt getreu! (Unbekannt)
Du verheißest langes Leben (Unbekannt)
Du Abglanz von des Vaters Ehr (Ambrosius/Lange)
Such, wer da will, ein ander Ziel (Weissel)
Wenn der Herr einst die Gefangnen (Zeller)
Morgen soll es besser werden! (Unbekannt)
Der Herr, er ist das Licht und Heil (Unbekannt)
Seele, willst du dich noch kränken? (Schmolck)
Des Ewgen Saatgefilde (Döring)
Der Pilger aus der Ferne (Barth)
Herr Jesus, Gnadensonne (Gotter)
Womit soll ich dich wohl loben? (Gotter)
Sollt ich meinem Gott nicht trauen (Olearius)
Das walte Gott, der helfen kann (Betichius)
Zu dir will ich mich froh erheben (Engstfeld)
Herr, immer wieder dank ich dir - Du bist Wunderbar! (Rüegg)
Seele, willst du selig ruhn? (Döring)
O Morgenlicht, du Pfand von Oben (Franz)
Mein Gebet steigt täglich zu dir auf (Münter)
Das äußre Sonnenlicht ist da (Tersteegen)
Nun sei getrost und unbetrübt (Gerhardt)
Erheb, o meine Seele, dich (Lackmann)
Lasst uns den Herren preisen (Angelus Silesius)
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January / Januar 2019
Auf, dankt dem Herrn zu aller Zeit! (Herman)
Hinweg ihr Tränen! Ewge Liebe waltet (Franz)
Gott lebet noch! (Zihn)
Sie jauchzet doch mit Freuden (Woltersdorf)
Komm, beuge dich, mein Herz und Sinn (Arnold)
Wohl mir! Jesu Christi Wunden (Woltersdorf)
O Gottes Lamm! mein Element (Woltersdorf)
Hier legt mein Sinn sich vor dir nieder (Richter)
Unter alles mich zu fügen (Lavater)
Es hilft uns nicht, mit hohen Gaben (Arnold)
Komm, o komm, du Geist des Lebens (Neander)
Eins nur wollen, Eins nur wissen (Hahn)
Sollt er was sagen und nicht halten? (Job)
Mein Gott, das Herz ich bringe dir (Schade)
Wo soll ich hin, wer hilfet mir? (Neander)
Ich suche dich von ganzem Herzen (Franz)
Ich kehre wieder (Lange)
Stark ist meines Jesu Hand (Garve)
Synes det i kors og pine (Tietze/Brorson)
Seems it in my anguish lone - The Sufficiency of God (Tietze/Winkworth)
Sollt es gleich bisweilen scheinen (Tietze)
Der Glaube fehlt, und darum fehlen (Schöner)
Der Glaube bricht durch Stahl und Stein (Zinzendorf)
Die Hoffnung, die auf jenes Ziel (Heinrich Ernst)
Ich glaube, Herr, hilf meinem Glauben! (Annoni)
O großer Geist, des Wesen alles füllet (Rambach)
Hinab geht Christi Weg (Ingolstetter)
Was wär ich ohne dich gewesen? (Novalis)
Herzens-Einfalt, Gnadensiegel! (Spangenberg)
O my soul, why dost thou grieve - Christian Contentment (Gerhardt/John Kelly)
Nicht so traurig, nicht so sehr (Gerhardt)
Listen to the wondrous story (Tupper)
Ich will nicht alle Morgen (Hosch)
Wie getrost und heiter (C. F. Neander)
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December / Dezember 2018
Der schmale Weg ist breit genug zum Leben (Richter)
Messiah, at thy glad approach (Bruce)
O reinster Jesus, der du mich (Angelus Silesius)
Mein Vater ist der große Herr der Welt (Lange)
Alles ist euer! o Worte des ewigen Lebens! (Schubart)
Mein Trost, damit ich Nacht und Tag (Francke)
O wie selig seid ihr doch, ihr Frommen (Woltersdorf)
The wondering sages trace from far - Epiphany Hymn (Ernst Lange/Cox)
Im Abend blinkt der Morgenstern - Epiphaniaslied (Ernst Lange)
O was für ein herrlich Wesen (Wolf)
Da man der gebeugten und betrübten - Weine nicht (Spitta)
Still, mein Herz, vertrau auf ihn - Still! (Rüegg)
Gott ist mein Hirt! (Nach Psalm 23)
Sons of men, behold from far! (Charles Wesley)
Hark, how all the welkin rings! (Charles Wesley)
Mut, Mut, o Herz! Steig aus der Schwermut Gründen (Franz)
Hark! what mean those holy voices (Cawood)
O wie sehnt ich mich vor alters - Einst und jetzt (Spitta)
Region of life and light! - The Life of the Blessed (Ponce de León/Bryant)
Treuer Meister, deine Worte (Angelus Silesius)
We speak of the realms of the blessed (Elizabeth Mills)
Schweiget, bange Zweifel, schweiget! (J.A.Schlegel)
Nun jauchzet all ihr Frommen (Schirmer)
Mein Jesus lebt! was soll ich sterben? (Schmolck)
O Liebesglut, wie sollt ich dich (Lampe)
Wie ist mir doch so wohl - Aus Jesaja 9,6 (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Großer Gott, in dem ich schwebe (Tersteegen)
Woher, woher, mein Schöpfer doch (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
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November 2018
Wie bist du mir so innig gut! (Tersteegen)
O Jesus Christ! du höchstes Gut (Ringwaldt)
Macht unserm König ebne Bahn! (Barth)
Bist du, Jesus, denn auch mein? (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Nun Hosianna, Davids Sohn - Bewillkommnung des Heilandes (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Alleine zu leben - Von dem einigen Vergnügen an Jesus (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Jesus, Jesus, nichts als Jesus - Ergebung in Gottes Willen (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Es ist der Herr, er tu, was ihm gefällt - Klage und Gebet vom bösen und guten Willen (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Jesus sei ein Jesus mir - Herzenswunsch zu Jesus (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
"The everlasting hills!" how calm they rise - Mouintains (Heusser/Borthwick)
Wie stehn sie da, der ewgen Allmacht Zeugen - Die Berge (Heusser)
Getrost, mein Herz! Es lebt dein Gott dir ja (Heusser)
"A little while!" so spake our gracious Lord (Heusser/Borthwick)
"Über ein Kleines," so sprach er in nächtlicher Stunde (Heusser)
Nun ist es Alles wohl gemacht (Laurentii)
Thou hast borne our sins and sorrows - Pilgrim prayers (Heusser/Borthwick)
Der du trugst die Schmerzen aller - Bitten (Heusser)
Zeuch uns nach dir (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Break not this heart, my children - Parting from two young friends (Heusser/Borthwick)
O brecht mir nicht das Herz, ihr Kinder! - Einem Paar junger Freundinnen zum Abschied (Heusser)
"In der Nacht, da er verraten ward" - 1. Korinther 11, 23-27 (Heusser)
Der Herr ist gut! (Heusser)
Stars of the silent night - Under the stars (Heusser/Borthwick)
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October / Oktober 2018
Dort zieht ihr goldnen Sterne - Nach einem Gespräch unterm Sternenhimmel (Heusser)
Darkness reigns, – the hum of life's commotion - At midnight (Heusser/Borthwick)
Dunkel ist's! Des Lebens laute Töne - Um Mitternacht (Heusser)
Lamb, the once crucified! Lion, by triumph surrounded! (Heusser/Porter)
Voices of Spring, with what gladness I hear you again! - Spring (Heusser/Borthwick)
Hör ich euch wieder, ihr Töne des Frühlings, erklingen - Loblied (Heusser)
Liegt einst es hinter mir, das Kampfgefilde - Eher nicht (Heusser)
Give thanks for all things, children of our God! - In everything give thanks (Heusser/Borthwick)
Danket um alles, ihr Kinder der göttlichen Liebe! (Heusser)
Ich weiß, was mich erfreuet - Ich glaube an die Vergebung der Sünden ... (Heusser)
O sweet home-echo on the pilgrim's way! - For ever with the Lord! (Heusser/Borthwick)
Wir werden bei dem Herrn sein allezeit! (Heusser)
Wo ist eine Stätte der Ruhe gebaut? - An Mariens Grabe (Heusser)
Dort in Galiläas Hütte - Verborgenes Leben (Heusser)
O Christ, my Life, my Saviour - Hymn (Heusser/Borthwick)
O Jesus Christ, mein Leben (Heusser)
A few more conflicts, toils, and tears - Pilgrim Song (Heusser/Borthwick)
Noch ein wenig Schweiß und Tränen - Pilgergesang (Heusser)
Seele, geh nach Golgatha (Schmolck)
Low at thy feet my spirit lies - "Out of the depths" (Heusser/Borthwick)
Peace, be still - Be still! (Heusser/Borthwick)
Die Sonne stand verfinstert (Münter)
I must go hence, – here there is nought abiding - Theodora (Heusser/Borthwick)
Ich gehe fort, – hier hab ich keine Stätte - Theodora (Heusser)
Frühlingslüfte wehen - Frühlingsgruß (Heusser)
Dear to thee, O Lord, and precious - Precious in the sight of the Lord ... (Heusser/Borthwick)
Teuer ist der Tod der Deinen - Einer verborgenen Perle (Heusser)
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September 2018
Aufwärts schaut sie, – in verklärten Mienen - Zum Bilde einer Magdalena (Heusser)
Eilt, ihr Stunden! (Heusser)
Bleibe bei mir, guter Hirt! - Am späten Abend (Heusser)
Bei dir ist Treu und Glauben (Heusser)
Zu deinen Füßen lass mich liegen! (Heusser)
Freuden? Freuden bieten sie mir an? (Heusser)
Es liegt die Macht in meinen Händen - Missionsgesang (Heusser)
Unter Myrrhen bittrer Leiden (Heusser)
Der Herr ist unsre Stärke (Heusser)
I came and saw, and hoped to conquer - The Good Fight (Bonar)
Sinner, wilt thou still go on? (Kelly)
Ho, ye thirsty! here's a spring (Kelly)
What love is this the Father shows (Kelly)
I need not blush to own that he (Kelly)
Why sleeps the harp of Judah now? (Kelly)
'Tis good, 'tis sweet, 'tis passing sweet (Kelly)
The promise, Lord, that thou hast given (Kelly)
Saviour, send a blessing to us (Kelly)
Our souls, they cleave unto the dust (Kelly)
Thy precious gift, O Lord, impart (Kelly)
"The Spirit of the Truth" is he (Kelly)
Send thy Spirit, Lord, from heaven (Kelly)
Now may the Spirit's power be felt (Kelly)
Lord, let the people of thy love (Kelly)
Deal gently with thy servant, Lord (Kelly)
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August 2018
Base among the base (Kelly)
Glory be to him who saved us (Kelly)
Sing, sing his lofty praise (Kelly)
Now raise a solemn, cheerful strain (Kelly)
To Israel's God let praise be given (Kelly)
Endless praises (Kelly)
Praise the God of our salvation (Kelly)
Sing the Saviour's praises (Kelly)
Exalt the name of him who bore (Kelly)
To him alone, whose name is love (Kelly)
He whom all the prophets told of (Kelly)
To him that sits upon the throne (Kelly)
To God, my Saviour, praise is due (Kelly)
Angels heard with admiration (Kelly)
Beloved associates in the strife (Kelly)
Glory to God on high! (Kelly)
Joyful let us raise our voices (Kelly)
Had David done as Saul advised (Kelly)
Many foes our march opposing (Kelly)
Hark, 'tis a martial sound! (Kelly)
He who saved us when assaulted (Kelly)
Blessed fountain, full of grace! (Kelly)
Christians an arduous fight maintain (Kelly)
O Israel to thy tents repair (Kelly)
Arise, ye saints, arise (Kelly)
Yes, "the battle is the Lord's" (Kelly)
Courage, ye who fighting are (Kelly)
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July / Juli 2018
'Tis to thee we owe allegiance (Kelly)
Jesus, we hail thee Israel's King (Kelly)
Spared a little longer (Kelly)
The Saviour leads his people on (Kelly)
Shepherd of the chosen number (Kelly)
There is a family on earth (Kelly)
We'll sing of the Shepherd that died (Kelly)
While I wandered, Jesus sought me (Kelly)
This is, of a truth, the Prophet (Kelly)
Jesus is the Lord my Shepherd (Kelly)
Jesus, the Shepherd of the sheep (Kelly)
Come, O Lord, the heavens rending (Kelly)
Lord, we plead thy promise given (Kelly)
Ach, Jesus! gib mir sanften Mut (Maukisch)
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June / Juni 2018
Eternal honour be to him (Kelly)
Über den Sternen, da wird es klar (Franz)
Hope is the anchor of the soul (Kelly)
Det er den dag, som Gud har skabt - Jule-Sang (Gellert/Heilmann)
Dies ist der Tag, den Gott gemacht - Weihnachtslied (Gellert)
We're bound for yonder land (Kelly)
Priser genløste vor Gud! vor frelsning han fuldendte! - På Kristi himmelfart (Gellert/Heilmann)
Jauchzt, ihr Erlösten dem Herrn; Er hat sein Werk vollendet - Auf die Himmelfahrt des Erlösers (Gellert)
Hvo siger: se! jeg elsker Gud - Kærlighed til næsten (Gellert/Heilmann)
So jemand spricht: ich liebe Gott! - Die Liebe des Nächsten (Gellert)
To thee we come, our God, to thee (Kelly)
Tit klager du, hvor tungt det er - Dydens kamp (Gellert/Heilmann)
Oft klagt dein Herz, wie schwer es sei - Der Kampf der Tugend (Gellert)
Din salighed ej at forspilde - Bønnen (Gellert/Heilmann)
Dein Heil, o Christ, nicht zu verscherzen - Das Gebet (Gellert)
Once to other lords we bowed (Kelly)
Den dag er og forbi, og denne del af livet - Aften-prøvelse (Gellert/Heilmann)
Der Tag ist wieder hin, und diesen Teil des Lebens - Prüfung am Abend (Gellert)
O tanke! som oplive må - Genløsningens trøst (Gellert/Heilmann)
Gedanke, der uns Leben gibt - Trost der Erlösung (Gellert)
Dig takker jeg i dag for livet - På fødselsdagen (Gellert/Heilmann)
Dir dank ich heute für mein Leben - Lied am Geburtstage (Gellert)
Holy Slumberer, rest in peace! - Easter Eve (Elliott)
Hastig min livs tid forgår - Om døden (Gellert/Heilmann)
Meine Lebenszeit verstreicht - Vom Tode (Gellert)
Oh, what a tranquil, hallowed sleep - Hallowed sleep (Elliott)
Fra livets korte prøvedage - Det evige livs trøst (Gellert/Heilmann)
Nach einer Prüfung kurzer Tage - Trost des ewigen Lebens (Gellert)
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May / Mai 2018
What is our sweetest joy? - To a Fellow Traveller (Elliott)
Hvor trygt er mennesket, det støv! - Døds tanker (Gellert/Heilmann)
Wie sicher lebt der Mensch, der Staub! - Betrachtung des Todes (Gellert)
Lord of the mountains, and the hills! - A Hymn of Praise (Elliott)
O Gud, min Gud! ved hvem jeg er i live - Hengivenhed i Guds vilje (Gellert/Heilmann)
O Herr, mein Gott! durch den ich bin und lebe - Um Ergebung in den göttlichen Willen (Gellert)
Er Kristus kirkens Frelsermand - Kirkens beskærmelse (Gellert/Heilmann)
Wenn Christus seine Kirche schützt - Der Schutz der Kirche (Gellert)
O thou, the hope, the strength of Israel - The Secure Refuge (Elliott)
Den, som ej holder Herrens ord - Den virkende tro (Gellert/Heilmann)
Wer Gottes Wort nicht hält, und spricht - Der tätige Glaube (Gellert)
Din godhed ej nok prises kan - Aften-Sang (Gellert/Heilmann)
Für alle Güte sei gepreist - Abendlied (Gellert)
Hvor stor er dog Guds godheds ære! - Guds godhed (Gellert/Heilmann)
How great Jehovah's love, how tender! - Gratitude (Gellert/Mills)
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April 2018
Wie groß ist des Allmächtgen Güte! - Die Güte Gottes (Gellert)
O Gud! du som mig livet - Aften-Sang (Gellert/Heilmann)
Herr, der du mir das Leben - Abendlied (Gellert)
Skal din fordærvet sjæl til hellig dyd forfremmes - Opmuntring at læse Skriften (Gellert/Heilmann)
Soll dein verderbtes Herz zur Heiligung genesen - Ermunterung die Schrift zu lesen (Gellert)
Så håber jeg med stadigt mod - Forsikring om Guds nåde (Gellert/Heilmann)
Firm is my hope of future good - Assurance of Hope (Gellert/Mills)
So hoff ich denn mit festem Mut - Versicherung der Gnade Gottes (Gellert)
Du klager, – du som her i live - Nøjsomhed (Gellert/Heilmann)
Du klagst, und fühlest die Beschwerden - Zufriedenheit mit seinem Zustande (Gellert)
På Gud och ej på eget råd (Gellert/Wallin)
På Gud og ej på min forstand - Tillid til Guds forsyn (Gellert/Heilmann)
Rule thou my portion, Lord; my skill - Trust in God (Gellert/Mills)
Auf Gott, und nicht auf meinen Rat - Vertrauen auf Gottes Vorsehung (Gellert)
Jeg livets gode dage - I sygdom (Gellert/Heilmann)
Ich hab in guten Stunden - In Krankheit (Gellert)
Et sind, o Gud! i kors og modgang villig - Tålmodighed (Gellert/Heilmann)
Ein Herz, o Gott! in Leid und Kreuz geduldig - Geduld (Gellert)
Min første følelse og pligt - Morgen-Sang (Gellert/Heilmann)
Mein erst Gefühl sei Preis und Dank - Morgengesang (Gellert)
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March / März 2018
Selbst in tiefsten Schmerzensstunden - Denn DU bist bei mir (Rüegg)
Gud er min trøst - Om Guds Ord (Gellert/Heilmann)
I trust the Lord - The Word of God (Gellert/Mills)
Gott ist mein Hort! - Vom Worte Gottes (Gellert)
Triumph! Triumph! es kommt mit Pracht (Rist)
Again the Lord of life and light (Barbauld)
Morning breaks upon the tomb (Collyer)
Wort des höchsten Mundes (Hecker)
Mein Fels hat überwunden (Lampe)
Wohl dem, der Jesus liebet (Anna Sophia)
True mirror of the Godhead! Perfect Light! - An Evening Hymn (Franck/Winkworth)
Dreieinigkeit, der Gottheit heller Spiegel (Franck)
Der Herr, in dessen Güte (Garve)
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February / Februar 2018
Ewig, ewig bin ich dein (Cramer)
Herr, wir legen alle Sorgen - Frieden im Herrn (Spitta)
O liebster Herr! ich armes Kind (Tersteegen)
Man muss doch immer loben - Freuet euch, ihr Gerechten! (Spitta)
Stärke mich, o Herr, im Gnadenbunde - Ich habe Lust an der Liebe und nicht am Opfer (Spitta)
Begnadigt sind wir Sünder (Wolf)
Aus Gnaden, aus Gnaden soll ich selig werden (Scheidt)
Erhöhter Siegesfürst und Held (Götz)
Dem Herrn sei Ehre, Preis und Dank (Hülsemann)
Gud er min sang - Guds magt og forsyn (Gellert/Heilmann)
Of God I sing - Praise to God (Gellert/Mills)
Gott ist mein Lied! - Gottes Macht und Vorsehung (Gellert)
Wird mir das Angedenken (Hiller)
Ach, dass ich in mir selbst muss stehen (Tersteegen)
Wenn der Herr, der aus dem Grab erwachte (Garve)
For dig, o Gud! for dig jeg haver syndet - Pønitense-Sang (Gellert/Heilmann)
Against thee only have I sinned, I own it (Gellert/Winkworth)
An dir allein, an dir hab ich gesündigt (Gellert)
Jesus lever, og jeg med - Påske-Sang (Gellert/Heilmann)
Jesus lives! no longer now - Easter hymn (Gellert/Cox)
Jesus lebt! mit ihm auch ich (Gellert)
Tief zur Rechten und zur Linken - Calanda-Schau (Heusser)
Nicht nach Kronen schaut mein mattes Auge - Letzter Wunsch (Heusser)
Preis dem Todesüberwinder (Klopstock)
O herrlicher Tag, o fröhliche Zeit (Günther)
Mein Jesus lebt! Es wich die dunkle Nacht (Unbekannt)
Up! up! my heart with gladness (Gerhardt/John Kelly)
Auf, auf, mein Herz, mit Freuden (Gerhardt)
Willkommen, lieber, lieber Tag! - Osterliedchen (Heusser)
Rejoice, all ye believers (Laurentii/Borthwick) (r)
Ermuntert euch, ihr Frommen! (Laurentii) (r)
Er ist erstanden, der sein Blut vergossen (Lehmus)
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January / Januar 2018
Welcome thou victor in the strife - Monday in Easter Week (Schmolck/Winkworth)
Willkommen, Held im Streite (Schmolck)
Immortal love, for ever full - Our Master (Whittier)
Wach auf, mein Herz, die Nacht ist hin (Laurentii)
Schweige still - Sei still! (Heusser)
Wo sind des Tales weite Fluren? - Nebel im Tale (Heusser)
So ist auch diese Last getragen - Am Schlusse einer schweren Zeit (Heusser)
Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face - This do in Remembrance of Me (Bonar)
I lay up treasure in the heavens - The Eternal Work (Bonar)
O fröhliche Stunden (Rist)
Nun danket Gott, ihr Wesen all (Angelus Silesius)
The crowd sweeps onward still - The Year's Last Moment (Bonar)
I go to life, and not to death - I go to Life (Bonar)
Süß klingt der edle Freudenschall (Knapp)
Betænk, min ånd, den høje sag - Påskesang (Gellert/Heilmann)
Erinn're dich, mein Geist! erfreut (Gellert)
On both sides is my anchor firmly cast - Faith and Hope (Bonar)
City of celestial health - The City of the Forgiven (Bonar)
I was in love with hill and vale - The Fountainhead of Beauty (Bonar)
Out of darkness into light - The Light is Come (Bonar)
Triumph! Triumph! bringt Lob und Dank (Schiebeler)
At last! - At Last! (Bonar)
Only one cross! - One Faith and Hope (Bonar)
