Christ My Song - History
Hymns added or revised (=r) in / Lieder hinzugefügt oder revidiert (=r) in:
l 2024
l 2023
l 2022
l 2021
l 2020
l 2019
l 2018
l 2017
l 2016
l 2015
l 2014
l 2013
l 2012
l 2011
l 2010
l 2009
- December / Dezember 2024
- Du bist ein guter Hirt (Laurentii)
- Lord! how oft shall I forgive? - Forgiveness (Monsell) (r)
- Wie herrlich ist's, ein Schäflein Christi werden (Rambach)
- With what bright and holy charm - Unconscious helpers (Monsell) (r)
- Jesus! my Master! when I feel - Watching in Gethsemane (Monsell) (r)
- Awake, glad soul! awake! awake! - Eternal Spring (Monsell) (r)
- Top / Übersicht
- November 2024
- Gently think and gently speak - Gentleness (Monsell) (r)
- Mein Jesus rufet mich (Schwedler)
- Abide with us, the shades of eve - Abide with us (Monsell) (r)
- I längtan tron begynner (Okänd)
- Higher! higher to aspire! - Higher, higher (Monsell) (r)
- It is not with uncertain step - The road (Darby) (r)
- Unverwandt auf Christus sehen (Rothe)
- There is rest for the weary soul - Rest (Darby) (r)
- I'm waiting for the glory - Waiting for the glory (Darby) (r)
- Blessed Father, infinite in grace - The Father's love (Darby) (r)
- Soon we taste the endless sweetness - The Tree of life (Darby) (r)
- Aus irdischem Getümmel (Arndt)
- Wake thee, O Zion, thy mourning is ended - The day of joy (Palmer) (r)
- O tell me, Jesus, to my heart - Self-questioning (Palmer) (r)
- Jesus, thou Joy of loving hearts! - Jesus the Beloved (Bernard of Clairvaux/Palmer) (r)
- Tut mir auf die schöne Pforte (Schmolck)
- Top / Übersicht
- October / Oktober 2024
- All things to mine eyes are bright - The hour of joy (Palmer) (r)
- Away from earth my spirit turns - The bread of life (Palmer) (r)
- Thine holy day's returning - Sabbath morning (Palmer) (r)
- In the dark days of grief - De profundis (Palmer) (r)
- And is there, Lord, a rest - The heavenly rest (Palmer) (r)
- Smile, O my God, on me - A present God (Palmer) (r)
- I give my heart to thee - I give my heart (Palmer) (r)
- O Holy Comforter - The Comforter (Palmer) (r)
- Jesus, I love thy charming name - Christ precious to the believer (Doddridge) (r)
- My God, within thy secret place - God's hidden ones (Palmer) (r)
- With the Sabbath's holy dawning - Sabbath morning worship (Palmer) (r)
- Jesus, these eyes have never seen - Unseen, not unknown (Palmer) (r)
- Where climbs thy steep, fair Olivet - Gethsemane (Palmer) (r)
- O Christ, I long to know thee - The vision of Christ (Palmer) (r)
- Jesus, Lamb of God, for me - Repentance at the Cross (Palmer) (r)
- Sweet to trace his toiling footsteps - The great High Priest (Bevan) (r)
- When inward turns my searching gaze - Jesus the all in all (Palmer) (r)
- I see my Lord, the pure, the meek, the lowly - Via Dolorosa (Palmer) (r)
- I need no priest save him who is above - My High Priest (Bonar) (r)
- Let not terrors haunt thee - The Good Shepherd (Palmer) (r)
- Come, Jesus, Redeemer, abide thou with me - Abide with me (Palmer) (r)
- My Father God, lead on! - Father, lead on (Palmer) (r)
- Han på korset, han allena (Runeberg)
- Ach! wie wichtig, ach, wie richtig (Betulius)
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- September 2024
- Milde Jesus, var oss när (Okänd)
- Alle Welt, was lebt und webet (Franck)
- Ack, sälla hem, mitt hjärta ser (Okänd)
- Komm, Tröster! komm hernieder (Laurentii)
- Mit håb, min trøst og al tillid (Ukendt)
- Jesus! Alles bist du mir (Silberrad)
- I den ljusa morgonstunden (Sandell)
- Du hast auch mir zur Seligkeit (Jorissen)
- Why stand I lingering without - Let us Draw Near (Bonar)
- Verdens børn har mange venner (Timm)
- Herr, öffne mir die Herzenstür (Olearius)
- Tiden är så kort (Sandell)
- Have faith in truth (Bonar)
- Der Glaube hilft (Pfeil)
- Jesus, min drot (Pétrursson/Brandt)
- När dagens hetta svalkas (Sandell)
- The Bridegroom comes! - The Bridal Day (Bonar)
- Mein Heiland! es ist deine Sache (Hiller)
- Wie jauchzt mein Geist schon hier im Staube (Döring)
- König, dem kein König gleichet (Rambach)
- Es preise Gottes Macht und Stärke (Spreng)
- Der letzte meiner Tage (Münter)
- Reich des Herrn! (Garve)
- Der Himmel ist mein Vaterland! (Deckert)
- Hebet eure Häupter auf (Schmolck)
- Der Herr bricht ein um Mitternacht (Zinzendorf)
- Es ist noch eine Ruh vorhanden (Diterich)
- Herr, deine Toten werden leben (Löber)
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- July / Juli 2024
- When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streaming - Help, Lord, or we perish! (Heber) (r)
- For the first time I see - The Eye Opening on the Cross (Bonar) (r)
- Oh help me o'er this river - Jesus, Help! (Bonar) (r)
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- June / Juni 2024
- Rock of the desert - The Desert Rock (Bonar) (r)
- Danke für alle die Jahre - Gott sei Dank! (Rüegg)
- Shine on, sweet sun, and let my day - Shine on (Bonar) (r)
- Mit dem Haufen deiner Frommen (Lavater)
- Great King of kings, why dost thou stay? - Thy Kingdom Come (Bonar) (r)
- Nun danket all und bringet Ehr (Gerhardt)
- Op alle, som på jorden bor (Gerhardt/Ukendt)
- Life is coming, death is going - Even so, Amen (Bonar) (r)
- Ah, Lord, the world is dark! - Light in darkness (Bonar) (r)
- Nay, 'tis not what we fancied it - Vanity (Bonar)
- O du betrübte Seele mein! (Dilherr)
- Done is the work that saves - The Work that Saves (Bonar) (r)
- Süßes Evangelium (Schmolck)
- Lord, give me light to do thy work - Light for work (Bonar) (r)
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- May / Mai 2024
- Einer ist König, Immanuel sieget (Allendorf)
- Tryggare kan ingen vara (Sandell)
- Geist der Wahrheit, lehre mich (Hiller)
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- April 2024
- Light hath arisen, we walk in its brightness - The Walk of Faith (Bonar) (r)
- Sagt, was hat die weite Welt (Garve)
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- March / März 2024
- Var är du, o Jesus, som älskade mig (Beskow)
- 'Tis a sharp rugged hill, that seems to mock - To the Mark (Bonar) (r)
- Thee in the loving bloom of morn - God in all, and all in God (Bonar) (r)
- Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Muhlenberg) (r)
- Rise, daughter of Zion, thy mourning is o'er - Hymn for the Epiphany (Muhlenberg) (r)
- Mein Gott! gib mir deinen Geist (Schmolck)
- Give thou thy youth to God - The Days of Thy Youth (Bonar) (r)
- Finish thy work, the time is short - Finish thy work (Bonar) (r)
- Yes, I will always love (Guyon/Cowper) (r)
- To thee, to thee alone, Lord, would I hearken - True thinking (Bonar) (r)
- Peace upon peace, like wave on wave - Divine peace (Bonar) (r)
- I place an offering at thy shrine - The perfect sacrifice (Guyon/Cowper) (r)
- We take the peace which he has won - The gift of peace (Bonar) (r)
- Dort droben im Himmel, dort haben wir's gut (Hoffmann)
- Risen Son of God, this day - The Light of the Risen One (Bonar) (r)
- Come, all ye nations, utter all your praises - Laudate (Bonar) (r)
- Holy Spirit, spring of gladness - To the Holy Spirit (Bonar) (r)
- Look, child of time, he comes, the Son of God! - The Christ of the ages (Bonar) (r)
- Jesu! du allein (Pfeil)
- Great Ruler of the land and sea - The sailor's litany (Bonar) (r)
- Quickly bright life withers - For ever perfect (Bonar) (r)
- Seamless and fair - Let us not rend it (Bonar) (r)
- Sweet song of life! oh, sound again - The song of life (Bonar) (r)
- Now at the Father's side - Remember me (Bonar) (r)
- Help me, my God, to speak - Heart and lip (Bonar) (r)
- Almighty Comforter and friend - Prayer to the Spirit (Bonar) (r)
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- February / Februar 2024
- Dead unto sin through him who died - Dead and alive (Bonar) (r)
- Eternal Father, gracious One - Laudate Deum (Bonar) (r)
- Take these things hence! - The purging of the temple (Bonar) (r)
- Time's sun is fast setting - The night cometh (Bonar) (r)
- Through good report and evil, Lord - We follow thee (Bonar) (r)
- Thine Handmaid, Saviour! can it be? - Come, follow me! (Muhlenberg) (r)
- Not far from any one of us - The fellowship of the unseen (Bonar) (r)
- They hear his voice! - The Shepherd's Voice (Bonar) (r)
- He came a leper, all unclean and foul - As many as Touched Him (Bonar) (r)
- By the cross of Jesus standing - The Cross (Bonar) (r)
- Refuse him not, O man! - Hear, and your souls shall live (Bonar) (r)
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- December / Dezember 2023
- Thine and yet ours, O Lord! - My Cup (Bonar) (r)
- I come, I rest beneath - Beneath His Wing (Bonar) (r)
- I follow thee, O gracious Son of God! - Follow thou Me (Bonar) (r)
- All the earth this day is crying - The Cry of the Needy (Bonar) (r)
- He looks on us, we look on him - Eye to Eye (Bonar) (r)
- Lie still, lie still - All in Him (Bonar) (r)
- Sore sick of sin, and longing to be free - I am poor and needy (Bonar) (r)
- Kneeling on the earth, he prays - Passio Christi (Bonar) (r)
- Jauchzet eurem Gott! erhebt (Lavater)
- Rich in mercy, great in love - The Children's Cry (Bonar) (r)
- We have heard the voice of trembling - Israel's song of hope (Bonar) (r)
- He must grow greater - He must increase, I must decrease (Bonar) (r)
- In the hour when guilt assails me - Christ my all (Bonar) (r)
- There lies a land beyond these clouds - Strangers and pilgrims (Bonar) (r)
- Night of wonder, night of glory - Night of wonder (Bonar) (r)
- From the far East we come - The Signal Star (Bonar) (r)
- He has come! the Christ of God - A Bethlehem Hymn (Bonar) (r)
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- November 2023
- I hinder not, nor would reprove thy tears - Comfort in tribulation (Bonar) (r)
- Around one name they gather - None other name (Bonar) (r)
- They did not die! - Sleep in Jesus (Bonar) (r)
- Hard to be won! No, no - Easy to be entreated (Bonar) (r)
- On thee, O Jesus, strongly leaning - Fellowship with Christ (Bonar) (r)
- Who touched me? - Luke 8,45 (Bonar) (r)
- Bear thou my burden (Bonar) (r)
- I thank thee, Lord, for using me - Forget not all his benefits (Bonar) (r)
- Doubt it not – thou too shalt come - Words of Cheer (Heusser/Borthwick) (r)
- Endlich, endlich wirst auch du - Ermutigung (Heusser) (r)
- 'Tis a dead world through which I walk - I am with thee (Bonar) (r)
- Peace! earth's last battle has been won - The kingdom (Bonar) (r)
- Yes, for me, for me he careth - The elder brother (Bonar) (r)
- Fill thou my life, O Lord my God - Life's praise (Bonar) (r)
- Speak thou to me, O Son of God - Speak, for thy servant heareth (Bonar) (r)
- Jesus, thy love alone - Thee, Only Thee (Bonar) (r)
- Forgotten! no; that cannot be - Everlasting remembrance (Bonar) (r)
- Under dine vingers skygge (Timm) (r)
- Rest, weary Son of God, and I, with thee (Bonar) (r)
- Beneath Moriah's rocky side - Fountain of Siloam (M'Cheyne) (r)
- Ten virgins, clothed in white - Oil in the lamp (M'Cheyne) (r)
- I LITTLE thought, when last we met - We'll meet again (M'Cheyne) (r)
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- October / Oktober 2023
- Like mist on the mountain, like ships on the sea - Children called to Christ (M'Cheyne) (r)
- Hem of the seamless robe - The seamless raiment (Bonar) (r)
- The race of God's anointed priests - The royal priesthood (Tersteegen/Bevan) (r)
- Des Herren priesterlich Geschlecht - Königliches Priestertum (Tersteegen) (r)
- Dark was the night, the wind was high - They sing the song of Moses (M'Cheyne) (r)
- Within a vineyard's sunny bound - The barren fig-tree (M'Cheyne) (r)
- Take me, Jesus, to thy breast - Evensong (Tersteegen/Bevan) (r)
- O sjæl! vær stille i din Gud (Timm) (r)
- Jerusalem the golden (Bernard of Cluny/Neale) (r)
- O that my ways were made so strait - O that my ways were made so direct … (Toplady) (r)
- Himmel, er du her på jorden! - Følelser ved alterens sakramente (Lund) (r)
- Oh, there are many tears and sighs - "Ho! every one that thirsteth" (Deck) (r)
- Light of the cradle! shine - Manifold Light (Bonar) (r)
- Oh, what is thy Beloved? - My Beloved (Deck) (r)
- Thou knewest not where to lay thy head - His dwelling-place (Bevan) (r)
- O Lord, my heart aspires - Aspirations (Deck) (r)
- Hvad er jeg, Gud! hvad er jeg dog (Timm) (r)
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- September 2023
- My body is weary and weak - Faint, yet Pursuing (Elliott) (r)
- Leaning on thee, my Guide, my Friend - Leaning on her Beloved (Elliott) (r)
- I heard the voice of Love divine - Blessed are they that Mourn (Elliott) (r)
- My God! how wonderful thou art - Our Heavenly Father (Faber) (r)
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- August 2023
- "Sit thou on my right hand, my Son!" saith the Lord - Ascension Day and Sunday after (Heber) (r)
- Vig fra mig, onde frister! (Timm) (r)
- Hærskarernes højlovet Gud! - Om englene (Lund) (r)
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- July / Juli 2023
- Ye sons of earth, prepare the plough - The sower (Cowper) (r)
- O min sjæl! sig hvorpå grunder - Langfredag (Timm) (r)
- Es ist noch nichts verbrochen - Ermunterung (Lange) (r)
- O how I love thy holy word - Afflictions sanctified by the word (Cowper) (r)
- Jeg ved du lever, Jesus Krist! (Timm) (r)
- Gud er med os, når dagen viger - Gud er med os (Timm) (r)
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- June / Juni 2023
- O Gud min kære Fader hør! - Bøn (Johan Ernst Heilmann) (r)
- There is a fountain filled with blood - Praise for the Fountain opened (Cowper) (r)
- Hvor er jeg – Gud! jeg ser din magt - Skabningen, som Guds tempel (Lund) (r)
- Fein niedrig sein auf Erden (Hiller)
- Mig kläd i helig prydnad (Okänd)
- A few more years shall roll - A Pilgrim's Song (Bonar)
- Not long, not long! The spirit-wasting fever - Rest (Bonar)
- Jeg kender ham, hvem jeg har overgivet (Kampmann)
- Kehre doch nun einmal wieder (Buchholz)
- O, att jag, o, att jag (Ahnfelt)
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- May / Mai 2023
- No shadows yonder! - The Cloudless (Bonar)
- Et trofast hjerte, Herre min (Sthen)
- O süßes Wort, das Jesus spricht (Höfel)
- Min själ, till nådens tron träd fram (Okänd)
- Angel-voices sweetly singing - Heaven at Last (Bonar)
- Traure nicht, betrübtes Herz! (Schmolck)
- Jesus, Jesus, gör mig stilla (Okänd)
- Praises to him who built the hills - Praise (Bonar)
- Kehre wieder, meine Seele (Junker)
- Herre, jag beder (Sandell)
- Speak, lips of mine! - Bless the Lord (Bonar)
- Weicht ihr Berge, fallt ihr Hügel (Hiller)
- Dig, Jesus, min dyraste Jesus, jag beder (Okänd)
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- April 2023
- Mighty Comforter, to thee - To the Comforter (Bonar)
- Kann man Gott in Trübsal loben? (Hiller)
- Vægter, vil da mørkets rige (Richter/Brorson)
- Jesu lilla lamm jag är (Okänd)
- Amid the shadows and the fears - The Anchor within the Veil (Bonar)
- Durch Gnade bin ich, was ich bin (Hiller)
- Søde Jesus, glædens kilde (Kingo)
- Känner du herden god (Okänd)
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- February / Februar 2023
- True bread of life, in pitying mercy given - The True Bread (Bonar)
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- December / Dezember 2022
- Komm du Heiden-Heiland an (Schmolck)
- Kun Gud er stor - Nogle af Guds egenskaber (Lund) (r)
- Hjælp mig, o Gud, at prise - Guds magt og godhed i skabningen (Lund) (r)
- Herre! hvo fatter dig? (Timm) (r)
- Ett barn i dag är oss givet (Ehrenborg)
- O God, my God, an anguished heart - Contrition (Timm/Tait) (r)
- O Gud, min Gud! det bange hjerte - Almindelig Bededag (Timm) (r)
- 'Tis my happiness below - Welcome Cross (Cowper) (r)
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- November 2022
- Bliv hos mig, kære Herre Krist! (Timm) (r)
- When Hagar found the bottle spent - For the Poor (Cowper) (r)
- Lord, my soul with pleasure springs - True Pleasures (Cowper) (r)
- The billows swell, the winds are high - Temptation (Cowper) (r)
- Jesus is God! the solid earth - Jesus is God (Faber) (r)
- Wenn zu Zeiten schwere Leiden (Schöner)
- Ik weet, dat ik zal zalig worden - Ik weet, Wien ik gelove! (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Jag vet, på vem jag tror och hoppas - Jag vet på vem jag tror (Spitta/Lundberg) (r)
- Jeg ved, at salig vil jeg blive - Jeg ved, på hvem jeg tror, og er sikker i min tro (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- I know, Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son - I know in whom I believe (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Ich weiß, ich werde selig werden - Ich weiß, an wen ich glaube, und bin gewiss (Spitta) (r)
- O Vaderoog, mijn schreden trouw bewakend! - Vader, Zoon en Geest (Spitta/Kehrer) (r)
- O, fadershand, som hittills mig ledsagat - Fader, Son och Ande (Spitta/Lundberg) (r)
- O Faderhånd, som mig så trofast førte - Fader, Søn og Ånd (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- Father, whose hand hath led me so securely - Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- O Vaterhand, die mich so treu geführet - Vater, Sohn und Geist (Spitta) (r)
- I Jesus søger jeg min fred (Ukendt)
- O, mitt hjärta, det längtar till hemlandets frid (Okänd)
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- October / Oktober 2022
- Be still, my soul; Jehovah loveth thee - Be Still (Bonar)
- Meinen Jesus lass ich nicht (Schmolck)
- Gud, efter dig jeg længes (Sthen)
- O Jesus kär (Sandell)
- O this soul, how dark and blind! - Confession (Bonar)
- Weicht, ihr finstern Sorgen! (Woltersdorf)
- Ak kunne jeg mig ned (Aemilie/Brorson)
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- September 2022
- Vem är den stora skaran där (Wadström)
- O strong to save and bless - Hear my Cry (Bonar)
- Jesus bleibet mein Vergnügen (Schröder)
- Jeg vil mig Herren love (Thomissøn)
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- August 2022
- Hemma, hemma få vi vila (Sandell)
- I ask a perfect creed! - Credo, non opinor (Bonar)
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- May / Mai 2022
- O everlasting Light - Christ is All (Bonar)
- Ur stormarna ser jag (Yttergren)
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- April 2022
- Up now, my soul, 'tis day! - Up, my Soul, 'tis Day! (Bonar)
- Om salighed og glæde (Arrebo)
- Halleluja! Jesus lebt! (Schmolck)
- När får jag skåda Jesus? (Okänd)
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- March / März 2022
- Jesus, the Christ of God - Praise to Christ (Bonar)
- Ach! sagt mir nichts von Gold und Schätzen (Angelus Silesius)
- Bort, verden, af mit sind og øje! (Angelus Silesius/Brorson)
- Meine Hoffnung steht auf Gott (Unbekannt)
- Här uti världen en främling jag går (R.W./Palmquist)
- O safe at home, where the dark tempter roams not - Far Better (Bonar)
- Dig vil jeg elske, du min styrke (Angelus Silesius/Glahn)
- Jesus meiner Seele Ruh (Backmeister)
- Bor Kristus genom tron uti mitt hjärta (Sandell)
- Christ has done the mighty work! - It is Finished (Bonar)
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- February / Februar 2022
- Hvo ikkun lader Herren råde (Neumark/Rostgaard)
- Wohl dem, der Gott zum Freunde hat (Gerber)
- Ack salig, ack salig den själen, som tror (Sandell)
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- December / Dezember 2021
- This is not my place of resting - Rest Yonder (Bonar)
- Jesus ist mein Freudenlicht (Arnold)
- Mer helighet giv mig (Bliss/Lundequist)
- Gud Herren er min hyrde god (Arrebo)
- A little flock! So calls he thee - The Little Flock (Bonar)
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- November 2021
- Der Herr hat alles wohl gemacht (Heinrich Müller)
- Säll den som haver Jesus kär (Bernard of Clairvaux/Spegel)
- O Jesus, stärk min svaga tro (Okänd)
- He must increase, and I decrease - For me (Bonar)
- Nun, so gehe mit mir aus (Weihe)
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- October / Oktober 2021
- At komme, Jesus, dig i hu (Bernard of Clairvaux/Grundtvig)
- O min Jesus, låt mig skåda (Okänd)
- Stilla, ja, alltmera stilla (Sandell)
- Among the many, I am lost and weary - Return unto thy Rest (Bonar)
- Aldrig ensam! O mitt hjärta (Sandell)
- Liebster Jesus, ich will dich (Schmolck)
- Top / Übersicht
- September 2021
- Herre, mitt hjärta (Sandell)
- Jag sjunger nu om seger (Linderot)
- Jag sjunger helst om Jesus (Okänd)
- Vik ej ur mitt hjärta (Rosenius)
- Amen! Jesus han skal råde (Niels Brorson)
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- August 2021
- Warum willst du doch für morgen (Laurentii)
- Bergen må vika och högarna falla (Sandell)
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- June / Juni 2021
- Gud ske lov, min vän han blivit! (Rosenius)
- Nu är min träldom slut (Ahnfelt)
- Pass away, earthly joy (Catherine Jane Bonar)
- Stilla, o stilla (Sandell)
- För mig till den klippan höga (Okänd)
- Hjärtans Jesus, i ditt hjärta (Rutström)
- En vän framför andra, min Frälsare huld (Rosenius)
- Vid Jesu hjärta är min vilostad (Okänd)
- Alltid salig, om ej alltid glad (Okänd)
- Fram en suck sig smyger (Böttiger)
- Den port är trång och smal den stig (Sandell)
- Närmare, o Jesus Krist, till dig! (Sandell)
- Es ist vollbracht! so ruft am Kreuze (Diterich)
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- April 2021
- JESUS, our life, is risen - Praise to Jesus (Deck) (r)
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- March / März 2021
- Oster- und Auferstehngslieder (Übersicht/Index) (r)
- Frelseren er mig en hyrde god (Ingemann)
- Jesus – let him thy portion be - The Eternal Portion (Bonar)
- Hör, huru sången den klingar (N. P./V. W.)
- Top / Übersicht
- February / Februar 2021
- Jag har en vän så huld, så mild, så tålig (Rosenius)
- Go up, go up, my heart - Sursum Corda (Bonar)
- Jag nu den pärlan funnit har (Mason/Hamberg)
- I've found the pearl of greatest price (Mason)
- Herr! bei jedem Wort und Werke (Pfeil)
- Jesus, mit liv! (Ukendt)
- Här kan mitt arma hjärta (Holmes)
- Ye virgins, gird your loins! - "Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh" (Bonar)
- Es traure, wer da will (Liscov)
- Der er et helligt værge (Ingemann)
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- January / Januar 2021
- Upp min själ att Herren lova (Sandell)
- Abide ye in my love! - "Abide in My Love" (Bonar)
- Fürchte dich nicht, glaube nur! (Hiller)
- Aldrig er jeg uden våde (Kingo)
- Nu är jag glad och hjärtligt nöjd (Sandell)
- Lord, if he sleep he shall do well! - Holy Sleep (Bonar)
- Fröhlich, fröhlich, immer fröhlich! (Lange, Johann C.)
- Frisch auf, mein Seel! verzage nicht (Schmucker)
- Top / Übersicht
- December / Dezember 2020
- Lyft, min själ, ur jordegruset (Alin)
- Frisk op, min sjæl, forsag dog ej (Schmucker/Ravn)
- I wake from sleep, and this new day - Morning Hymn (Bonar)
- Jesus ist der schönste Nam (Angelus Silesius)
- Top / Übersicht
- November 2020
- Misströsta ej, min själ! Gud gärna sig förbarmar (Sellergren)
- Min Jesus han er min (Ziegler/Heermann/Brorson)
- Hoffnung wird niemals zuschanden (Unbekannt)
- Shall this life of mine be wasted? - Forward (Bonar)
- Herre, samla oss nu alla (Sandell)
- Wer ist wohl wie du (Freylinghausen)
- Jesus, du min fred (Freylinghausen/Brorson)
- Beyond the hills where suns go down - The New Song (Bonar)
- Från Gud vill jag ej vika (Helmbold/Evers/Eklund)
- Meine Hoffnung lässt mich nicht (Schmolck)
- Top / Übersicht
- October / Oktober 2020
- Hvorfor skulle jeg forsage? (Gerhardt/Ukendt)
- Thy way, not mine, O Lord - Thy Way, not Mine (Bonar)
- Vi sökte väl ro, och vi sökte väl frid (Ehrenborg/Sandell)
- Herr, mein guter Hirte (Rüegg)
- Hos Gud är idel glädje (Brun/Sandell)
- Hos Gud er idel glæde (Brun)
- Ich habe gnug, mein Herr ist Jesus Christ (Unbekannt)
- Mein Freund ist mein (Anna Sophia)
- O Light of light, shine in! - The Cry of the Weary (Bonar)
- Ich habe den gefunden (Garve)
- Din, o Jesus, vill jag vara (Beckman)
- O sjælehyrde, Gud og mand (Kingo)
- To have each day the thing I wish - The Better Will (Bonar)
- Herre, med kraft utav höjden bekläd mig! (Sandell)
- Top / Übersicht
- September 2020
- Tålmodighed behøves (Gerhardt/Brorson)
- Geduld ist euch vonnöten (Gerhardt)
- I hear the words of love - He Died and Lives (Bonar)
- O Jesus, du fröjdar mitt hjärta (Sandell)
- Vandrer mellem liv og død (Hammerich)
- Aufrichtig, redlich, offen, frei (Cramer)
- Why walk in darkness? Has the dear light vanished - Why Walk in Darkness? (Bonar)
- Om Herren mig bjuder gå hit eller dit (Sandell)
- Op, al den ting, som Gud har gjort (Brorson)
- Gelobt sei Gott! ihm will ich fröhlich singen (Cramer)
- Begin the day with God! - Begin with God (Bonar)
- Herre, föröka min tro och min kärlek! (Sandell)
- Lad din nåde på os regne (Kramer/Brorson)
- Ich soll zum Leben dringen (Cramer)
- The Son of God, in mighty love - The Word made Flesh (Bonar)
- O, hur kärleksfull, hur vänlig (Sandell)
- Top / Übersicht
- August 2020
- Hvor salig er den lille flok (Holm)
- Thy works, not mine, O Christ - The Sin-Bearer (Bonar)
- Vad sörjer du så svåra? (Heermann/Arrhenius/Wallin)
- Christus, mein Leben, mein Hoffen, mein Glauben, mein Wallen (Kellner von Zinnendorf)
- Lovsynger Herren, min mund og mit indre - Den 103die Davids Salme (Grundtvig)
- It is the Father's voice that cries - The Beloved Son (Bonar)
- All that I was, my sin, my guilt - Mine and Thine (Bonar)
- Beklaga och begråta (Wallin)
- Jesus, Jesus, Jesus sigter (Ludämilia Elisabeth/Brorson)
- Mein Gott und Hort - Vom Nutzen des göttlichen Wortes (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- When, wounded sore, the stricken soul (C. F. Alexander)
- Min vän är ljuv, min vän är mild (Sjöberg)
- Lyksalig den, som ydmygt tror (Boye)
- Den Glauben, der an Gott sich hält (Sturm, Christoph)
- Top / Übersicht
- July / Juli 2020
- Herr, mein Schöpfer, mein Erlöser - Bitte um des Heiligen Geistes Leitung (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- When across the heart deep waves of sorrow (Unknown)
- Jesus, tag mitt arma hjärta (Sandell)
- Sage, wo bist du gewesen (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Schuf mich Gott für Augenblicke? (Cramer)
- Fra verden har jeg vendt min hu - Den 25de Davids Salme (Knöpken)
- Der Glaub ist feste Zuversicht (Unbekannt)
- The way is long and dreary (Procter)
- Glädje utan Gud ej finnes (Wallin)
- Den tro, som Jesus favner (Brorson)
- Freue dich, dass du musst tragen - Christliche Gedanken im Kreuz (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Top / Übersicht
- June / Juni 2020
- When gathering clouds around I view (Grant)
- With tearful eyes I look around (Hugh White)
- Mitt hjärta, fröjda dig (Olearius/Ollon)
- Gud skal alting mage (Stockmann/Brorson)
- Gott, der wird's wohl machen (Stockmann)
- Hur ljuvt det är att komma (Runeberg)
- There is an everlasting home - Latus Salvatoris (Bridges)
- O salig fryd, vor Jesus er opstanden (Freylinghausen/Brorson/Malling)
- Triumph! Triumph! der Herr ist auferstanden (Freylinghausen)
- Thus far the Lord hath led us on, – in darkness and in day - Ebenezer (Borthwick)
- Herre, du som sänder trösten (Arrhenius/Choræus)
- Christus, der ist mein Leben - Nach dem heiligen Abendmahl (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Come, weary souls, with sin distressed (Steele)
- So will ich, Jesus, dich nicht lassen - Von der süßen Gesellschaft des Herrn Jesus (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- I need thee, precious Jesus (Whitfield)
- Varför sörja, varför klaga? (Wallin)
- Gott, du kannst mich nicht verlassen - Gott verlässt die Seinen nicht (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Amid the darkness, when the storm - Christ in the Storm (Palmer)
- Ei was frag ich denn darnach - Von dem Vergnügen in Jesus (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Wer kann wohl vergnügter leben - Von dem Vergnügen in Jesus (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Ich ergebe mich dem Willen - Ergebung in Gottes Willen (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Top / Übersicht
- May / Mai 2020
- Enhver, som bor i den Almægt'ges skygge - Tillid til forsynet (Lund) (r)
- O Love, too boundless to be shown (Ken)
- Mein Jesus, wie wird's werden - Vom christlöblichen Beginnen (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Som den gyldne sol frembryder (Kingo)
- Gott, bei dir ist die Gnade - Dank für die Gnade Gottes (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Gottlob, dass abermals ein Tag - Abendlied (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Räds ej bekänna Kristi namn (Söderberg)
- Jesus, meine Lust und Ehre - Verlangen nach der Jesushilfe (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Gute Nacht, ihr matten Glieder - Abendlied (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Was mag doch der von Kummer sagen - Trostlied (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Gott kennet mich, des freuet sich - Gottes kennt die Seinen (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Christus, mein Schatz und Leben - Gottes Will des Lebens Ziel (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Ach, lass dich jetzt finden - Von der Freundschaft mit Christus (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Christus soll mir alles sein - Bitte um göttlichen Beistand (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Gå varsamt, min kristen, giv akt på din gång! (Kolmodin)
- Vater, ach Vater, was hab ich verübet! (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Top / Übersicht
- April 2020
- Friede, Friede, meine Seele! - Ostern (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Er Gud for mig, så træde (Gerhardt/Brorson)
- Der Herr mit mir! Was darf ich klagen? - Trostlied (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Is God for me? I fear not - My High Tower (Gerhardt/Bevan)
- Meine Seele, sei zufrieden! - Trostlied (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Ich kann nicht sein betrübet - Das traute Kind Gottes und dessen Freudengründe (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Jag ville lova och prisa (Laurinus/Eklund)
- Top / Übersicht
- March / März 2020
- Through night and tribulation - The Pilgrimage of the Soul (Ingemann/Tait) (r)
- Igennem nat og trængsel (Ingemann) (r)
- Så kom, forønskde dødens stund - Dog for min Jesu kærlighed (Sophie Elisabeth/Brorson) (r)
- So komm, geliebte Todesstund - Doch, Jesus, deine Liebe macht (Sophie Elisabeth) (r)
- Højpriset vorde Gud af dig - Menneskets fornuftige sjæl (Cramer/Lund) (r)
- Lobsinget Gott, und betet an! (Johann Andreas Cramer) (r)
- Stilla jag på dig vill akta (Wallin)
- Är Gud i himlen för mig (Gerhardt/Eklund)
- Du hast mein Herz in Händen - Bitte um die Gnade recht zu beten (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Come, mighty Spirit, penetrate - Come, Mighty Spirit (Bonar)
- Var är den vän, som överallt jag söker? (Wallin)
- Sörj för mig, o Fader, kär! (Ludämilia Elisabeth/Ullman)
- Sorge, Vater, sorge du (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Keinen hat Gott verlassen (Unbekannt)
- Befall i Herrens händer (Gerhardt/Wallin)
- Ich hoffe nur auf Gnade (Hiller)
- Er wird es tun, der fromme, treue Gott (Herrnschmidt)
- Lord, I have trusted in thy name - The Lord is my Helper (Reißner/Mills)
- In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr! (Reißner)
- Ah! when shall I be, from sinning - Christian Warfare (Münter/Mills)
- Ach, wann werd ich von der Sünde (Münter)
- I'm but a weary pilgrim here - Christian's View of Eternity (Sturm, Christoph/Mills)
- Ein Pilger bin ich in der Welt (Sturm, Christoph)
- Our blessings come, O God - A General Prayer (Heermann/Mills)
- Gott ist und bleibt der Wundermann (Olearius)
- Why is my heart so far from thee - The Joy of God's Presence (G. B. Funk/Mills)
- Wie ist mein Herz so fern von dir (G. B. Funk)
- Wondrous ways is God pursuing - God's Ways Wonderful (Weissenborn/Mills)
- Wunderlich ist Gottes Schicken (Weissenborn)
- In thee, O God, I find my joy - Joy in God (Liscov/Mills)
- Ich freue mich, mein Gott, in dir (Liscov)
- Gott, welch ein Trost erquickt mein Herz! (Unbekannt)
- God, to my soul benighted - Faithfulness of God (Helmbold/Mills)
- Von Gott will ich nicht lassen (Helmbold)
- Nie kann mein Herz dich, Jesus, gnug erheben (Heeren)
- Ich weiß, ich weiß an wen ich glaube (Unbekannt)
- For help, O whither shall I flee? - The Believer's Conflict. (Neander/Mills)
- Weg mit allem, was da scheinet (Neander)
- God is my light! – Never, my soul, despair - God our Light, etc. (Hengstenberg/Mills)
- Who lives in God has save abode - Believers Safe in Death (Magdeburg/Mills)
- Wer Gott vertraut, hat wohl gebaut (Magdeburg)
- The Lord, to whom I pleaded - Gratitude to Christ (Jörgens/Mills)
- Der Herr ist meine Stärke! (Jörgens)
- O fear not, Christians, that rough path to tread - The Footprints of Christ (Unbekannt/Cox)
- Lebt, ihr Christen, so allhier auf Erden - Christi Fußstapfen (Unbekannt)
- What is human life below? - The shortness of Life (Salomon Franck/Cox)
- Ach, was ist doch unsre Zeit? - Die Vergänglichkeit des Lebens (Salomon Franck)
- Oh! let him whose sorrow - The Mourner's Consolation (Oswald/Cox)
- Wem in Leidenstagen - Trost des Trauernden (Oswald)
- O Holy Ghost! thy heavenly dew - Hymn for Whit-Sunday (Lavater/Cox)
- O Geist des Herrn, nur deine Kraft - Pfingstlied (Lavater)
- Top / Übersicht
- February / Februar 2020
- Nun, so bleibt es fest dabei (Woltersdorf)
- Wilt thou not, my Shepherd true - Hymn to the Good Shepherd (Angelus Silesius/Cox)
- Guter Hirte, willst du nicht - Lied an den treuen Hirten (Angelus Silesius)
- Awake, my soul, from sleep arise! - Morning Hymn (Lackmann/Mills)
- Love, who in the first beginning - Hymn to the God of Love (Angelus Silesius/Cox)
- Liebe, die du mich zum Bilde - Lied an den Gott der Liebe (Angelus Silesius)
- Come to thy temple here on earth (Gerhardt/Winkworth)
- Wann werd ich mich erhöret sehen? (Unbekannt)
- We would see Jesus; – all is gloom around us - Looking unto Jesus (Borthwick)
- The channels are on earth, the fountain is above - Streams by the Way (Borthwick)
- In all my plans, thou Highest - Dependence on God (Flemming/Mills)
- Wohlauf, mein Herz, zu Gott (Olearius)
- Lord Jesus Christ, my Life, my Light - In Weakness and Distress of Mind (Behm/Winkworth)
- Wohl dem, der fest im Glauben steht (Laurentii)
- Hallelujah! I believe! - Joy in Believing (Möwes/Borthwick)
- Zähle meine Tränen (Woltersdorf)
- Arise! ye lingering saints, arise! - Arise! (Gotter/Findlater)
- Ich will dich immer treuer lieben (Flessa)
- O Lord, in thee is all my trust (Chandler)
- Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (Neale)
- Fling out the Banner! let it float (Doane)
- Let Zion's sons and daughters say (Porter)
- Almighty Father, just and good (Chandler)
- O Friend of souls! how blessed the time (Deßler/Schaff)
- Den klare sol går ned, det kvælder mer og mer (Kingo)
- Jesus' holy Cross and dying (Bonaventura/Alexander)
- Blandt alle ting i verden her (Kingo)
- Today our Lord went up on high (Zwick/Winkworth)
- Rind nu op i Jesu navn (Kingo)
- What terrors shake my trembling soul! (Chandler)
- Ingen højhed, ingen ære (Kingo)
- O Christ, our hope, our heart's desire (Chandler)
- Nu rinder solen op (Kingo)
- Sorrig og glæde de vandre til hobe (Kingo)
- 'Tis the day of Resurrection (John of Damascus/Neale)
- Gak, under Jesu kors at stå (Kingo)
- O helt som undertvang al død - Påskesang (Lund)
- How pleasant to me thy deep blue wave - The Sea of Galilee (M'Cheyne)
- Hvi vil du, menneske, ej være - Mod had og uforsonlighed (Lund)
- Du, der et forsyn dog tilbeder - Forsynet (Lund)
- Sweet is the gentle voice of Spring - Seedtime (Monsell)
- O Jesus, troens øjemed - Jesus, troens øjemed (Lund)
- Holy Father, mighty God - The Cry of the Needy (Bonar)
- Top / Übersicht
- January / Januar 2020
- Hold, fromme sjæl! din kirkegang - Påskedag (Timm)
- It is not time that flies - Time and Eternity (Bonar)
- Herre! jeg må klage (Timm)
- O Jesus, who art gone before (Chandler)
- Ak, hvad nedslår dog, hvad vil mig forbyde - Noget om sjælens udødelighed (Lund)
- O Christ, who hast prepared a place (Chandler)
- Himlens hære, alt opstilte - Menneskets skabelse og kald (Lund)
- We leave now behind us - The Heavenward March (Bonar)
- Der er en krans at vinde (Timm)
- Gott Vater, sende deinen Geist (Gerhardt)
- Zieh ein zu meinen Toren (Gerhardt)
- Tungsindige, hvi er dit hjerte - Mod tungsindighed (Lund)
- Wird das nicht Freude sein? (Schweinitz)
- Weine nicht, Gott lebet noch (Schmolck)
- Herre! her er godt at være (Timm)
- How blessed thy creature is, O God - The Happy Change (Cowper)
- Fly, falske verden! fra mit sind (Timm)
- Hark! the voice of love and mercy - Finished Redemption (Evans)
- Jeg finder intet sted på jord (Timm)
- In Gottes Reich ... (Stübner)
- Hvo er fri på denne jord (Timm)
- Hjerte, sig hvi kan du klage (Timm)
- Behold me here, in grief draw near - Let me find Thee! (Neander/Findlater)
- Sieh, hier bin ich, Ehrenkönig (Neander)
- Ønske på ønske i hjertet opstiger (Timm)
- Af alt, hvad her i livet (Timm)
- I would not live alway – live alway below! (Muhlenberg)
- Der Vater sieht's: Kind, lass es sein! (Pfeil)
- Sig, hvo er dog den Hyrde god (Timm)
- Jesus, Lord of life eternal (Joseph of the Studium/Neale)
- Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen! (Neumeister)
- Lad andre mættes ved den lyst (Timm)
- Lo! my choice is now decided - The good choice (Tersteegen/Cox)
- Nun, so will ich denn mein Leben - Die gute Wahl (Tersteegen)
- Det er så yndigt at følges ad (Grundtvig)
- Nu hjertelig mig længes (Grundtvig)
- O Christ, our true and only Light - The Light of the World (Heermann/Winkworth)
- O Jesus Christus, wahres Licht! (Heermann)
- Kender du den livsens kilde? (Timm)
- Top / Übersicht
- December / Dezember 2019
- Til ende året haster - Prøvelse ved årets udgang (Lund)
- Hvo vil med til himmerige (Brorson)
- Wer sind die vor Gottes Throne? (Schenk)
- Tremble not, though darkly gather - Discipline (Borthwick)
- Ét er nødigt, dette ene (Schröder/Brorson)
- Eins ist not! ach Herr, dies Eine (Schröder)
- This night a wondrous revelation (Nachtenhöfer/Hoppe)
- Dies ist die Nacht, da mir erschienen (Nachtenhöfer)
- Hyggelig, rolig (Grundtvig)
- Halleluja! schöner Morgen! (Jonathan Krause)
- Du, som går ud fra den levende Gud (Grundtvig)
- Praise the Lord, ye heavens above! - The Epiphany (Monsell)
- Han, som har hjulpet hidindtil (Grundtvig)
- What various hindrances we meet - Exhortation to Prayer (Cowper)
- Dejlig er jorden (Ingemann)
- What thousands never knew the road! - The Narrow Way (Cowper)
- Glory be to God on high! - Christmas (Monsell)
- Ak! vidste du, som går i syndens lænke (Brorson)