Lobsinge meine Seele (C. F. Neander)
Frühmorgens da die Sonn aufgeht (Heermann)
The old is better than the new - Truth's Ancestry (Bonar)
In vain, in vain with human love - The Fulness of the Unseen (Bonar)
Christ, Überwinder (Böhmische Brüder)
Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag (Herman)
Auferstanden, auferstanden (Lavater)
Days are dying; suns are setting - "He fleeth as a shadow" (Bonar)
Dir, dem weisesten Regierer (Lavater)
Wunderanfang! herrlichs Ende! (Stockfleth)
The love that passeth knowledge (Bonar)
Dir, Gott, dir will ich fröhlich singen (Liebich)
Rejoice and be glad! (Bonar)
'Tis only for a season - Only for a season (Bonar) (r)
Tritt hin, o Seel, und dank dem Herrn (Angelus Silesius)
In the day when silent sorrow - "God shall wipe away all tears" (Bonar) (r)
Mein Geist frohlocket und mein Sinn (Angelus Silesius)
In this the wondrous love of God - "Herein is love" (Bonar) (r)
Rest of all rests art thou - Our first and last (Bonar) (r)
Bearer of sin, he came to earth - "With his stripes we are healed" (Bonar) (r)
Under thy shadow (Bonar) (r)
Gott Vater, der du allen Dingen (Angelus Silesius)
Du unvergleichlich Gut, wer wollte dich nicht lieben? (Angelus Silesius)
I know thy poverty, but thou art rich - An aged pilgrim (Bonar) (r)
Geht hin, ihr gläubigen Gedanken (Hermann)
Meek and lowly let me be - Meek and lowly (Bonar) (r)
O love of God, how strong and true - The Love of God (Bonar) (r)
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December / Dezember 2017
De eeuw'ge Godsstad ligt daarboven - De Godsstad (Spitta/Riemens)
Vilken är den stora staden? - Guds stad (Spitta/Lundberg)
Herrens stad står mægtigt grundet - Herrens stad (Spitta/Reventlow)
By the holy hills surrounded - The city of God (Spitta/Massie)
Gottes Stadt steht fest gegründet - Gottes Stadt (Spitta)
Halleluja! lobsingt Halleluja! (Garve)
Ja auch ich bin arm und bloß (Neander)
Op, tillav dig! - Julesang (Gellert/Heilmann)
Come, tune your heart, to bear its part (Gellert/Cox)
Auf, schicke dich recht feierlich (Gellert)
Behold! behold! what wonder's here! (Gerhardt/John Kelly)
Schau! welch ein Wunder stellt sich dar! (Gerhardt)
O Liebe! die den Himmel hat zerrissen (Richter)
A great and mighty wonder (Anatolius/Neale) (r)
The angel has come down - The Foreglow (Bonar) (r)
Auf, Seele, auf und säume nicht (Michael Müller)
Rejoice, my soul, the Christ has come! - Christmas Cheer (Bonar) (r)
Gott mit uns! Mit uns auf Erden! - Gott mit uns! (Lange)
Triumph, Triumph dem Herrn! Er lebt, er lebet (Petersen)
Beherrscher aller Ding (Freylinghausen)
Segnen, Gott, ist deine Freude (Lavater)
Armes Zion, traure nimmer! - Hoffnungsblick (Heusser)
O Jesus Christ! dein Kripplein ist (Gerhardt)
Gottes und Mariens Sohn (Pfeiffer)
Laat mij toch, o Heer! gelovig bouwen - Vast in het geloof, rijk in de liefde (Spitta/Riemens)
Låt mig på den fasta grunden vila - Fast i tron, rik på kärlek (Spitta/Lundberg)
Lad mig på den grund med fasthed bygge - Fast i tro, rig på kærlighed (Spitta/Reventlow)
Let me build on this secure foundation - Strong in faith, rich in love (Spitta/Massie)
Lass mich fest stehn auf dem einen Grunde - Fest im Glauben, reich an Liebe (Spitta)
He called them, and they left - Follow Me (Bonar) (r)
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November 2017
It tarries long - Not in vain (Bonar) (r)
O Jesus, Freund der Seelen (Küster)
Ik en mijn huis, wij zijn bereid - Ik en mijn huis, wij willen den Here dienen (Spitta/Riemens)
Jag och mitt hus, vi vilja visst - Jag och mitt hus (Spitta/Lundberg)
Jeg med mit hus, jeg er bered - Jeg og mit hus vil tjene Herren (Spitta/Reventlow)
I and my house are ready, Lord - I and my house will serve the Lord (Spitta/Massie)
Ich und mein Haus, wir sind bereit - Ich und mein Haus, wir wollen dem Herrn dienen (Spitta)
De zonne keerde tot haar rust - Goeden nacht! (Spitta/Riemens)
Nu sjunker solen i det blå - God natt! (Spitta/Lundberg)
Fuldbragt har dagen nu sit løb - Til godnat (Spitta/Reventlow)
The shades of evening chase away - Good night (Spitta/Massie)
Vollendet hat der Tag die Bahn - Zur guten Nacht (Spitta)
God, die Vader zijt van allen - Een gebed voor de jeugd (Spitta/Riemens)
Herre, du, som utan like - För nattvardsungdom (Spitta/Lundberg)
O du Fader for os alle - For ungdommen (Spitta/Reventlow)
O thou Father of all living - Prayer for youth (Spitta/Massie)
O du Vater über alles - Für die Jugend (Spitta)
Wat ware vreugd, wat waar genoegen - 'S Werelds IJdelheid (Spitta/Riemens)
Vad är, min broder, världens lycka? - Världens fåfänglighet (Spitta/Lundberg)
Slet kan os verden kun betrygge - Verdens forfængelighed (Spitta/Reventlow)
Can then the world make no provision - The vanity of the world (Spitta/Massie)
Was hat die Welt für wahre Freude? - Die Eitelkeit der Welt (Spitta)
Wat beweegt mijn hart? - Voor het Avondmaal (Spitta/Riemens)
Är det längtan stor - Före den heliga nattvarden (Spitta/Lundberg)
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October / Oktober 2017
Huser nu mit bryst - Før den hellige nadver (Spitta/Reventlow)
What affects my heart? - Before the Holy Communion (Spitta/Massie)
Was bewegt mein Herz - Vor dem heiligen Abendmahle (Spitta)
Zijt gezegend, vredeboden - Een Zendings-lied (Spitta/ten Kate)
Rik välsignelse från Herran - Hednamissionärerna (Spitta/Lundberg)
Hilsen eder, I som kække - Sendebuddene til hedningerne (Spitta/Reventlow)
Blessed are ye, ye chosen bearers - The Missionaries (Spitta/Massie)
Hochgesegnet seid ihr Boten - Die Freudenboten (Spitta)
Ach, lass mich weise werden (Hiller)
'k Gevoel in 't hart het zoetst verblijden - Gij zult u verheugen met ene onuitsprekelijke vreugde (Spitta/Riemens)
Hur skall jag väl den känsla kalla - I skolen fröjda eder med outsäglig glädje (Spitta/Lundberg)
Den glæde lad mig dog bekende - I skulle fryde eder med en unævnelig glæde (Spitta/Reventlow)
O how shall I describe the pleasure - Ye shall rejoice with unspeakable joy (Spitta/Massie)
Wie soll ich doch die Wonne nennen - Ihr werdet euch freuen mit unaussprechlicher Freude (Spitta)
In d' eersten bloei der Christenheid - De gemeenschap in den Heer (Spitta/Riemens)
Det skrivet står, i forna dar - Samlingssång (Spitta/Lundberg)
Ét hjerte kun i brystet bar - Fællesskabet i Herren (Spitta/Reventlow)
With heart and soul in sweet accord - Fellowship in the Lord (Spitta/Massie)
Ein Herz und eine Seele war - Die Gemeinschaft in dem Herrn (Spitta)
Gott, wer dich kennet, liebet dich (Tersteegen)
Wij danken U, o trouwe Heer - Ik zal u geen wezen laten (Spitta/Riemens)
Vår blick, o Jesu, till dig går - Jag skall icke lämna eder faderlösa (Spitta/Lundberg)
Vi takke dig, vor Frelser kær - Jeg vil ej lade eder blive faderløse (Spitta/Reventlow)
We give thee thanks, O Saviour dear - I will not leave you comfortless (Spitta/Massie)
Wir danken, treuer Heiland dir - Ich will euch nicht Waisen lassen (Spitta)
Ja, wij zijn reeds in den hemel! - Onze wandel is in den hemel (Spitta/Riemens)
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September 2017
Vår umgängelse är icke - Vår umgängelse är i himmelen (Spitta/Lundberg)
Sjælens hjemstavn er i himlen - Vort borgerskab er i himlen (Spitta/Reventlow)
As a traveller, returning - Our conversation is in heaven (Spitta/Massie)
Unser Wandel ist im Himmel! (Spitta)
Exalt, exalt, the heavenly gates (Joseph the Hymnographer/Neale) (r)
Dear Lord! accept a sinful heart - Self-acquaintance (Cowper) (r)
Thy mansion is the Christian's heart - The House of Prayer (Cowper) (r)
Ich will dich lieben, meine Stärke (Angelus Silesius)
Sometimes a light surprises - Joy and Peace in Believing (Cowper) (r)
My former hopes are fled - The Shining Light (Cowper) (r)
Halleluja! jeg har min Jesus funden (Brorson)
Quelle der Vollkommenheiten (Münter)
O Lord, my best desire fulfil - Submission (Cowper) (r)
Lo! the storms of life are breaking (Alford) (r)
Richte nicht mit harter Strenge (Funk)
Carol, brothers, carol - A Christmas Carol (Muhlenberg) (r)
King of kings, and wilt thou deign - Thy Kingdom Come! (Muhlenberg) (r)
Aan God en aan Zijn gunst is 't al gelegen - De arbeid in den Here (Spitta/Molster/Riemens)
Gör du i Gud ditt verk, och du skall vinna - Arbetet i Herren (Spitta/Lundberg)
Hvad du i Herren gør, vil held dig bringe - Arbejdet i Herren (Spitta/Reventlow)
What in the Lord thou doest must succeed - Work in the Lord (Spitta/Massie)
Was in dem Herrn du tust, das wird gelingen - Die Arbeit in dem Herrn (Spitta)
The Lord of life is risen! (Lange/Harbaugh) (r)
Der Herr ist auferstanden! - Der Auferstandene (Lange) (r)
Min længsel, al min lyst er Gud - Kærlighed til Gud (Lund) (r)
Jesus! where'er thy people meet - On opening a place for Social Prayer (Cowper) (r)
The Lord receives his highest praise - A Living and a Dead Faith (Cowper) (r)
Klynke og klage (Grundtvig)
My soul is sad, and much dismayed - The Valley of the Shadow of Death (Cowper) (r)
The Saviour hides his face! - Mourning and Longing (Cowper) (r)
Of all the gifts thine hand bestows - Praise for Faith (Cowper) (r)
Geh und säe Tränensaat (Albertini)
Sin enslaved me many years - The Heart Healed and Changed by Mercy (Cowper) (r)
Waar is Goddelijk erbarmen - De volheid van Christus (Spitta/J. J. v. V.)
Vem är den sig så förbarmar - Kristi fullhet (Spitta/Lundberg)
Hvem vil kærligt sig forbarme - Kristi fylde (Spitta/Reventlow)
Where is mercy and compassion - The fulness of Christ (Spitta/Massie)
Wo ist göttliches Erbarmen - Die Fülle Christi (Spitta)
To Jesus, the Crown of my hope - Longing to be with Christ (Cowper) (r)
The billows swell, the winds are high - Temptation (Cowper) (r)
Ich singe dir mit Herz und Mund (Gerhardt)
Greife nicht mit kühner Rechten (Franz)
My song shall bless the Lord of all - Jehovah Jesus (Cowper) (r)
Ere God had built the mountains - Wisdom (Cowper) (r)
I will praise thee every day - O Lord, I will praise thee (Cowper) (r)
Warum sollt ich mich denn grämen? (Gerhardt)
Almighty King! whose wondrous hand - Grace and Providence (Cowper) (r)
Wien stromen langs de wegen - De tranen des Heren (Spitta/Molster/Riemens)
Från Oljeberget skallar - Herrens tårar (Spitta/Lundberg)
Fra Oliebjerget bølger - Herrens tårer (Spitta/Reventlow)
Where yonder mount, with olives clad - The tears of the Lord (Spitta/Massie)
Vom Ölberg wogt es nieder - Die Tränen des Herrn (Spitta)
Keer toch weder, keer toch weder! - Keer weder! (Spitta/Riemens)
Vänden åter! Vänden åter! - Vänden åter! (Spitta/Lundberg)
Vend dog om, o kom tilbage - Vend tilbage! (Spitta/Reventlow)
Turn, poor wanderer, ere the sentence - Turn again (Spitta/Massie)
Kehre wieder, kehre wieder - Kehre wieder! (Spitta)
Til himlene rækker din miskundhed, Gud! (Ingemann) (r)
A pilgrim through this lonely world - The Man of Sorrows (Denny) (r)
Stil en eenzaam was 't voordezen - Waak op, gij luit en harp! (Spitta/Riemens)
Låg ej vägen mörk och öde - Upp, psaltare och harpa! (Spitta/Lundberg)
Øde var og tyst og stille - Stem din harpe! (Spitta/Reventlow)
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August 2017
Lonely was the way and dreary - Up! psaltery and harp (Spitta/Massie)
Jüngst war's öde, niemals öder - Auf! Psalter und Harfe (Spitta)
Geleid door 's Heren trouwe hand - De gevonden schat (Spitta/Riemens)
Varann vi funno, du och jag - Ett gott fynd (Spitta/Lundberg)
Vi have, ført af Herrens hånd - Det gode fund (Spitta/Reventlow)
Led by a Father's gracious hand - The good treasure (Spitta/Massie)
Wir haben uns, durch Gottes Hand - Der gute Fund (Spitta)
På Jerusalem det ny (Grundtvig) (r)
Onberouwelijk - Onberouwelijk berouw (Spitta/Riemens)
Blott en sorg det finnes - Den sorg, som man icke ångrar (Spitta/Lundberg)
Ej skal mig fortryde - Angeren, som aldrig fortrydes (Spitta/Reventlow)
O how sweet the sadness - The repentance not to be repented of (Spitta/Massie)
Was uns nie gereuet - Die Reue, die nie gereuet (Spitta)
Sei, Jesus, meines Lebens Lust (Grundtvig/Rüegg) (r)
Vor Herres Jesu mindefest (Grundtvig) (r)
Heil, Heil dem Manne, der dem Rat (Cramer)
Ich will fröhlich sein in Gott (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
Gelukkig huis, o Redder onzer zielen! - Dezen huize is zaligheid geschied (Spitta/Molster)
Sällt är det hus, där dig man mottar gärna - I dag har Frälsning vederfarits detta hus (Spitta/Lundberg)
Et saligt hus, som dig har til sig taget - Der er velsignelse over dette hus (Spitta/Reventlow)
O happy house, O home supremely blessed - Salvation is come to this house (Spitta/Massie)
O selig Haus, wo man dich aufgenommen - Diesem Hause ist Heil widerfahren (Spitta)
Heal us, Emmanuel, here we are - I am the Lord that Healeth thee (Cowper) (r)
Aan de oosterkim verrijst de gouden morgen - Des morgens (Spitta/Kehrer)
Den gyllne morgonsol i öster flammar - Om morgonen (Spitta/Lundberg)
I østen stiger op den gyldne morgen - Morgensang (Spitta/Reventlow)
The purple morning gilds the eastern skies - Morning (Spitta/Massie)
Im Osten flammt empor der goldne Morgen - Am Morgen (Spitta)
Met vriendelijk kleurengetover - De ure van het avondgebed (Spitta/Riemens)
Nu sjunker sol så stilla - Aftonandakt (Spitta/Lundberg)
Hvor er dog aftenen stille - Aftenhøjtid (Spitta/Reventlow)
How smiling the day departed - Evening devotion (Spitta/Massie)
Wie ist der Abend so traulich - Abendfeier (Spitta)
Heer, mocht ik zonder tegenstreven - Een wens der ziel (Spitta/Riemens)
O, Herre, lär mig dina rätter! - Längtan (Spitta/Lundberg)
O måtte jeg kun her i live - Længsel (Spitta/Reventlow)
O that my soul might never lack - Longing (Spitta/Massie)
O dass mein Leben deine Rechte - Sehnsucht (Spitta)
Wer, o mein Gott, aus dir geboren (Cramer)
Grace, triumphant in the throne - Not of Works (Cowper) (r)
God! neem het Uwe, neem het weer! - Overgave (Spitta/Kehrer)
Så tag, o Gud, vad dig tillhör! - Vid ett kärt barns död (Spitta/Lundberg)
O tag det hen, du gode Gud - Hengivelse (Spitta/Reventlow)
I give thee back thine own again - Resignation (Spitta/Massie)
Nimm hin, was dein ist, Gott, nimm's hin - Hingabe (Spitta)
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July / Juli 2017
Wir haben immer Friede (Spitta) (r)
Hosianna in der Höhe - Siehe, dein König kommt zu dir (Spitta) (r)
O wär ich ganz dein Eigen - So nimm nun, Herr, meine Seele! (Spitta) (r)
De wolken pakken samen - Regen (Spitta/Riemens)
Som moln, när det sig skockar - I mörka stunder (Spitta/Lundberg)
På himlen skyer trække - Opmuntring gennem tårer (Spitta/Reventlow)
The sky is clouded over - Smiling through tears (Spitta/Massie)
Die Wolken ziehn vorüber - Erheiterung durch Tränen (Spitta)
Schittrend moet uw lichtglans wezen - Paaslied (Spitta/Riemens)
Vårsol, vandra fram din bana - Påsk (Spitta/Lundberg)
Strålende i lyse zoner - Påskehøjtid (Spitta/Reventlow)
Sun, shine forth in all thy splendour - Easter day (Spitta/Massie)
Wandle leuchtender und schöner - Osterfeier (Spitta)
Als eens mijn laatste stonde slaat - De stervensure (Spitta/Riemens)
En gång min sista timma slår - Kristus har nederslagit dödens välde (Spitta/Lundberg)
Når klokken slår for sidste gang - Kristus har berøvet døden sin magt (Spitta/Reventlow)
When comes the hour which seals my doom - Christ has taken away the power of death (Spitta/Massie)
Wenn meine letzte Stunde schlägt - Christus hat dem Tode die Macht genommen (Spitta)
O Heer! wat droegt Ge al leed en plagen - Het geduld des Heren (Spitta/Kehrer)
O, vilka plågor dig förtära! - Herrens tålamod (Spitta/Lundberg)
Ak, hvilken marter, hvilken plage - Herrens tålmodighed (Spitta/Reventlow)
O Lord, what sorrows past expression - The patience of the Lord (Spitta/Massie)
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June / Juni 2017
Ach, welche Marter, welche Plagen - Die Geduld des Herrn (Spitta)
Gij, die door al de eeuwen henen - Hij staat midden onder u (Spitta/Riemens)
Strö ut kvistar! Bred ut kläder - Han står mitt ibland eder (Spitta/Lundberg)
Du, om hvem med hellig længsel - Han er trådt midt ind imellem eder (Spitta/Reventlow)
Thou, whose coming seers and sages - He is come among you (Spitta/Massie)
Du, des Zukunft einst erflehten - Er ist mitten unter euch getreten (Spitta)
Wat maakt gij door uw wenen - Afscheid (Spitta/Riemens)
Nu vilja vi ej gråta - Farväl (Spitta/Lundberg)
Hvi græde mine kære - Afsked (Spitta/Reventlow)
How mean ye thus by weeping - Parting (Spitta/Massie)
Was macht ihr, dass ihr weinet - Abschied (Spitta)
Er zweeft een zwijgende engel - Geduld (Spitta/Riemens)
En fridens ängel stilla - Tålamod (Spitta/Lundberg)
En stille engel drager - Tålmod (Spitta/Reventlow)
A gentle angel wendeth - Patience (Spitta/Massie)
Es zieht ein stiller Engel - Geduld (Spitta)
Für den Herrn ist nichts zu schwer! - Meinem Herrn ist nichts zu schwer! (Rüegg) (r)
Saved by blood, I live to tell - Hear what he has done for my soul (Newton) (r)
I say to all men, far and near - The whole World restored in Christ (Novalis/Winkworth) (r)
Ich sag es jedem, dass er lebt (Novalis) (r)
Licht vom Licht! erleuchte mich (Schmolck)
Höchster Tröster, komm hernieder! (Liebich)
Du Geist des Herrn, der du von Gott ausgehst (Freylinghausen)
Come, Holy Ghost, in love - Come, Holy Ghost (Robert II/Palmer) (r)
Komm, Heilger Geist, o Schöpfer du (Angelus Silesius)
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Mai 2017
Komm, du sanfter Gnadenregen (Weihe)
Er is een lied, zo teder - Het lied der liederen (Spitta/Riemens)
Det sjungs en sång, den sjungs av bruden - Sångernas sång (Spitta/Lundberg)
Et herligt digt jeg kender - Sangenes sang (Spitta/Reventlow)
There is a song so thrilling - The song of songs (Spitta/Massie)
Es gibt ein Lied der Lieder - Das Lied der Lieder (Spitta)
O du allersüß'ste Freude! (Gerhardt)
Gott, du Geber aller Gaben! (Pfeil)
Am Grab des Christen singet man (Pfeil) (r)
Zu dir, Geist, Schöpfer, flehen wir (J.A.Schlegel)
O wundergroßer Siegesheld (Homburg)
Rejoice, ye saints! – your fears be gone! - Ascension of Christ (Diterich/Mills)
Auf, Jünger Jesu! freuet euch! (Diterich)
Good is thy will, O Lord, and good thy way - Furnace Heat (Bonar) (r)
Komm, rufet dir mein Glaube (Franck)
Ach komm, du süßer Herzensgast (Mencke)
Schmückt das Fest mit Maien (Schmolck)
Komm, o verheißner Gottesgeist (Döring)
Komm Gottes Geist, komm höchster Gast (Wenigk)
Blessed morning, whose young dawning rays - Blessed resurrection morn (Watts) (r)
Dich zu lieben, dich zuerst - Liebe leben (Rüegg) (r)
Geist der Wahrheit, lehre mich (Bürde)
Dich zu lieben, dich allein! - Nur du! (Rüegg) (r)
Jesus, mein Erbarmer! höre (Tersteegen)
Innig bei dir weilen - Du (Rüegg) (r)
O du Geist der Herrlichkeit (Woltersdorf)
Sag mir neu, dass du mich liebst (Rüegg) (r)
O God, I long thy Light to see - Tenth Sunday after Trinity (Anton Ulrich, H. z. B./Winkworth)
Nach dir, o Gott, verlanget mich (Anton Ulrich, H. z. B.)
Joy and gladness! joy and gladness! (Bethune) (r)
O Jesu, meine Wonne (Rist)
Nichts fürcht ich mehr - Mein Lebensglück (Rüegg) (r)
Du machst alles, alles gut! - Alles gut! (Rüegg) (r)
Wohl dem Menschen, der von Herzen (J.A.Schlegel)
Mein Heiland, bilde du (Bernstein)
Hvad vil jeg mig bedrøve? - Hengivenhed i Guds vilje (Gellert/Heilmann)
Was ist's, dass ich mich quäle? (Gellert)
Dringe ein mit deinem Glanz (Pestalozzi)
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April 2017
Mein Heiland, nimm all meine Kräfte hin (Arnold)
In God my faithful God - Consolation (Weingärtner/Winkworth)
Auf meinen lieben Gott (Weingärtner)
Steil und dornig ist der Pfad (Bürde)
Dig, dig al ros og ære tilhører - Takke-Sang (Gellert/Heilmann)
Du bist's, dem Ruhm und Ehre gebühret (Gellert)
Der du das Los von meinen Tagen (Patzke)
Schwing dich auf zu deinem Gott (Gerhardt)
Wenn ich es heilig überlege (Meyer)
Ziet, de winter is vervlogen - Lente (Spitta/Riemens)
Nu är vinterns tid förgången - Vårens under (Spitta/Lundberg)
Se, alt vintren er forgangen - Vårens under (Spitta/Reventlow)
See, the spring begins to waken - The wonders of the spring (Spitta/Massie)
Sieh, der Winter ist vergangen - Frühlingswunder (Spitta)
Du bist ein Mensch, das weißt du wohl (Gerhardt)
Christen erwarten in allerlei Fällen (Edeling)
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Rodigast)
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March / März 2017
O mein Herz, gib dich zufrieden! (Strauß)
Dort am Kreuz starbst du für mich - Mein guter Hirte (Rüegg) (r)
Umschließ mich ganz mit deinem Frieden (Clemens)
Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz (Sachs)
What sudden blaze of song - Christmas Day (Keble) (r)
As with gladness men of old (Dix) (r)
Mein Herz, gib dich zufrieden (Freylinghausen)
Mein Friedefürst! dein freundliches Regieren (Richter)
Ist Gott für mich, so trete (Gerhardt)
Hier ist mein Herz, o Seel' und Herz der Seele (Deßler)
Befal du dine veje (Gerhardt/Stenersen)
Commit whatever grieves thee (Gerhardt/John Kelly)
Befiehl du deine Wege (Gerhardt)
Großer König, den ich ehre (Angelus Silesius)
Sweet was the hour, O Lord, to thee - The well of Sychar (Denny) (r)
Liebwerter süßer Gotteswille (Tersteegen)
Come, Lord, and tarry not - Come, Lord (Bonar) (r)
Jesus! I live to thee (Henry Harbaugh) (r)
Er führt hinein (Herrnschmidt)
Gott wills machen (Herrnschmidt)
Still, still with thee, when purple morning breaketh - When I awake, I am still with thee (Stowe) (r)
The Throne of his Glory – as snow it is white - Hymn for Advent (Muhlenberg) (r)
Ob Berge weichen, Hügel fallen (Bahnmaier)
Bride of the Lamb, awake! awake! - The Church cheered with the hope of her Lord's return (Denny) (r)
Herr, vor deinem Angesichte - Selbstprüfung (Spitta) (r)
Endlich bricht der heiße Tiegel (Harttmann)
Befiehl dem Herren deine Wege (Gersdorff)
Die Segenshand auf meinem Haupt (Schütze)
Hope of our hearts, O Lord, appear! - The Church waiting for the Son from heaven (Denny) (r)
Es ringt die Welt sich müde - Das Reich Gottes ist Friede und Freude (Spitta) (r)
Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten (Neumark)
O reicher Gott von Gütigkeit (Breithaupt)
Lass dich nur ja nichts dauern (Flemming)
Fortgekämpft und fortgerungen (Lavater)
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February / Februar 2017
Hat mich denn mein Gott verlassen? (Meyer)
Gott hab ich mich ergeben (Hippel)
Hinweg mit Furcht und Traurigkeit (Angelus Silesius)
Laat mij rusten aan uw hart vol liefde - Troost in Jezus' liefde (Spitta/Kehrer)
Stilla vid ditt kärleksrika hjärta - Tröst i Jesu kärlek (Spitta/Lundberg)
Stille, kærligt ved dit rige hjerte - Trøst i Jesu kærlighed (Spitta/Reventlow)
Still on thy loving heart let me repose - Comfort in Jesus' love (Spitta/Massie)
Still an deinem liebevollen Herzen - Trost in Jesu Liebe (Spitta)
Mein Trost in Zweifelsnächten ist (Döring)
Von dir, o Vater, nimmt mein Herz (Lavater)
The chariot! the chariot! its wheels roll on fire - The chariot! the chariot! (Milman) (r)
Zu dir ist meine Seele stille (Rehberger)
Christus, unser Haupt und König (Zinzendorf)
Te vergeefs, o mens, is al uw streven - Rust in God (Spitta/Riemens)
Av dig själv du fåfängt lyckan söker - Vilan i Gud (Spitta/Lundberg)
Du forgæves søger i dit indre - Hvile i Gud (Spitta/Reventlow)
In vain thou seekest in thyself to find - Rest in God (Spitta/Massie)
Aus dir selber strebst du nur vergebens - Ruhe in Gott (Spitta)
Mein Trost und Anker in aller Not (Woltersdorf)
Day of judgment! day of wonders! - The Day of Judgment (Newton) (r)
When o'er Judea's vales and hills - Hymn to the Redeemer (Coxe) (r)
Macht euch auf! die Morgensonne (Zeller)
Mein Herz ist dennoch wohlgemut (Woltersdorf)
Jesus, thy Church, with longing eyes - Second Coming of Christ (Bathurst) (r)
Wohlauf, mein Herz, verlass die Welt (J.A.Schlegel)
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January / Januar 2017
My Jesus, if the seraphim - Throne of Grace (Deßler/Winkworth)
Mein Jesu, dem die Seraphinen (Deßler)
Der Herr ist groß! - Der Lobgesang der Maria (Lange)
Fierce was the wild billow - Christ in the tempest (Anatolius/Neale) (r)
Wouldst thou learn the depth of sin - Gethsemane (Monsell) (r)
Cling to the Crucified! - Abide in him (Bonar) (r)
Ich will von meiner Missetat (Luise Henriette, Kurfürstin von Brandenburg)
Heavenward still our pathway tends - Heavenward still! (Schmolck/Cox) (r)
Himmelan geht unsre Bahn! - Himmelan! (Schmolck)
Since o'er thy footstool here below (Muhlenberg) (r)
O Heaven! Sweet Heaven! the home of the blessed (Nevin) (r)
Jesus, I love thee evermore (Benedict) (r)
Chief of sinners though I be (McComb) (r)
The world can neither give nor take (Mason/Selina) (r)
Nothing fair on earth I see - Sexagesima Sunday (Angelus Silesius/Winkworth)
Keine Schönheit hat die Welt (Angelus Silesius)
Die den naam van Christen dragen - Trouw in het kleine (Spitta/Molster)
Vill du din Herre vara trogen - Troheten i det lilla (Spitta/Lundberg)
I trofast, inderlig forening - Troskab i det små (Spitta/Reventlow)
That love is purest and most true - Faithfulness in little things (Spitta/Massie)
Das ist die rechte Liebestreue - Die Treue im Kleinen (Spitta)
Lo! he comes with clouds descending (Charles Wesley) (r)
Ich schäme mich des Heilands nicht (Lüder)
Allmächt'ge Güte, Vater aller Wesen (Herder)
'k Ben in de hoede van mijn' God - Vertrouwen (Spitta/Riemens)
Herr! vor dem die Engel knieen (Fröbing)
Du, des sich alle Himmel freun! (Klopstock)
Urquell aller Seligkeiten (Schubart)
Gott! gib mir deinen Geist zum Beten (Hiller)
O Gott, du frommer Gott! (Heermann)
Min skæbne står i Jesu hånd - Fortrøstning (Spitta/Reventlow)
I place myself in Jesus' hands - Confidence (Spitta/Massie)
Ich steh in meines Herren Hand - Zuversicht (Spitta)
Het is winter. Dor zijn woud en zode - In den Winter (Spitta/Riemens)
Vintern ren till våra bygder hunnit - Om vintern (Spitta/Lundberg)
Det er vinter: I naturens rige - Ved vintertid (Spitta/Reventlow)
It is winter: all seems dead or dying - Winter (Spitta/Massie)
Winter ist es. In dem weiten Reiche - Im Winter (Spitta) (r)
Gott Vater in dem Himmel! sprich (Bürde)
Allmächtiger, der seinen Thron (Zachariae)
Ich will beten, Gott wird hören (Gottschling)
God comes; – and who shall stand before his fear? (Theodore of the Studium/Neale) (r)
Erhebe dich, mein Geist, von dieser Erde (Engstfeld)
Kommt und lasst uns beten! (Liebich)
Nicht um Reichtum, nicht um Ehre (Lavater)
Dir versöhnt in deinem Sohne (Münter)
So lang ich hier noch walle (Hiller)
'k Wens, o Heer! bij U te blijven - Ik blijf steeds bij U (Spitta/Riemens)
Vid dig, Jesu, vill jag bliva - Jag förbliver städse vid dig (Spitta/Lundberg)
Hos min Jesus vil jeg blive - Jeg bliver altid hos dig (Spitta/Reventlow)
In thy service will I ever - I will abide with thee (Spitta/Massie)
Bei dir, Jesu, will ich bleiben - Ich bleibe stets bei dir (Spitta)
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December / Dezember 2016
Ik neem, o Vader, wat Gij schenkt - U behoor ik toe! (Spitta/Riemens)
Jag tar emot, vad du beskär - Jag är din (Spitta/Lundberg)
Glad nyder jeg din skænk, o Gud - Jeg er din (Spitta/Reventlow)
Thy will I cheerfully obey - I am thine (Spitta/Massie)
Ich nehme, was du mir bestimmst - Dein bin ich (Spitta)
"'s Heren uur nog niet gekomen!" - De ure des Heren (Spitta/Riemens)
Ännu ej min stund är inne - Min stund är ännu icke kommen (Spitta/Lundberg)
"End er ej min time kommen!" - Herrens time (Spitta/Reventlow)
"Tis not yet the hour appointed!" - The hour of the Lord (Spitta/Massie)
Meine Stund ist noch nicht kommen! - Die Stunde des Herrn (Spitta)
Bringt frohen Dank (Fugger)
Lo! God to heaven ascendeth! - Hymn for Ascension Day (Sacer/Cox) (r)
Gott fähret auf gen Himmel - Himmelfahrtslied (Sacer)
All my heart this night rejoices - A Song of Joy at Dawn (Gerhardt/Winkworth) (r)
Fröhlich soll mein Herze springen (Gerhardt)
Christus, die in 's werelds duister - De verschijning van Christus (Spitta/Riemens)
I den natt, då du förråddes - Söka och finna (Spitta/Lundberg)
Kristus, som i dødens dale - Kristi tilsynekomst (Spitta/Reventlow)
Christ, whose first appearance lighted - The appearance of Christ (Spitta/Massie)
Der du in der Nacht des Todes - Erscheinung Christi (Spitta)
What within me and without - Third Sunday after Trinity (Francke/Winkworth)
Was von außen und von innen (Francke)
Jesus, thy boundless love to me (Gerhardt/John Wesley) (r)
Gij hebt, o God, den wens - Geroepen naar elders (Spitta/Riemens)
Den blev mig ej beskärd - Kallelse till uppbrott (Spitta/Lundberg)
O Gud, mit ønske ej - Gud befaler mig at drage videre (Spitta/Reventlow)
The wish so near my heart - God's call to removal (Spitta/Massie)
Mein Gott, was ich gewünscht - Gottesruf zum Weiterziehen (Spitta)
Een mens doorleeft veel bange stonden - Zonde en verlossing (Spitta/Riemens)
Förstår du rätt din smärta - Förstår du dig själv? (Spitta/Lundberg)
Vel brænder sjælevunden - Forståelse (Spitta/Reventlow)
Man hath his anxious seasons - Self-knowledge (Spitta/Massie)
Der Mensch hat bange Stunden - Verständnis (Spitta)
Leave all to God - Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity (Anton Ulrich, H. z. B./Winkworth)
Lass dich Gott! (Anton Ulrich, H. z. B.)
Een heerlijk lot is ons beschoren - Het kostelijk erfdeel (Spitta/Riemens)
Mig är en arvelott förunnad - Den ljuvliga lotten (Spitta/Lundberg)
En herlig lod os venter alle - Den herlige lod (Spitta/Reventlow)
Our lot is fall'n in pleasant places - The happy lot (Spitta/Massie)
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November 2016
Ein lieblich Los ist uns gefallen - Das liebliche Los (Spitta)
Lover Herren! han er nær - Lover Herren! (Ingemann) (Norsk) (r)
Lobt den Herrn, denn nah ist er - Lobt den Herrn! (Ingemann/Rüegg) (Dansk) (r)
Lover Herren, han er nær - Lover Herren! (Ingemann) (r)
Herr, du mein Licht, mein Heil, mein Leben! (Arndt)
Staak uw droeve klacht, mijn kind - Troost bij nacht (Spitta/Riemens)
Klaga ej, mitt sorgsna barn - Nattens tröst (Spitta/Lundberg)
Stakkels barn, i sorgens nat - Nattens trøst (Spitta/Reventlow)
Weep no more, poor child of sorrow - Comfort in the night (Spitta/Massie)
Klage nicht, betrübtes Kind - Trost der Nacht (Spitta)
Ewge Weisheit, Jesus Christ (Arnold)
Höchsterwünschtes Seelenleben (Lampe)
Gå nu hen og grav min grav (Arndt/Hauch/Hammerich) (Norsk) (r)
Gå nu hen og grav min grav! (Arndt/Hauch/Hammerich) (Dansk) (r)
Go! and let my grave be made - The dying Christian's Farewell (Arndt/Cox)
Go and dig my grave today! (Arndt/Winkworth) (r)
Geht nun hin und grabt mein Grab - Abschied von den Schatten (Arndt) (r)
Isrels Wachter, wil ons hoeden! - In de hoede des Almachtigen (Spitta/Riemens)
Du, som Israel bevarar - Herrens omvårdnad (Spitta/Lundberg)
Isra'ls Vogter, du betrygge - Herrens varetægt (Spitta/Reventlow)
Israel's Keeper, never sleeping - The Lord's protection (Spitta/Massie)
Hüter Israels, behüte - Des Herrn Obhut (Spitta)
O Jezus, Levenszonne - Leven en zaligheid in Jezus Christus (Spitta/Riemens)
Den mörka natten viker - Soluppgången av höjden (Spitta/Lundberg)
O du, som lyset bringer - Livet og den fuldkomne tilfredsstillelse i Jesus (Spitta/Reventlow)
O blessed Sun, whose splendour - Life and contentment in Jesus (Spitta/Massie)
O Jesus, meine Sonne - Leben und volle Genüge in Jesus (Spitta)
Ik hoor Uw stem, mijn Herder - De Here is mijn Herder (Spitta/Riemens)
Hans röst jag hör och följer - Herren är min Herde (Spitta/Lundberg)
Din stemme kan jeg høre - Herren er min Hyrde (Spitta/Reventlow)
I hear my Shepherd calling - The Lord is my Shepherd (Spitta/Massie)
Ich höre deine Stimme - Der Herr ist mein Hirt (Spitta)
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October / Oktober 2016
Meine Seele lass Gott walten (Kramer)
Het ridderkruis des Christens is - Des Christens kruis (Spitta/Molster)
Ett tåligt sinne kräves visst - Korset (Spitta/Lundberg)
Den kristnes rette ordensbånd - Den kristnes kors (Spitta/Reventlow)
The badge the Christian wears on earth - The Christian's cross (Spitta/Massie)
Des Christen Schmuck und Ordensband - Des Christen Kreuz (Spitta)
Unerforschlich sei mir immer (Cramer)
Was zagst du? Gott regiert die Welt (J.A.Schlegel)
O rijke God en Heer - "Geef Mij uw hart!" (Spitta/Riemens)
O, Gud, du min Fader god - Giv mig ditt hjärta (Spitta/Lundberg)
Du rige Herre Gud - Giv mig dit hjerte (Spitta/Reventlow)
Thou gracious Lord and God - Give me thy heart (Spitta/Massie)
Du reicher Gott und Herr - Gib mir dein Herz (Spitta)
Heilig God! Uw oog - Zelfbeproeving voor het aangezicht Gods (Spitta/Molster)
Pröva mig, min Gud - Självprövning inför Guds ansikte (Spitta/Lundberg)
Du min Herre Gud - Selvprøvelse for Herrens ansigt (Spitta/Reventlow)
Searcher of the human heart - Self-examination in the sight of God (Spitta/Massie)
Herzenskündiger - Selbstprüfung vor dem Angesichte Gottes (Spitta)
Ach Gott, du Gott der Seligkeit (Tersteegen)
Let me but hear my Saviour say - Christ our Strength (Watts) (r)
My God with me in every place! - God with me (Zeller/Findlater)
Gott bei mir an jedem Orte! - Gott mit mir (Zeller)
Ich heb mein' Augen sehnlich auf - Psalm 121 (Becker)
Groß ist der Herr! die Berge zittern - Vertrauen auf Gott (Tiedge)
Schone wereld, tovergaarde - Vreugde in Gods schepping (Spitta/Riemens)
Jag tänker dag och stunder - Glädje i Guds skapelse (Spitta/Lundberg)
Skønne jord, du rige klode - Glæde over skabningen (Spitta/Reventlow)
O thou beautiful Creation - Joy in Creation (Spitta/Massie)
O du schönes Weltgebäude - Freude an der Schöpfung (Spitta)
'k Wil in 't leed der wereld niet versagen - Pelgrimslied (Spitta/Kehrer)
Ej i världens ångest vill jag klaga - Pilgrimssång (Spitta/Lundberg)
Jeg i nøden ej forsagt vil være - Pilgrimssang (Spitta/Reventlow)
Uncomplaining, though with care grown hoary - Pilgrim's song (Spitta/Massie)
In der Angst der Welt will ich nicht klagen - Pilgerlied (Spitta)
Be thou my Friend, and look upon my heart - Be thou my Friend (Lange/Findlater)
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September 2016
Sei du mein Freund, und schau in meine Brust - Gebet (Lange)
Trustingly, trustingly - My Pilgrimage (Bonar) (r)
Geest der vad'ren, Geest der sterkte - De Geest der vaderen (Spitta/Riemens)
Ande, full av liv och styrka - Fädernas Ande (Spitta/Lundberg)
Troens Ånd, som giver styrke - Ånden fra fædrene (Spitta/Reventlow)
Spirit, by whose operation - The Spirit of the Fathers (Spitta/Massie)
Geist des Glaubens, Geist der Stärke - Der Geist der Väter (Spitta)
O verblijdt u in Gods schepping! - De schoonheid der natuur (Spitta/Riemens)
Glädjens åt de fagra marker - Naturens skönhet (Spitta/Lundberg)
Glæd dig over jordens ynde - Naturens skønhed (Spitta/Reventlow)
Rejoice in the beautiful earth - The beauty of nature (Spitta/Massie)
Freuet euch der schönen Erde - Die Schönheit der Natur (Spitta)
O Gij, door Wien mijn ziele leeft - Na het Avondmaal (Spitta/Riemens)
Du, som jag haft och haver kär - Efter den heliga nattvarden (Spitta/Lundberg)
O du, som er min sjæl så kær - Efter den hellige nadver (Spitta/Reventlow)
O thou, who holdest in my heart - After the Holy Communion (Spitta/Massie)
O du, den meine Seele liebt - Nach dem heiligen Abendmahle (Spitta)
Wij staan bij de open groeve - Bij de groeve (Spitta/Riemens)
Här stå vi tysta alla - Vid graven (Spitta/Lundberg)
Ved graven stå vi stille - Ved graven (Spitta/Reventlow)
Beside the dark grave standing - The grave (Spitta/Massie)
Am Grabe stehn wir stille - Am Grabe (Spitta)
Hef aan het lied van 't sterven - Het lied van 't sterven (Spitta/Riemens)
Sjung stilla! Sjung om döden - Sången om döden (Spitta/Lundberg)
Stem op en sang om døden - En sang om døden (Spitta/Reventlow)
I sing of death and dying - The Song of dying (Spitta/Massie)
Stimm an das Lied vom Sterben - Das Lied vom Sterben (Spitta)
O Gij, die ons bejegent - De zegen des Gezegenden (Spitta/Riemens)
O, du som oss välsignat - Välsignelsen (Spitta/Lundberg)
(Christ My Song-Website: Migration to / nach https.)