- Walte, walte nah und fern (Bahnmaier)
- Guds igenfødte, nye, levende sjæle! (Brorson)
- Wie Gott will! also will ich sagen (Neumeister)
- Jeg ser dig, søde Lam, at stå (Brorson)
- Blessed morning! all the year - The Light of Life (Monsell)
- Den store hvide flok vi se (Brorson)
- There are ten at the feet of the Saviour - Ingratitude (Monsell)
- Dejligste blandt kvinder! (Brorson)
- Peaceful lay the doomèd city - Precious Tears (Monsell)
- Mit hjerte altid vanker (Brorson)
- Would I lead another right? - The Silent Teacher (Monsell)
- Stille er min sjæl til Gud (Brorson)
- How the spirit oft is moved - Joy in Heaven (Monsell)
- Den ypperligste vej (Brorson)
- And art thou ready, Saviour dear! - Unreadiness (Monsell)
- Jeg går i fare, hvor jeg går (Brorson)
- All around the gracious seasons - The Dew of the Spirit (Monsell)
- Her kommer dine arme små (Brorson)
- The Lord, who sits enthroned in light - Fastings with Christ (Monsell)
- I journey forth rejoicing - The Long Goodnight (Sturm, Leonhard/Borthwick)
- Ich fahr dahin mit Freuden (Sturm, Leonhard)
- Hvad er det godt at lande (Brorson)
- Jesus Christ! thou Son of David! - The Call of Christ (Monsell)
- Lord, to thy will my anxious soul - The Follower (Monsell)
- Top / Übersicht
- November 2019
- Sweet shades and fields that glow with summer flowers - The summer day (Bevan)
- O that thy Name may be sounded - The joyful sound (Bevan)
- Rise, daughter of Zion, thy mourning is o'er - Hymn for the Epiphany (Muhlenberg)
- Du bist mein Herr, drum soll ich dir auch dienen - Ich bin der Herr dein Gott ... (Spitta)
- Jesus, my loving Lord! I know - The Hidden Face (Monsell)
- Send uns Hirten, Herr, die du gewählet - Bittet den Herrn der Ernte, dass er ... (Spitta)
- I place an offering at thy shrine - The perfect sacrifice (Guyon/Cowper)
- Herr, was kann von deiner Liebe scheiden - Die Liebe ist sein Panier über mir (Spitta)
- Always in the Lord rejoice - Joy in the Lord (Monsell)
- Jesus! geh voran (Zinzendorf)
- From Bethlehem to Calvary - The Wedding Garment (Monsell)
- Was Gott gefällt, mein frommes Kind (Gerhardt)
- Why, my soul, so sad and fearful - Peace in Jesus (Monsell)
- Allwissender, vollkommner Geist (Rambach)
- Amen! Amen! lauter Amen (Schmolck)
- Zaget nicht, wenn Dunkelheiten (Reche)
- Long and earnestly she pleaded - Help in Hindrances (Monsell)
- Gott ist getreu! Sein Herz, sein Vaterherz (Liebich)
- Thy rebuke my heart hath broken! - The Broken Heart (Monsell)
- Alles lebt und schwebt im Preise! (Schöner)
- O Jesus! sieh darein (Dippel)
- Du bist so gut, du bist so nahe! (Döring)
- Ich halte Gott in allem stille (Crantz)
- Zuletzt geht's wohl dem, der gerecht auf Erden (Bernstein)
- Lord, exceeding sorrowful - Thy will be done (Monsell)
- Du sollst glauben, und du Armer (Reiber)
- Ich weiß von keinem andern Grunde (Bogatzky)
- Wie wohl ist mir, o Freund der Seele! (Deßler)
- So führst du doch recht selig, Herr! die Deinen (Arnold)
- Christ is risen! Alleluia! - Easter (Monsell)
- Hours, and days, and months, and years - The Circumcision of Christ (Monsell)
- Auf! hinauf zu deiner Freude (Schade)
- Top / Übersicht
- October / Oktober 2019
- Höre meinen Glauben (Woltersdorf)
- I sleep, my heart awaketh - Christ's Beauty (Monsell)
- Gift of the Father's living love! - Whit Sunday (Monsell)
- Himmelan, nur himmelan! (Schöner)
- Resting on thy footstool, Lord! - The Throne and Footstool (Monsell)
- Tree of Life! that, in the desert - Remember me (Monsell)
- So early in the morning - Early Calling (Monsell)
- Ein reines Herz, Herr, schaff in mir (Neuß)
- Lord, if thou wilt - Sickness (Monsell)
- Jesus, hilf siegen, du Fürste des Lebens (Schröder)
- Soon and for ever - The Dying Christian (Monsell)
- Lord, my portion thou shalt be - The Unchangeable (Monsell)
- Rich and poor, and high and low - The Poor (Monsell)
- Herr, unser Gott, dich loben wir! (Unbekannt)
- O Saviour! thou this day didst make - The Incarnation (Monsell)
- I knew thee in the land of drought - Song of Love (Monsell)
- Har jeg kun fred udi samvittigheden - En god samvittigheds lykke (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Besitz ich nur ein ruhiges Gewissen! - Das Glück eines guten Gewissens (Gellert)
- Lord, to thy holy Temple - Second Advent (Monsell)
- Other Name than my dear Lord's - His Name (Monsell)
- Top / Übersicht
- September 2019
- O, would that I were fairer, Lord! - Song of Love (Monsell)
- Ermuntert die Herzen, erweckt die Gemüter (Allendorf)
- Brightly hopeful for the future - The Days of my Life (Monsell)
- Ich weiß von keinen Plagen (Woltersdorf)
- Sohn des Vaters, Herr der Ehren (Knapp)
- To thee, O dear dear Saviour! - Song of Love (Monsell)
- In aller Welt (Mess)
- If thy Presence go not with me - Removal (Monsell)
- Trockne gern die Kummertränen (Reche)
- Du Ursprung aller Güte (Rambach)
- In the Lord put I my trust - Trust (Monsell)
- Jesus, der du bist alleine (Tersteegen)
- Kommt ihr traurigen Gemüter (Gerhardt)
- Pity on us, Heavenly Father - Litany Hymn (Monsell)
- Ein Christ braucht keinen Schatz auf Erden (Hahn)
- The world is bright, but I am sad - Sorrow with Christ (Monsell)
- Nur frisch hinein (Kongehl)
- Though thou slay me, I will trust - Faith (Monsell)
- O Liebesglut, die Erd und Himmel paaret (Lampe)
- Sweet is thy mercy, Lord! - Mercy Sweet (Monsell)
- Ein Christ kann ohne Kreuz nicht sein (Schmolck)
- My sins have taken such an hold on me - Repentance (Monsell)
- Weep no more, my soul! forgiven - The Return (Monsell)
- Beschwertes Herz, leg ab die Sorgen (Sturm, Christoph)
- Der Weisheit Pfad (Unbekannt)
- My froward heart, my wayward will - God's Gentleness (Monsell)
- In Jesu Namen will alleine (Tersteegen)
- Mein Weg kommt von der Wiege (Lange)
- Geht, ihr Streiter! (Tersteegen)
- In allen meinen Taten (Flemming)
- Top / Übersicht
- August 2019
- Mein König weiß wohl zu regieren (Unbekannt)
- Weg Lust, an Not und Unlust reich! (Rube)
- Herr, der du als ein stilles Lamm (J.A.Schlegel)
- Hört das Wort voll Ernst und Liebe (Garve)
- Seele, was ermüdst du dich? (Wolf)
- Holy Spirit! long expected - Whit Sunday. (Monsell)
- Wenn auch vor deiner Tür einmal (Hey)
- O Fels des Heils, o Gotteslamm (Lampe)
- Welch ein Himmel, welche Klarheit (Wessenberg)
- Sing, O Heavens! O Earth, rejoice! - Ascension Day (Monsell)
- Dies ist der Tag, da Gottes Sohn (Rist)
- The night is dark and sad - Watch Song (Monsell)
- Heilig, heilig soll uns bleiben (Rothe)
- Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! - Adoration (Monsell)
- My God how great thy goodness - Song of Praise (Monsell)
- O Tag, der uns des Vaters Rat (J.A.Schlegel)
- Shadow of a mighty Rock! - The Shadow (Monsell)
- Let us low in rev'rence wait - Song of Praise (Monsell)
- Neue Liebe, neue Blicke (Lampe)
- My head is low, my heart is sad - Penitence (Monsell)
- I have no comfort but thy love - The Comfort of Love (Monsell)
- Fight the good fight - The Good Fight (Monsell)
- Lord, to whom except to thee - Divine Food (Monsell)
- I sought thee when my heart was low - Joy Restored (Monsell)
- O werter Geist im höchsten Throne (Spreng)
- Love, in all its depth and height - Song of Love (Monsell)
- Top / Übersicht
- July / Juli 2019
- Singen will ich von dem Wehen (Engstfeld)
- My sins, my sins, my Saviour! - Penitence (Monsell)
- Thank God that towards eternity - The New Year (Francke/Winkworth)
- Gottlob! ein Schritt zur Ewigkeit (Francke)
- Geist Gottes, unerschaffner Geist (Garve)
- Low at thy feet I lie - I am thine (Monsell)
- Schwebend über Raum und Zeit (Engstfeld)
- Ja lauter Gnadenwunder sind die Deinen (Unbekannt)
- Praise the Lord! rejoice, ye Gentiles - Song of Praise (Monsell)
- Immer noch strahlst du, erleuchtende Liebe, durch Nächte (Döring)
- Sei Gott getreu, halt seinen Bund (Michael Franck)
- O'er the distant mountains breaking - Christ's Coming (Monsell)
- O Durchbrecher aller Bande! (Arnold)
- Dir will ich folgen ohne Grämen (Meyer)
- Trim the lamp, its light is fading - Evening (Monsell)
- O Herr, mein Heil, wie preis ich dich (Silberrad)
- I think of thee, my God, by night - Evening (Monsell)
- Wer sich dünken lässt zu stehen (Unbekannt)
- Ach, Vater, zieh mich zu dem Sohne (Unbekannt)
- Awake, my glory! harp and lute! - Morning (Monsell)
- O Mensch, der Himmel ist zu fern (Unbekannt)
- Menschenfreund, nach deinem Bilde (Niemeyer)
- Top / Übersicht
- June / Juni 2019
- Sing to the Lord a joyful song - Morning (Monsell)
- Schwing dich auf, betrübte Seele! (Ruopp)
- Gott, du Brunnquell aller Dinge! (Georgii)
- The Good old Times! how glorious! - Advent (Monsell)
- Gott rufet noch: sollt ich nicht endlich hören? (Tersteegen)
- Ach, präge deinen Tod in mich (Bengel)
- O Vater der Barmherzigkeit (Denicke)
- Der Vater kennt dich. Kenn auch ihn (Freudentheil)
- Let others in their wealth delight - Joy in the Lord (Monsell)
- Du, der kein Böses tut (Diterich)
- Jerusalem, the holy! - The Lamb's Bride (Monsell)
- Gott lebt! wie kann ich traurig sein? (Schmolck)
- Let all the creation - Song of Praise (Monsell)
- Top / Übersicht
- May / Mai 2019
- Hoch über Erd und Welt und Zeit (Oswald)
- O, der Alles hätt verloren (Arnold)
- I hunger and I thirst - Holy Communion (Monsell)
- Du Glanz vom ewgen Lichte (Hiller)
- Mein ganzer Sinn (Tersteegen)
- In thee our God will we rejoice - Dearth (Monsell)
- Mercy, mercy, God the Father! - Saviour God, deliver me! (Monsell)
- Ja fürwahr, uns führt mit sanfter Hand - Der treue Hirte (Krummacher)
- Labouring and heavy-laden - Christ our Life (Monsell)
- Ich halte meinem Jesus still (Pfeil)
- I'm weary of myself - Love's Revival (Monsell)
- Getrost! mein Leiden hat ein Ziel (Unbekannt)
- Top / Übersicht
- April 2019
- Come and deck the grave with flowers - Easter-Even (Monsell)
- Treuer Hirte deiner Herde (Gersdorff)
- On our way rejoicing - Song of Joy (Monsell)
- Gott ist mein Licht! verzage nicht, mein Herz! (Hengstenberg)
- Mein Gott, wie bist du so verborgen! (Salomon Franck)
- Wohl dem Menschen, der nicht wandelt - Der erste Psalm Davids (Gerhardt)
- Ich bin Gottes Bild und Ehr (Unbekannt)
- O Rock of Ages, since on thee - The Rock of Ages (Palmer)
- Auf den Nebel folgt die Sonn (Gerhardt)
- O Bread to pilgrims given - Sacramental Hymn (Palmer)
- Gib dich zufrieden und sei stille (Gerhardt)
- Oh, blessed Lord, I fain would be resigned - Resignation under Bereavement (Deck)
- Was willst du dich betrüben (Heermann)
- Die sich auf den Herrn verlassen (Lehmus)
- Top / Übersicht
- March / März 2019
- Auf Leiden folgt die Herrlichkeit (Lackmann)
- Dich will ich lieben, immer lieben (Rüegg)
- Mein Gott! ich klopf an deine Pforte (Schmolck)
- Nicht eine Welt, die in ihr Nichts vergeht (Huber)
- Gott! deine Güte reicht so weit (Gellert)
- Fasst die Seelen in Geduld (Hiller)
- Hüter! wird die Nacht der Sünden (Richter)
- Was soll ich ängstlich klagen (Sturm, Christoph)
- Ich weiß, es kann mir nichts geschehen (Salomon Franck)
- Ich hab in Gottes Herz und Sinn (Gerhardt)
- Nun habe Dank für deine Liebe (Lavater)
- Mach's, lieber Gott! wie dir's gefällt (Neumeister)
- Hoffe, Herz, nur mit Geduld! (Mahlmann)
- Jesus ist mein Leben (Unbekannt)
- Meine Sorgen, Angst und Plagen (Unbekannt)
- Wie lieblich ist dein Tempel, Herr (Unbekannt)
- Getrost, mein Herz, und zage nicht (Unbekannt)
- Top / Übersicht
- February / Februar 2019
- Heiliges, gerechtes Wesen (Unbekannt)
- Gott ist und bleibt getreu! (Unbekannt)
- Du verheißest langes Leben (Unbekannt)
- Du Abglanz von des Vaters Ehr (Ambrosius/Lange)
- Such, wer da will, ein ander Ziel (Weissel)
- Wenn der Herr einst die Gefangnen (Zeller)
- Morgen soll es besser werden! (Unbekannt)
- Der Herr, er ist das Licht und Heil (Unbekannt)
- Seele, willst du dich noch kränken? (Schmolck)
- Des Ewgen Saatgefilde (Döring)
- Der Pilger aus der Ferne (Barth)
- Herr Jesus, Gnadensonne (Gotter)
- Womit soll ich dich wohl loben? (Gotter)
- Sollt ich meinem Gott nicht trauen (Olearius)
- Das walte Gott, der helfen kann (Betichius)
- Zu dir will ich mich froh erheben (Engstfeld)
- Herr, immer wieder dank ich dir - Du bist Wunderbar! (Rüegg)
- Seele, willst du selig ruhn? (Döring)
- O Morgenlicht, du Pfand von Oben (Franz)
- Mein Gebet steigt täglich zu dir auf (Münter)
- Das äußre Sonnenlicht ist da (Tersteegen)
- Nun sei getrost und unbetrübt (Gerhardt)
- Erheb, o meine Seele, dich (Lackmann)
- Lasst uns den Herren preisen (Angelus Silesius)
- Top / Übersicht
- January / Januar 2019
- Auf, dankt dem Herrn zu aller Zeit! (Herman)
- Hinweg ihr Tränen! Ewge Liebe waltet (Franz)
- Gott lebet noch! (Zihn)
- Sie jauchzet doch mit Freuden (Woltersdorf)
- Komm, beuge dich, mein Herz und Sinn (Arnold)
- Wohl mir! Jesu Christi Wunden (Woltersdorf)
- O Gottes Lamm! mein Element (Woltersdorf)
- Hier legt mein Sinn sich vor dir nieder (Richter)
- Unter alles mich zu fügen (Lavater)
- Es hilft uns nicht, mit hohen Gaben (Arnold)
- Komm, o komm, du Geist des Lebens (Neander)
- Eins nur wollen, Eins nur wissen (Hahn)
- Sollt er was sagen und nicht halten? (Job)
- Mein Gott, das Herz ich bringe dir (Schade)
- Wo soll ich hin, wer hilfet mir? (Neander)
- Ich suche dich von ganzem Herzen (Franz)
- Ich kehre wieder (Lange)
- Stark ist meines Jesu Hand (Garve)
- Synes det i kors og pine (Tietze/Brorson)
- Seems it in my anguish lone - The Sufficiency of God (Tietze/Winkworth)
- Sollt es gleich bisweilen scheinen (Tietze)
- Der Glaube fehlt, und darum fehlen (Schöner)
- Der Glaube bricht durch Stahl und Stein (Zinzendorf)
- Die Hoffnung, die auf jenes Ziel (Heinrich Ernst)
- Ich glaube, Herr, hilf meinem Glauben! (Annoni)
- O großer Geist, des Wesen alles füllet (Rambach)
- Hinab geht Christi Weg (Ingolstetter)
- Was wär ich ohne dich gewesen? (Novalis)
- Herzens-Einfalt, Gnadensiegel! (Spangenberg)
- O my soul, why dost thou grieve - Christian Contentment (Gerhardt/John Kelly)
- Nicht so traurig, nicht so sehr (Gerhardt)
- Listen to the wondrous story (Tupper)
- Ich will nicht alle Morgen (Hosch)
- Wie getrost und heiter (C. F. Neander)
- Top / Übersicht
- December / Dezember 2018
- Der schmale Weg ist breit genug zum Leben (Richter)
- Messiah, at thy glad approach (Bruce)
- O reinster Jesus, der du mich (Angelus Silesius)
- Mein Vater ist der große Herr der Welt (Lange)
- Alles ist euer! o Worte des ewigen Lebens! (Schubart)
- Mein Trost, damit ich Nacht und Tag (Francke)
- O wie selig seid ihr doch, ihr Frommen (Woltersdorf)
- The wondering sages trace from far - Epiphany Hymn (Ernst Lange/Cox)
- Im Abend blinkt der Morgenstern - Epiphaniaslied (Ernst Lange)
- O was für ein herrlich Wesen (Wolf)
- Da man der gebeugten und betrübten - Weine nicht (Spitta)
- Still, mein Herz, vertrau auf ihn - Still! (Rüegg)
- Gott ist mein Hirt! (Nach Psalm 23)
- Sons of men, behold from far! (Charles Wesley)
- Hark, how all the welkin rings! (Charles Wesley)
- Mut, Mut, o Herz! Steig aus der Schwermut Gründen (Franz)
- Hark! what mean those holy voices (Cawood)
- O wie sehnt ich mich vor alters - Einst und jetzt (Spitta)
- Region of life and light! - The Life of the Blessed (Ponce de León/Bryant)
- Treuer Meister, deine Worte (Angelus Silesius)
- We speak of the realms of the blessed (Elizabeth Mills)
- Schweiget, bange Zweifel, schweiget! (J.A.Schlegel)
- Nun jauchzet all ihr Frommen (Schirmer)
- Mein Jesus lebt! was soll ich sterben? (Schmolck)
- O Liebesglut, wie sollt ich dich (Lampe)
- Wie ist mir doch so wohl - Aus Jesaja 9,6 (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Großer Gott, in dem ich schwebe (Tersteegen)
- Woher, woher, mein Schöpfer doch (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Top / Übersicht
- November 2018
- Wie bist du mir so innig gut! (Tersteegen)
- O Jesus Christ! du höchstes Gut (Ringwaldt)
- Macht unserm König ebne Bahn! (Barth)
- Bist du, Jesus, denn auch mein? (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Nun Hosianna, Davids Sohn - Bewillkommnung des Heilandes (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Alleine zu leben - Von dem einigen Vergnügen an Jesus (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Jesus, Jesus, nichts als Jesus - Ergebung in Gottes Willen (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Es ist der Herr, er tu, was ihm gefällt - Klage und Gebet vom bösen und guten Willen (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Jesus sei ein Jesus mir - Herzenswunsch zu Jesus (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- "The everlasting hills!" how calm they rise - Mouintains (Heusser/Borthwick)
- Wie stehn sie da, der ewgen Allmacht Zeugen - Die Berge (Heusser)
- Getrost, mein Herz! Es lebt dein Gott dir ja (Heusser)
- "A little while!" so spake our gracious Lord (Heusser/Borthwick)
- "Über ein Kleines," so sprach er in nächtlicher Stunde (Heusser)
- Nun ist es Alles wohl gemacht (Laurentii)
- Thou hast borne our sins and sorrows - Pilgrim prayers (Heusser/Borthwick)
- Der du trugst die Schmerzen aller - Bitten (Heusser)
- Zeuch uns nach dir (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Break not this heart, my children - Parting from two young friends (Heusser/Borthwick)
- O brecht mir nicht das Herz, ihr Kinder! - Einem Paar junger Freundinnen zum Abschied (Heusser)
- "In der Nacht, da er verraten ward" - 1. Korinther 11, 23-27 (Heusser)
- Der Herr ist gut! (Heusser)
- Stars of the silent night - Under the stars (Heusser/Borthwick)
- Top / Übersicht
- October / Oktober 2018
- Dort zieht ihr goldnen Sterne - Nach einem Gespräch unterm Sternenhimmel (Heusser)
- Darkness reigns, – the hum of life's commotion - At midnight (Heusser/Borthwick)
- Dunkel ist's! Des Lebens laute Töne - Um Mitternacht (Heusser)
- Lamb, the once crucified! Lion, by triumph surrounded! (Heusser/Porter)
- Voices of Spring, with what gladness I hear you again! - Spring (Heusser/Borthwick)
- Hör ich euch wieder, ihr Töne des Frühlings, erklingen - Loblied (Heusser)
- Liegt einst es hinter mir, das Kampfgefilde - Eher nicht (Heusser)
- Give thanks for all things, children of our God! - In everything give thanks (Heusser/Borthwick)
- Danket um alles, ihr Kinder der göttlichen Liebe! (Heusser)
- Ich weiß, was mich erfreuet - Ich glaube an die Vergebung der Sünden ... (Heusser)
- O sweet home-echo on the pilgrim's way! - For ever with the Lord! (Heusser/Borthwick)
- Wir werden bei dem Herrn sein allezeit! (Heusser)
- Wo ist eine Stätte der Ruhe gebaut? - An Mariens Grabe (Heusser)
- Dort in Galiläas Hütte - Verborgenes Leben (Heusser)
- O Christ, my Life, my Saviour - Hymn (Heusser/Borthwick)
- O Jesus Christ, mein Leben (Heusser)
- A few more conflicts, toils, and tears - Pilgrim Song (Heusser/Borthwick)
- Noch ein wenig Schweiß und Tränen - Pilgergesang (Heusser)
- Seele, geh nach Golgatha (Schmolck)
- Low at thy feet my spirit lies - "Out of the depths" (Heusser/Borthwick)
- Peace, be still - Be still! (Heusser/Borthwick)
- Die Sonne stand verfinstert (Münter)
- I must go hence, – here there is nought abiding - Theodora (Heusser/Borthwick)
- Ich gehe fort, – hier hab ich keine Stätte - Theodora (Heusser)
- Frühlingslüfte wehen - Frühlingsgruß (Heusser)
- Dear to thee, O Lord, and precious - Precious in the sight of the Lord ... (Heusser/Borthwick)
- Teuer ist der Tod der Deinen - Einer verborgenen Perle (Heusser)
- Top / Übersicht
- September 2018
- Aufwärts schaut sie, – in verklärten Mienen - Zum Bilde einer Magdalena (Heusser)
- Eilt, ihr Stunden! (Heusser)
- Bleibe bei mir, guter Hirt! - Am späten Abend (Heusser)
- Bei dir ist Treu und Glauben (Heusser)
- Zu deinen Füßen lass mich liegen! (Heusser)
- Freuden? Freuden bieten sie mir an? (Heusser)
- Es liegt die Macht in meinen Händen - Missionsgesang (Heusser)
- Unter Myrrhen bittrer Leiden (Heusser)
- Der Herr ist unsre Stärke (Heusser)
- I came and saw, and hoped to conquer - The Good Fight (Bonar)
- Sinner, wilt thou still go on? (Kelly)
- Ho, ye thirsty! here's a spring (Kelly)
- What love is this the Father shows (Kelly)
- I need not blush to own that he (Kelly)
- Why sleeps the harp of Judah now? (Kelly)
- 'Tis good, 'tis sweet, 'tis passing sweet (Kelly)
- The promise, Lord, that thou hast given (Kelly)
- Saviour, send a blessing to us (Kelly)
- Our souls, they cleave unto the dust (Kelly)
- Thy precious gift, O Lord, impart (Kelly)
- "The Spirit of the Truth" is he (Kelly)
- Send thy Spirit, Lord, from heaven (Kelly)
- Now may the Spirit's power be felt (Kelly)
- Lord, let the people of thy love (Kelly)
- Deal gently with thy servant, Lord (Kelly)
- Top / Übersicht
- August 2018
- Base among the base (Kelly)
- Glory be to him who saved us (Kelly)
- Sing, sing his lofty praise (Kelly)
- Now raise a solemn, cheerful strain (Kelly)
- To Israel's God let praise be given (Kelly)
- Endless praises (Kelly)
- Praise the God of our salvation (Kelly)
- Sing the Saviour's praises (Kelly)
- Exalt the name of him who bore (Kelly)
- To him alone, whose name is love (Kelly)
- He whom all the prophets told of (Kelly)
- To him that sits upon the throne (Kelly)
- To God, my Saviour, praise is due (Kelly)
- Angels heard with admiration (Kelly)
- Beloved associates in the strife (Kelly)
- Glory to God on high! (Kelly)
- Joyful let us raise our voices (Kelly)
- Had David done as Saul advised (Kelly)
- Many foes our march opposing (Kelly)
- Hark, 'tis a martial sound! (Kelly)
- He who saved us when assaulted (Kelly)
- Blessed fountain, full of grace! (Kelly)
- Christians an arduous fight maintain (Kelly)
- O Israel to thy tents repair (Kelly)
- Arise, ye saints, arise (Kelly)
- Yes, "the battle is the Lord's" (Kelly)
- Courage, ye who fighting are (Kelly)
- Top / Übersicht
- July / Juli 2018
- 'Tis to thee we owe allegiance (Kelly)
- Jesus, we hail thee Israel's King (Kelly)
- Spared a little longer (Kelly)
- The Saviour leads his people on (Kelly)
- Shepherd of the chosen number (Kelly)
- There is a family on earth (Kelly)
- We'll sing of the Shepherd that died (Kelly)
- While I wandered, Jesus sought me (Kelly)
- This is, of a truth, the Prophet (Kelly)
- Jesus is the Lord my Shepherd (Kelly)
- Jesus, the Shepherd of the sheep (Kelly)
- Come, O Lord, the heavens rending (Kelly)
- Lord, we plead thy promise given (Kelly)
- Ach, Jesus! gib mir sanften Mut (Maukisch)
- Top / Übersicht
- June / Juni 2018
- Eternal honour be to him (Kelly)
- Über den Sternen, da wird es klar (Franz)
- Hope is the anchor of the soul (Kelly)
- Det er den dag, som Gud har skabt - Jule-Sang (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Dies ist der Tag, den Gott gemacht - Weihnachtslied (Gellert)
- We're bound for yonder land (Kelly)
- Priser genløste vor Gud! vor frelsning han fuldendte! - På Kristi himmelfart (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Jauchzt, ihr Erlösten dem Herrn; Er hat sein Werk vollendet - Auf die Himmelfahrt des Erlösers (Gellert)
- Hvo siger: se! jeg elsker Gud - Kærlighed til næsten (Gellert/Heilmann)
- So jemand spricht: ich liebe Gott! - Die Liebe des Nächsten (Gellert)
- To thee we come, our God, to thee (Kelly)
- Tit klager du, hvor tungt det er - Dydens kamp (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Oft klagt dein Herz, wie schwer es sei - Der Kampf der Tugend (Gellert)
- Din salighed ej at forspilde - Bønnen (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Dein Heil, o Christ, nicht zu verscherzen - Das Gebet (Gellert)
- Once to other lords we bowed (Kelly)
- Den dag er og forbi, og denne del af livet - Aften-prøvelse (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Der Tag ist wieder hin, und diesen Teil des Lebens - Prüfung am Abend (Gellert)
- O tanke! som oplive må - Genløsningens trøst (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Gedanke, der uns Leben gibt - Trost der Erlösung (Gellert)
- Dig takker jeg i dag for livet - På fødselsdagen (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Dir dank ich heute für mein Leben - Lied am Geburtstage (Gellert)
- Holy Slumberer, rest in peace! - Easter Eve (Elliott)
- Hastig min livs tid forgår - Om døden (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Meine Lebenszeit verstreicht - Vom Tode (Gellert)
- Oh, what a tranquil, hallowed sleep - Hallowed sleep (Elliott)
- Fra livets korte prøvedage - Det evige livs trøst (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Nach einer Prüfung kurzer Tage - Trost des ewigen Lebens (Gellert)
- Top / Übersicht
- May / Mai 2018
- What is our sweetest joy? - To a Fellow Traveller (Elliott)
- Hvor trygt er mennesket, det støv! - Døds tanker (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Wie sicher lebt der Mensch, der Staub! - Betrachtung des Todes (Gellert)
- Lord of the mountains, and the hills! - A Hymn of Praise (Elliott)
- O Gud, min Gud! ved hvem jeg er i live - Hengivenhed i Guds vilje (Gellert/Heilmann)
- O Herr, mein Gott! durch den ich bin und lebe - Um Ergebung in den göttlichen Willen (Gellert)
- Er Kristus kirkens Frelsermand - Kirkens beskærmelse (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Wenn Christus seine Kirche schützt - Der Schutz der Kirche (Gellert)
- O thou, the hope, the strength of Israel - The Secure Refuge (Elliott)
- Den, som ej holder Herrens ord - Den virkende tro (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Wer Gottes Wort nicht hält, und spricht - Der tätige Glaube (Gellert)
- Din godhed ej nok prises kan - Aften-Sang (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Für alle Güte sei gepreist - Abendlied (Gellert)
- Hvor stor er dog Guds godheds ære! - Guds godhed (Gellert/Heilmann)
- How great Jehovah's love, how tender! - Gratitude (Gellert/Mills)
- Top / Übersicht
- April 2018
- Wie groß ist des Allmächtgen Güte! - Die Güte Gottes (Gellert)
- O Gud! du som mig livet - Aften-Sang (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Herr, der du mir das Leben - Abendlied (Gellert)
- Skal din fordærvet sjæl til hellig dyd forfremmes - Opmuntring at læse Skriften (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Soll dein verderbtes Herz zur Heiligung genesen - Ermunterung die Schrift zu lesen (Gellert)
- Så håber jeg med stadigt mod - Forsikring om Guds nåde (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Firm is my hope of future good - Assurance of Hope (Gellert/Mills)
- So hoff ich denn mit festem Mut - Versicherung der Gnade Gottes (Gellert)
- Du klager, – du som her i live - Nøjsomhed (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Du klagst, und fühlest die Beschwerden - Zufriedenheit mit seinem Zustande (Gellert)
- På Gud och ej på eget råd (Gellert/Wallin)
- På Gud og ej på min forstand - Tillid til Guds forsyn (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Rule thou my portion, Lord; my skill - Trust in God (Gellert/Mills)
- Auf Gott, und nicht auf meinen Rat - Vertrauen auf Gottes Vorsehung (Gellert)
- Jeg livets gode dage - I sygdom (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Ich hab in guten Stunden - In Krankheit (Gellert)
- Et sind, o Gud! i kors og modgang villig - Tålmodighed (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Ein Herz, o Gott! in Leid und Kreuz geduldig - Geduld (Gellert)
- Min første følelse og pligt - Morgen-Sang (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Mein erst Gefühl sei Preis und Dank - Morgengesang (Gellert)
- Top / Übersicht
- March / März 2018
- Selbst in tiefsten Schmerzensstunden - Denn DU bist bei mir (Rüegg)
- Gud er min trøst - Om Guds Ord (Gellert/Heilmann)
- I trust the Lord - The Word of God (Gellert/Mills)
- Gott ist mein Hort! - Vom Worte Gottes (Gellert)
- Triumph! Triumph! es kommt mit Pracht (Rist)
- Again the Lord of life and light (Barbauld)
- Morning breaks upon the tomb (Collyer)
- Wort des höchsten Mundes (Hecker)
- Mein Fels hat überwunden (Lampe)
- Wohl dem, der Jesus liebet (Anna Sophia)
- True mirror of the Godhead! Perfect Light! - An Evening Hymn (Franck/Winkworth)
- Dreieinigkeit, der Gottheit heller Spiegel (Franck)
- Der Herr, in dessen Güte (Garve)
- Top / Übersicht
- February / Februar 2018
- Ewig, ewig bin ich dein (Cramer)
- Herr, wir legen alle Sorgen - Frieden im Herrn (Spitta)
- O liebster Herr! ich armes Kind (Tersteegen)
- Man muss doch immer loben - Freuet euch, ihr Gerechten! (Spitta)
- Stärke mich, o Herr, im Gnadenbunde - Ich habe Lust an der Liebe und nicht am Opfer (Spitta)
- Begnadigt sind wir Sünder (Wolf)
- Aus Gnaden, aus Gnaden soll ich selig werden (Scheidt)
- Erhöhter Siegesfürst und Held (Götz)
- Dem Herrn sei Ehre, Preis und Dank (Hülsemann)
- Gud er min sang - Guds magt og forsyn (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Of God I sing - Praise to God (Gellert/Mills)
- Gott ist mein Lied! - Gottes Macht und Vorsehung (Gellert)
- Wird mir das Angedenken (Hiller)
- Ach, dass ich in mir selbst muss stehen (Tersteegen)
- Wenn der Herr, der aus dem Grab erwachte (Garve)
- For dig, o Gud! for dig jeg haver syndet - Pønitense-Sang (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Against thee only have I sinned, I own it (Gellert/Winkworth)
- An dir allein, an dir hab ich gesündigt (Gellert)
- Jesus lever, og jeg med - Påske-Sang (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Jesus lives! no longer now - Easter hymn (Gellert/Cox)
- Jesus lebt! mit ihm auch ich (Gellert)
- Tief zur Rechten und zur Linken - Calanda-Schau (Heusser)
- Nicht nach Kronen schaut mein mattes Auge - Letzter Wunsch (Heusser)
- Preis dem Todesüberwinder (Klopstock)
- O herrlicher Tag, o fröhliche Zeit (Günther)
- Mein Jesus lebt! Es wich die dunkle Nacht (Unbekannt)
- Up! up! my heart with gladness (Gerhardt/John Kelly)
- Auf, auf, mein Herz, mit Freuden (Gerhardt)
- Willkommen, lieber, lieber Tag! - Osterliedchen (Heusser)
- Rejoice, all ye believers (Laurentii/Borthwick) (r)
- Ermuntert euch, ihr Frommen! (Laurentii) (r)
- Er ist erstanden, der sein Blut vergossen (Lehmus)
- Top / Übersicht
- January / Januar 2018
- Welcome thou victor in the strife - Monday in Easter Week (Schmolck/Winkworth)
- Willkommen, Held im Streite (Schmolck)
- Immortal love, for ever full - Our Master (Whittier)
- Wach auf, mein Herz, die Nacht ist hin (Laurentii)
- Schweige still - Sei still! (Heusser)
- Wo sind des Tales weite Fluren? - Nebel im Tale (Heusser)
- So ist auch diese Last getragen - Am Schlusse einer schweren Zeit (Heusser)
- Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face - This do in Remembrance of Me (Bonar)
- I lay up treasure in the heavens - The Eternal Work (Bonar)
- O fröhliche Stunden (Rist)
- Nun danket Gott, ihr Wesen all (Angelus Silesius)
- The crowd sweeps onward still - The Year's Last Moment (Bonar)
- I go to life, and not to death - I go to Life (Bonar)
- Süß klingt der edle Freudenschall (Knapp)
- Betænk, min ånd, den høje sag - Påskesang (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Erinn're dich, mein Geist! erfreut (Gellert)
- On both sides is my anchor firmly cast - Faith and Hope (Bonar)
- City of celestial health - The City of the Forgiven (Bonar)
- I was in love with hill and vale - The Fountainhead of Beauty (Bonar)
- Out of darkness into light - The Light is Come (Bonar)
- Triumph! Triumph! bringt Lob und Dank (Schiebeler)
- At last! - At Last! (Bonar)
- Only one cross! - One Faith and Hope (Bonar)
- Lobsinge meine Seele (C. F. Neander)
- Frühmorgens da die Sonn aufgeht (Heermann)
- The old is better than the new - Truth's Ancestry (Bonar)
- In vain, in vain with human love - The Fulness of the Unseen (Bonar)
- Christ, Überwinder (Böhmische Brüder)
- Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag (Herman)
- Auferstanden, auferstanden (Lavater)
- Days are dying; suns are setting - "He fleeth as a shadow" (Bonar)
- Dir, dem weisesten Regierer (Lavater)
- Wunderanfang! herrlichs Ende! (Stockfleth)
- The love that passeth knowledge (Bonar)
- Dir, Gott, dir will ich fröhlich singen (Liebich)
- Rejoice and be glad! (Bonar)
- 'Tis only for a season - Only for a season (Bonar) (r)
- Tritt hin, o Seel, und dank dem Herrn (Angelus Silesius)
- In the day when silent sorrow - "God shall wipe away all tears" (Bonar) (r)
- Mein Geist frohlocket und mein Sinn (Angelus Silesius)
- In this the wondrous love of God - "Herein is love" (Bonar) (r)
- Rest of all rests art thou - Our first and last (Bonar) (r)
- Bearer of sin, he came to earth - "With his stripes we are healed" (Bonar) (r)
- Under thy shadow (Bonar) (r)
- Gott Vater, der du allen Dingen (Angelus Silesius)
- Du unvergleichlich Gut, wer wollte dich nicht lieben? (Angelus Silesius)
- I know thy poverty, but thou art rich - An aged pilgrim (Bonar) (r)
- Geht hin, ihr gläubigen Gedanken (Hermann)
- Meek and lowly let me be - Meek and lowly (Bonar) (r)
- O love of God, how strong and true - The Love of God (Bonar) (r)
- Top / Übersicht
- December / Dezember 2017
- De eeuw'ge Godsstad ligt daarboven - De Godsstad (Spitta/Riemens)
- Vilken är den stora staden? - Guds stad (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Herrens stad står mægtigt grundet - Herrens stad (Spitta/Reventlow)
- By the holy hills surrounded - The city of God (Spitta/Massie)
- Gottes Stadt steht fest gegründet - Gottes Stadt (Spitta)
- Halleluja! lobsingt Halleluja! (Garve)
- Ja auch ich bin arm und bloß (Neander)
- Op, tillav dig! - Julesang (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Come, tune your heart, to bear its part (Gellert/Cox)
- Auf, schicke dich recht feierlich (Gellert)
- Behold! behold! what wonder's here! (Gerhardt/John Kelly)
- Schau! welch ein Wunder stellt sich dar! (Gerhardt)
- O Liebe! die den Himmel hat zerrissen (Richter)
- A great and mighty wonder (Anatolius/Neale) (r)
- The angel has come down - The Foreglow (Bonar) (r)
- Auf, Seele, auf und säume nicht (Michael Müller)
- Rejoice, my soul, the Christ has come! - Christmas Cheer (Bonar) (r)
- Gott mit uns! Mit uns auf Erden! - Gott mit uns! (Lange)
- Triumph, Triumph dem Herrn! Er lebt, er lebet (Petersen)
- Beherrscher aller Ding (Freylinghausen)
- Segnen, Gott, ist deine Freude (Lavater)
- Armes Zion, traure nimmer! - Hoffnungsblick (Heusser)
- O Jesus Christ! dein Kripplein ist (Gerhardt)
- Gottes und Mariens Sohn (Pfeiffer)
- Laat mij toch, o Heer! gelovig bouwen - Vast in het geloof, rijk in de liefde (Spitta/Riemens)