O du, som os velsigner - De kristnes velsignelse (Spitta/Reventlow)
O thou whose grace first found us - The blessing of the blessed (Spitta/Massie)
O du, der uns begegnet - Der Segen der Gesegneten (Spitta)
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August 2016
Neem, Heer, den dank der Uwen aan - Dank en bede (Spitta/Riemens)
Vi tacka dig för tid, som gått - Tack och bön (Spitta/Lundberg)
O Jesus Kristus, frelser kær - Tak og bøn (Spitta/Reventlow)
We give thee thanks, O Lord, who hast - Thanksgiving and petition (Spitta/Massie)
O treuer Heiland Jesu Christ - Dank und Bitte (Spitta)
Gij schone lelie op het veld - Aanmerkt de leliën des velds (Spitta/Riemens)
Säg mig, du fagra lilja - Skåden liljorna på marken! (Spitta/Lundberg)
Du skønne lilje, hvid og skær - Se til liljerne på marken (Spitta/Reventlow)
Sweet lily of the field, declare - Consider the lilies of the field! (Spitta/Massie)
Du schöne Lilie auf dem Feld - Sehet die Lilien auf dem Felde (Spitta)
De rijkdom van een' Christen - Eens Christens rijkdom (Spitta/Riemens)
En rikedom förutan like - En kristens lycka (Spitta/Lundberg)
En velstand uden lige - Den kristnes velstand (Spitta/Reventlow)
How proud is the position - The Christian's happy state (Spitta/Massie)
Ein Wohlstand ohnegleichen - Des Christen Wohlstand (Spitta)
Hier kindren Gods, en boven erven - De goede Naam (Spitta/Riemens)
Som barn du skall en gång få vinna - Det goda namnet (Spitta/Lundberg)
Her Herrens barn og arving hisset - Det gode navn (Spitta/Reventlow)
Children of God and heirs of heaven - The good name (Spitta/Massie)
Hier Gottes Kinder und dort Erben - Der gute Name (Spitta)
O welk een hemels, rein genoegen - De zegen der Christelijke gemeenschap (Spitta/Riemens)
Jag älskar kvällens andaktstimma - Husandaktens välsignelse (Spitta/Lundberg)
Hvor fylder det vort sind med glæde - Det kristelige samlivs velsignelse (Spitta/Reventlow)
It is a practice greatly blessed - The blessing of Christian fellowship (Spitta/Massie)
O welche fromme, schöne Sitte - Segen christlicher Gemeinschaft (Spitta)
Who knows how near my life's expended? - Hope in Death (Aemilie/Mills)
Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende! - Andenken an den Tod (Aemilie)
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July / Juli 2016
Art thou weary, art thou languid - Art thou weary? (Stephen/Neale) (r)
O Vaderoog, mijn schreden trouw bewakend! - Vader, Zoon en Geest (Spitta/Kehrer)
O, fadershand, som hittills mig ledsagat - Fader, Son och Ande (Spitta/Lundberg)
O Faderhånd, som mig så trofast førte - Fader, Søn og Ånd (Spitta/Reventlow)
Father, whose hand hath led me so securely - Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Spitta/Massie)
O Vaterhand, die mich so treu geführet - Vater, Sohn und Geist (Spitta)
Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrow - "O Lord, thou Knowest!" (Borthwick) (r)
Heer, het kwaad met stil geduld te lijden - Schikt u in den tijd! (Spitta/Riemens)
Värdes, Jesu, mig allt bättre lära - Skicken eder efter tiden! (Spitta/Lundberg)
Herre, ondt tålmodigen at lide - Skikker Eder i Tiden (Spitta/Reventlow)
Let me suffer wrong without complaining - Be ready, for the days are evil (Spitta/Massie)
Herr, das Böse willig zu erleiden - Schicket euch in die Zeit (Spitta)
The tomb is empty: wouldst thou have it full - He is Risen (Bonar) (r)
Jeg kommer for din nådes dør - Almindelig bøn (Gellert/Heilmann)
Now in thy presence I appear - Prayer for Mercies in general (Gellert/Mills)
Ich komme vor dein Angesicht - Allgemeines Gebet (Gellert)
Awake, sweet harp of Judah, wake! - The Hiding-place (White) (r)
Allen zijn wij erfgenamen - Enigheid des Geestes (Spitta/Molster)
Varför kiva vi på vägen - Enighet (Spitta/Lundberg)
Alle er et held beskikket - Enighed i Ånden (Spitta/Reventlow)
Brethren, called by one vocation - Unity in the Spirit (Spitta/Massie)
Allen ist Ein Heil beschieden - Einigkeit im Geist (Spitta)
O, hoe men'ge schone stonde - Moed gevat! (Spitta/Riemens)
Mången fröjd åt dem, som lida - Hav tröst! (Spitta/Lundberg)
Mangen gang i glædesstunden - Fat Mod (Spitta/Reventlow)
O how many hours of gladness - Comfort (Spitta/Massie)
O wie manche schöne Stunde - Getrost (Spitta)
I know in whom I put my trust - The Christian's Trust (Arndt/Winkworth) (r)
Ich weiß, an wen ich glaube (Arndt) (r)
As God shall lead I'll take my way - God's Guidance (Gedicke/Mills)
Wie Gott mich führt, so will ich gehn - Wie Gott mich führt (Gedicke)
Conquering Prince and Lord of glory (Tersteegen/Winkworth) (r)
Siegesfürst und Ehrenkönig - Anbetung Jesu bei seiner Himmelfahrt (Tersteegen) (r)
Een pelgrim, aan het eind der baan - Naar huis! (Spitta/Riemens)
Vår vän till uppbrott redo står - Hemfärd (Spitta/Lundberg)
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June / Juni 2016
En pilgrim drager ud på fart - Hjemgang (Spitta/Reventlow)
A pilgrim for his new abode - Going home (Spitta/Massie)
Ein Pilger schickt sich an zur Fahrt - Heimgang (Spitta) (r)
The grave is empty now, – its prey - The grave is empty now (Claudius/Mills) (r)
Das Grab ist leer, das Grab ist leer - Das Grab ist leer (Claudius) (r)
My faith looks up to thee - Faith (Palmer) (r)
Du kennst mein Herz, o Gott, und weil du's kennest - Der Herr ist treu ... (Spitta) (r)
Viel ist nicht dem Menschen nötig - Gott ist mein Heil (Spitta) (r)
Vloei daarheen, mijn leven - Heeft u ook iets ontbroken? (Spitta/Riemens)
Fließe hin, mein Leben - Habt ihr auch je Mangel gehabt? (Spitta) (r)
Oh what will be the day when won at last - Things to come (Spitta/Bevan)
Hoe zal 't ons zijn, als we eindlijk, moê van 't dwalen - Hoe zal 't ons zijn! (Spitta/Kehrer) (r)
Hur blir oss då, när Gud oss äntligt låter - Fröjdernas morgon (Spitta/Lundberg) (r)
Hvor herligt, når den hårde strid får ende - Hvor herligt! (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
What shall we be, and whither shall we go - What shall we be? (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Wie wird uns sein, wenn endlich nach dem schweren - Wie wird uns sein? (Spitta) (r)
Selig, wer vor aller Welt verborgen - Köstlich vor Gott (Spitta) (r)
Was ist das Leben ohne Jenen - Wer den Sohn Gottes hat, der hat das Leben (Spitta) (r)
Come, ye saints, look here and wonder (Kelly) (r)
Der Herr ist meine Stärke (Spitta) (r)
Are there no wounds for me? (Hinsdale) (r)
Lass mich deine Liebe rühren - Ihr sollt verkündigen die Tugend dessen ... (Spitta) (r)
Vaak valt ons hier het leven - Dorre tijden (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Mörk är vår levnad ofta - Den torra tiden (Spitta/Lundberg)
Tit bliver livet øde - Den tørre tid (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
Our life is often dark - A time of dearth (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Das Leben wird oft trübe - Die dürre Zeit (Spitta) (r)
't Is mij in 't Godsgebouw zo goed! - In het bedehuis (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Dit hän jag trår vid veckans slut - Andakt (Spitta/Lundberg)
Jeg er så lykkelig hos Gud - Andagt (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
How good it is, Lord, to be here - Devotion (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Mir ist so wohl in Gottes Haus - Andacht (Spitta) (r)
Zaaier, ga in Gods naam henen - IJverig aan den arbeid! (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Hurtigt börjat, hälften vunnet! - Till dagens gärning (Spitta/Lundberg)
Ven, drag ud til Herrens ære - Til dagværket (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
Cheerfully to work proceed - Our daily work (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Gehe hin in Gottes Namen - Zum Tagwerk (Spitta) (r)
Heil u, wier zielsbegeren - De dienst des Heren (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Jag vill din lycka prisa - Herrens tjänare (Spitta/Lundberg)
O, lykkeligt det hjerte - Herrens tjener (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
The man is highly blessed - The servant of the Lord (Spitta/Massie) (r)
O hochbeglückte Seele - Der Diener des Herrn (Spitta) (r)
O Heer, mijn God, zoals 'k Uw beeld - Mijn God (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Nu andaktstimmen inne är - Min Gud (Spitta/Lundberg)
O Gud, min Gud, sådan som dig - Min Gud (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
O God, my God, just as I thee - My God (Spitta/Massie) (r)
O Gott, mein Gott, so wie ich dich - Mein Gott! (Spitta) (r)
Hoe eindeloos en zonder perk - Ik zal den Here loven te aller tijd (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Upp, psaltare och harpoton! - Jag vill lova Herren alltid (Spitta/Lundberg)
Hvor du, min Gud, mig føre vil - Altid vil jeg prise Herren (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
No language can express, O Lord - I will praise the Lord at all times (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Wie ist doch ohne Maß und Ziel - Ich will den Herren loben allezeit (Spitta) (r)
Geloofd zij God, het licht brak door - Na de beproeving (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Se, ljuset strålar åter opp - Efter bedrövelsen (Spitta/Lundberg)
Ak, atter stråler solen klar - Efter Bedrøvelsen (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
The Lord be praised, that in my heart - After affliction (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Gottlob, das Licht geht wieder auf - Nach der Trübsal (Spitta) (r)
O Heer! tot Wien ik roep - Zelfonderzoek en terugkeer (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Ack, Herre, vad har hänt - Tillbakagång (Spitta/Lundberg)
Ak Herre, hvilket brud - Tilbagevenden til sig selv og til Gud (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
Ah, Lord! why am I thus? - Reflection and return (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Ach Herr, was ist geschehn - Einkehr und Rückkehr (Spitta) (r)
Top / Übersicht
Mai 2016
Ziet, wat grondeloze liefde - Ziet, welk een liefde! (Spitta/Kehrer) (r)
Sen, o sen Guds kärlek varma! - Sen, vilken kärlek! (Spitta/Lundberg)
Se dog, hvor den gode Fader - Se, hvilken kærlighed (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
See, O see, what love the Father - See what love (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Sehet, sehet, welche Liebe - Sehet, welch eine Liebe! (Spitta) (r)
O Heer, mijn God! wiens trouwe hand - IJver en trouw in het ambt (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Min Herre Gud, din trogna hand - Sköt ditt ämbete redligt! (Spitta/Lundberg)
Min Herre Gud, hvis gode hånd - Udfør redeligt dit embede (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
My Lord and God, whose gracious hand - Do thy duty faithfully (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Mein Herr und Gott, des gute Hand - Richte dein Amt redlich aus (Spitta) (r)
't Loflied zij U toegezongen - Goddelijke leiding (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Dig, o Gud, ske tack och ära! - Tack för gudomlig skickelse (Spitta/Lundberg)
Lad min sang på tonens vinge - Berømmelse af Guds førelse (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
Praise, all praise, to thee be given - Heavenly guidance (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Lob sei dir, mein Gott, gesungen - Lob göttlicher Führung (Spitta) (r)
Heil ons, de Vader heeft ons lief - De Vader heeft ons lief (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Väl oss, att Fadren är oss huld - Fadern själv har eder kära (Spitta/Lundberg)
Vel os, vor Fader har os kær - Faderen elsker eder (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
How blessed are we, that God of us - The Father loveth you (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Wohl uns, der Vater hat uns lieb - Der Vater hat euch lieb (Spitta) (r)
Vraag niet, wat ik blijf ontberen - Mijne ziel dorst naar den levenden God (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Spörj mig icke, vad jag saknar? - Min själ törstar efter Gud (Spitta/Lundberg)
Spørg mig ikke, hvi jeg sørger - Min sjæl tørster efter den levende Gud (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
Ask not why my soul doth languish - My soul thirsteth for the Living God (Spitta/Durand)
Ask not, what it is that ails me - My soul thirsteth after the living God (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Fraget doch nicht, was mir fehle - Durst nach Gott (Spitta) (r)
Liefelijk en heilig tevens - Gij hebt de woorden des eeuwigen levens (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
O jag längtar att få komma - Du har det eviga livets ord (Spitta/Lundberg)
Til den stund vi ret os glæde - Du har det evige livs ord (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
O how blessed the hour, Lord Jesus - Thou hast the words of eternal life (Spitta/Massie) (r)
O wie freun wir uns der Stunde - Du hast Worte des ewigen Lebens (Spitta) (r)
Zuivre bronwel, die van boven - Het Woord des Levens (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Livets ord, du rena källa - Livets ord (Spitta/Lundberg)
Livets Ord, du rene kilde - Livets Ord (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
Word of Life, eternal Fountain - The Word of Life (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Wort des Lebens, lautre Quelle - Das Wort des Lebens (Spitta) (r)
Heer! des daags vermoeinis en bezwaren - Des avonds (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Snart är dagen all. Men du, o Herre - Mot aftonen (Spitta/Lundberg)
Herre, dagens arbejd og dens møje - Aftensang (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
O Lord, who by thy presence hast made light - Evening (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Herr, des Tages Mühen und Beschwerden - Am Abend (Spitta) (r)
Tot God is mijne ziele stil - Mijne ziele is stil tot God (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
I världen är så mörkt och kallt - Min själ är stilla inför Gud (Spitta/Lundberg)
Dybt bøjer sig min sjæl for Gud - Min sjæl tier imod Gud (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
My soul in God abideth still - My soul is still in God (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Zu Gott ist meine Seele still - Meine Seele ist still zu Gott (Spitta) (r)
Oprecht van hart en vroom te zijn - Gods geboden zijn niet zwaar (Spitta/Molster) (r)
Det är visst ändå ej så svårt - Guds bud äro icke tunga (Spitta/Lundberg)
O vid, det er ej vanskeligt - Guds bud er ikke svære (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
It is not after all so hard - God's commandments are not hard (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Am Ende ist's doch gar nicht schwer - Gottes Gebote sind nicht schwer (Spitta) (r)
Verhef, mijn ziel! uws Scheppers lof! - Zondag-morgen (Spitta/Molster) (r)
Re'n solen har stigit i öster så skön - Söndagsmorgon (Spitta/Lundberg)
Mit hjerte slår med glade slag - Søndag morgen (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
Awake, my heart, this day of rest - The Sabbath morning (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Es wird mein Herz mit Freuden wach - Sonntagsfrühe (Spitta) (r)
Ever would I fain be reading - Christ our Example (Hensel/Winkworth) (r)
Immer muss ich wieder lesen - Jesus in der Heiligen Schrift (Hensel) (r)
Die dem Herrn anhangen (Spitta) (r)
Ach! in 's werelds woest gedruis - Heimwee (Spitta/Kehrer) (r)
Uti världens larm och brus - Hemlängtan (Spitta/Lundberg)
O, min sjæl, den er så tom - Hjemve (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
Ah! how empty is the heart - Homesickness (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Ach, uns wird das Herz so leer - Heimweh (Spitta) (r)
Niets haalt voor ons in waarde - Geloofsleven (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Vi kunna ej förtiga - Trons liv (Spitta/Lundberg)
Det kan ej bedre være - Troslivet (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
What greater blessedness can be - The life of faith (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Was kann es Schönres geben - Glaubensleben (Spitta) (r)
Oh, Jesus Christ, grow thou in me - He must increase, but I must decrease (Lavater/Smith) (r)
O Jesus Christus, wachs in mir (Lavater)
Daal neder, Geest der Waarheid - Pinksterlied (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
O, kom, all sannings anda - Pingst (Spitta/Lundberg)
O kom, du Gud for sandhed - Pinse (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
Draw, Holy Spirit, nearer - Whitsunday (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Top / Übersicht
April 2016
O komm, du Geist der Wahrheit - Pfingsten (Spitta) (r)
Oh for a heart to praise my God! (Charles Wesley) (r)
Trek, Heer, Uw hand niet van mij af (Spitta/Riemens)
Ack, drag din hand ej bort från mig! - Drag din hand ej bort från mig! (Spitta/Lundberg)
Vær selv, o Gud, min støttestav - Tag ikke din hånd fra mig (Spitta/Reventlow)
Withhold not, Lord, the help I crave - Withdraw not thy hand from me (Spitta/Massie)
Zieh deine Hand nicht von mir ab (Spitta)
O holy Saviour! Friend unseen! - Prayer to the Saviour (Elliott) (r)
From every stormy wind that blows - The Mercy-seat (Stowell) (r)
O verblijdt u, volk des Heren - Verblijdt u in den Heer te allen tijd! (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Fröjden eder uti Herran - Fröjden eder (Spitta/Lundberg)
Årsag har I vel at fryde - Glæder eder i Herren altid (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
Pour out all your heart in praises - Rejoice in the Lord always (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Freut im Herrn euch allewege - Freuet euch in dem Herrn allewege (Spitta) (r)
Yes! – my Redeemer lives, to save us - Yes! – my Redeemer lives (Heusser/Mills) (r)
Ich weiß, dass mein Erlöser lebet - Mein Erlöser lebt! (Heusser) (r)
Alone with thee! Alone with thee! - Alone with Christ (Palmer) (r)
The head that once was crowned with thorns (Kelly) (r)
Heer en Zaligmaker! - De Verlosser van zondaren (Spitta/Riemens)
Frälsare för alla! - Syndares Frälsare (Spitta/Lundberg)
Where high the heavenly temple stands (Bruce) (r)
Menneskenes Frelser! - Synderens Frelser (Spitta/Reventlow)
Jesus, Friend of sinners - The Saviour of sinners (Spitta/Massie)
Heiland aller Sünder! - Der Heiland der Sünder (Spitta)
Forsake me not, my God, my heart is sinking - Forsake Me Not (Elliott)
'k Geloof, en daarom spreek ik blij - Ik geloof (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
Guds ord jag tror och glad utsår - Jag tror (Spitta/Lundberg)
Jeg tror, og derfor siger jeg - Jeg tror (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
I believe, and so have spoken - I believe (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Ich glaube, darum rede ich – Ich glaube (Spitta) (r)
The atoning work is done (Kelly) (r)
See, the ransomed millions stand! (Conder) (r)
Top / Übersicht
March / März 2016
Wij zijn des Heren, in leven en sterven - Wij zijn des Heren (Spitta/Kehrer) (r)
Vi äro hans i livet och i döden - Vi äro hans (Spitta/Lundberg)
Din er jeg, Gud, i døden som i livet - Jeg er din (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
We are the Lord's, whether we live or die - We are the Lord's (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Wir sind des Herrn, wir leben oder sterben! - Wir sind des Herrn (Spitta) (r)
Jesus, how sweet thy memory is! (Bernard/Alexander) (r)
Blijft bij Hem, die uit den hogen - Blijft bij Jezus! (Spitta/Riemens)
Bliv hos honom! Se hans hjärta - Förbliv i mig! (Spitta/Lundberg)
Bliv hos ham med trofast hjerte - Bliv i Jesus (Spitta/Reventlow)
O abide, abide in Jesus - Abide in Jesus (Spitta/Massie)
Bleibt bei dem, der euretwillen - Bleibet in Jesu (Spitta) (r)
Hosanna to the Prince of light (Watts) (r)
Just as thou art (Cook) (r)
Seid mir gegrüßt, ihr grünen Schatten - Die Sprache der Natur (Heusser) (r)
Sure anchor of the soul! - The Heavenly Anchor (Bonar)
Bewaar in mij de groeikracht, 't vruchtbaar hopen - De plant, door God geplant (Spitta/Riemens)
Oppressed with noonday's scorching heat - The Shadow of the Cross (Bonar) (r)
Behåll hos mig båd' lust och kraft att söka - Plantan, av Gud planterad? (Spitta/Lundberg)
How wondrous are the works of God (Hart) (r)
Trembling before thine awful throne (Hillhouse) (r)
Bevar i mig, o Gud, en hellig længsel - Den plante, der blev plantet af Gud (Spitta/Reventlow)
Excite in me, O Lord, an ardent thirst - The plant of God's planting (Spitta/Massie)
Erhalt in mir den Lebenstrieb, das Sehnen - Die Pflanze von Gott gepflanzt (Spitta)
Long did I toil, and knew no earthly rest - I am his, and he is mine (Lyte) (r)
If I only have thee (Novalis/Bethune) (r)
Jesus, my Lord! my life! my all! (Medley) (r)
Now I have found a friend - Jesus is mine (Hope) (r)
De tijd snelt voort: met rasse schreden - Wend u af van de ijdelheid! (Spitta/Riemens)
Se, tiden flyr. Alltmera nalkas - Vi haven I fåfängligheten kär? (Spitta/Lundberg)
Through the love of God our Saviour - All is well (Bowley Peters) (r)
Rask tiden flyer, og snart du stander - Hvor er dog det forgængelige eder kært (Spitta/Reventlow)
Jesus, my Lord, 'tis sweet to rest (H. B.) (r)
Time hastens on, and as it wings its flight - Love not the world, nor the things that are in the world (Spitta/Massie)
Die Zeit flieht hin, und immer näher - Wie habt ihr das Eitle so lieb (Spitta)
Behind the hills of Naphtali - To yonder side (M'Cheyne)
Rest of the weary - Rest (Monsell) (r)
Viele Stimmen, laute, leise - Einhörung (Rüegg) (r)
Är ock stigen mörk och lång - Uppmuntran (Spitta/Lundberg)
Zij de weg ook nog zo lang - Bemoediging (Spitta/Riemens)
Thou Lord of all, on earth hast dwelt (Tregelles) (r)
Hark, my soul! it is the Lord - "Lovest thou me?" (Cowper) (r)
Er vor vej end nok så lang - Opmuntring (Spitta/Reventlow)
Top / Übersicht
February / Februar 2016
Long and toilsome is the road - Encouragement (Spitta/Massie)
Ist der Weg auch noch so lang - Ermunterung (Spitta) (r)
The Christ, the Son of God, hath died! - Jesus Christ our Lord (Bonar)
In the region of light and of glory (Kelly)
De sina Herren känner - Herren känner de sina (Spitta/Lundberg)
Fetch me the lightning from yon frowning cloud - The Prayer (Bonar)
De Heer kent al de zijnen - De Here kent degenen die de zijnen zijn (Spitta/Riemens)
Yes, the day is at hand; rejoice, then, ye saints (Kelly)
Vorherre kender sine - Herren kender sine (Spitta/Reventlow)
The Lord his people all - The Lord knoweth his own (Spitta/Massie)