- Låt mig på den fasta grunden vila - Fast i tron, rik på kärlek (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Lad mig på den grund med fasthed bygge - Fast i tro, rig på kærlighed (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Let me build on this secure foundation - Strong in faith, rich in love (Spitta/Massie)
- Lass mich fest stehn auf dem einen Grunde - Fest im Glauben, reich an Liebe (Spitta)
- He called them, and they left - Follow Me (Bonar) (r)
- Top / Übersicht
- November 2017
- It tarries long - Not in vain (Bonar) (r)
- O Jesus, Freund der Seelen (Küster)
- Ik en mijn huis, wij zijn bereid - Ik en mijn huis, wij willen den Here dienen (Spitta/Riemens)
- Jag och mitt hus, vi vilja visst - Jag och mitt hus (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Jeg med mit hus, jeg er bered - Jeg og mit hus vil tjene Herren (Spitta/Reventlow)
- I and my house are ready, Lord - I and my house will serve the Lord (Spitta/Massie)
- Ich und mein Haus, wir sind bereit - Ich und mein Haus, wir wollen dem Herrn dienen (Spitta)
- De zonne keerde tot haar rust - Goeden nacht! (Spitta/Riemens)
- Nu sjunker solen i det blå - God natt! (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Fuldbragt har dagen nu sit løb - Til godnat (Spitta/Reventlow)
- The shades of evening chase away - Good night (Spitta/Massie)
- Vollendet hat der Tag die Bahn - Zur guten Nacht (Spitta)
- God, die Vader zijt van allen - Een gebed voor de jeugd (Spitta/Riemens)
- Herre, du, som utan like - För nattvardsungdom (Spitta/Lundberg)
- O du Fader for os alle - For ungdommen (Spitta/Reventlow)
- O thou Father of all living - Prayer for youth (Spitta/Massie)
- O du Vater über alles - Für die Jugend (Spitta)
- Wat ware vreugd, wat waar genoegen - 'S Werelds IJdelheid (Spitta/Riemens)
- Vad är, min broder, världens lycka? - Världens fåfänglighet (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Slet kan os verden kun betrygge - Verdens forfængelighed (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Can then the world make no provision - The vanity of the world (Spitta/Massie)
- Was hat die Welt für wahre Freude? - Die Eitelkeit der Welt (Spitta)
- Wat beweegt mijn hart? - Voor het Avondmaal (Spitta/Riemens)
- Är det längtan stor - Före den heliga nattvarden (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Top / Übersicht
- October / Oktober 2017
- Huser nu mit bryst - Før den hellige nadver (Spitta/Reventlow)
- What affects my heart? - Before the Holy Communion (Spitta/Massie)
- Was bewegt mein Herz - Vor dem heiligen Abendmahle (Spitta)
- Zijt gezegend, vredeboden - Een Zendings-lied (Spitta/ten Kate)
- Rik välsignelse från Herran - Hednamissionärerna (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Hilsen eder, I som kække - Sendebuddene til hedningerne (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Blessed are ye, ye chosen bearers - The Missionaries (Spitta/Massie)
- Hochgesegnet seid ihr Boten - Die Freudenboten (Spitta)
- Ach, lass mich weise werden (Hiller)
- 'k Gevoel in 't hart het zoetst verblijden - Gij zult u verheugen met ene onuitsprekelijke vreugde (Spitta/Riemens)
- Hur skall jag väl den känsla kalla - I skolen fröjda eder med outsäglig glädje (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Den glæde lad mig dog bekende - I skulle fryde eder med en unævnelig glæde (Spitta/Reventlow)
- O how shall I describe the pleasure - Ye shall rejoice with unspeakable joy (Spitta/Massie)
- Wie soll ich doch die Wonne nennen - Ihr werdet euch freuen mit unaussprechlicher Freude (Spitta)
- In d' eersten bloei der Christenheid - De gemeenschap in den Heer (Spitta/Riemens)
- Det skrivet står, i forna dar - Samlingssång (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Ét hjerte kun i brystet bar - Fællesskabet i Herren (Spitta/Reventlow)
- With heart and soul in sweet accord - Fellowship in the Lord (Spitta/Massie)
- Ein Herz und eine Seele war - Die Gemeinschaft in dem Herrn (Spitta)
- Gott, wer dich kennet, liebet dich (Tersteegen)
- Wij danken U, o trouwe Heer - Ik zal u geen wezen laten (Spitta/Riemens)
- Vår blick, o Jesu, till dig går - Jag skall icke lämna eder faderlösa (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Vi takke dig, vor Frelser kær - Jeg vil ej lade eder blive faderløse (Spitta/Reventlow)
- We give thee thanks, O Saviour dear - I will not leave you comfortless (Spitta/Massie)
- Wir danken, treuer Heiland dir - Ich will euch nicht Waisen lassen (Spitta)
- Ja, wij zijn reeds in den hemel! - Onze wandel is in den hemel (Spitta/Riemens)
- Top / Übersicht
- September 2017
- Vår umgängelse är icke - Vår umgängelse är i himmelen (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Sjælens hjemstavn er i himlen - Vort borgerskab er i himlen (Spitta/Reventlow)
- As a traveller, returning - Our conversation is in heaven (Spitta/Massie)
- Unser Wandel ist im Himmel! (Spitta)
- Exalt, exalt, the heavenly gates (Joseph the Hymnographer/Neale) (r)
- Dear Lord! accept a sinful heart - Self-acquaintance (Cowper) (r)
- Thy mansion is the Christian's heart - The House of Prayer (Cowper) (r)
- Ich will dich lieben, meine Stärke (Angelus Silesius)
- Sometimes a light surprises - Joy and Peace in Believing (Cowper) (r)
- My former hopes are fled - The Shining Light (Cowper) (r)
- Halleluja! jeg har min Jesus funden (Brorson)
- Quelle der Vollkommenheiten (Münter)
- O Lord, my best desire fulfil - Submission (Cowper) (r)
- Lo! the storms of life are breaking (Alford) (r)
- Richte nicht mit harter Strenge (Funk)
- Carol, brothers, carol - A Christmas Carol (Muhlenberg) (r)
- King of kings, and wilt thou deign - Thy Kingdom Come! (Muhlenberg) (r)
- Aan God en aan Zijn gunst is 't al gelegen - De arbeid in den Here (Spitta/Molster/Riemens)
- Gör du i Gud ditt verk, och du skall vinna - Arbetet i Herren (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Hvad du i Herren gør, vil held dig bringe - Arbejdet i Herren (Spitta/Reventlow)
- What in the Lord thou doest must succeed - Work in the Lord (Spitta/Massie)
- Was in dem Herrn du tust, das wird gelingen - Die Arbeit in dem Herrn (Spitta)
- The Lord of life is risen! (Lange/Harbaugh) (r)
- Der Herr ist auferstanden! - Der Auferstandene (Lange) (r)
- Min længsel, al min lyst er Gud - Kærlighed til Gud (Lund) (r)
- Jesus! where'er thy people meet - On opening a place for Social Prayer (Cowper) (r)
- The Lord receives his highest praise - A Living and a Dead Faith (Cowper) (r)
- Klynke og klage (Grundtvig)
- My soul is sad, and much dismayed - The Valley of the Shadow of Death (Cowper) (r)
- The Saviour hides his face! - Mourning and Longing (Cowper) (r)
- Of all the gifts thine hand bestows - Praise for Faith (Cowper) (r)
- Geh und säe Tränensaat (Albertini)
- Sin enslaved me many years - The Heart Healed and Changed by Mercy (Cowper) (r)
- Waar is Goddelijk erbarmen - De volheid van Christus (Spitta/J. J. v. V.)
- Vem är den sig så förbarmar - Kristi fullhet (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Hvem vil kærligt sig forbarme - Kristi fylde (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Where is mercy and compassion - The fulness of Christ (Spitta/Massie)
- Wo ist göttliches Erbarmen - Die Fülle Christi (Spitta)
- To Jesus, the Crown of my hope - Longing to be with Christ (Cowper) (r)
- The billows swell, the winds are high - Temptation (Cowper) (r)
- Ich singe dir mit Herz und Mund (Gerhardt)
- Greife nicht mit kühner Rechten (Franz)
- My song shall bless the Lord of all - Jehovah Jesus (Cowper) (r)
- Ere God had built the mountains - Wisdom (Cowper) (r)
- I will praise thee every day - O Lord, I will praise thee (Cowper) (r)
- Warum sollt ich mich denn grämen? (Gerhardt)
- Almighty King! whose wondrous hand - Grace and Providence (Cowper) (r)
- Wien stromen langs de wegen - De tranen des Heren (Spitta/Molster/Riemens)
- Från Oljeberget skallar - Herrens tårar (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Fra Oliebjerget bølger - Herrens tårer (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Where yonder mount, with olives clad - The tears of the Lord (Spitta/Massie)
- Vom Ölberg wogt es nieder - Die Tränen des Herrn (Spitta)
- Keer toch weder, keer toch weder! - Keer weder! (Spitta/Riemens)
- Vänden åter! Vänden åter! - Vänden åter! (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Vend dog om, o kom tilbage - Vend tilbage! (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Turn, poor wanderer, ere the sentence - Turn again (Spitta/Massie)
- Kehre wieder, kehre wieder - Kehre wieder! (Spitta)
- Til himlene rækker din miskundhed, Gud! (Ingemann) (r)
- A pilgrim through this lonely world - The Man of Sorrows (Denny) (r)
- Stil en eenzaam was 't voordezen - Waak op, gij luit en harp! (Spitta/Riemens)
- Låg ej vägen mörk och öde - Upp, psaltare och harpa! (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Øde var og tyst og stille - Stem din harpe! (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Top / Übersicht
- August 2017
- Lonely was the way and dreary - Up! psaltery and harp (Spitta/Massie)
- Jüngst war's öde, niemals öder - Auf! Psalter und Harfe (Spitta)
- Geleid door 's Heren trouwe hand - De gevonden schat (Spitta/Riemens)
- Varann vi funno, du och jag - Ett gott fynd (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Vi have, ført af Herrens hånd - Det gode fund (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Led by a Father's gracious hand - The good treasure (Spitta/Massie)
- Wir haben uns, durch Gottes Hand - Der gute Fund (Spitta)
- På Jerusalem det ny (Grundtvig) (r)
- Onberouwelijk - Onberouwelijk berouw (Spitta/Riemens)
- Blott en sorg det finnes - Den sorg, som man icke ångrar (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Ej skal mig fortryde - Angeren, som aldrig fortrydes (Spitta/Reventlow)
- O how sweet the sadness - The repentance not to be repented of (Spitta/Massie)
- Was uns nie gereuet - Die Reue, die nie gereuet (Spitta)
- Sei, Jesus, meines Lebens Lust (Grundtvig/Rüegg) (r)
- Vor Herres Jesu mindefest (Grundtvig) (r)
- Heil, Heil dem Manne, der dem Rat (Cramer)
- Ich will fröhlich sein in Gott (Ludämilia Elisabeth)
- Gelukkig huis, o Redder onzer zielen! - Dezen huize is zaligheid geschied (Spitta/Molster)
- Sällt är det hus, där dig man mottar gärna - I dag har Frälsning vederfarits detta hus (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Et saligt hus, som dig har til sig taget - Der er velsignelse over dette hus (Spitta/Reventlow)
- O happy house, O home supremely blessed - Salvation is come to this house (Spitta/Massie)
- O selig Haus, wo man dich aufgenommen - Diesem Hause ist Heil widerfahren (Spitta)
- Heal us, Emmanuel, here we are - I am the Lord that Healeth thee (Cowper) (r)
- Aan de oosterkim verrijst de gouden morgen - Des morgens (Spitta/Kehrer)
- Den gyllne morgonsol i öster flammar - Om morgonen (Spitta/Lundberg)
- I østen stiger op den gyldne morgen - Morgensang (Spitta/Reventlow)
- The purple morning gilds the eastern skies - Morning (Spitta/Massie)
- Im Osten flammt empor der goldne Morgen - Am Morgen (Spitta)
- Met vriendelijk kleurengetover - De ure van het avondgebed (Spitta/Riemens)
- Nu sjunker sol så stilla - Aftonandakt (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Hvor er dog aftenen stille - Aftenhøjtid (Spitta/Reventlow)
- How smiling the day departed - Evening devotion (Spitta/Massie)
- Wie ist der Abend so traulich - Abendfeier (Spitta)
- Heer, mocht ik zonder tegenstreven - Een wens der ziel (Spitta/Riemens)
- O, Herre, lär mig dina rätter! - Längtan (Spitta/Lundberg)
- O måtte jeg kun her i live - Længsel (Spitta/Reventlow)
- O that my soul might never lack - Longing (Spitta/Massie)
- O dass mein Leben deine Rechte - Sehnsucht (Spitta)
- Wer, o mein Gott, aus dir geboren (Cramer)
- Grace, triumphant in the throne - Not of Works (Cowper) (r)
- God! neem het Uwe, neem het weer! - Overgave (Spitta/Kehrer)
- Så tag, o Gud, vad dig tillhör! - Vid ett kärt barns död (Spitta/Lundberg)
- O tag det hen, du gode Gud - Hengivelse (Spitta/Reventlow)
- I give thee back thine own again - Resignation (Spitta/Massie)
- Nimm hin, was dein ist, Gott, nimm's hin - Hingabe (Spitta)
- Top / Übersicht
- July / Juli 2017
- Wir haben immer Friede (Spitta) (r)
- Hosianna in der Höhe - Siehe, dein König kommt zu dir (Spitta) (r)
- O wär ich ganz dein Eigen - So nimm nun, Herr, meine Seele! (Spitta) (r)
- De wolken pakken samen - Regen (Spitta/Riemens)
- Som moln, när det sig skockar - I mörka stunder (Spitta/Lundberg)
- På himlen skyer trække - Opmuntring gennem tårer (Spitta/Reventlow)
- The sky is clouded over - Smiling through tears (Spitta/Massie)
- Die Wolken ziehn vorüber - Erheiterung durch Tränen (Spitta)
- Schittrend moet uw lichtglans wezen - Paaslied (Spitta/Riemens)
- Vårsol, vandra fram din bana - Påsk (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Strålende i lyse zoner - Påskehøjtid (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Sun, shine forth in all thy splendour - Easter day (Spitta/Massie)
- Wandle leuchtender und schöner - Osterfeier (Spitta)
- Als eens mijn laatste stonde slaat - De stervensure (Spitta/Riemens)
- En gång min sista timma slår - Kristus har nederslagit dödens välde (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Når klokken slår for sidste gang - Kristus har berøvet døden sin magt (Spitta/Reventlow)
- When comes the hour which seals my doom - Christ has taken away the power of death (Spitta/Massie)
- Wenn meine letzte Stunde schlägt - Christus hat dem Tode die Macht genommen (Spitta)
- O Heer! wat droegt Ge al leed en plagen - Het geduld des Heren (Spitta/Kehrer)
- O, vilka plågor dig förtära! - Herrens tålamod (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Ak, hvilken marter, hvilken plage - Herrens tålmodighed (Spitta/Reventlow)
- O Lord, what sorrows past expression - The patience of the Lord (Spitta/Massie)
- Top / Übersicht
- June / Juni 2017
- Ach, welche Marter, welche Plagen - Die Geduld des Herrn (Spitta)
- Gij, die door al de eeuwen henen - Hij staat midden onder u (Spitta/Riemens)
- Strö ut kvistar! Bred ut kläder - Han står mitt ibland eder (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Du, om hvem med hellig længsel - Han er trådt midt ind imellem eder (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Thou, whose coming seers and sages - He is come among you (Spitta/Massie)
- Du, des Zukunft einst erflehten - Er ist mitten unter euch getreten (Spitta)
- Wat maakt gij door uw wenen - Afscheid (Spitta/Riemens)
- Nu vilja vi ej gråta - Farväl (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Hvi græde mine kære - Afsked (Spitta/Reventlow)
- How mean ye thus by weeping - Parting (Spitta/Massie)
- Was macht ihr, dass ihr weinet - Abschied (Spitta)
- Er zweeft een zwijgende engel - Geduld (Spitta/Riemens)
- En fridens ängel stilla - Tålamod (Spitta/Lundberg)
- En stille engel drager - Tålmod (Spitta/Reventlow)
- A gentle angel wendeth - Patience (Spitta/Massie)
- Es zieht ein stiller Engel - Geduld (Spitta)
- Für den Herrn ist nichts zu schwer! - Meinem Herrn ist nichts zu schwer! (Rüegg) (r)
- Saved by blood, I live to tell - Hear what he has done for my soul (Newton) (r)
- I say to all men, far and near - The whole World restored in Christ (Novalis/Winkworth) (r)
- Ich sag es jedem, dass er lebt (Novalis) (r)
- Licht vom Licht! erleuchte mich (Schmolck)
- Höchster Tröster, komm hernieder! (Liebich)
- Du Geist des Herrn, der du von Gott ausgehst (Freylinghausen)
- Come, Holy Ghost, in love - Come, Holy Ghost (Robert II/Palmer) (r)
- Komm, Heilger Geist, o Schöpfer du (Angelus Silesius)
- Top / Übersicht
- Mai 2017
- Komm, du sanfter Gnadenregen (Weihe)
- Er is een lied, zo teder - Het lied der liederen (Spitta/Riemens)
- Det sjungs en sång, den sjungs av bruden - Sångernas sång (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Et herligt digt jeg kender - Sangenes sang (Spitta/Reventlow)
- There is a song so thrilling - The song of songs (Spitta/Massie)
- Es gibt ein Lied der Lieder - Das Lied der Lieder (Spitta)
- O du allersüß'ste Freude! (Gerhardt)
- Gott, du Geber aller Gaben! (Pfeil)
- Am Grab des Christen singet man (Pfeil) (r)
- Zu dir, Geist, Schöpfer, flehen wir (J.A.Schlegel)
- O wundergroßer Siegesheld (Homburg)
- Rejoice, ye saints! – your fears be gone! - Ascension of Christ (Diterich/Mills)
- Auf, Jünger Jesu! freuet euch! (Diterich)
- Good is thy will, O Lord, and good thy way - Furnace Heat (Bonar) (r)
- Komm, rufet dir mein Glaube (Franck)
- Ach komm, du süßer Herzensgast (Mencke)
- Schmückt das Fest mit Maien (Schmolck)
- Komm, o verheißner Gottesgeist (Döring)
- Komm Gottes Geist, komm höchster Gast (Wenigk)
- Blessed morning, whose young dawning rays - Blessed resurrection morn (Watts) (r)
- Dich zu lieben, dich zuerst - Liebe leben (Rüegg) (r)
- Geist der Wahrheit, lehre mich (Bürde)
- Dich zu lieben, dich allein! - Nur du! (Rüegg) (r)
- Jesus, mein Erbarmer! höre (Tersteegen)
- Innig bei dir weilen - Du (Rüegg) (r)
- O du Geist der Herrlichkeit (Woltersdorf)
- Sag mir neu, dass du mich liebst (Rüegg) (r)
- O God, I long thy Light to see - Tenth Sunday after Trinity (Anton Ulrich, H. z. B./Winkworth)
- Nach dir, o Gott, verlanget mich (Anton Ulrich, H. z. B.)
- Joy and gladness! joy and gladness! (Bethune) (r)
- O Jesu, meine Wonne (Rist)
- Nichts fürcht ich mehr - Mein Lebensglück (Rüegg) (r)
- Du machst alles, alles gut! - Alles gut! (Rüegg) (r)
- Wohl dem Menschen, der von Herzen (J.A.Schlegel)
- Mein Heiland, bilde du (Bernstein)
- Hvad vil jeg mig bedrøve? - Hengivenhed i Guds vilje (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Was ist's, dass ich mich quäle? (Gellert)
- Dringe ein mit deinem Glanz (Pestalozzi)
- Top / Übersicht
- April 2017
- Mein Heiland, nimm all meine Kräfte hin (Arnold)
- In God my faithful God - Consolation (Weingärtner/Winkworth)
- Auf meinen lieben Gott (Weingärtner)
- Steil und dornig ist der Pfad (Bürde)
- Dig, dig al ros og ære tilhører - Takke-Sang (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Du bist's, dem Ruhm und Ehre gebühret (Gellert)
- Der du das Los von meinen Tagen (Patzke)
- Schwing dich auf zu deinem Gott (Gerhardt)
- Wenn ich es heilig überlege (Meyer)
- Ziet, de winter is vervlogen - Lente (Spitta/Riemens)
- Nu är vinterns tid förgången - Vårens under (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Se, alt vintren er forgangen - Vårens under (Spitta/Reventlow)
- See, the spring begins to waken - The wonders of the spring (Spitta/Massie)
- Sieh, der Winter ist vergangen - Frühlingswunder (Spitta)
- Du bist ein Mensch, das weißt du wohl (Gerhardt)
- Christen erwarten in allerlei Fällen (Edeling)
- Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Rodigast)
- Top / Übersicht
- March / März 2017
- O mein Herz, gib dich zufrieden! (Strauß)
- Dort am Kreuz starbst du für mich - Mein guter Hirte (Rüegg) (r)
- Umschließ mich ganz mit deinem Frieden (Clemens)
- Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz (Sachs)
- What sudden blaze of song - Christmas Day (Keble) (r)
- As with gladness men of old (Dix) (r)
- Mein Herz, gib dich zufrieden (Freylinghausen)
- Mein Friedefürst! dein freundliches Regieren (Richter)
- Ist Gott für mich, so trete (Gerhardt)
- Hier ist mein Herz, o Seel' und Herz der Seele (Deßler)
- Befal du dine veje (Gerhardt/Stenersen)
- Commit whatever grieves thee (Gerhardt/John Kelly)
- Befiehl du deine Wege (Gerhardt)
- Großer König, den ich ehre (Angelus Silesius)
- Sweet was the hour, O Lord, to thee - The well of Sychar (Denny) (r)
- Liebwerter süßer Gotteswille (Tersteegen)
- Come, Lord, and tarry not - Come, Lord (Bonar) (r)
- Jesus! I live to thee (Henry Harbaugh) (r)
- Er führt hinein (Herrnschmidt)
- Gott wills machen (Herrnschmidt)
- Still, still with thee, when purple morning breaketh - When I awake, I am still with thee (Stowe) (r)
- The Throne of his Glory – as snow it is white - Hymn for Advent (Muhlenberg) (r)
- Ob Berge weichen, Hügel fallen (Bahnmaier)
- Bride of the Lamb, awake! awake! - The Church cheered with the hope of her Lord's return (Denny) (r)
- Herr, vor deinem Angesichte - Selbstprüfung (Spitta) (r)
- Endlich bricht der heiße Tiegel (Harttmann)
- Befiehl dem Herren deine Wege (Gersdorff)
- Die Segenshand auf meinem Haupt (Schütze)
- Hope of our hearts, O Lord, appear! - The Church waiting for the Son from heaven (Denny) (r)
- Es ringt die Welt sich müde - Das Reich Gottes ist Friede und Freude (Spitta) (r)
- Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten (Neumark)
- O reicher Gott von Gütigkeit (Breithaupt)
- Lass dich nur ja nichts dauern (Flemming)
- Fortgekämpft und fortgerungen (Lavater)
- Top / Übersicht
- February / Februar 2017
- Hat mich denn mein Gott verlassen? (Meyer)
- Gott hab ich mich ergeben (Hippel)
- Hinweg mit Furcht und Traurigkeit (Angelus Silesius)
- Laat mij rusten aan uw hart vol liefde - Troost in Jezus' liefde (Spitta/Kehrer)
- Stilla vid ditt kärleksrika hjärta - Tröst i Jesu kärlek (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Stille, kærligt ved dit rige hjerte - Trøst i Jesu kærlighed (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Still on thy loving heart let me repose - Comfort in Jesus' love (Spitta/Massie)
- Still an deinem liebevollen Herzen - Trost in Jesu Liebe (Spitta)
- Mein Trost in Zweifelsnächten ist (Döring)
- Von dir, o Vater, nimmt mein Herz (Lavater)
- The chariot! the chariot! its wheels roll on fire - The chariot! the chariot! (Milman) (r)
- Zu dir ist meine Seele stille (Rehberger)
- Christus, unser Haupt und König (Zinzendorf)
- Te vergeefs, o mens, is al uw streven - Rust in God (Spitta/Riemens)
- Av dig själv du fåfängt lyckan söker - Vilan i Gud (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Du forgæves søger i dit indre - Hvile i Gud (Spitta/Reventlow)
- In vain thou seekest in thyself to find - Rest in God (Spitta/Massie)
- Aus dir selber strebst du nur vergebens - Ruhe in Gott (Spitta)
- Mein Trost und Anker in aller Not (Woltersdorf)
- Day of judgment! day of wonders! - The Day of Judgment (Newton) (r)
- When o'er Judea's vales and hills - Hymn to the Redeemer (Coxe) (r)
- Macht euch auf! die Morgensonne (Zeller)
- Mein Herz ist dennoch wohlgemut (Woltersdorf)
- Jesus, thy Church, with longing eyes - Second Coming of Christ (Bathurst) (r)
- Wohlauf, mein Herz, verlass die Welt (J.A.Schlegel)
- Top / Übersicht
- January / Januar 2017
- My Jesus, if the seraphim - Throne of Grace (Deßler/Winkworth)
- Mein Jesu, dem die Seraphinen (Deßler)
- Der Herr ist groß! - Der Lobgesang der Maria (Lange)
- Fierce was the wild billow - Christ in the tempest (Anatolius/Neale) (r)
- Wouldst thou learn the depth of sin - Gethsemane (Monsell) (r)
- Cling to the Crucified! - Abide in him (Bonar) (r)
- Ich will von meiner Missetat (Luise Henriette, Kurfürstin von Brandenburg)
- Heavenward still our pathway tends - Heavenward still! (Schmolck/Cox) (r)
- Himmelan geht unsre Bahn! - Himmelan! (Schmolck)
- Since o'er thy footstool here below (Muhlenberg) (r)
- O Heaven! Sweet Heaven! the home of the blessed (Nevin) (r)
- Jesus, I love thee evermore (Benedict) (r)
- Chief of sinners though I be (McComb) (r)
- The world can neither give nor take (Mason/Selina) (r)
- Nothing fair on earth I see - Sexagesima Sunday (Angelus Silesius/Winkworth)
- Keine Schönheit hat die Welt (Angelus Silesius)
- Die den naam van Christen dragen - Trouw in het kleine (Spitta/Molster)
- Vill du din Herre vara trogen - Troheten i det lilla (Spitta/Lundberg)
- I trofast, inderlig forening - Troskab i det små (Spitta/Reventlow)
- That love is purest and most true - Faithfulness in little things (Spitta/Massie)
- Das ist die rechte Liebestreue - Die Treue im Kleinen (Spitta)
- Lo! he comes with clouds descending (Charles Wesley) (r)
- Ich schäme mich des Heilands nicht (Lüder)
- Allmächt'ge Güte, Vater aller Wesen (Herder)
- 'k Ben in de hoede van mijn' God - Vertrouwen (Spitta/Riemens)
- Herr! vor dem die Engel knieen (Fröbing)
- Du, des sich alle Himmel freun! (Klopstock)
- Urquell aller Seligkeiten (Schubart)
- Gott! gib mir deinen Geist zum Beten (Hiller)
- O Gott, du frommer Gott! (Heermann)
- Min skæbne står i Jesu hånd - Fortrøstning (Spitta/Reventlow)
- I place myself in Jesus' hands - Confidence (Spitta/Massie)
- Ich steh in meines Herren Hand - Zuversicht (Spitta)
- Het is winter. Dor zijn woud en zode - In den Winter (Spitta/Riemens)
- Vintern ren till våra bygder hunnit - Om vintern (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Det er vinter: I naturens rige - Ved vintertid (Spitta/Reventlow)
- It is winter: all seems dead or dying - Winter (Spitta/Massie)
- Winter ist es. In dem weiten Reiche - Im Winter (Spitta) (r)
- Gott Vater in dem Himmel! sprich (Bürde)
- Allmächtiger, der seinen Thron (Zachariae)
- Ich will beten, Gott wird hören (Gottschling)
- God comes; – and who shall stand before his fear? (Theodore of the Studium/Neale) (r)
- Erhebe dich, mein Geist, von dieser Erde (Engstfeld)
- Kommt und lasst uns beten! (Liebich)
- Nicht um Reichtum, nicht um Ehre (Lavater)
- Dir versöhnt in deinem Sohne (Münter)
- So lang ich hier noch walle (Hiller)
- 'k Wens, o Heer! bij U te blijven - Ik blijf steeds bij U (Spitta/Riemens)
- Vid dig, Jesu, vill jag bliva - Jag förbliver städse vid dig (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Hos min Jesus vil jeg blive - Jeg bliver altid hos dig (Spitta/Reventlow)
- In thy service will I ever - I will abide with thee (Spitta/Massie)
- Bei dir, Jesu, will ich bleiben - Ich bleibe stets bei dir (Spitta)
- Top / Übersicht
- December / Dezember 2016
- Ik neem, o Vader, wat Gij schenkt - U behoor ik toe! (Spitta/Riemens)
- Jag tar emot, vad du beskär - Jag är din (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Glad nyder jeg din skænk, o Gud - Jeg er din (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Thy will I cheerfully obey - I am thine (Spitta/Massie)
- Ich nehme, was du mir bestimmst - Dein bin ich (Spitta)
- "'s Heren uur nog niet gekomen!" - De ure des Heren (Spitta/Riemens)
- Ännu ej min stund är inne - Min stund är ännu icke kommen (Spitta/Lundberg)
- "End er ej min time kommen!" - Herrens time (Spitta/Reventlow)
- "Tis not yet the hour appointed!" - The hour of the Lord (Spitta/Massie)
- Meine Stund ist noch nicht kommen! - Die Stunde des Herrn (Spitta)
- Bringt frohen Dank (Fugger)
- Lo! God to heaven ascendeth! - Hymn for Ascension Day (Sacer/Cox) (r)
- Gott fähret auf gen Himmel - Himmelfahrtslied (Sacer)
- All my heart this night rejoices - A Song of Joy at Dawn (Gerhardt/Winkworth) (r)
- Fröhlich soll mein Herze springen (Gerhardt)
- Christus, die in 's werelds duister - De verschijning van Christus (Spitta/Riemens)
- I den natt, då du förråddes - Söka och finna (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Kristus, som i dødens dale - Kristi tilsynekomst (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Christ, whose first appearance lighted - The appearance of Christ (Spitta/Massie)
- Der du in der Nacht des Todes - Erscheinung Christi (Spitta)
- What within me and without - Third Sunday after Trinity (Francke/Winkworth)
- Was von außen und von innen (Francke)
- Jesus, thy boundless love to me (Gerhardt/John Wesley) (r)
- Gij hebt, o God, den wens - Geroepen naar elders (Spitta/Riemens)
- Den blev mig ej beskärd - Kallelse till uppbrott (Spitta/Lundberg)
- O Gud, mit ønske ej - Gud befaler mig at drage videre (Spitta/Reventlow)
- The wish so near my heart - God's call to removal (Spitta/Massie)
- Mein Gott, was ich gewünscht - Gottesruf zum Weiterziehen (Spitta)
- Een mens doorleeft veel bange stonden - Zonde en verlossing (Spitta/Riemens)
- Förstår du rätt din smärta - Förstår du dig själv? (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Vel brænder sjælevunden - Forståelse (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Man hath his anxious seasons - Self-knowledge (Spitta/Massie)
- Der Mensch hat bange Stunden - Verständnis (Spitta)
- Leave all to God - Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity (Anton Ulrich, H. z. B./Winkworth)
- Lass dich Gott! (Anton Ulrich, H. z. B.)
- Een heerlijk lot is ons beschoren - Het kostelijk erfdeel (Spitta/Riemens)
- Mig är en arvelott förunnad - Den ljuvliga lotten (Spitta/Lundberg)
- En herlig lod os venter alle - Den herlige lod (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Our lot is fall'n in pleasant places - The happy lot (Spitta/Massie)
- Top / Übersicht
- November 2016
- Ein lieblich Los ist uns gefallen - Das liebliche Los (Spitta)
- Lover Herren! han er nær - Lover Herren! (Ingemann) (Norsk) (r)
- Lobt den Herrn, denn nah ist er - Lobt den Herrn! (Ingemann/Rüegg) (Dansk) (r)
- Lover Herren, han er nær - Lover Herren! (Ingemann) (r)
- Herr, du mein Licht, mein Heil, mein Leben! (Arndt)
- Staak uw droeve klacht, mijn kind - Troost bij nacht (Spitta/Riemens)
- Klaga ej, mitt sorgsna barn - Nattens tröst (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Stakkels barn, i sorgens nat - Nattens trøst (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Weep no more, poor child of sorrow - Comfort in the night (Spitta/Massie)
- Klage nicht, betrübtes Kind - Trost der Nacht (Spitta)
- Ewge Weisheit, Jesus Christ (Arnold)
- Höchsterwünschtes Seelenleben (Lampe)
- Gå nu hen og grav min grav (Arndt/Hauch/Hammerich) (Norsk) (r)
- Gå nu hen og grav min grav! (Arndt/Hauch/Hammerich) (Dansk) (r)
- Go! and let my grave be made - The dying Christian's Farewell (Arndt/Cox)
- Go and dig my grave today! (Arndt/Winkworth) (r)
- Geht nun hin und grabt mein Grab - Abschied von den Schatten (Arndt) (r)
- Isrels Wachter, wil ons hoeden! - In de hoede des Almachtigen (Spitta/Riemens)
- Du, som Israel bevarar - Herrens omvårdnad (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Isra'ls Vogter, du betrygge - Herrens varetægt (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Israel's Keeper, never sleeping - The Lord's protection (Spitta/Massie)
- Hüter Israels, behüte - Des Herrn Obhut (Spitta)
- O Jezus, Levenszonne - Leven en zaligheid in Jezus Christus (Spitta/Riemens)
- Den mörka natten viker - Soluppgången av höjden (Spitta/Lundberg)
- O du, som lyset bringer - Livet og den fuldkomne tilfredsstillelse i Jesus (Spitta/Reventlow)
- O blessed Sun, whose splendour - Life and contentment in Jesus (Spitta/Massie)
- O Jesus, meine Sonne - Leben und volle Genüge in Jesus (Spitta)
- Ik hoor Uw stem, mijn Herder - De Here is mijn Herder (Spitta/Riemens)
- Hans röst jag hör och följer - Herren är min Herde (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Din stemme kan jeg høre - Herren er min Hyrde (Spitta/Reventlow)
- I hear my Shepherd calling - The Lord is my Shepherd (Spitta/Massie)
- Ich höre deine Stimme - Der Herr ist mein Hirt (Spitta)
- Top / Übersicht
- October / Oktober 2016
- Meine Seele lass Gott walten (Kramer)
- Het ridderkruis des Christens is - Des Christens kruis (Spitta/Molster)
- Ett tåligt sinne kräves visst - Korset (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Den kristnes rette ordensbånd - Den kristnes kors (Spitta/Reventlow)
- The badge the Christian wears on earth - The Christian's cross (Spitta/Massie)
- Des Christen Schmuck und Ordensband - Des Christen Kreuz (Spitta)
- Unerforschlich sei mir immer (Cramer)
- Was zagst du? Gott regiert die Welt (J.A.Schlegel)
- O rijke God en Heer - "Geef Mij uw hart!" (Spitta/Riemens)
- O, Gud, du min Fader god - Giv mig ditt hjärta (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Du rige Herre Gud - Giv mig dit hjerte (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Thou gracious Lord and God - Give me thy heart (Spitta/Massie)
- Du reicher Gott und Herr - Gib mir dein Herz (Spitta)
- Heilig God! Uw oog - Zelfbeproeving voor het aangezicht Gods (Spitta/Molster)
- Pröva mig, min Gud - Självprövning inför Guds ansikte (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Du min Herre Gud - Selvprøvelse for Herrens ansigt (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Searcher of the human heart - Self-examination in the sight of God (Spitta/Massie)
- Herzenskündiger - Selbstprüfung vor dem Angesichte Gottes (Spitta)
- Ach Gott, du Gott der Seligkeit (Tersteegen)
- Let me but hear my Saviour say - Christ our Strength (Watts) (r)
- My God with me in every place! - God with me (Zeller/Findlater)
- Gott bei mir an jedem Orte! - Gott mit mir (Zeller)
- Ich heb mein' Augen sehnlich auf - Psalm 121 (Becker)
- Groß ist der Herr! die Berge zittern - Vertrauen auf Gott (Tiedge)
- Schone wereld, tovergaarde - Vreugde in Gods schepping (Spitta/Riemens)
- Jag tänker dag och stunder - Glädje i Guds skapelse (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Skønne jord, du rige klode - Glæde over skabningen (Spitta/Reventlow)
- O thou beautiful Creation - Joy in Creation (Spitta/Massie)
- O du schönes Weltgebäude - Freude an der Schöpfung (Spitta)
- 'k Wil in 't leed der wereld niet versagen - Pelgrimslied (Spitta/Kehrer)
- Ej i världens ångest vill jag klaga - Pilgrimssång (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Jeg i nøden ej forsagt vil være - Pilgrimssang (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Uncomplaining, though with care grown hoary - Pilgrim's song (Spitta/Massie)
- In der Angst der Welt will ich nicht klagen - Pilgerlied (Spitta)
- Be thou my Friend, and look upon my heart - Be thou my Friend (Lange/Findlater)
- Top / Übersicht
- September 2016
- Sei du mein Freund, und schau in meine Brust - Gebet (Lange)
- Trustingly, trustingly - My Pilgrimage (Bonar) (r)
- Geest der vad'ren, Geest der sterkte - De Geest der vaderen (Spitta/Riemens)
- Ande, full av liv och styrka - Fädernas Ande (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Troens Ånd, som giver styrke - Ånden fra fædrene (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Spirit, by whose operation - The Spirit of the Fathers (Spitta/Massie)
- Geist des Glaubens, Geist der Stärke - Der Geist der Väter (Spitta)
- O verblijdt u in Gods schepping! - De schoonheid der natuur (Spitta/Riemens)
- Glädjens åt de fagra marker - Naturens skönhet (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Glæd dig over jordens ynde - Naturens skønhed (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Rejoice in the beautiful earth - The beauty of nature (Spitta/Massie)
- Freuet euch der schönen Erde - Die Schönheit der Natur (Spitta)
- O Gij, door Wien mijn ziele leeft - Na het Avondmaal (Spitta/Riemens)
- Du, som jag haft och haver kär - Efter den heliga nattvarden (Spitta/Lundberg)
- O du, som er min sjæl så kær - Efter den hellige nadver (Spitta/Reventlow)
- O thou, who holdest in my heart - After the Holy Communion (Spitta/Massie)
- O du, den meine Seele liebt - Nach dem heiligen Abendmahle (Spitta)
- Wij staan bij de open groeve - Bij de groeve (Spitta/Riemens)
- Här stå vi tysta alla - Vid graven (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Ved graven stå vi stille - Ved graven (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Beside the dark grave standing - The grave (Spitta/Massie)
- Am Grabe stehn wir stille - Am Grabe (Spitta)
- Hef aan het lied van 't sterven - Het lied van 't sterven (Spitta/Riemens)
- Sjung stilla! Sjung om döden - Sången om döden (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Stem op en sang om døden - En sang om døden (Spitta/Reventlow)
- I sing of death and dying - The Song of dying (Spitta/Massie)
- Stimm an das Lied vom Sterben - Das Lied vom Sterben (Spitta)
- O Gij, die ons bejegent - De zegen des Gezegenden (Spitta/Riemens)
- O, du som oss välsignat - Välsignelsen (Spitta/Lundberg)
- (Christ My Song-Website: Migration to / nach https.)