Es kennt der Herr die Seinen - Der Herr kennt die Seinen (Spitta)
Woher kommt mir Hilfe in finsteren Nächten - Er wacht über mir (Rüegg) (r)
Jesus comes, by crowds attended (Kelly)
Rufe mich an in der Not (Rüegg) (r)
For the bread and for the wine - The Supper of Thanksgiving (Bonar)
Ask ye what great thing I know (Schwedler/Kennedy) (r)
Wollt ihr wissen, was mein Preis? (Schwedler) (r)
Hark! that shout of rapturous joy (Kelly)
Come to Calvary's holy mountain (Montgomery) (r)
"Awake, O sword," awake and smite (Kelly)
Ej för min skull fällen tårar - Gråten icke över mig! (Spitta/Lundberg)
Weent niet over Jezus' smarten - Weent niet over Mij, maar over uzelven (Spitta/Kehrer) (r)
Græder ej for Jesu smerte - Græd ikke over mig, græder over Eder selv (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
Wherefore weep we over Jesus - Weep not for me, but weep for yourselves (Spitta/Massie) (r)
Weint nicht über Jesu Schmerzen - Weinet nicht über mich, weinet über euch (Spitta) (r)
Praise the Lord, who died to save us (Kelly)
Crowns of glory, ever bright (Kelly)
Oh, oneness beyond all that words can tell! - One Body (Bonar)
See the holy victim smitten (Kelly)
King of glory, sov'reign God - Praise for Conversion (Toplady)
As a lamb led forth to slaughter (Kelly)
Ah, Jesus Lord, thou art near to me - We will we glad and rejoice in thee (Gregor/Burlingham)
Ach mein Herr Jesu, dein Nahesein (Gregor)
Jesus Christ is risen today (From the Latin, after Philip Schaff)
Gottes Pläne und Wege sind wunderbar - Gedanken des Friedens (Rüegg/Jeremia 29,11) (r)
Bear Jesus Christ the Lord in mind - Looking unto Jesus (Günther/Cox)
Halt im Gedächtnis Jesum Christ - Aufsehend auf Jesum (Günther)
We wait for thee, O Son of God - The Day of Glory (Hiller/Burlingham)
Wir warten dein, o Gottes Sohn (Hiller)
Einsam, verlassen, kein Mensch, der mich liebt (Rüegg) (r)
Fruit we have of God's election (Kelly)
Jesus, how much thy name unfolds (Bowley Peters) (r)
If belovèd, why belovèd? (Kelly)
I was a wandering sheep - Lost but Found (Bonar) (r)
Yes! "the Lord is good", I know it - The Lord is good (Kelly)
One there is, above all others - A Friend that sticketh closer than a Brother (Newton) (r)
In trouble, Lord, I sought thy face (Kelly)
I lay my sins on Jesus - The Substitute (Bonar) (r)
Sweet were the sounds that reached our ears - Sweet sounds (Kelly)
Sorrig og elendighed (Kingo) (r)
Who shall condemn the Lord's elect? (Kelly)
Jesus leaves his throne of glory (Kelly)
'Tis sweet to know the sacred name (Kelly)
Top / Übersicht
January / Januar 2016
A land I know there is (Kelly)
Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe / Him on yonder cross I love - Our Requital (Greding/Winkworth) (bilingual) (r)
Him on yonder cross I love - Our Requital (Greding/Winkworth) (r)
Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe (Greding) (r)
Grace is the sweetest sound (Kelly)
Mine was a hopeless case (Kelly)
Much there is to turn us (Kelly)
We need not be ashamed to own (Kelly)
Say, who they are who have believed (Kelly)
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning! - Epiphany (Heber) (r)
My Father knows my feeble frame (Kelly)
Constrained by their Lord to embark - The Disciples at Sea (Newton) (r)
Saviour, through the desert lead us (Kelly)
In evil long I took delight - Looking at the Cross (Newton) (r)
Behold the man! how glorious he! (Kelly)
Cheer up, my soul, there is a mercy-seat - The Effort (Newton) (r)
Jesus is the Lord's anointed (Kelly)
I once was a stranger - The Lord our righteousness (M'Cheyne) (r)
Jesus gives his people freedom (Kelly)
Strange and mysterious is my life - The inward Warfare (Newton) (r)
We have not seen the Saviour's face (Kelly)
Oh! for a closer walk with God - Walking with God (Cowper) (r)
How tedious and tasteless the hours - None upon earth I desire beside thee (Newton) (r)
Happiness, thou lovely name - Happiness found (Toplady) (r)
O Lord, I would delight in thee - Delight in Christ (Ryland) (r)
When this passing world is done - I'm a Debtor (M'Cheyne) (r)
Why those fears? behold 'tis Jesus (Kelly)
'Twixt gleams of joy and clouds of doubt - Thou changest not (Shairp) (r)
Let all who name his blessed name (Kelly)
På dunkel stig går Gud framåt (Cowper) (r)
God moves in a mysterious way - Light shining out of darkness (Cowper) (r)
Ours is a pardon bought with blood (Kelly)
There's not a name beneath the skies (Kelly)
If I had wings, then would I go (Kelly)
Nothing but the purest grace (Kelly)
Good and faithful are thy words (Kelly)
To him who washed them in his blood (Kelly)
In him, whose presence gladdens heaven (Kelly)
'Twas he who made the world that said (Kelly)
No strength have I, no strength at all (Kelly)
The heavens declare thy glory, Lord! (Kelly)
Unfold, O Lord, to us unfold (Kelly)
Is the Lord among us? (Kelly)
Top / Übersicht
December / Dezember 2015
The battle is the Lord's (Kelly)
Half a wreck, by tempests driven (Kelly)
Ye who know the Lord, draw nigh (Kelly)
Our Father sits on yonder throne (Kelly)
We sing to thee, Immanuel (Gerhardt/Cox)
Now praise we, and bless we, the Lord (Kelly)
Glory to God above (Kelly)
Come hither, ye faithful (Caswall)
Salvation is of God alone (Kelly)
Precious volume! what thou doest (Kelly)
There was no angel midst the throng - The Divine Deliverer (Webster Hinsdale) (r)
The Lord of all things, in his humble birth (Guyon/Cowper) (r)
All my heart this night rejoices - A Song of Joy at Dawn (Gerhardt/Winkworth)
The Christ of God hath come - Made of a Woman (Bonar) (r)
Lead us, O Lord, to Bethlehem - Show us Jesus (Bonar) (r)
Calm was the hallowed night! - A Christmas Hymn (Elliott) (r)
Sing of him who gives us (Kelly)
Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comes (Doddridge) (r)
Come, ye lofty! come, ye lowly! (Gurney) (r)
Oh, how wondrous is the story! (More)
I love the sacred book of God (Kelly)
When a believer yields his breath (Kelly)
'Tis a blessed thing to know (Kelly)
Better two than one (Kelly)
What for us is more befitting (Kelly)
Loss is gain, and pain is pleasure (Kelly)
Have we known indeed, and tasted (Kelly)
Sing of grace, the grace of Jesus (Kelly)
Quick and powerful is the word (Kelly)
Awake, awake, O arm of God! (Kelly)
Neither "voice" we have, nor "vision" (Kelly)
Born in sin, and doomed to die (Kelly)
To him whose name is "love" (Kelly)
The praise of heaven to him is due (Kelly)
Top / Übersicht
November 2015
The people of the Lord (Kelly)
Of sinners the chief (Kelly)
Nicht menschlicher Rat - Des Herrn Fürsorge (Newton/Knapp) (r)
Though troubles assail - The Lord will provide (Newton) (r)
Yes, Lord, thou hast the words of life (Kelly)
We were lost, but God has found us (Kelly)
Now may the Spirit from above (Kelly)
We look for joys to come (Kelly)
Away! thou dying saint, away! (Kelly)
Hark! a voice! it cries from heaven (Kelly)
Beloved one, thy place no more (Kelly)
Away, away! thy work is done! (Kelly)
Bring no money here, nor price (Kelly)
God is for us (Kelly)
Much there is to harm us (Kelly)
God of hope and consolation (Kelly)
Shall I be ashamed of Jesus? (Kelly)
And art thou, gracious Master, gone (Kelly)
We'll speak of Christ (Kelly)
We praise and bless the Saviour's name (Kelly)
Let sinners saved give thanks, and sing (Kelly)
Chief of sinners, Lord, am I (Kelly)
'Tis the Lord, I know it is (Kelly)
How blessed is he, whom God forgives (Kelly)
The trump of God is heard on high (Kelly)
To wait for that important day (Kelly)
Hark! 'tis the trumpet's sound (Kelly)
The trumpet is sounding, the Lord is appearing (Kelly)
The Lord is coming in the clouds (Kelly)
Top / Übersicht
October / Oktober 2015
Child of promise, looked for long! (Kelly)
Himself he cannot save (Kelly)
Welcome, welcome, Holy Child! (Kelly)
Unto us a Son is given (Kelly)
Born in a stable he (Kelly)
Hark! what sounds salute our ears (Kelly)
Seed of the woman, looked for long (Kelly)
Jacob's star is risen at last (Kelly)
Christ is born, go tell the story (Kelly)
Fly abroad, and tell the story (Kelly)
He's gone! see where his body lay (Kelly)
To the cross, away, away! (Kelly)
'Twas a dark and fearful hour (Kelly)
We'll sing in spite of scorn (Kelly)
Whence those sounds symphonious (Kelly)
For whom is yonder crown prepared (Kelly)
Hark the notes of angels singing (Kelly)
King of kings, and Lord of lords! (Kelly)
Rejoice, the Lord is risen (Kelly)
The Lord is risen indeed (Kelly)
See where the Lord his glory spreads (Kelly)
Whence those unusual bursts of joy (Kelly)
Yes, the Lord no more is found (Kelly)
See the saints in heaven appearing (Kelly)
O had I the wings of a dove (Kelly)
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September 2015
What pleasure there is in expecting the season (Kelly)
Jesus soon will come to bless us (Kelly)
Gracious Lord, my heart is fixèd (Kelly)
It has not fully yet appeared (Kelly)
What tongue can tell, what fancy paint (Kelly)
What love, what pleasure, what surprise (Kelly)
Come and let us praise our King! (Kelly)
How pleasant is the sound of praise! (Kelly)
Now let us all together sing (Kelly)
The Lord, "the only wise", is he (Kelly)
'Tis meet that we should humbled be (Kelly)
Saviour, 'tis to thee (Kelly)
Of Jesus we'll sing (Kelly)
Jesus gave his life, to save us (Kelly)
To heaven's eternal King (Kelly)
We sing of him who came from heav'n (Kelly)
Ye saints, come and join in the praise of the Lamb - Worthy is the Lamb (Kelly)
Sing of him who bore our guilt (Kelly)
Sing of him who came to save us (Kelly)
Come praise the Lord, exalt his name (Kelly)
Sing of him, who left a throne (Kelly)
We sing of him, and so we should (Kelly)
Praises more than we can render (Kelly)
The God himself, who reigns on high (Kelly)
Many perils, many crosses (Kelly)
Having nothing, yet possessing all things (Kelly)
What should keep me from the cross? (Kelly)
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August 2015
'Twas a conflict while it lasted (Kelly)
He comes! the Saviour full of grace (Kelly)
Ground of my hope, the Cross appears! (Kelly)
To whom should those in trouble flee? (Kelly)
Unknown by men, the Christian lives (Kelly)
Hark! the solemn trumpet sounding (Kelly)
In our Lord we have redemption (Kelly)
Saviour, this is what I ask (Kelly)
Saviour, we have seen thy goings (Kelly)
To visit earth, O Master - "Leaving us an example" (Bonar)
Wherever our Master may call us (Kelly)
Now we sow in tears (Kelly)
Saviour, send us help from heaven (Kelly)
None to help us, no, not one (Kelly)
Say, why art thou cast down, my soul? (Kelly)
I know I should be wholly his (Kelly)
Much there is to try us here (Kelly)
The demon, Lord, expel (Kelly)
A clearer view of things unseen (Kelly)
In this world of sorrow (Kelly)
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July / Juli 2015
"Thy way, O Lord, is in the sea" (Kelly)
For the vision of the Bridegroom - "Until the day break" (Bonar)
Yes, a call there is (Kelly)
The Lord is my help and my shield (Kelly)
Praise will I unto thee - Psalm 9 (Bonar)
In form I long had bowed the knee (Kelly)
"God is love," his word has said it (Kelly)
Make friends with Time: the years are flying (Bonar)
"The cup of salvation", the cup that we drink of (Kelly)
Sweet cup of sorrow (Bonar)
The night-shades have begun their flight - Jubilate (Bonar)
Great King of kings, why dost thou stay? - Thy Kingdom Come (Bonar)
Upward, where the stars are burning - Upward (Bonar)
Done is the work that saves - The Work that Saves (Bonar)
Could ye not watch? (Bonar)
Broken was his body; broken (Kelly)
O how good and pleasant (Kelly)
Going home, and going quickly (Kelly)
'Twas a foolish thing to say (Kelly)
Sweet is the savour of his name (Kelly)
Hark! ten thousand voices cry (Kelly)
Hark, ten thousand harps and voices (Kelly)
Praise the Saviour, ye who know him (Kelly)
Lord, dissolve my frozen heart (Kelly)
Keep us, Lord, O keep us ever! (Kelly)
Make thy face to shine upon us (Kelly)
Hochbegnadigt von dem Herrn (Cramer)
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June / Juni 2015
The privilege I greatly prize (Kelly)
Mighty is the arm that saves us (Kelly)
I have sinned, but thou hast suffered (Kelly)
The Lord is my strength (Kelly)
Let God arise (Kelly)
Never leave us nor forsake us (Kelly)
Saviour, work in us thy pleasure (Kelly)
Glad I was today (Kelly)
To God our Saviour and our King (Kelly)
"Praise the Lord," 'tis meet we should (Kelly)
Sing of him, the Lord, who (Kelly)
To him who reigns in heaven above (Kelly)
Homeward bound, the way is dreary (Kelly)
"Who is this that calms the ocean?" (Kelly)
O Zion, when I think on thee (Kelly)
Fly, ye seasons, fly still faster (Kelly)
If Jesus rose not from the grave (Kelly)
Jesus drains the cup of sorrows (Kelly)
Stricken, smitten, and afflicted (Kelly)
Sing of Jesus, sing for ever (Kelly)
How blessed and how bright the day (Kelly)
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Mai 2015
When the Lord rebukes his servant (Kelly)
Joyful be the hours today (Kelly)
When two or three together meet (Kelly)
Saviour, be thou with us, going (Kelly)
Is it not God appoints it so? (Kelly)
To him, "the only wise" (Kelly)
Praise, O Lord, we know becomes us (Kelly)
Sing we praise to God above (Kelly)
Praise the Lord (Kelly)
To him who left his throne (Kelly)
Blessed be the Lord for ever! (Kelly)
Sing of him who lives for ever (Kelly)
What thou hast (Kelly)
Let others labour to possess (Kelly)
Lo! the infant Saviour lies (Kelly)
Glad we keep the feast today (Kelly)
We ought to sing for joy today (Kelly)
We sing with joy today (Kelly)
The Lord, his way is in the storms (Kelly)
The God of glory dwells on high (Kelly)
"Sinner, I am thy salvation" (Kelly)
Much I love the honoured name (Kelly)
Weep no more, ye saints, why should ye? (Kelly)
To thee, O Lord our God, we come (Kelly)
For the hope we have of life (Kelly)
To thee, O Lord, we turn our eyes (Kelly)
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April 2015
Beneath Moriah's rocky side - Fountain of Siloam (M'Cheyne)
Yes, the Lord has thus far led us (Kelly)
"We walk by faith, and not by sight" (Kelly)
The Cross! my hope, my boast, my theme (Kelly)
If worldly thoughts so much employ (Kelly)
Boundless glory, Lord, be thine! (Kelly)
Jesus comes, the Judge of all (Kelly)
Let crowns of glory wreathe the head (Kelly)
We sing the praise of him who gave (Kelly)
The Saviour bears a lovely name (Kelly)
See! he comes, his work is done (Kelly)
Behold the Lamb, with glory crowned! (Kelly)
Sons of Zion, raise your songs (Kelly)
Awake, ye saints, awake and watch (Kelly)
Every knee shall bow to Jesus (Kelly)
Glory, glory to our King! (Kelly)
Hail the day that sees him rise (Charles Wesley)
Nichts fürcht ich mehr - Mein Lebensglück (Rüegg)
O Captain of God's host (Heber)
Jesus our Lord is King (Kelly)
Every good possessing (Kelly)
Bless, my soul, the name of Jesus (Kelly)
Resting from his work today (Whytehead)
"It is finished!" sinners, hear it (Kelly)
Dort am Kreuz starbst du für mich - Mein guter Hirte (Rüegg)
Lord, I put my trust in thee (Kelly)
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March / März 2015
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing (Allen/Shirley)
O God! my sins are manifold, against my life they cry - Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
Now may the Spirit, sent from heav'n (Kelly)
"Sit thou on my right hand, my Son!" saith the Lord - Ascension Day and Sunday after (Heber)
Fürchte dich nicht / Be not afraid (Jesaja 41,10/Isaiah 41,10) (r)
On that eternal love of thine - "Thou remainest" (Helyar)
Dass Gott, der Herr der Welt zu mir spricht - Abraham (Rüegg)
Away! he calls thee hence away (Kelly)
Herr, was du willst, das soll mein Wille sein - Abrahams Antwort (Rüegg)
Manchmal fühle ich mich so ganz allein - Gott ist da (Rüegg)
Who yonder on the desert heath - Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
Manchmal ängstigt mich die Frage - Weil er meine Sünde trug (Rüegg) (r)
At our Father's table meeting (Kelly)
When Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil - Seventh Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
Und doch will ich dir danken - Dennoch (Rüegg) (r)
The day of God at length appears (Kelly)
Und wieder liegt ein Tag vor mir - Verzage nicht! (Rüegg) (r)
Ich hab nun lang auf Sand gebaut - Der Herr, mein Fels (Rüegg) (r)
To our Lord a throne is giv'n (Kelly)
Du hast einst die Erde gegründet - Du bist derselbe (Psalm 102,26-28) (r)
Dass du in Liebe an mich denkst - Nur Gnade (Rüegg) (r)
Light hath arisen, we walk in its brightness - The Walk of Faith (Bonar)
Welch ein Schauen wird das sein (Rüegg) (r)
Oh thou whom neither time nor space - Fifth Sunday in Lent (Heber)
Es strahlt vom Ufer drüben (Rüegg) (r)
There was joy in Heaven! - Third Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
Ein Sehnen und Verlangen - Christenheimweh (Rüegg) (r)
The Cross! a theme of joy to some (Kelly)
Was bin ich, Herr, wenn ich nicht mehr bei dir bin? - Was bin ich, Herr ...? (Rüegg) (r)
Oh hand of bounty, largely spread - Second Sunday after Epiphany (1) (Heber)
Wo hab ich je solche Schönheit gesehn - Von der Schönheit des Herrn (Rüegg) (r)
Lo the lilies of the field - Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
Deine Liebe ist so treu - Deine Liebe (Rüegg) (r)
The saints shall have joy in the morning (Kelly)
Es ist wunderbar zu wissen - Der Herr, mein Freund (Rüegg) (r)
Lord, 'tis good to know thy grace (Kelly)
Es war ganz finstre Nacht, als er als kleines Kindlein kam (Rüegg) (r)
The night is now far spent (Kelly)
Steine sind für uns ein Zeichen für das Wirken unsres Herrn - Denk Steine! (Rüegg) (r)
God is gone up with a merry noise - Easter Day (Heber)
Als im dürren Erdreich Davids Wurzel wieder spross - Er aber (Rüegg) (r)
The light is sweet, and pleasant is (Kelly)
Ein Dankeschön an dich (Rüegg) (r)
Life nor Death shall us dissever - Fifth Sunday after Easter (Heber)
In dir allein ist meines Herzens Ruhe! - In dir allein (Rüegg) (r)
Glory, glory everlasting (Kelly)
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February / Februar 2015
Heute ziehts mir die Gedanken - Der Herr, das Licht der Welt! (Rüegg) (r)
Forth from the dark and stormy sky - Second Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
Ich will singen, singen, singen (Rüegg) (r)
God has turned my grief to gladness (Kelly)
Noch eine kurze Zeit (Brorson/Gottsched) (r)
Det er en liden tid (Brorson) (r)
Rescued from the lake infernal (Kelly)
I sit in my silent chamber - Nocturn (Palmer)
Winter ist es. In dem weiten Reiche - Im Winter (Spitta)
"Jesus" was written broadly on the cross - The Writing on the Cross (Burlingham)
Hark! hark! hark! - There's Room for Thee! (Burlingham)
Oh King of earth and air and sea! - Fourth Sunday in Lent (Heber)
The Spirit, coming in his pow'r - Thirst for God (Kelly)
Wondrous is the simple story - The Death of Christ (Burlingham)
"Trust ye in the Lord for ever" (Kelly)
Death, the Grave, and Resurrection - In the Hill Country of Judah (Burlingham)
I praised the earth, in beauty seen - Forth Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
When we stand on Pisgah's summit (Kelly)
Alas for the city, deserted and lonely - A Lament (Burlingham)
Jesus, my Lord, to thee (Kelly)
Oh wondrous City: pure, translucent gold! - The Holy City – The New Jerusalem (Burlingham)
Lord, I trust in thee, O never (Kelly)
Though sorrows rise, and dangers roll - St. James Day (Heber)
The winds were howling o'er the deep - Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (2) (Heber)
'Tis the last trumpet's voice (Kelly)
"Come in, thou blessed of the Lord" - Receiving a Member (Kelly)
Blessed, whom Jesus keeps (Kelly)
An absent Lord I serve and love (Kelly)
Oh more than merciful! whose bounty gave - Good Friday (Heber)
'Tis to us no cause of sorrow (Kelly)
Our rest be here, the Cross beneath (Kelly)
Glad I am to have thee - The Bible (Kelly)
Go forth to sow, O sowers - Sowing the Seed (Burlingham)
Lord of Mercy and of might - Quintquagesima Sunday (Heber)
No strength at all belongs to us (Kelly)
We sing the Saviour's praise (Kelly)
When we cannot see our way (Kelly)
I weep, but do not yield - The Rod (Bonar)
Spirit of Truth! on this thy day - Whit Sunday (Heber)
Lord, let thy Spirit from above (Kelly)
We sing of him who died (Kelly)
The mighty God our father is - "If Children, then Heirs" (Kelly)
The earth was without form and void - "Let There Be Light" (Burlingham)
Thy promise, Lord, just suits my case - "My Grace is Sufficient for thee" (Kelly)
To keep the lamp alive - Dependence (Cowper)
Awake our souls! awake our tongues! (Kelly)
Lord! whose love, in power excelling - Third Sunday after Epiphany (Heber)
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January / Januar 2015
In spirit, Lord, we dwell with thee above - His Table (Burlingham)
Sing aloud to God, our strength (Kelly)
Hope in Christ our Lord possessing (Kelly)
When one whom ... - I Am With You Alway (Burlingham)
The Lord of Might, from Sinai's brow - Sixth Sunday in Lent (Heber)
Things unseen engage us now (Kelly)
To tell the Saviour all my wants - The Hidden Life (Cowper)
While in the world we still remain (Kelly)
Oh, can we be forgetful, Lord - "My Bow in the Cloud" (Burlingham)
As one to self-indulgence prone (Kelly)
Thy death – Lord Jesus! Death wherein we died - "Until He Come" (Burlingham)
What is life? 'Tis but a vapour (Kelly)
Oh Saviour, is thy promise fled? - Third Sunday in Advent (Heber)
His master taken from his head - On the Death of a Minister (Cowper)
From far I see the glorious day (Kelly)
Lord! I thank thee thou dost listen - The Loving-Kindness of the Lord (Burlingham)
'Tis Jesus in the sunshine - Jesus Only (Burlingham)
The trumpet shall sound (Kelly)
It is not we who can direct (Kelly)
On the Lord depending - "Wait on the Lord" (Burlingham)
Gracious Lord, our children see - Prayer for Children (Cowper)
Is not this a brand (Kelly)
God must acquaint his comforters with grief - Comforted of God (Burlingham)
The Saviour, what a noble flame - Jesus hasting to suffer (Cowper)
Beyond the world a city stands (Kelly)
O Christ, thy precious blood was shed - Eternal Redemption (Burlingham)
Winter has a joy for me - I will Praise the Lord at all times (Cowper)
Ye must suffer ere ye serve - "Lord, what wilt Thou have Me to Do?" (Burlingham)
With heav'n in view, we tread the path (Kelly)
To see the Saviour as he is (Kelly)
Yes, I love the name that is (Kelly)