- O du, som os velsigner - De kristnes velsignelse (Spitta/Reventlow)
- O thou whose grace first found us - The blessing of the blessed (Spitta/Massie)
- O du, der uns begegnet - Der Segen der Gesegneten (Spitta)
- Top / Übersicht
- August 2016
- Neem, Heer, den dank der Uwen aan - Dank en bede (Spitta/Riemens)
- Vi tacka dig för tid, som gått - Tack och bön (Spitta/Lundberg)
- O Jesus Kristus, frelser kær - Tak og bøn (Spitta/Reventlow)
- We give thee thanks, O Lord, who hast - Thanksgiving and petition (Spitta/Massie)
- O treuer Heiland Jesu Christ - Dank und Bitte (Spitta)
- Gij schone lelie op het veld - Aanmerkt de leliën des velds (Spitta/Riemens)
- Säg mig, du fagra lilja - Skåden liljorna på marken! (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Du skønne lilje, hvid og skær - Se til liljerne på marken (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Sweet lily of the field, declare - Consider the lilies of the field! (Spitta/Massie)
- Du schöne Lilie auf dem Feld - Sehet die Lilien auf dem Felde (Spitta)
- De rijkdom van een' Christen - Eens Christens rijkdom (Spitta/Riemens)
- En rikedom förutan like - En kristens lycka (Spitta/Lundberg)
- En velstand uden lige - Den kristnes velstand (Spitta/Reventlow)
- How proud is the position - The Christian's happy state (Spitta/Massie)
- Ein Wohlstand ohnegleichen - Des Christen Wohlstand (Spitta)
- Hier kindren Gods, en boven erven - De goede Naam (Spitta/Riemens)
- Som barn du skall en gång få vinna - Det goda namnet (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Her Herrens barn og arving hisset - Det gode navn (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Children of God and heirs of heaven - The good name (Spitta/Massie)
- Hier Gottes Kinder und dort Erben - Der gute Name (Spitta)
- O welk een hemels, rein genoegen - De zegen der Christelijke gemeenschap (Spitta/Riemens)
- Jag älskar kvällens andaktstimma - Husandaktens välsignelse (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Hvor fylder det vort sind med glæde - Det kristelige samlivs velsignelse (Spitta/Reventlow)
- It is a practice greatly blessed - The blessing of Christian fellowship (Spitta/Massie)
- O welche fromme, schöne Sitte - Segen christlicher Gemeinschaft (Spitta)
- Who knows how near my life's expended? - Hope in Death (Aemilie/Mills)
- Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende! - Andenken an den Tod (Aemilie)
- Top / Übersicht
- July / Juli 2016
- Art thou weary, art thou languid - Art thou weary? (Stephen/Neale) (r)
- O Vaderoog, mijn schreden trouw bewakend! - Vader, Zoon en Geest (Spitta/Kehrer)
- O, fadershand, som hittills mig ledsagat - Fader, Son och Ande (Spitta/Lundberg)
- O Faderhånd, som mig så trofast førte - Fader, Søn og Ånd (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Father, whose hand hath led me so securely - Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Spitta/Massie)
- O Vaterhand, die mich so treu geführet - Vater, Sohn und Geist (Spitta)
- Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrow - "O Lord, thou Knowest!" (Borthwick) (r)
- Heer, het kwaad met stil geduld te lijden - Schikt u in den tijd! (Spitta/Riemens)
- Värdes, Jesu, mig allt bättre lära - Skicken eder efter tiden! (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Herre, ondt tålmodigen at lide - Skikker Eder i Tiden (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Let me suffer wrong without complaining - Be ready, for the days are evil (Spitta/Massie)
- Herr, das Böse willig zu erleiden - Schicket euch in die Zeit (Spitta)
- The tomb is empty: wouldst thou have it full - He is Risen (Bonar) (r)
- Jeg kommer for din nådes dør - Almindelig bøn (Gellert/Heilmann)
- Now in thy presence I appear - Prayer for Mercies in general (Gellert/Mills)
- Ich komme vor dein Angesicht - Allgemeines Gebet (Gellert)
- Awake, sweet harp of Judah, wake! - The Hiding-place (White) (r)
- Allen zijn wij erfgenamen - Enigheid des Geestes (Spitta/Molster)
- Varför kiva vi på vägen - Enighet (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Alle er et held beskikket - Enighed i Ånden (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Brethren, called by one vocation - Unity in the Spirit (Spitta/Massie)
- Allen ist Ein Heil beschieden - Einigkeit im Geist (Spitta)
- O, hoe men'ge schone stonde - Moed gevat! (Spitta/Riemens)
- Mången fröjd åt dem, som lida - Hav tröst! (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Mangen gang i glædesstunden - Fat Mod (Spitta/Reventlow)
- O how many hours of gladness - Comfort (Spitta/Massie)
- O wie manche schöne Stunde - Getrost (Spitta)
- I know in whom I put my trust - The Christian's Trust (Arndt/Winkworth) (r)
- Ich weiß, an wen ich glaube (Arndt) (r)
- As God shall lead I'll take my way - God's Guidance (Gedicke/Mills)
- Wie Gott mich führt, so will ich gehn - Wie Gott mich führt (Gedicke)
- Conquering Prince and Lord of glory (Tersteegen/Winkworth) (r)
- Siegesfürst und Ehrenkönig - Anbetung Jesu bei seiner Himmelfahrt (Tersteegen) (r)
- Een pelgrim, aan het eind der baan - Naar huis! (Spitta/Riemens)
- Vår vän till uppbrott redo står - Hemfärd (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Top / Übersicht
- June / Juni 2016
- En pilgrim drager ud på fart - Hjemgang (Spitta/Reventlow)
- A pilgrim for his new abode - Going home (Spitta/Massie)
- Ein Pilger schickt sich an zur Fahrt - Heimgang (Spitta) (r)
- The grave is empty now, – its prey - The grave is empty now (Claudius/Mills) (r)
- Das Grab ist leer, das Grab ist leer - Das Grab ist leer (Claudius) (r)
- My faith looks up to thee - Faith (Palmer) (r)
- Du kennst mein Herz, o Gott, und weil du's kennest - Der Herr ist treu ... (Spitta) (r)
- Viel ist nicht dem Menschen nötig - Gott ist mein Heil (Spitta) (r)
- Vloei daarheen, mijn leven - Heeft u ook iets ontbroken? (Spitta/Riemens)
- Fließe hin, mein Leben - Habt ihr auch je Mangel gehabt? (Spitta) (r)
- Oh what will be the day when won at last - Things to come (Spitta/Bevan)
- Hoe zal 't ons zijn, als we eindlijk, moê van 't dwalen - Hoe zal 't ons zijn! (Spitta/Kehrer) (r)
- Hur blir oss då, när Gud oss äntligt låter - Fröjdernas morgon (Spitta/Lundberg) (r)
- Hvor herligt, når den hårde strid får ende - Hvor herligt! (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- What shall we be, and whither shall we go - What shall we be? (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Wie wird uns sein, wenn endlich nach dem schweren - Wie wird uns sein? (Spitta) (r)
- Selig, wer vor aller Welt verborgen - Köstlich vor Gott (Spitta) (r)
- Was ist das Leben ohne Jenen - Wer den Sohn Gottes hat, der hat das Leben (Spitta) (r)
- Come, ye saints, look here and wonder (Kelly) (r)
- Der Herr ist meine Stärke (Spitta) (r)
- Are there no wounds for me? (Hinsdale) (r)
- Lass mich deine Liebe rühren - Ihr sollt verkündigen die Tugend dessen ... (Spitta) (r)
- Vaak valt ons hier het leven - Dorre tijden (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Mörk är vår levnad ofta - Den torra tiden (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Tit bliver livet øde - Den tørre tid (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- Our life is often dark - A time of dearth (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Das Leben wird oft trübe - Die dürre Zeit (Spitta) (r)
- 't Is mij in 't Godsgebouw zo goed! - In het bedehuis (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Dit hän jag trår vid veckans slut - Andakt (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Jeg er så lykkelig hos Gud - Andagt (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- How good it is, Lord, to be here - Devotion (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Mir ist so wohl in Gottes Haus - Andacht (Spitta) (r)
- Zaaier, ga in Gods naam henen - IJverig aan den arbeid! (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Hurtigt börjat, hälften vunnet! - Till dagens gärning (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Ven, drag ud til Herrens ære - Til dagværket (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- Cheerfully to work proceed - Our daily work (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Gehe hin in Gottes Namen - Zum Tagwerk (Spitta) (r)
- Heil u, wier zielsbegeren - De dienst des Heren (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Jag vill din lycka prisa - Herrens tjänare (Spitta/Lundberg)
- O, lykkeligt det hjerte - Herrens tjener (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- The man is highly blessed - The servant of the Lord (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- O hochbeglückte Seele - Der Diener des Herrn (Spitta) (r)
- O Heer, mijn God, zoals 'k Uw beeld - Mijn God (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Nu andaktstimmen inne är - Min Gud (Spitta/Lundberg)
- O Gud, min Gud, sådan som dig - Min Gud (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- O God, my God, just as I thee - My God (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- O Gott, mein Gott, so wie ich dich - Mein Gott! (Spitta) (r)
- Hoe eindeloos en zonder perk - Ik zal den Here loven te aller tijd (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Upp, psaltare och harpoton! - Jag vill lova Herren alltid (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Hvor du, min Gud, mig føre vil - Altid vil jeg prise Herren (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- No language can express, O Lord - I will praise the Lord at all times (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Wie ist doch ohne Maß und Ziel - Ich will den Herren loben allezeit (Spitta) (r)
- Geloofd zij God, het licht brak door - Na de beproeving (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Se, ljuset strålar åter opp - Efter bedrövelsen (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Ak, atter stråler solen klar - Efter Bedrøvelsen (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- The Lord be praised, that in my heart - After affliction (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Gottlob, das Licht geht wieder auf - Nach der Trübsal (Spitta) (r)
- O Heer! tot Wien ik roep - Zelfonderzoek en terugkeer (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Ack, Herre, vad har hänt - Tillbakagång (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Ak Herre, hvilket brud - Tilbagevenden til sig selv og til Gud (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- Ah, Lord! why am I thus? - Reflection and return (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Ach Herr, was ist geschehn - Einkehr und Rückkehr (Spitta) (r)
- Top / Übersicht
- Mai 2016
- Ziet, wat grondeloze liefde - Ziet, welk een liefde! (Spitta/Kehrer) (r)
- Sen, o sen Guds kärlek varma! - Sen, vilken kärlek! (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Se dog, hvor den gode Fader - Se, hvilken kærlighed (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- See, O see, what love the Father - See what love (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Sehet, sehet, welche Liebe - Sehet, welch eine Liebe! (Spitta) (r)
- O Heer, mijn God! wiens trouwe hand - IJver en trouw in het ambt (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Min Herre Gud, din trogna hand - Sköt ditt ämbete redligt! (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Min Herre Gud, hvis gode hånd - Udfør redeligt dit embede (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- My Lord and God, whose gracious hand - Do thy duty faithfully (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Mein Herr und Gott, des gute Hand - Richte dein Amt redlich aus (Spitta) (r)
- 't Loflied zij U toegezongen - Goddelijke leiding (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Dig, o Gud, ske tack och ära! - Tack för gudomlig skickelse (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Lad min sang på tonens vinge - Berømmelse af Guds førelse (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- Praise, all praise, to thee be given - Heavenly guidance (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Lob sei dir, mein Gott, gesungen - Lob göttlicher Führung (Spitta) (r)
- Heil ons, de Vader heeft ons lief - De Vader heeft ons lief (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Väl oss, att Fadren är oss huld - Fadern själv har eder kära (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Vel os, vor Fader har os kær - Faderen elsker eder (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- How blessed are we, that God of us - The Father loveth you (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Wohl uns, der Vater hat uns lieb - Der Vater hat euch lieb (Spitta) (r)
- Vraag niet, wat ik blijf ontberen - Mijne ziel dorst naar den levenden God (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Spörj mig icke, vad jag saknar? - Min själ törstar efter Gud (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Spørg mig ikke, hvi jeg sørger - Min sjæl tørster efter den levende Gud (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- Ask not why my soul doth languish - My soul thirsteth for the Living God (Spitta/Durand)
- Ask not, what it is that ails me - My soul thirsteth after the living God (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Fraget doch nicht, was mir fehle - Durst nach Gott (Spitta) (r)
- Liefelijk en heilig tevens - Gij hebt de woorden des eeuwigen levens (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- O jag längtar att få komma - Du har det eviga livets ord (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Til den stund vi ret os glæde - Du har det evige livs ord (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- O how blessed the hour, Lord Jesus - Thou hast the words of eternal life (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- O wie freun wir uns der Stunde - Du hast Worte des ewigen Lebens (Spitta) (r)
- Zuivre bronwel, die van boven - Het Woord des Levens (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Livets ord, du rena källa - Livets ord (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Livets Ord, du rene kilde - Livets Ord (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- Word of Life, eternal Fountain - The Word of Life (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Wort des Lebens, lautre Quelle - Das Wort des Lebens (Spitta) (r)
- Heer! des daags vermoeinis en bezwaren - Des avonds (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Snart är dagen all. Men du, o Herre - Mot aftonen (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Herre, dagens arbejd og dens møje - Aftensang (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- O Lord, who by thy presence hast made light - Evening (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Herr, des Tages Mühen und Beschwerden - Am Abend (Spitta) (r)
- Tot God is mijne ziele stil - Mijne ziele is stil tot God (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- I världen är så mörkt och kallt - Min själ är stilla inför Gud (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Dybt bøjer sig min sjæl for Gud - Min sjæl tier imod Gud (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- My soul in God abideth still - My soul is still in God (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Zu Gott ist meine Seele still - Meine Seele ist still zu Gott (Spitta) (r)
- Oprecht van hart en vroom te zijn - Gods geboden zijn niet zwaar (Spitta/Molster) (r)
- Det är visst ändå ej så svårt - Guds bud äro icke tunga (Spitta/Lundberg)
- O vid, det er ej vanskeligt - Guds bud er ikke svære (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- It is not after all so hard - God's commandments are not hard (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Am Ende ist's doch gar nicht schwer - Gottes Gebote sind nicht schwer (Spitta) (r)
- Verhef, mijn ziel! uws Scheppers lof! - Zondag-morgen (Spitta/Molster) (r)
- Re'n solen har stigit i öster så skön - Söndagsmorgon (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Mit hjerte slår med glade slag - Søndag morgen (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- Awake, my heart, this day of rest - The Sabbath morning (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Es wird mein Herz mit Freuden wach - Sonntagsfrühe (Spitta) (r)
- Ever would I fain be reading - Christ our Example (Hensel/Winkworth) (r)
- Immer muss ich wieder lesen - Jesus in der Heiligen Schrift (Hensel) (r)
- Die dem Herrn anhangen (Spitta) (r)
- Ach! in 's werelds woest gedruis - Heimwee (Spitta/Kehrer) (r)
- Uti världens larm och brus - Hemlängtan (Spitta/Lundberg)
- O, min sjæl, den er så tom - Hjemve (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- Ah! how empty is the heart - Homesickness (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Ach, uns wird das Herz so leer - Heimweh (Spitta) (r)
- Niets haalt voor ons in waarde - Geloofsleven (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Vi kunna ej förtiga - Trons liv (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Det kan ej bedre være - Troslivet (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- What greater blessedness can be - The life of faith (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Was kann es Schönres geben - Glaubensleben (Spitta) (r)
- Oh, Jesus Christ, grow thou in me - He must increase, but I must decrease (Lavater/Smith) (r)
- O Jesus Christus, wachs in mir (Lavater)
- Daal neder, Geest der Waarheid - Pinksterlied (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- O, kom, all sannings anda - Pingst (Spitta/Lundberg)
- O kom, du Gud for sandhed - Pinse (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- Draw, Holy Spirit, nearer - Whitsunday (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Top / Übersicht
- April 2016
- O komm, du Geist der Wahrheit - Pfingsten (Spitta) (r)
- Oh for a heart to praise my God! (Charles Wesley) (r)
- Trek, Heer, Uw hand niet van mij af (Spitta/Riemens)
- Ack, drag din hand ej bort från mig! - Drag din hand ej bort från mig! (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Vær selv, o Gud, min støttestav - Tag ikke din hånd fra mig (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Withhold not, Lord, the help I crave - Withdraw not thy hand from me (Spitta/Massie)
- Zieh deine Hand nicht von mir ab (Spitta)
- O holy Saviour! Friend unseen! - Prayer to the Saviour (Elliott) (r)
- From every stormy wind that blows - The Mercy-seat (Stowell) (r)
- O verblijdt u, volk des Heren - Verblijdt u in den Heer te allen tijd! (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Fröjden eder uti Herran - Fröjden eder (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Årsag har I vel at fryde - Glæder eder i Herren altid (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- Pour out all your heart in praises - Rejoice in the Lord always (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Freut im Herrn euch allewege - Freuet euch in dem Herrn allewege (Spitta) (r)
- Yes! – my Redeemer lives, to save us - Yes! – my Redeemer lives (Heusser/Mills) (r)
- Ich weiß, dass mein Erlöser lebet - Mein Erlöser lebt! (Heusser) (r)
- Alone with thee! Alone with thee! - Alone with Christ (Palmer) (r)
- The head that once was crowned with thorns (Kelly) (r)
- Heer en Zaligmaker! - De Verlosser van zondaren (Spitta/Riemens)
- Frälsare för alla! - Syndares Frälsare (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Where high the heavenly temple stands (Bruce) (r)
- Menneskenes Frelser! - Synderens Frelser (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Jesus, Friend of sinners - The Saviour of sinners (Spitta/Massie)