'Tis my happiness below - Welcome Cross (Cowper)
Let us sing, for we have reason (Kelly)
Oh how could I forget him - The Remembrance (Kern/Winkworth)
Wie könnt ich sein vergessen (Kern)
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December / Dezember 2014
My Saviour! I can think of thee - Suffering and Rest (Burlingham)
Oh, Jesus! ever present Friend - Going Out and Coming In (Burlingham)
Belovèd! still 'tis "Onward!" Faint not, the goal is nigh - Onward (Burlingham)
There's one sweet day the Christian heart holds dear - The Lord's Day (Burlingham)
Lord Jesus, 'tis exceeding gain - Apart (Burlingham)
Oh Saviour, whom this holy morn - Christmas Day (Heber)
The Lord of all things, in his humble birth (Guyon/Cowper)
Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comes (Doddridge)
The Saviour, Jesus, left the skies - Jesus, The Saviour (Burlingham)
The Father sent the Son - The Sent One (Burlingham)
There is a land where troubles never come - The Promised Land (Burlingham)
Oh, make me, Jesus, Saviour - With the Lowly is Wisdom (Burlingham)
O blessèd Lord! we own in all our sorrow - Thou drewest near (Burlingham)
Lord Jesus Christ, in glorious worth made known - The Father Loveth the Son (Burlingham)
Jesus Christ, the Shepherd True - Light and Love (Burlingham)
The clouds that gather overhead - Have Faith in God (Burlingham)
'Tis not far off – the hour - Waiting for Christ (Burlingham)
Thou art our refuge, O Eternal God - Thou art our refuge (Burlingham)
Ye heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ, arise! - Awake! (Burlingham)
Bright, bright Home! Beyond the skies - Watching for the Morning (Burlingham)
'Tis a long and a toilsome day - Homeward Bound (Burlingham)
In the sun and moon and stars - Second Sunday in Advent (2) (Heber)
"Good courage"! Good success! - "Songs in the Night" (Burlingham)
"What things were gain to me" - What things were gain (Burlingham)
Through the long vista of the bygone days - A Song of Remembrance (Burlingham)
When the night is dark and dreary - "Toiling in Rowing" (Burlingham)
Thou art coming, mighty Saviour! - The coming King (Burlingham)
The Gospel is of God - The Gospel of God (Burlingham)
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November 2014
Hosanna to the living Lord! - Advent Sunday (Heber)
Mine own Belovèd's voice! - "The voice of my Belovèd" (Burlingham)
Oh bright will be the waking - Treasure Trove (Burlingham)
Say where doth Wisdom dwell? - "Where shall Wisdom be Found?" (Burlingham)
The earthen pitcher frail - Giving and Receiving (Burlingham)
Shall I forsake the ways divine - "Faint yet Pursuing" (Burlingham)
Eternity for glory - The Eternal Day (Burlingham)
The cross! The cross of Jesus Christ our Lord - "Jesus Christ and Him Crucified" (Burlingham)
High at God's right hand is seated - "We see Jesus" (Burlingham)
Thou, Lord, art all to me - "My Portion for Ever" (Burlingham)
I'm waiting for thee, Lord - "Over There" (Burlingham)
I know, O Lord, though all around is dark - Trusting in Jesus (Burlingham)
Oh, the love of Christ is boundless - Boundless Love (Burlingham)
O Christian, search the Scriptures! - A Song for the times (Burlingham)
Great gain is thine, belovèd one, exchanging - Far Better (Burlingham)
Fear not, beloved, go calmly on - Led Safely (Burlingham)
The pilgrimage cares and calamities past - A Song by the Way (Burlingham)
O Jesus, Friend unfailing - The unfailing Friend (Küster/Burlingham)
Burdened and plagued within - In the Far Country (Burlingham)
Alone! – a stranger here - Alone (Burlingham)
Blessèd be God, my God! who, ever near - "Blessed be God" (Burlingham)
O God of matchless grace - Accepted in the Beloved (Burlingham)
O for a deeper knowledge of thy ways! - "That I may Know Him" (Burlingham)
Sing we our choral strain - Worthy art Thou (Burlingham)
What sudden blaze of song - Christmas Day (Keble)
Thou art home at last, each waymark past - Home at last (Burlingham)
Awake, my heart; arise, my tongue - Spiritual apparel (Watts)
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October / Oktober 2014
Lo! what a glorious sight appears - The Kingdom of Christ among Men (Watts)
His name is Jesus! None beside - "His name Jesus" (Burlingham)
How patiently, O Lord, thy love endures! - The Patience of Hope (Burlingham)
Thou living God! how blessed are all - Victories (Burlingham)
Help me, my God, be thou thyself my guide! - Help of God (Burlingham)
I praise thee, blessed God - A Wayside Song (Burlingham)
Jesus, thou precious One, what depths of love - The Unseen Loved One (Burlingham)
O City, golden-bright! (Burlingham)
O weary soul with guilt oppressed - Let him that heareth say "Come" (Burlingham)
Thou art my Joy, Lord Jesus! - The God of my Salvation (Burlingham)
Not yet the dawn – the things around - The Watchers (Burlingham)
This is thy love, my God! - Lost and Found (Burlingham)
O thou, who from Eternity - The Unchanging One (Burlingham)
Everlasting glory - The Mighty Saviour (Burlingham)
Not the reproach of men - Fear not (Burlingham)
I have a mighty Friend - Always Confident (Burlingham)
Lord! much we need thy Shepherd-care - Looking Upward (Burlingham)
Away with Egypt's burdens - Out of Their Bondage (Burlingham)
Why should these eyes be tearful - The Victory of Faith (Palmer)
Onward, and upward, and forward today! - A Birthday Song (Burlingham)
Lead us, O Lord, to Bethlehem - Show us Jesus (Bonar)
The glory shines before me (Burlingham)
Lord, thou art mine - Lord, Thou art Mine (Bonar)
Risen Son of God, this day - The Light of the Risen One (Bonar)
The Son of God descends - The Just for the Unjust (Bonar)
By sleep he consecrated sleep - The Things that God hath Cleansed (Bonar)
Lord, to be with thee in thine own abode - Before the Presence of His Glory (Burlingham)
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September 2014
'Tis a dead world through which I walk - I am with thee (Bonar)
Food of the soul, eternal bread - Bread enough and to spare (Bonar)
Make use of me, my God! - Use Me (Bonar)
Hear the glad words of grace - "Go in peace" (Bonar)
Art thou afflicted? O belovèd, pray! - Is any afflicted? Let him pray (Burlingham)
It is not death to die (Malan/Bethune)
Grace and peace and glory yonder - Grace and Peace (Burlingham)
From the cross the blood is falling - Juxta Crucem (Bonar)
Not what I am, O Lord, but what thou art! - The Love that Passeth Knowledge (Bonar)
Jesus! gentle Sufferer, say (Monsell)
Laid up for those who fear thee, Lord - My Times are in Thy Hand (Burlingham)
O ever sacred spot - The Place of Prayer (Palmer)
Thou know'st my longings to be taught of thee - Who teacheth like him? (Bonar)
Soon this corruptible - Resurrection (Bonar)
'Tis a sharp rugged hill, that seems to mock - To the Mark (Bonar)
The gems of earth are still within - It doth not yet appear what we shall be (Bonar)
Now I have found a friend - Jesus is mine (Hope) (r)
Poor fainting spirit, still hold on thy way - The Day is at Hand! (Elliott)
Is life's evening long and dreary? - Lines for the Aged (Elliott)
Refuse him not, O man! - Hear, and your souls shall live (Bonar)
Thy thoughts are here, my God - The Book of God (Bonar)
I want that adorning Divine - The Pilgrim's Wants (Elliott)
Bring the bright day to me - Bring the Bright Day (Bonar)
One Christ we feed upon, one living Christ - Communion (Bonar)
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August 2014
The pilgrim spirit journeys on - An Exile's Hymn (Elliott)
The Christ of God hath come - Made of a Woman (Bonar)
He came a leper, all unclean and foul - As many as Touched Him (Bonar)
Home of holy light - Our Father's House (Bonar)
By the cross of Jesus standing - The Cross (Bonar)
Full many a bud and flow'ret fair - The Unfading Flower (Elliott)
O thou, the contrite sinner's Friend! - Prayer to the Heavenly Intercessor (Elliott)
I look along the past, and gather themes - Thankful Memories (Bonar)
This year will prove a happy one - New Year's Day (Elliott)
O ye of little faith - Doubt not (Bonar)
Jesus, Lamb of God, for me - Repentance at the Cross (Palmer)
Shine on, sweet sun, and let my day - Shine on (Bonar)
Sinful, sighing to be blessed - The Penitent (Monsell)
Give thou thy youth to God - The Days of Thy Youth (Bonar)
Life is coming, death is going - Even so, Amen (Bonar)
Sounds the trumpet from afar! - The War Song of the Church (Bonar)
O Holy Comforter - The Comforter (Palmer)
The thought of death inspires no fear - So shall we ever be with the Lord (Elliott)
No, not despairingly - Confession and Peace (Bonar)
All the earth this day is crying - The Cry of the Needy (Bonar)
I follow thee, O gracious Son of God! - Follow thou Me (Bonar)
I come, I rest beneath - Beneath His Wing (Bonar)
He bore the sin! - Complete in Him (Bonar)
He has come! the Christ of God - A Bethlehem Hymn (Bonar)
I close my heavy eye - Ever Near (Bonar)
They hear his voice! - The Shepherd's Voice (Bonar)
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July / Juli 2014
Shut in with God, as in his tent - Enter into thy Closet (Bonar)
My path through the desert grows dreary - The Fear of Death is fallen upon me (Elliott)
All gone, all gone! for this life gone - All gone (Elliott)
When waves of trouble round me swell - It is I: be not afraid (Elliott)
Jesus! thou in heaven art pleading - To Comfort Me (Elliott)
Christ is my hope, Christ is my life - For a Dying Bed (Elliott)
Oh, never can I serve thee here - A Hymn (Elliott)
Oh, thou glorious world unseen - Thoughts of Heaven (Elliott)
I am a passing stranger here - The Pilgrim's Hymn (Elliott)
Praise ye the Lord, all things that be! - Praise (Bonar)
My soul, thou art weary within me and faint - In due Season we shall Reap if we Faint not (Elliott)
Thine and yet ours, O Lord! - My Cup (Bonar)
Lie still, lie still - All in Him (Bonar)
He looks on us, we look on him - Eye to Eye (Bonar)
Kneeling on the earth, he prays - Passio Christi (Bonar)
Rich in mercy, great in love - The Children's Cry (Bonar)
My God! how wonderful thou art - Our Heavenly Father (Faber)
Till he come we own his name - The Supper and the Advent (Bonar)
O love invisible, yet infinite - Divine Love (Bonar)
Not what these hands have done (Bonar)
Keep silence, God is speaking - The Still Small Voice (Bonar)
We sing the praise of him who died (Kelly)
Think, oh, think, my heaven-born spirit - Why art thou cast down, O my Soul? (Elliott)
I come to thee once more, my God! - The End of Man (Faber)
As on a vast eternal shore (Prentiss)
Take me, O my Father, take me - Self-Surrender (Palmer)
There was no angel midst the throng - The Divine Deliverer (Hinsdale)
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June / Juni 2014
The new-born child of gospel grace - The new Convert (Cowper)
I heard the voice of Jesus say - The Voice from Galilee (Bonar)
Love Divine, all loves excelling (Charles Wesley)
Jesus is God! the solid earth - Jesus is God (Faber)
Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear - Sun of my Soul (Keble)
A sinful man am I - Come unto Me (Bonar)
O God, whose favourable eye - True and False Comforts (Cowper)
All hail the power of Jesu's name! - On the Resurrection (Perronet)
My God, how perfect are thy ways! - Jehovah our Righteousness (Cowper)
Constrained by their Lord to embark - The Disciples at Sea (Newton) (r)
When darkness long has veiled my mind - Peace after a Storm (Cowper)
The saints should never be dismayed - The Lord will Provide (Cowper)
No strength of nature can suffice - Love Constraining to Obedience (Cowper)
Hear what God the Lord hath spoken - The future Peace and Glory of the Church (Cowper)
Lord, my soul with pleasure springs - True Pleasures (Cowper)
Jesus, whose blood so freely streamed - Jehovah-Shalom – The Lord send Peace (Cowper)
He who on earth as man was known - The Refuge, River, and Rock of the Church (Newton)
My God! is any hour so sweet - The Hour of Prayer (Elliott)
May heavenly guides attend thee! - To a Friend setting out on a Journey (Elliott)
It is said that the exile who chances to hear - On Sacred Music (Elliott)
A voice beloved thus spoke of late - To a Mourner (Elliott)
Thou, through whose all-prevailing name - The Name above every Name (Elliott)
Ransomed spirit! heavenward hasten! - To the Passing Spirit (Elliott)
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Mai 2014
I take my pilgrim staff anew - Hymn for the New Year (Elliott)
Oh yes! there is a land of light! - The Better Country (Elliott)
Calm was the hallowed night! - A Christmas Hymn (Elliott)
Why, why art thou so fearful - Fear Not (Elliott)
And does my parting hour draw nigh - Rejoicing in Hope (Elliott)
Thou for whom we look, now aid me - The Bridegroom Cometh (Elliott)
God of my life! Thy boundless grace - I come to Thee (Elliott)
Thou, who searchest every heart - Abba, Father (Elliott)
O God, my God, these aching thoughts control - A Meditation and Prayer (Elliott)
My Saviour! when I come to die - The Sheltering Wing (Elliott)
My God! the dreaded hour draws near - When Expecting Suffering (Elliott)
When earth's supports and comforts fail - Look Upward (Elliott)
Holy Comforter! my Guide! - The Holy Comforter (Elliott)
My God and Father, while I stray - Thy Will be Done (Elliott)
"My home, my home, my happy home!" - My Home (Elliott)
Spirit of truth, of power, of love - The Comforter (Elliott)
Lie down in peace to take thy rest - By the Deathbed of a Friend (Elliott)
Father! when thy child is dying - Prayer for a Departing Spirit (Elliott)
Leaning on thee, my Guide, my Friend - Leaning on her Beloved (Elliott)
Oh! when the exile views his home - Return unto thy rest, O my Soul (Elliott)
I heard the voice of Love divine - Blessed are they that Mourn (Elliott)
I need not fear to die - Why should I Fear to Die? (Elliott)
While ceaseless love and ceaseless care - Hymn for a Dying Bed (Elliott)
Ever patient, gentle, meek - The Perfect Example (Elliott)
When passing through deep waters - In Deep Waters (Elliott)
Oh! if I walked by sight, not faith - Light and Darkness (Elliott)
Holy Comforter! who guidest - Strong Consolation (Elliott)
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April 2014
Mourner! is thy heart still grieving - To a Bereaved Christian Friend (Elliott)
O much beloved! fear not to die - To Die is Gain (Elliott)
Lord, when I see thee as thou art - Prayer against Impatience (Elliott)
O faint and feeble-hearted! - Be not Faithless, but Believing (Elliott)
The twilight hour is come - The Twilight Hour (Elliott)
Speak, my Saviour, speak to me - Go and Sin no More (Elliott)
Lord, by thy hand withdrawn apart - Thoughts in Seclusion (Elliott)
Lord of all power and might! - Prayer for Faith (Elliott)
Embosomed in the fragrance sweet - Our prayers (Bonar)
Now, pilgrim! of thy journey home - To an Aged Christian on his Birthday (Elliott)
Light beams upon my inward eye - The Wanderer's Return (Elliott)
Fount of everlasting love - Spiritual refreshing (Palmer)
When winds are raging o'er the upper ocean - The Secret (Stowe)
Acquaint thyself with God! - Divine acquaintanceship (Bonar)
På dunkel stig går Gud framåt (Cowper) (r)
God moves in a mysterious way - Light shining out of darkness (Cowper) (r)
Oh for the peace which floweth as a river (Crewdson)
Surely Christ thy griefs has borne (Toplady)
Feelest thou disquiet, care, unrest - Give Me thine Heart (Elliott)
Bleibt bei dem, der euretwillen - Bleibet in Jesu (Spitta)
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March / März 2014
Great Captain of salvation - Burial (Deck)
Hark! what voice of love is speaking - More than Conqueror (Elliott)
Every good and perfect gift - God the Giver of all (Bonar)
From earth retiring - Almost home (Bonar)
When all outward comfort flies - The Ever-present Helper (Elliott)
Ist der Weg auch noch so lang - Ermunterung (Spitta)
Jesus, my Saviour! look on me - A Song in the Night (Elliott)
There is a fountain deep and pure - The Fountain (Elliott)
Saved by blood, I live to tell - Hear what he has done for my soul (Newton)
Ein Pilger schickt sich an zur Fahrt - Heimgang (Spitta)
O God! may I look up to thee? - The Young Believer's Prayer (Elliott)
Breathe from the gentle south, O Lord - The waiting soul (Cowper)
Calm me, my God, and keep me calm - The inner calm (Bonar)
I come, my Lord, to offer up to thee - I come, my Lord! (Elliott)
My body is weary and weak - Faint, yet Pursuing (Elliott)
I can gaze on that beautiful sky - Above the Heavens (Elliott)
What is the lesson I am taught - The Daily Lesson (Elliott)
I know in whom I put my trust - The Christian's Trust (Arndt/Winkworth)
Ich weiß, an wen ich glaube (Arndt)
Far from the world, O Lord, I flee - Retirement (Cowper)
Cling to the Crucified! - Abide in him (Bonar)
Jesus, thy boundless love to me (Gerhardt/John Wesley)
The world can neither give nor take (Mason/Selina)
Come, ye saints, look here and wonder (Kelly)
Holy Spirit! mighty God! - Prayer to the Holy Spirit (Elliott)
I look to thee! I hope in thee! - Onward and Upward (Elliott)
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February / Februar 2014
Ever would I fain be reading - Christ our Example (Hensel/Winkworth)
Immer muss ich wieder lesen - Jesus in der Heiligen Schrift (Hensel)
Conquering Prince and Lord of glory (Tersteegen/Winkworth)
Siegesfürst und Ehrenkönig - Anbetung Jesu bei seiner Himmelfahrt (Tersteegen)
Oh, Jesus Christ, grow thou in me - He must increase, but I must decrease (Lavater/Smith)
Come, saints, praise the Lamb, rejoice in his name! - A song of praise (Deck)
Oh for a heart to praise my God! (Charles Wesley)
Joy and gladness! joy and gladness! (Bethune)
When o'er Judea's vales and hills - Hymn to the Redeemer (Coxe)
Still, still with thee, when purple morning breaketh - When I awake, I am still with thee (Stowe)
Wouldst thou learn the depth of sin - Gethsemane (Monsell)
Come, Lord, and tarry not - Come, Lord (Bonar)
Jesus, I love thee evermore (Benedict)
The veil is rent. Lo! Jesus stands - The Day of Atonement (Deck)
Fierce was the wild billow - Christ in the tempest (Anatolius/Neale)
Art thou weary, art thou languid - Art thou weary? (Stephen/Neale)
Chief of sinners though I be (McComb)
Heavenward still our pathway tends - Heavenward still! (Schmolck/Cox)
My faith looks up to thee - Faith (Palmer)
Jesus, I rest in thee - Rest in Jesus (Deck)
Are there no wounds for me? (Hinsdale)
Where high the heavenly temple stands (Bruce)
Jesus, how sweet thy memory is! (Bernard/Alexander)
Hark, my soul! it is the Lord - "Lovest thou me?" (Cowper)
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January / Januar 2014
O holy Saviour! Friend unseen! - Prayer to the Saviour (Elliott)
O Heaven! Sweet Heaven! the home of the blessed (Nevin)
O Lord! 'tis but a little while - "Rejoicing in hope" (Deck)
Long did I toil, and knew no earthly rest - I am his, and he is mine (Lyte)
Holy, holy, holy Lord - Doxology (Deck)
When along life's thorny road - "Looking unto Jesus" (Deck)
O Jesus, Lord! 'tis joy to know - The Head in heaven (Deck)
Lamb of God! thou now art seated - The Lamb of God (2) (Deck)
"Abba, Father!" we approach thee - Worship (Deck)
Lord, we are thine: our God thou art - Lord, we are thine (Deck)
It is thy hand, my God! - Chastening (Deck)
We're not of this world that fadeth away - Wilderness song (Deck)
Oh happy day! when first we felt - Oh happy day! (Deck)
When first I heard of Jesus' name - The attractions of Christ (Deck)
"THE LORD IS RISEN!" – Oh, what joy - "The Lord is risen indeed" (Deck)
O Lord, 'tis joy to look above (Deck)
Lord, thou hast said it, thy Word standeth sure - "It is well" (Deck)
He speaks! The gracious words I hear - Thee, only thee (Bonar)
Thou must deny thyself - Deny thyself (Bonar)
Love not the world! (Bonar)
Love thou the truth - Let your light shine (Bonar)
O Jesus, gracious Saviour - Succour for the tempted (Deck)
O Lord, my heart aspires - Aspirations (Deck)
We bless our Saviour's name - The Lord's supper (Deck)
Lamb of God! our souls adore thee - The Lamb of God (Deck)
O Lord, who now art seated - Constraining love (Deck)
Jesus, my Saviour! Thou art mine - Jesus, my Saviour! (Deck)
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December / Dezember 2013
My home! 't is not here in a region of death - The believer's home (Deck)
Rejoice, believer, in the Lord - Perseverance (Newton)
All have their work to do - Hymn for a child (Deck)
Lord, when I wander from thy side - Cleaving to the Lord (Deck)
On thee, O Jesus, strongly leaning - Fellowship with Christ (Bonar)
Lo, he comes! let all adore him! (Kelly)
Oh, what is thy Beloved? - My Beloved (Deck)
Oh, our God, how full of blessing - "Abba, Father" (Deck)
Saviour, I long to follow thee - Following Christ (Deck)
O Jesus Christ, our Saviour - Looking to Jesus Christ (Deck)
Teach me thy love, O gracious Son of God! - My life-long prayer (Bonar)
Jesus, I come to thee - Heart breathings (Deck)
O Lord, when we the path retrace - The path of Christ (Deck)
To Jehovah, God of might - Glory to God (Bonar)
Christian, wouldst thou fruitful be? - "Abide in me" (Deck)
Jesus, spotless Lamb of God - Jesus, spotless Lamb (Deck)
Lord, what am I? I once for answer sought - As he is, so are we (Deck)
Where shall I go, my Lord, from thee? - "Will ye also go away?" (Deck)
Light of the cradle! shine - Manifold Light (Bonar)
There is a place of endless joy - Heaven (Deck)
The angel has come down - The Foreglow (Bonar)
Soon shall our Master come - Waiting for the Master (Deck)
He comes! Emmanuel comes! - Behold, he comes! (Deck)
Come, ye lofty! come, ye lowly! (Gurney)
In the Book of Life enrolled - A harp of gold (Deck)
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November 2013
Bearer of sin, he came to earth - "With his stripes we are healed" (Bonar)
Lord Jesus, when I think of thee - Joy in the Lord (Deck)
JESUS, our life, is risen - Praise to Jesus (Deck)
Wake, ye saints, from sleep awake - Waking the slumberers (Deck)
Rest of all rests art thou - Our first and last (Bonar)
Oh, there are many tears and sighs - "Ho! every one that thirsteth" (Deck)
There were two worn and weary ones - Jesus at the well of Samaria (Deck)
My Saviour! I am thine (Doddridge)
My Saviour, I am weary - The soul's resting-place (Deck)
Let not your heart be faint (Latrobe)
Lord Jesus, are we one with thee? - Union with Christ (Deck)
O Lamb of God, still keep me - Safe keeping (Deck)
Jesus, my Lord, 'tis sweet to rest (H. B.)
Hath not each heart a passion and a dream? - With him, all things (Tersteegen/Bevan)
Dass du in Liebe an mich denkst - Nur Gnade (Rüegg)
I would bear in my body the dying - "The marks of the Lord Jesus" (Bevan)
Manchmal ängstigt mich die Frage - Weil er meine Sünde trug (Rüegg)
He took our flesh! - Christ for us (Bonar)
In dir allein ist meines Herzens Ruhe! - In dir allein (Rüegg)
In evil long I took delight - Looking at the Cross (Newton)
Jesus, how much thy name unfolds (Bowley Peters)
The atoning work is done (Kelly)
O thou Redeemer of our race - Advent hymn (Ambrose of Milan/Palmer)
Great Ruler of the land and sea - The sailor's litany (Bonar)
God of my life, to thee I call - Looking upwards in a storm (Cowper)
Dich zu lieben, dich allein! - Nur du! (Rüegg)
Behold the glories of the Lamb - A new song to the Lamb that was slain (Watts)
Blessed morning, whose young dawning rays - Blessed resurrection morn (Watts)
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October / Oktober 2013
There is a balm for every pain - Oil and vine (Tersteegen/Bevan)
Let me but hear my Saviour say - Christ our Strength (Watts)
Du machst alles, alles gut! - Alles gut! (Rüegg)
Hosanna to the Prince of light (Watts)
In faith we sing this song of thankfulness - The blessed Hope (Bevan)
No other voice than thine has ever spoken - The Shepherd's voice (Bevan)
Jerusalem! thou glorious City-height - The City that hath foundations (Johann Matthäus Meyfart/Bevan)
Jerusalem, du hochgebaute Stadt - Vorschmack des Himmels (Johann Matthäus Meyfart)
At the Lord's right hand there are pleasures - The divine love (Bevan)
For him the wilderness did not sing - The Outcast (Bevan)
Who are these who come amongst us - Ambassadors for Christ (Bevan)
Take me, Jesus, to thy breast - Evensong (Tersteegen/Bevan)
As the bridegroom to his chosen - My God (Tauler/Bevan)
To praise him in the dance! O glorious day! - The dance (Suso/Bevan)
Am I not enough, mine own? - The inheritance (Tersteegen/Bevan)
"O Father! not my will, but thine be done!" - "Out of the depths" (Suso/Bevan)
"I am not;" O words unwelcome - "I am not" (Suso/Bevan)
"To me to live is Christ," and yet the days - The Master’s hand (Suso/Bevan)
To learn, and yet to learn, whilst life goes by - The task (Tersteegen/Bevan)
Oh when shall the fair day break - The night watch (Suso/Bevan)
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September 2013
To thee, Lord, my heart unfoldeth - The meeting (Suso/Bevan)
As the lily of the valley - The garden of God (Tauler/Bevan)
Now have I seen thee and found thee - The finding (Suso/Bevan)
In the great and terrible wilderness - The cloven Rock (Bevan)
Child of the Eternal Father - The high calling (Tersteegen/Bevan)
Many sorrows hard and bitter - Marah (Bevan)
Des Herren priesterlich Geschlecht - Königliches Priestertum (Tersteegen)
The race of God's anointed priests - The royal priesthood (Tersteegen/Bevan)
Now – borne upon the still, the boundless deep - The dwelling of the Lord (Bevan)
In the world ye shall have tribulation - The hermit's cell (Bevan)
I know not the song of thy praises - A new song (Bevan)
O God, a world of empty show - At rest (Bevan)
Stillness midst the ever-changing - The quiet land (Bevan)
In him we live, in him we move - The far and the near (Bevan)
Not built with hands is that fair radiant chamber - In his tabernacle (Bevan)
O Holy and mighty and marvellous Word - The hearing ear (Bevan)
Long hast thou wept and sorrowed - After many farewells (Heusser/Borthwick)
Herz, du hast viel geweinet - Nach manchem Abschied (Heusser)
O Lord, I have loved the fair beauty - The courts of God (Bevan)
In thy tabernacle, Lord, I offer - A song of the temple (Bevan)
No distance now! the far-off and the near - Let us draw near (Bonar)
Lamb, thy white-robed people feeding - The Lamb of God (Bevan)
All fair within those Children of the light - Thy hidden ones (Bevan)
It was as if upon his breast - The Land of promise (Bevan)
All hail! O glorious Son of God - Risen and ascended (Bevan)
Lord Jesus, all my sin and guilt - Change of raiment (Bevan)
What! Know ye not - Know ye not? (Bonar)
Age of the ages - The winter is past (Bonar)
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August 2013
When it is well with thee before thy God - Intercession (Bonar)
The Master saith, 'My time is now at hand' - The Master's voice (Bonar)
Poor stranger, in the Master's name - The cup of cold water (Bonar)
The Master hath his word fulfilled - Pentecost (Bonar)
Fair world of earth, and air, and clouds, and sea - In him was life (Bonar)
Upon the Rock I plant my foot! - The eternal Rock (Bonar)
Rejoice, my soul, the Christ has come! - Christmas Cheer (Bonar)
My past, O Lord, with all its scenes - Lord, increase our faith (Bonar)
To my beloved ones my steps are moving - Homeward (Bonar)
We yield to death; the fight is lost - The last enemy (Bonar)
Giver of rest! - Human weariness and divine rest (Bonar)
Hem of the seamless robe - The seamless raiment (Bonar)
Out in the dew and cold he stands - The drops of the night (Bonar)
In the death of Christ I die - Who is he that condemneth? (Bonar)
My tempted soul, arise and fight! - Toward the mark (Bonar)
Thy yoke! All other yokes are hard - The yoke of the true Master (Bonar)
Thinner and thinner grows the veil - Beyond the mists (Bonar)
In God, your God, be strong - Be strong (Bonar)
A homeless Stranger amongst us came - Bands of love (Bevan)
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July / Juli 2013
We slept – a sleep of death, and yet of dreams - Sleeping and waking (Bevan)
Thou knewest not where to lay thy head - His dwelling-place (Bevan)
My Beloved, from earth's many voices - The inner chamber (Bevan)
Glorious River of God's pleasures - Rivers in the desert (Bevan)
I go on my way rejoicing - The vessel of wrought gold (Bevan)
O path which no eagle knoweth - Thy footsteps are not known (Bevan)
From the brightness of the glory - The Evangelist (Bevan)
Art thou weary, sad, and lonely - The last knock (Bevan)
There sounds a glorious music - The song of Christ (Bevan)
Sometimes a light surprises - Joy and Peace in Believing (Cowper)
It ends – the vigil of high festival - The last watch of the night (Bevan)
Souls of men! why will ye scatter - Come to Jesus (Faber)
Who are these whose faces are irradiate - Citizens of Heaven (Bevan)
One with Christ – within the golden City - The end of the journey Priest (Bevan)
Sweet to trace his toiling footsteps - The great High Priest (Bevan)
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June / Juni 2013
We are come unto Mount Zion - Arrived (Bevan)
O glad the wilderness for me - The blessed country (Bevan)
Vig fra mig, onde frister! (Timm)
Wake thee, O Zion, thy mourning is ended - The day of joy (Palmer)
In the silent midnight watches - Christ knocking at the door (Coxe)
Sinners Jesus will receive - The welcome (Neumeister/Bevan)
Jesus nimmt die Sünder an - Der Freund der Sünder (Neumeister))
The day is gone – my soul looks on - Twilight (Freylinghausen/Bevan)
Der Tag ist hin; mein Geist und Sinn - Abenddämmerung (Freylinghausen))
We glory only in the cross - The true cross (Bonar)
Through good report and evil, Lord - We follow thee (Bonar)
Jesus, Lord, in whom the Father - More than Heaven (Bevan)
Wearily my spirit sinketh - The Everlasting Arms (Winkler/Bevan)
Meine Seele senket sich - In des liebsten Vaters Schoß (Winkler))
Thou sweet beloved Will of God - The Will of God (Tersteegen/Bevan)
Rich, our God, art thou in mercy - Brought nigh (Bevan)
One place I have in heaven above - The hidden path (Bevan)
Light of life, so softly shining - Light of life (Bonar)
Tale of tenderness unfathomed - The pearl (Bevan)
In the depths of his bright glory - The secret of the Lord (Bevan)
From the Rock that God has riven - The river of God (Bevan)
Ye know not what ye ask! (Bonar)
Wherefore goest thou with me? - A Light to lighten the gentiles (Bevan)
In the distant land of famine - My welcome (Bevan)
He found me the lost and the wandering - It is finished (Bevan)
The land! the glory of all lands - Emmanuel's land (Bevan)
I was journeying in the noontide - Beyond the brightness of the sun (Bevan)
'Midst the darkness, storm and sorrow - The Bride (Bevan)
My God, within thy secret place - God's hidden ones (Palmer)
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May / Mai 2013
From the glory and the gladness - The gospel according to Paul (Bevan)
Jesus, the One unchanging - A song (Bevan)
Glorious and solemn hour - The border of his sanctuary (Bevan)
O Lord, the most fair, the most tender - The chase (Suso/Bevan)
O Name, the psalm and the music - Jesus (Bevan)
To heart and soul how sweet thou art - Whiter than snow (Bevan)
Still, O soul! the sign and wonder - The sin-offering (Bevan)
No more veil! God bids me enter - Brought nigh (Bevan)
God in heaven hath a treasure - Light of a Stone most precious (Bevan)
Come, children, on and forward! - Pilgrim song (Bevan)
Soul, journeying through the desert wild - Childhood (Bevan)
On, O beloved children - Pilgrim song (Bevan)
Oft comes to me a blessed hour - The Sabbath year (Bevan)
Peace! O restless heart of mine - The ark of God (Bevan)
Name of Jesus! highest Name! - The Name above every name (Bevan)
O God, through Christ the living way - Found (Bevan)
Wanderer, rest thy weary feet - The land of rest (Bevan)
Thou who givest of thy gladness - The home (Bevan)
The evening comes, the sun is sunk and gone - The shadow of his wings (Bevan)
The head that once was crowned with thorns (Kelly)
Hope of our hearts, O Lord, appear! - The Church waiting for the Son from heaven (Denny)
Bride of the Lamb, awake! awake! - The Church cheered with the hope of her Lord's return (Denny)
Ye desolate children of sorrow! - The refuge (Denny)
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April 2013
Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart - The heart watching for the morning (Denny)
O earth, rejoice! from Salem see - The King in his beauty (Denny)
Lord, dearest Lord! to thee I call - Love that never faileth (Denny)
Where, in this waste unlovely world - Rest for the weary (Denny)
To Calvary, Lord, in spirit now - Calvary and the kingdom (Denny)
What grace, O Lord, and beauty shone - The forgiving One (Denny)
'Tis finished all – our souls to win - Our Friend in heaven (Denny)
He's gone – the Saviour's work on earth - The rejected One, of whom the world was not worthy (Denny)
Children of light, arise and shine! - Looking unto Jesus (Denny)
Each pang I feel is known to thee - The thorn (Palmer)
Eternal Father! Thou hast said - The Jubilee (Palmer)
O tell me, Jesus, to my heart - Self-questioning (Palmer)
We thank thee, Lord, for weary days - Companionship (Bevan)
This is the day of toil - Pressing on (Bonar)
The hart panteth after the waters - The thirst of God (Suso/Bevan)
Rejoice ye with Jerusalem! (Bonar)
Allured into the desert, with God alone, apart - The secret of his pavilion (Bevan)
Thee would I trust, my God - Repose in God (Palmer)
From the palace of his glory - The joy that was set before him (Bevan)
'God is love,' by him upholden - Love (Monsell)
Rise, my soul! to Heaven ascend - The link with Heaven (Monsell)
In the Paradise of glory - The Paradise of God (Bevan)
The little while! how nearly gone - Tomorrow (Bevan)
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March / März 2013
Jesus! where'er thy people meet - On opening a place for Social Prayer (Cowper)
Heute ziehts mir die Gedanken - Der Herr, das Licht der Welt! (Rüegg)
Christ, of heaven the life and grace - Paschal hymn (Palmer)
I go from grief and sighing - The victory of the Lamb (Heermann/Bevan)
In the bosom of the Father - Above and below (Bevan)
O Gud min kære Fader hør! - Bøn (Johan Ernst Heilmann)
Steine sind für uns ein Zeichen für das Wirken unsres Herrn - Denk Steine! (Rüegg)
Saviour! thou hast done much, but we want more - The returning Dove (Monsell)
Jerusalem the golden (Bernard of Cluny/Neale)
God of Truth, tho' thy hand - Ever nigh (Monsell)
Und wieder liegt ein Tag vor mir - Verzage nicht! (Rüegg)
O Gott, o Geist, o Licht des Lebens - Gebet um des Heiligen Geistes Einwirkung (Tersteegen)
Thou Breath from still eternity - The Breath of God (Tersteegen/Bevan)
Hvad hjalp det mig, algode Gud! (Timm)
The Spirit breathes upon the Word - The light and glory of the Word (Cowper)
Wondrous joy, thy joy, Lord Jesus - The song of his joy (Bevan)
This is the feast of heavenly wine - Welcome to the table (Cowper)
O Lord, in my songs I have praised thee - The new song (Suso/Bevan)
Alting tjener dem til gode - At alting tjener dem til gode, som elske Gud (Lund)
Jesus! my Master! when I feel - Watching in Gethsemane (Monsell)
Als im dürren Erdreich Davids Wurzel wieder spross - Er aber (Rüegg)
Wo hab ich je solche Schönheit gesehn - Von der Schönheit des Herrn (Rüegg)
There is a Day of rest before thee - Tomorrow (Kunth/Bevan)
Es ist noch eine Ruh vorhanden - Die Ruhe des Volkes Gottes (Kunth))
Lo! the storms of life are breaking (Alford)
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February / Februar 2013
Lord, thou knowest that I love thee! - The Penitent (Monsell)
Bort med al trøst, som ej består - Den sande trøst (Lund)
Und doch will ich dir danken - Dennoch (Rüegg)
O mighty Breath of God - Hymn to the Holy Spirit (Bonar)
Ye sons of earth, prepare the plough - The sower (Cowper)
Hvor er jeg – Gud! jeg ser din magt - Skabningen, som Guds tempel (Lund)
Bete nur, betrübtes Herz (Johann Gottfried Krause)
Jerusalem celestial - The City of the Great King (Bonar)
Innig bei dir weilen - Du (Rüegg)
With what bright and holy charm - Unconscious helpers (Monsell)
From this green earth of ours - Praise goeth up to thee (Bonar)
Sag mir neu, dass du mich liebst (Rüegg)
O Jesus Krist! jeg takker dig - Den rige mand og Lazarus (Timm)
Honour and happiness unite - The Christian (Cowper)
Hvo, som vil høre Herrens Ord - Peters Fiskedræt (Timm)
Awake, glad soul! awake! awake! - Eternal Spring (Monsell)
The world is grown old, and her pleasures are past - Forth Sunday in Advent (Heber)
I would see Jesus now, when life is bright - I would see Jesus (Bonar)
Where the faded flower shall freshen - The meeting-place (Bonar)
Für den Herrn ist nichts zu schwer! - Meinem Herrn ist nichts zu schwer! (Rüegg)
Hærskarernes højlovet Gud! - Om englene (Lund)
Saviour, I come for rest! - The call obeyed (Borthwick)
Look on the better sacrifice, O Lord - The better sacrifice (Bonar)
Hvor salig er min sjæl, når den - Guds lyst til at skabe (Lund)
Kun Gud er stor - Nogle af Guds egenskaber (Lund)
O how I love thy holy word - Afflictions sanctified by the word (Cowper)
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January / Januar 2013
Awaked by Sinai's awful sound (Occom)
Ask ye what great thing I know (Schwedler/Kennedy)
Wollt ihr wissen, was mein Preis? (Schwedler)
Shall I never wash thy feet? - Thou shalt never wash my feet (Bonar)
My Jesus, as thou wilt! - Thy will be done (Schmolck/Borthwick)
Mein Jesus! wie du willst - Dein Wille geschehe (Schmolck)
Am Grab des Christen singet man (Pfeil)
How long, O Lord, in weariness and sorrow - How long? (Borthwick)
Father, thou needest not our praise - Old hymn of praise (Bonar)
Stille, mein Wille! Dein Jesus hilft siegen - Stille, mein Wille! (C.A.D.v.Schlegel)
God forbid that I should glory - I glory in Christ (Bonar)
The Rock was smitten, and from it - They drank of that Rock (Bonar)
Thee would we follow to the cross - Discipleship (Bonar)
Be still, my soul! – the Lord is on thy side - Submission (Borthwick)
Rest, weary soul! - Rest (Borthwick)
Long days and nights, upon this restless bed - In me ye shall have peace (Bonar)
Lord, this is not Jerusalem - Our Refuge (Bonar)
O blind, O blind in sin - Rise; he calleth thee (Bonar)
Strange and mysterious is my life - The inward Warfare (Newton)
Seeking thy lost ones here on earth - Lovest thou me? (Bonar)
When I shall wake on that fair morn of morns - The day of satisfaction (Bonar)
Ever gladness, never sadness - The eternal pendulum: ever, never (Bonar)
Long hath he waited for you, long - Unchanging love (Bonar)
O that my ways were made so strait - O that my ways were made so direct … (Toplady)
Does the way seem long and lonely? - Angel ministers (Bonar)
Under thy shadow (Bonar)
I lean upon no broken reed - I know whom I have believed (Bonar)
Light of the world, I come to thee! - The Light of life (Bonar)
I've found a joy in sorrow - Pilgrim discoveries (Crewdson)
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December / Dezember 2012
With thanks we closed the year - New Year's thanksgiving (Bonar)
Most at home among the angels - Heavenly places (Bonar)
So they said, who saw the wonders - It is well (Borthwick)
In thee, O God, the hosts above - A hymn of love (Palmer)
Not thine, not thine, but THEE - Not thine, but thee! (Bonar)
O thou! who by a star didst guide (Neale)
As with gladness men of old (Dix)
Lord! how oft shall I forgive? - Forgiveness (Monsell)
The Lord receives his highest praise - A Living and a Dead Faith (Cowper)
Ere God had built the mountains - Wisdom (Cowper)
Lord! in all I offer thee - The best offerings (Monsell)
Almighty King! whose wondrous hand - Grace and Providence (Cowper)
To Jesus, the Crown of my hope - Longing to be with Christ (Cowper)
The Saviour hides his face! - Mourning and Longing (Cowper)
Dear Lord! accept a sinful heart - Self-acquaintance (Cowper)
O Lord, my best desire fulfil - Submission (Cowper)
Sin enslaved me many years - The Heart Healed and Changed by Mercy (Cowper)
My former hopes are fled - The Shining Light (Cowper)
Grace, triumphant in the throne - Not of Works (Cowper)
Heal us, Emmanuel, here we are - I am the Lord that Healeth thee (Cowper)
Thy mansion is the Christian's heart - The House of Prayer (Cowper)
When Hagar found the bottle spent - For the Poor (Cowper)
Of all the gifts thine hand bestows - Praise for Faith (Cowper)
My soul is sad, and much dismayed - The Valley of the Shadow of Death (Cowper)
Fierce passions discompose the mind - Contentment (Cowper)
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November 2012
I will praise thee every day - O Lord, I will praise thee (Cowper)
Work in me, Lord, thy wondrous will - Work in us (Monsell)
Gently think and gently speak - Gentleness (Monsell)
Blessed hope! that we the sinful - The hidden hope (Monsell)
Abide with us, the shades of eve - Abide with us (Monsell)
Love of Christ which passeth knowledge - Love of Christ (Monsell)
Mighty Father! Blessed Son! - Mystery (Monsell)
When, by the busy crowd of life - The touch of Faith (Monsell)
The God, who made the silver stars - The Providence of love (Monsell)
We walk on earth – and to its ways - Thoughts in Heaven (Monsell)
Doubting soul! lay down thy fears - Doubtings (Monsell)
Dich zu lieben, dich zuerst - Liebe leben (Rüegg)
Higher! higher to aspire! - Higher, higher (Monsell)
It is not with uncertain step - The road (Darby)
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October / Oktober 2012
Jag vet, på vem jag tror och hoppas - Jag vet på vem jag tror (Spitta/Lundberg)
Oh! bright and blessed scenes - Home (Darby)
And is it so, I shall be like thy Son - The hope of day (Darby)
Oh! the joy of the salvation - The endless song (Darby)
Jesus, canst thou receive - A child's enquiry (Darby)
Lord Jesus, source of every grace - Expectation (Darby)
Oh, bright and blessed hope! - Fulness of joy (Darby)
There is rest for the weary soul - Rest (Darby)
I'm waiting for thee, Lord - The soul's desire (Darby)
We'll praise thee, glorious Lord - Love displayed (Darby)
Father, thy sovereign love has sought - Love divine (Darby)
I'm waiting for the glory - Waiting for the glory (Darby)
Father, in thine eternal power - The Father's grace (Darby)
Blessed Father, infinite in grace - The Father's love (Darby)
Soon we taste the endless sweetness - The Tree of life (Darby)
To live of thee – blessed source of deepest joy! - Echo of songs in the night (Darby)
O Lord, thy glory we behold - Unfoldings (Darby)
And shall we see thy face - Hope (Darby)
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September 2012
Rest of the saints above - The saints' rest (Darby)
Es ringt die Welt sich müde - Das Reich Gottes ist Friede und Freude (Spitta)
Father, thy name our souls would bless - Sons (Darby)
O Jesus, precious Saviour - Patience of hope (Darby)
This world is a wilderness wide - A song for the wilderness (Darby)
O Lord, thy love's unbounded - Unchanging love (Darby)
Sing without ceasing, sing - The upward way (Darby)
Mid evening shadows let us all be watching - Laudes ad nocturnum (Gregory/Palmer)
Behold, the shade of night is now receding! - Laudes ad matutinum (Gregory/Palmer)
Holy Ghost, that promised came - Hymn to the Holy Ghost (Palmer)
O Christ, the same through changing years - Conquering and to conquer (Palmer)
O Christ, I long to know thee - The vision of Christ (Palmer)
Jesus, these eyes have never seen - Unseen, not unknown (Palmer)
Thou, Saviour, from thy throne on high - The tranquil hour (Palmer)
Come, Jesus, with the coming night - Evening worship (Palmer)
Eternal Father, mighty Lord - A hymn of praise (Palmer)
Father, while the shades of night - Morning worship (Palmer)
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August 2012
O Christ, our King, Creator, Lord! - The Lordship of Christ (Gregory/Palmer)
Lord, thou on earth didst love thine own - The unity of love (Palmer)
O Heer! tot Wien ik roep - Zelfonderzoek en terugkeer (Spitta/Riemens)
Ak Herre, hvilket brud - Tilbagevenden til sig selv og til Gud (Spitta/Reventlow)
Ah, Lord! why am I thus? - Reflection and return (Spitta/Massie)
Ach Herr, was ist geschehn - Einkehr und Rückkehr (Spitta)
Jesus, thou Joy of loving hearts! - Jesus the Beloved (Bernard of Clairvaux/Palmer)
Praise him! Praise the conquering King! - Christus Victor (Palmer)
My God, though far above my thought - The love that stoopeth (Palmer)
All things to mine eyes are bright - The hour of joy (Palmer)
The crowns of earth are jewelled dust - The Crown (Palmer)
Away from earth my spirit turns - The bread of life (Palmer)
Thine holy day's returning - Sabbath morning (Palmer)
Stand for Christ (Palmer)
O Spirit of the living God - The inspiring Spirit (Palmer)
Son of God, who 'midst the throne - The Lamb enthroned (Palmer)
Before thy throne with tearful eyes - The Dayspring (Palmer)
Stealing from the world away - Evening worship (Palmer)
I give my heart to thee - I give my heart (Palmer)
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July / Juli 2012
In the dark days of grief - De profundis (Palmer)
Thy holy will, my God, be mine - Submission (Palmer)
I know, my God, that thou art near - Private worship (Palmer)
Was ist das Leben ohne Jenen - Wer den Sohn Gottes hat, der hat das Leben (Spitta)
Lord, thou wilt bring the joyful day! - The coming glory (Palmer)
We stand in deep repentance - Penitential hymn (Palmer)
Yes, kind Saviour, grieving - The consenting heart (Palmer)
When downward to the darksome tomb - The resurrection (Palmer)
And is there, Lord, a rest - The heavenly rest (Palmer)
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June / Juni 2012
Wir haben immer Friede (Spitta)
With the Sabbath's holy dawning - Sabbath morning worship (Palmer)
Lord, I would heavenward ever press - The rest of faith (Palmer)
Smile, O my God, on me - A present God (Palmer)
Lord, my weak thought in vain would climb - Unfaltering trust (Palmer)
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May / Mai 2012
Herr, vor deinem Angesichte - Selbstprüfung (Spitta)
Jesus, I love thy charming name - Christ precious to the believer (Doddridge)
Lo! God to heaven ascendeth! - Hymn for Ascension Day (Sacer/Cox)
'Tis only for a season - Only for a season (Bonar)
Himmel, er du her på jorden! - Følelser ved alterens sakramente (Lund)
My song shall bless the Lord of all - Jehovah Jesus (Cowper)
To those who know the Lord I speak - Seeking the beloved (Cowper)
Jeg ved du lever, Jesus Krist! (Timm)
Where climbs thy steep, fair Olivet - Gethsemane (Palmer)
Come, Holy Ghost, in love - Come, Holy Ghost (Robert II/Palmer)
Ever as I onward go - Burdens (Palmer)
Sure the record; Christ has come! - These are the true sayings of God (Bonar)
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April 2012
Du kennst mein Herz, o Gott, und weil du's kennest - Der Herr ist treu ... (Spitta)
A great and mighty wonder (Anatolius/Neale)
Hvad er jeg, Gud! hvad er jeg dog (Timm)
Since o'er thy footstool here below (Muhlenberg)
When inward turns my searching gaze - Jesus the all in all (Palmer)
There is a fountain filled with blood - Praise for the Fountain opened (Cowper)
Thy Father's house! Thine own bright home! - The Father's house (Palmer)
Jesus, sun and shield art thou - The First and the Last (Bonar)
That Holy One - Consider him (Randolph)
In the day when silent sorrow - "God shall wipe away all tears" (Bonar)
Meek and lowly let me be - Meek and lowly (Bonar)
To the name of God on high - Give glory (Bonar)
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March / März 2012
Holy Spirit, spring of gladness - To the Holy Spirit (Bonar)
I see my Lord, the pure, the meek, the lowly - Via Dolorosa (Palmer)
I need no priest save him who is above - My High Priest (Bonar)
How goes the fight with thee - Our battle (Bonar)
Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe / Him on yonder cross I love - Our Requital (Greding/Winkworth) (bilingual)
Him on yonder cross I love - Our Requital (Greding/Winkworth)
Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe (Greding)
Come to Calvary's holy mountain (Montgomery)
On the great love of God I lean - Love our resting-place (Bonar)
Not to ourselves again - Not to self (Bonar)
Let not terrors haunt thee - The Good Shepherd (Palmer)
Into the heaven of the heavens hath he gone - The song of the Lamb (Bonar)
No, not the love without the blood - The blood that speaketh better things (Bonar)
I thank thee, Lord, for using me - Forget not all his benefits (Bonar)
Lord, give me light to do thy work - Light for work (Bonar)
Jesus! I live to thee (Henry Harbaugh)
Jesus, this heart within me burns - My Beloved is mine (Palmer)
My Father God, lead on! - Father, lead on (Palmer)
Come, Jesus, Redeemer, abide thou with me - Abide with me (Palmer)
Heil ons, de Vader heeft ons lief - De Vader heeft ons lief (Spitta/Riemens)
Vel os, vor Fader har os kær - Faderen elsker eder (Spitta/Reventlow)
How blessed are we, that God of us - The Father loveth you (Spitta/Massie)
Wohl uns, der Vater hat uns lieb - Der Vater hat euch lieb (Spitta)
Rise, my soul, thy God directs thee - God in the wilderness (Darby)
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning! - Epiphany (Heber)
From every stormy wind that blows - The Mercy-seat (Stowell)
Rejoice, all ye believers (Laurentii/Borthwick)
Ermuntert euch, ihr Frommen! (Laurentii)
On earth awhile, 'mid sufferings tried (Abelard/Washburn)
There is no love like the love of Jesus (Littlewood)
I say to all men, far and near - The whole World restored in Christ (Novalis/Winkworth)
Ich sag es jedem, dass er lebt (Novalis)
Thou Lord of all, on earth hast dwelt (Tregelles)
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February / Februar 2012
Alone with thee! Alone with thee! - Alone with Christ (Palmer)
Day of judgment! day of wonders! - The Day of Judgment (Newton)
What powerful, mighty Voice, so near - The call (Darby)
Jesus, thy Church, with longing eyes - Second Coming of Christ (Bathurst)
In this great world of ours - The strength of evil (Bonar)
The chariot! the chariot! its wheels roll on fire - The chariot! the chariot! (Milman)
The time is short! - Linger not (Bonar)
Press up the hill! - Up the hill (Bonar)
Let me call nothing dark or ill - Transformed darkness (Bonar)
The grave is empty now, – its prey - The grave is empty now (Claudius/Mills)
Das Grab ist leer, das Grab ist leer - Das Grab ist leer (Claudius)
Sweet was the hour, O Lord, to thee - The well of Sychar (Denny)
When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streaming - Help, Lord, or we perish! (Heber)
Awake, sweet harp of Judah, wake! - The Hiding-place (White)
Trembling before thine awful throne (Hillhouse)
Watch, for ye know not when the Master cometh - Watching for the Master (Bonar)
If I only have thee (Novalis/Bethune)
For the first time I see - The Eye Opening on the Cross (Bonar)
Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrow - "O Lord, thou Knowest!" (Borthwick)
Rest of the weary - Rest (Monsell)
Through the love of God our Saviour - All is well (Bowley Peters)
I suffer, that I may behold - Divine Discipline (Bonar)
See, the ransomed millions stand! (Conder)
Hosianna in der Höhe - Siehe, dein König kommt zu dir (Spitta)
Rock of the desert - The Desert Rock (Bonar)
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January / Januar 2012
Woher kommt mir Hilfe in finsteren Nächten - Er wacht über mir (Rüegg)
Fließe hin, mein Leben - Habt ihr auch je Mangel gehabt? (Spitta)
Viel ist nicht dem Menschen nötig - Gott ist mein Heil (Spitta)
Selig, wer vor aller Welt verborgen - Köstlich vor Gott (Spitta)
Der Herr ist meine Stärke (Spitta)
Not in thine anger, Lord - Psalm 6 (Bonar)
Lass mich deine Liebe rühren - Ihr sollt verkündigen die Tugend dessen ... (Spitta)
Oh help me o'er this river - Jesus, Help! (Bonar)
The cross stands firm - The Same for Ever (Bonar)
The cross, it standeth fast - Cross and Throne (Bonar)
Thee in the loving bloom of morn - God in all, and all in God (Bonar)
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Ah, Lord, the world is dark! - Light in darkness (Bonar)
Hoe eindeloos en zonder perk - Ik zal den Here loven te aller tijd (Spitta/Riemens)
Hvor du, min Gud, mig føre vil - Altid vil jeg prise Herren (Spitta/Reventlow)
No language can express, O Lord - I will praise the Lord at all times (Spitta/Massie)
Wie ist doch ohne Maß und Ziel - Ich will den Herren loben allezeit (Spitta)
The Throne of his Glory – as snow it is white - Hymn for Advent (Muhlenberg)
Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Muhlenberg)
Carol, brothers, carol - A Christmas Carol (Muhlenberg)
Finish thy work, the time is short - Finish thy work (Bonar)
Yes, I will always love (Guyon/Cowper)
God comes; – and who shall stand before his fear? (Theodore of the Studium/Neale)
To thee, to thee alone, Lord, would I hearken - True thinking (Bonar)
Vaak valt ons hier het leven - Dorre tijden (Spitta/Riemens)
Tit bliver livet øde - Den tørre tid (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
Our life is often dark - A time of dearth (Spitta/Massie)
Das Leben wird oft trübe - Die dürre Zeit (Spitta)
King of kings! ascend thy throne - The coming reign (Bonar)
Peace upon peace, like wave on wave - Divine peace (Bonar)
We take the peace which he has won - The gift of peace (Bonar)
Come, all ye nations, utter all your praises - Laudate (Bonar)
Good is thy will, O Lord, and good thy way - Furnace Heat (Bonar) (r)
Be still, my soul, be still - Be still (Bonar)
Sinks the swift sun - The glory to be revealed (Bonar)
Niets haalt voor ons in waarde - Geloofsleven (Spitta/Riemens)
Det kan ej bedre være - Troslivet (Spitta/Reventlow)
What greater blessedness can be - The life of faith (Spitta/Massie)
Was kann es Schönres geben - Glaubensleben (Spitta)
Almighty Comforter and friend - Prayer to the Spirit (Bonar)
Help me, my God, to speak - Heart and lip (Bonar)
I lay my sins on Jesus - The Substitute (Bonar)
't Is mij in 't Godsgebouw zo goed! - In het bedehuis (Spitta/Riemens)
Jeg er så lykkelig hos Gud - Andagt (Spitta/Reventlow)
How good it is, Lord, to be here - Devotion (Spitta/Massie)
Mir ist so wohl in Gottes Haus - Andacht (Spitta)
I was a wandering sheep - Lost but Found (Bonar)
One there is, above all others - A Friend that sticketh closer than a Brother (Newton)
Three hours the land was wrapped in gloom - The hidden cross (Bonar)
Cheer up, my soul, there is a mercy-seat - The Effort (Newton)
How tedious and tasteless the hours - None upon earth I desire beside thee (Newton)
Now at the Father's side - Remember me (Bonar)
Beyond the smiling and the weeping - A little while (Bonar)
Peace! earth's last battle has been won - The kingdom (Bonar)
Suffer me to come to Jesus - The child coming to Jesus (M'Cheyne)
I LITTLE thought, when last we met - We'll meet again (M'Cheyne)
Ich weiß, ich werde selig werden - Ich weiß, an wen ich glaube, und bin gewiss (Spitta)
Jeg ved, at salig vil jeg blive - Jeg ved, på hvem jeg tror, og er sikker i min tro (Spitta/Reventlow)
I know, Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son - I know in whom I believe (Spitta/Massie)
Ik weet, dat ik zal zalig worden - Ik weet, Wien ik gelove! (Spitta/Riemens)
Quickly bright life withers - For ever perfect (Bonar)
Seamless and fair - Let us not rend it (Bonar)
Thine Handmaid, Saviour! can it be? - Come, follow me! (Muhlenberg)
Victor of night! - The Victor (Bonar)
From the far East we come - The Signal Star (Bonar)
Sweet song of life! oh, sound again - The song of life (Bonar)
Look, child of time, he comes, the Son of God! - The Christ of the ages (Bonar)
Dead unto sin through him who died - Dead and alive (Bonar)
He must grow greater - He must increase, I must decrease (Bonar)
In the hour when guilt assails me - Christ my all (Bonar)
There lies a land beyond these clouds - Strangers and pilgrims (Bonar)
I hinder not, nor would reprove thy tears - Comfort in tribulation (Bonar)
He called them, and they left - Follow Me (Bonar)
They did not die! - Sleep in Jesus (Bonar)
Deine Liebe ist so treu - Deine Liebe (Rüegg)
All night upon the city wall - The stone rolled away (Bonar)
Zaaier, ga in Gods naam henen - IJverig aan den arbeid! (Spitta/Riemens)
Ven, drag ud til Herrens ære - Til dagværket (Spitta/Reventlow)
Cheerfully to work proceed - Our daily work (Spitta/Massie)
Gehe hin in Gottes Namen - Zum Tagwerk (Spitta)
'k Geloof, en daarom spreek ik blij - Ik geloof (Spitta/Riemens)
I believe, and so have spoken - I believe (Spitta/Massie)
Jeg tror, og derfor siger jeg - Jeg tror (Spitta/Reventlow)
Ich glaube, darum rede ich – Ich glaube (Spitta)
Yes! – my Redeemer lives, to save us - Yes! – my Redeemer lives (Heusser/Mills)
Ich weiß, dass mein Erlöser lebet - Mein Erlöser lebt! (Heusser)
Not far from any one of us - The fellowship of the unseen (Bonar)
King of kings, and wilt thou deign - Thy Kingdom Come! (Muhlenberg)
Ziet, wat grondeloze liefde - Ziet, welk een liefde! (Spitta/Kehrer)
Se dog, hvor den gode Fader - Se, hvilken kærlighed (Spitta/Reventlow)
See, O see, what love the Father - See what love (Spitta/Massie)
Sehet, sehet, welche Liebe - Sehet, welch eine Liebe! (Spitta)
In this the wondrous love of God - "Herein is love" (Bonar)
Eternal Father, gracious One - Laudate Deum (Bonar)
Take these things hence! - The purging of the temple (Bonar)
O wär ich ganz dein Eigen - So nimm nun, Herr, meine Seele! (Spitta)
Viele Stimmen, laute, leise - Einhörung (Rüegg)
When the leaves of life are falling - The comfort of the Holy Ghost (Bonar)
Sore sick of sin, and longing to be free - I am poor and needy (Bonar)
Who touched me? - Luke 8,45 (Bonar)
O Heer, mijn God, zoals 'k Uw beeld - Mijn God (Spitta/Riemens)
O Gud, min Gud, sådan som dig - Min Gud (Spitta/Reventlow)
O God, my God, just as I thee - My God (Spitta/Massie)
O Gott, mein Gott, so wie ich dich - Mein Gott! (Spitta)
I thought upon my sins, and I was sad - Christ our peace (Bonar)
Ten virgins, clothed in white - Oil in the lamp (M'Cheyne)
We have heard the voice of trembling - Israel's song of hope (Bonar)
Heil u, wier zielsbegeren - De dienst des Heren (Spitta/Riemens)
O, lykkeligt det hjerte - Herrens tjener (Spitta/Reventlow)
The man is highly blessed - The servant of the Lord (Spitta/Massie)
O hochbeglückte Seele - Der Diener des Herrn (Spitta)
Around one name they gather - None other name (Bonar)
A pilgrim through this lonely world - The Man of Sorrows (Denny)
It tarries long - Not in vain (Bonar)
O love that casts out fear - The love of God (Bonar)
O komm, du Geist der Wahrheit - Pfingsten (Spitta)
O kom, du Gud for sandhed - Pinse (Spitta/Reventlow)
Draw, Holy Spirit, nearer - Whitsunday (Spitta/Massie)
Daal neder, Geest der Waarheid - Pinksterlied (Spitta/Riemens)
Hard to be won! No, no - Easy to be entreated (Bonar)
Bear thou my burden (Bonar)
Not in the silence only - Ever with thee (Bonar)
Fill thou my life, O Lord my God - Life's praise (Bonar)
Geloofd zij God, het licht brak door - Na de beproeving (Spitta/Riemens)
Ak, atter stråler solen klar - Efter Bedrøvelsen (Spitta/Reventlow)
The Lord be praised, that in my heart - After affliction (Spitta/Massie)
Gottlob, das Licht geht wieder auf - Nach der Trübsal (Spitta)
Go to Jesus when you're weary - Go to Jesus, tell him all (Grosart)
Doubt it not – thou too shalt come - Words of Cheer (Heusser/Borthwick)
Endlich, endlich wirst auch du - Ermutigung (Heusser)
Jesus, thy love alone - Thee, Only Thee (Bonar)
På Jerusalem det ny (Grundtvig)
Ascribe ye strength to God - The mighty God (Bonar)
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O verblijdt u, volk des Heren - Verblijdt u in den Heer te allen tijd! (Spitta/Riemens)
Årsag har I vel at fryde - Glæder eder i Herren altid (Spitta/Reventlow)
Pour out all your heart in praises - Rejoice in the Lord always (Spitta/Massie)
Freut im Herrn euch allewege - Freuet euch in dem Herrn allewege (Spitta)
Zuivre bronwel, die van boven - Het Woord des Levens (Spitta/Riemens)
Livets Ord, du rene kilde - Livets Ord (Spitta/Reventlow)
Word of Life, eternal Fountain - The Word of Life (Spitta/Massie)
Wort des Lebens, lautre Quelle - Das Wort des Lebens (Spitta)
I know thy poverty, but thou art rich - An aged pilgrim (Bonar)
Speak thou to me, O Son of God - Speak, for thy servant heareth (Bonar)
O love of God, how strong and true - The Love of God (Bonar)
Yes, for me, for me he careth - The elder brother (Bonar)
Liefelijk en heilig tevens - Gij hebt de woorden des eeuwigen levens (Spitta/Riemens)
Til den stund vi ret os glæde - Du har det evige livs ord (Spitta/Reventlow)
O how blessed the hour, Lord Jesus - Thou hast the words of eternal life (Spitta/Massie)
O wie freun wir uns der Stunde - Du hast Worte des ewigen Lebens (Spitta)
Forgotten! no; that cannot be - Everlasting remembrance (Bonar)
Under dine vingers skygge (Timm)
Rest, weary Son of God, and I, with thee (Bonar)
Til himlene rækker din miskundhed, Gud! (Ingemann)
Like mist on the mountain, like ships on the sea - Children called to Christ (M'Cheyne)
When this passing world is done - I am debtor (M'Cheyne)
Within a vineyard's sunny bound - The barren fig-tree (M'Cheyne)
Lo! he comes with clouds descending (Charles Wesley)
Dark was the night, the wind was high - They sing the song of Moses (M'Cheyne)
Ich hab nun lang auf Sand gebaut - Der Herr, mein Fels (Rüegg)
Es ist noch nichts verbrochen - Ermunterung (Lange)
Der Herr ist auferstanden! - Der Auferstandene (Lange)
The Lord of life is risen! (Lange/Harbaugh)
Exalt, exalt, the heavenly gates (Joseph the Hymnographer/Neale)
I once was a stranger - The Lord our righteousness (M'Cheyne)
The tomb is empty: wouldst thou have it full - He is Risen (Bonar)
Enhver, som bor i den Almægt'ges skygge - Tillid til forsynet (Lund)
Ach! in 's werelds woest gedruis - Heimwee (Spitta/Kehrer)
Ah! how empty is the heart - Homesickness (Spitta/Massie)
O, min sjæl, den er så tom - Hjemve (Spitta/Reventlow)
Ach, uns wird das Herz so leer - Heimweh (Spitta)
O sjæl! vær stille i din Gud (Timm)
Tot God is mijne ziele stil - Mijne ziele is stil tot God (Spitta/Riemens)
Dybt bøjer sig min sjæl for Gud - Min sjæl tier imod Gud (Spitta/Reventlow)
My soul in God abideth still - My soul is still in God (Spitta/Massie)
Zu Gott ist meine Seele still - Meine Seele ist still zu Gott (Spitta)
Sorrig og elendighed (Kingo)
So komm, geliebte Todesstund - Doch, Jesus, deine Liebe macht (Sophie Elisabeth)
Så kom, forønskde dødens stund - Dog for min Jesu kærlighed (Sophie Elisabeth/Brorson)
Lobt den Herrn, denn nah ist er - Lobt den Herrn! (Ingemann/Rüegg)
Lover Herren! han er nær - Lover Herren! (Ingemann) (Norsk)
Lover Herren, han er nær - Lover Herren! (Ingemann) (Dansk)
Die dem Herrn anhangen (Spitta)
O min sjæl! sig hvorpå grunder - Langfredag (Timm)
Einsam, verlassen, kein Mensch, der mich liebt (Rüegg)
Was bin ich, Herr, wenn ich nicht mehr bei dir bin? - Was bin ich, Herr ...? (Rüegg)
Ein Dankeschön an dich (Rüegg)
Heer! des daags vermoeinis en bezwaren - Des avonds (Spitta/Riemens)
O Lord, who by thy presence hast made light - Evening (Spitta/Massie)
Herre, dagens arbejd og dens møje - Aftensang (Spitta/Reventlow)
Herr, des Tages Mühen und Beschwerden - Am Abend (Spitta)
Es ist wunderbar zu wissen - Der Herr, mein Freund (Rüegg)
Es war ganz finstre Nacht, als er als kleines Kindlein kam (Rüegg)
Es strahlt vom Ufer drüben (Rüegg)
Welch ein Schauen wird das sein (Rüegg)
O Heer, mijn God! wiens trouwe hand - IJver en trouw in het ambt (Spitta/Riemens)
Min Herre Gud, hvis gode hånd - Udfør redeligt dit embede (Spitta/Reventlow)
My Lord and God, whose gracious hand - Do thy duty faithfully (Spitta/Massie)
Mein Herr und Gott, des gute Hand - Richte dein Amt redlich aus (Spitta)
Es wird mein Herz mit Freuden wach - Sonntagsfrühe (Spitta)
Mit hjerte slår med glade slag - Søndag morgen (Spitta/Reventlow)
Awake, my heart, this day of rest - The Sabbath morning (Spitta/Massie)
Verhef, mijn ziel! uws Scheppers lof! - Zondag-morgen (Spitta/Molster)
The billows swell, the winds are high - Temptation (Cowper)
Højpriset vorde Gud af dig - Menneskets fornuftige sjæl (Cramer/Lund)
Lobsinget Gott, und betet an! (Johann Andreas Cramer)
Trustingly, trustingly - My Pilgrimage (Bonar)
Gud er med os, når dagen viger - Gud er med os (Timm)
Ein Sehnen und Verlangen - Christenheimweh (Rüegg)
Gå nu hen og grav min grav (Arndt/Hauch/Hammerich) (Norsk)
Gå nu hen og grav min grav! (Arndt/Hauch/Hammerich) (Dansk)
Go and dig my grave today! (Arndt/Winkworth)
Geht nun hin und grabt mein Grab - Abschied von den Schatten (Arndt)
Oprecht van hart en vroom te zijn - Gods geboden zijn niet zwaar (Spitta/Molster)
O vid, det er ej vanskeligt - Guds bud er ikke svære (Spitta/Reventlow)
It is not after all so hard - God's commandments are not hard (Spitta/Massie)
Am Ende ist's doch gar nicht schwer - Gottes Gebote sind nicht schwer (Spitta)
O God, my God, an anguished heart - Contrition (Timm/Tait)
O Gud, min Gud! det bange hjerte - Almindelig Bededag (Timm)
Herre! hvo fatter dig? (Timm)
Seid mir gegrüßt, ihr grünen Schatten - Die Sprache der Natur (Heusser)
Vor Herres Jesu mindefest (Grundtvig)
Happiness, thou lovely name - Happiness found (Toplady)
Hjælp mig, o Gud, at prise - Guds magt og godhed i skabningen (Lund)
Wij zijn des Heren, in leven en sterven - Wij zijn des Heren (Spitta/Kehrer)
We are the Lord's, whether we live or die - We are the Lord's (Spitta/Massie)
Din er jeg, Gud, i døden som i livet - Jeg er din (Spitta/Reventlow)
Wir sind des Herrn, wir leben oder sterben! - Wir sind des Herrn (Spitta)
Through night and tribulation - The Pilgrimage of the Soul (Ingemann/Tait)
Igennem nat og trængsel (Ingemann)
Bliv hos mig, kære Herre Krist! (Timm)
Vraag niet, wat ik blijf ontberen - Mijne ziel dorst naar den levenden God (Spitta/Riemens)
Spørg mig ikke, hvi jeg sørger - Min sjæl tørster efter den levende Gud (Spitta/Reventlow)
Ask not, what it is that ails me - My soul thirsteth after the living God (Spitta/Massie)
Fraget doch nicht, was mir fehle - Durst nach Gott (Spitta)
Min længsel, al min lyst er Gud - Kærlighed til Gud (Lund)
På dunkel stig går Gud framåt (Cowper)
Oh! for a closer walk with God - Walking with God (Cowper)
Ich will singen, singen, singen (Rüegg)
O Lord, I would delight in thee - Delight in Christ (Ryland)
Just as thou art (Cook)
Du hast einst die Erde gegründet - Du bist derselbe (Psalm 102,26-28)
Gottes Pläne und Wege sind wunderbar - Gedanken des Friedens (Rüegg/Jeremia 29,11)
'Twixt gleams of joy and clouds of doubt - Thou changest not (Shairp)
Nicht menschlicher Rat - Des Herrn Fürsorge (Knapp/Newton)
Though troubles assail - The Lord will provide (Newton)
't Loflied zij U toegezongen - Goddelijke leiding (Spitta/Riemens)
Lad min sang på tonens vinge - Berømmelse af Guds førelse (Spitta/Reventlow)
Praise, all praise, to thee be given - Heavenly guidance (Spitta/Massie)
Lob sei dir, mein Gott, gesungen - Lob göttlicher Führung (Spitta)
How wondrous are the works of God (Hart)
Now I have found a friend (Hope)
Jesus, my Lord! my life! my all! (Medley)
Constrained by their Lord to embark - The Disciples at Sea (Newton)
God moves in a mysterious way (Cowper)
Oppressed with noonday's scorching heat - The Shadow of the Cross (Bonar)
Weent niet over Jezus' smarten - Weent niet over Mij, maar over uzelven (Spitta/Kehrer)
Græder ej for Jesu smerte - Græd ikke over mig, græder over Eder selv (Spitta/Reventlow)
Wherefore weep we over Jesus - Weep not for me, but weep for yourselves (Spitta/Massie)
Weint nicht über Jesu Schmerzen - Weinet nicht über mich, weinet über euch (Spitta)
Top / Übersicht
Hoe zal 't ons zijn, als we eindlijk, moê van 't dwalen - Hoe zal 't ons zijn! (Spitta/Kehrer)
Hur blir oss då, när Gud oss äntligt låter - Fröjdernas morgon (Spitta/Lundberg)
Hvor herligt, når den hårde strid får ende - Hvor herligt! (Spitta/Reventlow)
What shall we be, and whither shall we go - What shall we be? (Spitta/Massie)
Wie wird uns sein, wenn endlich nach dem schweren - Wie wird uns sein? (Spitta)
Rufe mich an in der Not (Rüegg)
Fürchte dich nicht / Be not afraid (Jesaja 41,10/Isaiah 41,10 (bilingual)
Sei, Jesus, meines Lebens Lust (Grundtvig/Rüegg)
Vær, Jesus, da mit liv, min lyst (Grundtvig)
Det er en liden tid (Brorson)
Noch eine kurze Zeit (Brorson/Gottsched)
Top / Übersicht