- Heiland aller Sünder! - Der Heiland der Sünder (Spitta)
- Forsake me not, my God, my heart is sinking - Forsake Me Not (Elliott)
- 'k Geloof, en daarom spreek ik blij - Ik geloof (Spitta/Riemens) (r)
- Guds ord jag tror och glad utsår - Jag tror (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Jeg tror, og derfor siger jeg - Jeg tror (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- I believe, and so have spoken - I believe (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Ich glaube, darum rede ich – Ich glaube (Spitta) (r)
- The atoning work is done (Kelly) (r)
- See, the ransomed millions stand! (Conder) (r)
- Top / Übersicht
- March / März 2016
- Wij zijn des Heren, in leven en sterven - Wij zijn des Heren (Spitta/Kehrer) (r)
- Vi äro hans i livet och i döden - Vi äro hans (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Din er jeg, Gud, i døden som i livet - Jeg er din (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- We are the Lord's, whether we live or die - We are the Lord's (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Wir sind des Herrn, wir leben oder sterben! - Wir sind des Herrn (Spitta) (r)
- Jesus, how sweet thy memory is! (Bernard/Alexander) (r)
- Blijft bij Hem, die uit den hogen - Blijft bij Jezus! (Spitta/Riemens)
- Bliv hos honom! Se hans hjärta - Förbliv i mig! (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Bliv hos ham med trofast hjerte - Bliv i Jesus (Spitta/Reventlow)
- O abide, abide in Jesus - Abide in Jesus (Spitta/Massie)
- Bleibt bei dem, der euretwillen - Bleibet in Jesu (Spitta) (r)
- Hosanna to the Prince of light (Watts) (r)
- Just as thou art (Cook) (r)
- Seid mir gegrüßt, ihr grünen Schatten - Die Sprache der Natur (Heusser) (r)
- Sure anchor of the soul! - The Heavenly Anchor (Bonar)
- Bewaar in mij de groeikracht, 't vruchtbaar hopen - De plant, door God geplant (Spitta/Riemens)
- Oppressed with noonday's scorching heat - The Shadow of the Cross (Bonar) (r)
- Behåll hos mig båd' lust och kraft att söka - Plantan, av Gud planterad? (Spitta/Lundberg)
- How wondrous are the works of God (Hart) (r)
- Trembling before thine awful throne (Hillhouse) (r)
- Bevar i mig, o Gud, en hellig længsel - Den plante, der blev plantet af Gud (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Excite in me, O Lord, an ardent thirst - The plant of God's planting (Spitta/Massie)
- Erhalt in mir den Lebenstrieb, das Sehnen - Die Pflanze von Gott gepflanzt (Spitta)
- Long did I toil, and knew no earthly rest - I am his, and he is mine (Lyte) (r)
- If I only have thee (Novalis/Bethune) (r)
- Jesus, my Lord! my life! my all! (Medley) (r)
- Now I have found a friend - Jesus is mine (Hope) (r)
- De tijd snelt voort: met rasse schreden - Wend u af van de ijdelheid! (Spitta/Riemens)
- Se, tiden flyr. Alltmera nalkas - Vi haven I fåfängligheten kär? (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Through the love of God our Saviour - All is well (Bowley Peters) (r)
- Rask tiden flyer, og snart du stander - Hvor er dog det forgængelige eder kært (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Jesus, my Lord, 'tis sweet to rest (H. B.) (r)
- Time hastens on, and as it wings its flight - Love not the world, nor the things that are in the world (Spitta/Massie)
- Die Zeit flieht hin, und immer näher - Wie habt ihr das Eitle so lieb (Spitta)
- Behind the hills of Naphtali - To yonder side (M'Cheyne)
- Rest of the weary - Rest (Monsell) (r)
- Viele Stimmen, laute, leise - Einhörung (Rüegg) (r)
- Är ock stigen mörk och lång - Uppmuntran (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Zij de weg ook nog zo lang - Bemoediging (Spitta/Riemens)
- Thou Lord of all, on earth hast dwelt (Tregelles) (r)
- Hark, my soul! it is the Lord - "Lovest thou me?" (Cowper) (r)
- Er vor vej end nok så lang - Opmuntring (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Top / Übersicht
- February / Februar 2016
- Long and toilsome is the road - Encouragement (Spitta/Massie)
- Ist der Weg auch noch so lang - Ermunterung (Spitta) (r)
- The Christ, the Son of God, hath died! - Jesus Christ our Lord (Bonar)
- In the region of light and of glory (Kelly)
- De sina Herren känner - Herren känner de sina (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Fetch me the lightning from yon frowning cloud - The Prayer (Bonar)
- De Heer kent al de zijnen - De Here kent degenen die de zijnen zijn (Spitta/Riemens)
- Yes, the day is at hand; rejoice, then, ye saints (Kelly)
- Vorherre kender sine - Herren kender sine (Spitta/Reventlow)
- The Lord his people all - The Lord knoweth his own (Spitta/Massie)
- Es kennt der Herr die Seinen - Der Herr kennt die Seinen (Spitta)
- Woher kommt mir Hilfe in finsteren Nächten - Er wacht über mir (Rüegg) (r)
- Jesus comes, by crowds attended (Kelly)
- Rufe mich an in der Not (Rüegg) (r)
- For the bread and for the wine - The Supper of Thanksgiving (Bonar)
- Ask ye what great thing I know (Schwedler/Kennedy) (r)
- Wollt ihr wissen, was mein Preis? (Schwedler) (r)
- Hark! that shout of rapturous joy (Kelly)
- Come to Calvary's holy mountain (Montgomery) (r)
- "Awake, O sword," awake and smite (Kelly)
- Ej för min skull fällen tårar - Gråten icke över mig! (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Weent niet over Jezus' smarten - Weent niet over Mij, maar over uzelven (Spitta/Kehrer) (r)
- Græder ej for Jesu smerte - Græd ikke over mig, græder over Eder selv (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- Wherefore weep we over Jesus - Weep not for me, but weep for yourselves (Spitta/Massie) (r)
- Weint nicht über Jesu Schmerzen - Weinet nicht über mich, weinet über euch (Spitta) (r)
- Praise the Lord, who died to save us (Kelly)
- Crowns of glory, ever bright (Kelly)
- Oh, oneness beyond all that words can tell! - One Body (Bonar)
- See the holy victim smitten (Kelly)
- King of glory, sov'reign God - Praise for Conversion (Toplady)
- As a lamb led forth to slaughter (Kelly)
- Ah, Jesus Lord, thou art near to me - We will we glad and rejoice in thee (Gregor/Burlingham)
- Ach mein Herr Jesu, dein Nahesein (Gregor)
- Jesus Christ is risen today (From the Latin, after Philip Schaff)
- Gottes Pläne und Wege sind wunderbar - Gedanken des Friedens (Rüegg/Jeremia 29,11) (r)
- Bear Jesus Christ the Lord in mind - Looking unto Jesus (Günther/Cox)
- Halt im Gedächtnis Jesum Christ - Aufsehend auf Jesum (Günther)
- We wait for thee, O Son of God - The Day of Glory (Hiller/Burlingham)
- Wir warten dein, o Gottes Sohn (Hiller)
- Einsam, verlassen, kein Mensch, der mich liebt (Rüegg) (r)
- Fruit we have of God's election (Kelly)
- Jesus, how much thy name unfolds (Bowley Peters) (r)
- If belovèd, why belovèd? (Kelly)
- I was a wandering sheep - Lost but Found (Bonar) (r)
- Yes! "the Lord is good", I know it - The Lord is good (Kelly)
- One there is, above all others - A Friend that sticketh closer than a Brother (Newton) (r)
- In trouble, Lord, I sought thy face (Kelly)
- I lay my sins on Jesus - The Substitute (Bonar) (r)
- Sweet were the sounds that reached our ears - Sweet sounds (Kelly)
- Sorrig og elendighed (Kingo) (r)
- Who shall condemn the Lord's elect? (Kelly)
- Jesus leaves his throne of glory (Kelly)
- 'Tis sweet to know the sacred name (Kelly)
- Top / Übersicht
- January / Januar 2016
- A land I know there is (Kelly)
- Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe / Him on yonder cross I love - Our Requital (Greding/Winkworth) (bilingual) (r)
- Him on yonder cross I love - Our Requital (Greding/Winkworth) (r)
- Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe (Greding) (r)
- Grace is the sweetest sound (Kelly)
- Mine was a hopeless case (Kelly)
- Much there is to turn us (Kelly)
- We need not be ashamed to own (Kelly)
- Say, who they are who have believed (Kelly)
- Brightest and best of the sons of the morning! - Epiphany (Heber) (r)
- My Father knows my feeble frame (Kelly)
- Constrained by their Lord to embark - The Disciples at Sea (Newton) (r)
- Saviour, through the desert lead us (Kelly)
- In evil long I took delight - Looking at the Cross (Newton) (r)
- Behold the man! how glorious he! (Kelly)
- Cheer up, my soul, there is a mercy-seat - The Effort (Newton) (r)
- Jesus is the Lord's anointed (Kelly)
- I once was a stranger - The Lord our righteousness (M'Cheyne) (r)
- Jesus gives his people freedom (Kelly)
- Strange and mysterious is my life - The inward Warfare (Newton) (r)
- We have not seen the Saviour's face (Kelly)
- Oh! for a closer walk with God - Walking with God (Cowper) (r)
- How tedious and tasteless the hours - None upon earth I desire beside thee (Newton) (r)
- Happiness, thou lovely name - Happiness found (Toplady) (r)
- O Lord, I would delight in thee - Delight in Christ (Ryland) (r)
- When this passing world is done - I'm a Debtor (M'Cheyne) (r)
- Why those fears? behold 'tis Jesus (Kelly)
- 'Twixt gleams of joy and clouds of doubt - Thou changest not (Shairp) (r)
- Let all who name his blessed name (Kelly)
- På dunkel stig går Gud framåt (Cowper) (r)
- God moves in a mysterious way - Light shining out of darkness (Cowper) (r)
- Ours is a pardon bought with blood (Kelly)
- There's not a name beneath the skies (Kelly)
- If I had wings, then would I go (Kelly)
- Nothing but the purest grace (Kelly)
- Good and faithful are thy words (Kelly)
- To him who washed them in his blood (Kelly)
- In him, whose presence gladdens heaven (Kelly)
- 'Twas he who made the world that said (Kelly)
- No strength have I, no strength at all (Kelly)
- The heavens declare thy glory, Lord! (Kelly)
- Unfold, O Lord, to us unfold (Kelly)
- Is the Lord among us? (Kelly)
- Top / Übersicht
- December / Dezember 2015
- The battle is the Lord's (Kelly)
- Half a wreck, by tempests driven (Kelly)
- Ye who know the Lord, draw nigh (Kelly)
- Our Father sits on yonder throne (Kelly)
- We sing to thee, Immanuel (Gerhardt/Cox)
- Now praise we, and bless we, the Lord (Kelly)
- Glory to God above (Kelly)
- Come hither, ye faithful (Caswall)
- Salvation is of God alone (Kelly)
- Precious volume! what thou doest (Kelly)
- There was no angel midst the throng - The Divine Deliverer (Webster Hinsdale) (r)
- The Lord of all things, in his humble birth (Guyon/Cowper) (r)
- All my heart this night rejoices - A Song of Joy at Dawn (Gerhardt/Winkworth)
- The Christ of God hath come - Made of a Woman (Bonar) (r)
- Lead us, O Lord, to Bethlehem - Show us Jesus (Bonar) (r)
- Calm was the hallowed night! - A Christmas Hymn (Elliott) (r)
- Sing of him who gives us (Kelly)
- Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comes (Doddridge) (r)
- Come, ye lofty! come, ye lowly! (Gurney) (r)
- Oh, how wondrous is the story! (More)
- I love the sacred book of God (Kelly)
- When a believer yields his breath (Kelly)
- 'Tis a blessed thing to know (Kelly)
- Better two than one (Kelly)
- What for us is more befitting (Kelly)
- Loss is gain, and pain is pleasure (Kelly)
- Have we known indeed, and tasted (Kelly)
- Sing of grace, the grace of Jesus (Kelly)
- Quick and powerful is the word (Kelly)
- Awake, awake, O arm of God! (Kelly)
- Neither "voice" we have, nor "vision" (Kelly)
- Born in sin, and doomed to die (Kelly)
- To him whose name is "love" (Kelly)
- The praise of heaven to him is due (Kelly)
- Top / Übersicht
- November 2015
- The people of the Lord (Kelly)
- Of sinners the chief (Kelly)
- Nicht menschlicher Rat - Des Herrn Fürsorge (Newton/Knapp) (r)
- Though troubles assail - The Lord will provide (Newton) (r)
- Yes, Lord, thou hast the words of life (Kelly)
- We were lost, but God has found us (Kelly)
- Now may the Spirit from above (Kelly)
- We look for joys to come (Kelly)
- Away! thou dying saint, away! (Kelly)
- Hark! a voice! it cries from heaven (Kelly)
- Beloved one, thy place no more (Kelly)
- Away, away! thy work is done! (Kelly)
- Bring no money here, nor price (Kelly)
- God is for us (Kelly)
- Much there is to harm us (Kelly)
- God of hope and consolation (Kelly)
- Shall I be ashamed of Jesus? (Kelly)
- And art thou, gracious Master, gone (Kelly)
- We'll speak of Christ (Kelly)
- We praise and bless the Saviour's name (Kelly)
- Let sinners saved give thanks, and sing (Kelly)
- Chief of sinners, Lord, am I (Kelly)
- 'Tis the Lord, I know it is (Kelly)
- How blessed is he, whom God forgives (Kelly)
- The trump of God is heard on high (Kelly)
- To wait for that important day (Kelly)
- Hark! 'tis the trumpet's sound (Kelly)
- The trumpet is sounding, the Lord is appearing (Kelly)
- The Lord is coming in the clouds (Kelly)
- Top / Übersicht
- October / Oktober 2015
- Child of promise, looked for long! (Kelly)
- Himself he cannot save (Kelly)
- Welcome, welcome, Holy Child! (Kelly)
- Unto us a Son is given (Kelly)
- Born in a stable he (Kelly)
- Hark! what sounds salute our ears (Kelly)
- Seed of the woman, looked for long (Kelly)
- Jacob's star is risen at last (Kelly)
- Christ is born, go tell the story (Kelly)
- Fly abroad, and tell the story (Kelly)
- He's gone! see where his body lay (Kelly)
- To the cross, away, away! (Kelly)
- 'Twas a dark and fearful hour (Kelly)
- We'll sing in spite of scorn (Kelly)
- Whence those sounds symphonious (Kelly)
- For whom is yonder crown prepared (Kelly)
- Hark the notes of angels singing (Kelly)
- King of kings, and Lord of lords! (Kelly)
- Rejoice, the Lord is risen (Kelly)
- The Lord is risen indeed (Kelly)
- See where the Lord his glory spreads (Kelly)
- Whence those unusual bursts of joy (Kelly)
- Yes, the Lord no more is found (Kelly)
- See the saints in heaven appearing (Kelly)
- O had I the wings of a dove (Kelly)
- Top / Übersicht
- September 2015
- What pleasure there is in expecting the season (Kelly)
- Jesus soon will come to bless us (Kelly)
- Gracious Lord, my heart is fixèd (Kelly)
- It has not fully yet appeared (Kelly)
- What tongue can tell, what fancy paint (Kelly)
- What love, what pleasure, what surprise (Kelly)
- Come and let us praise our King! (Kelly)
- How pleasant is the sound of praise! (Kelly)
- Now let us all together sing (Kelly)
- The Lord, "the only wise", is he (Kelly)
- 'Tis meet that we should humbled be (Kelly)
- Saviour, 'tis to thee (Kelly)
- Of Jesus we'll sing (Kelly)
- Jesus gave his life, to save us (Kelly)
- To heaven's eternal King (Kelly)
- We sing of him who came from heav'n (Kelly)
- Ye saints, come and join in the praise of the Lamb - Worthy is the Lamb (Kelly)
- Sing of him who bore our guilt (Kelly)
- Sing of him who came to save us (Kelly)
- Come praise the Lord, exalt his name (Kelly)
- Sing of him, who left a throne (Kelly)
- We sing of him, and so we should (Kelly)
- Praises more than we can render (Kelly)
- The God himself, who reigns on high (Kelly)
- Many perils, many crosses (Kelly)
- Having nothing, yet possessing all things (Kelly)
- What should keep me from the cross? (Kelly)
- Top / Übersicht
- August 2015
- 'Twas a conflict while it lasted (Kelly)
- He comes! the Saviour full of grace (Kelly)
- Ground of my hope, the Cross appears! (Kelly)
- To whom should those in trouble flee? (Kelly)
- Unknown by men, the Christian lives (Kelly)
- Hark! the solemn trumpet sounding (Kelly)
- In our Lord we have redemption (Kelly)
- Saviour, this is what I ask (Kelly)
- Saviour, we have seen thy goings (Kelly)
- To visit earth, O Master - "Leaving us an example" (Bonar)
- Wherever our Master may call us (Kelly)
- Now we sow in tears (Kelly)
- Saviour, send us help from heaven (Kelly)
- None to help us, no, not one (Kelly)
- Say, why art thou cast down, my soul? (Kelly)
- I know I should be wholly his (Kelly)
- Much there is to try us here (Kelly)
- The demon, Lord, expel (Kelly)
- A clearer view of things unseen (Kelly)
- In this world of sorrow (Kelly)
- Top / Übersicht
- July / Juli 2015
- "Thy way, O Lord, is in the sea" (Kelly)
- For the vision of the Bridegroom - "Until the day break" (Bonar)
- Yes, a call there is (Kelly)
- The Lord is my help and my shield (Kelly)
- Praise will I unto thee - Psalm 9 (Bonar)
- In form I long had bowed the knee (Kelly)
- "God is love," his word has said it (Kelly)
- Make friends with Time: the years are flying (Bonar)
- "The cup of salvation", the cup that we drink of (Kelly)
- Sweet cup of sorrow (Bonar)
- The night-shades have begun their flight - Jubilate (Bonar)
- Great King of kings, why dost thou stay? - Thy Kingdom Come (Bonar)
- Upward, where the stars are burning - Upward (Bonar)
- Done is the work that saves - The Work that Saves (Bonar)
- Could ye not watch? (Bonar)
- Broken was his body; broken (Kelly)
- O how good and pleasant (Kelly)
- Going home, and going quickly (Kelly)
- 'Twas a foolish thing to say (Kelly)
- Sweet is the savour of his name (Kelly)
- Hark! ten thousand voices cry (Kelly)
- Hark, ten thousand harps and voices (Kelly)
- Praise the Saviour, ye who know him (Kelly)
- Lord, dissolve my frozen heart (Kelly)
- Keep us, Lord, O keep us ever! (Kelly)
- Make thy face to shine upon us (Kelly)
- Hochbegnadigt von dem Herrn (Cramer)
- Top / Übersicht
- June / Juni 2015
- The privilege I greatly prize (Kelly)
- Mighty is the arm that saves us (Kelly)
- I have sinned, but thou hast suffered (Kelly)
- The Lord is my strength (Kelly)
- Let God arise (Kelly)
- Never leave us nor forsake us (Kelly)
- Saviour, work in us thy pleasure (Kelly)
- Glad I was today (Kelly)
- To God our Saviour and our King (Kelly)
- "Praise the Lord," 'tis meet we should (Kelly)
- Sing of him, the Lord, who (Kelly)
- To him who reigns in heaven above (Kelly)
- Homeward bound, the way is dreary (Kelly)
- "Who is this that calms the ocean?" (Kelly)
- O Zion, when I think on thee (Kelly)
- Fly, ye seasons, fly still faster (Kelly)
- If Jesus rose not from the grave (Kelly)
- Jesus drains the cup of sorrows (Kelly)
- Stricken, smitten, and afflicted (Kelly)
- Sing of Jesus, sing for ever (Kelly)
- How blessed and how bright the day (Kelly)
- Top / Übersicht
- Mai 2015
- When the Lord rebukes his servant (Kelly)
- Joyful be the hours today (Kelly)
- When two or three together meet (Kelly)
- Saviour, be thou with us, going (Kelly)
- Is it not God appoints it so? (Kelly)
- To him, "the only wise" (Kelly)
- Praise, O Lord, we know becomes us (Kelly)
- Sing we praise to God above (Kelly)
- Praise the Lord (Kelly)
- To him who left his throne (Kelly)
- Blessed be the Lord for ever! (Kelly)
- Sing of him who lives for ever (Kelly)
- What thou hast (Kelly)
- Let others labour to possess (Kelly)
- Lo! the infant Saviour lies (Kelly)
- Glad we keep the feast today (Kelly)
- We ought to sing for joy today (Kelly)
- We sing with joy today (Kelly)
- The Lord, his way is in the storms (Kelly)
- The God of glory dwells on high (Kelly)
- "Sinner, I am thy salvation" (Kelly)
- Much I love the honoured name (Kelly)
- Weep no more, ye saints, why should ye? (Kelly)
- To thee, O Lord our God, we come (Kelly)
- For the hope we have of life (Kelly)
- To thee, O Lord, we turn our eyes (Kelly)
- Top / Übersicht
- April 2015
- Beneath Moriah's rocky side - Fountain of Siloam (M'Cheyne)
- Yes, the Lord has thus far led us (Kelly)
- "We walk by faith, and not by sight" (Kelly)
- The Cross! my hope, my boast, my theme (Kelly)
- If worldly thoughts so much employ (Kelly)
- Boundless glory, Lord, be thine! (Kelly)
- Jesus comes, the Judge of all (Kelly)
- Let crowns of glory wreathe the head (Kelly)
- We sing the praise of him who gave (Kelly)
- The Saviour bears a lovely name (Kelly)
- See! he comes, his work is done (Kelly)
- Behold the Lamb, with glory crowned! (Kelly)
- Sons of Zion, raise your songs (Kelly)
- Awake, ye saints, awake and watch (Kelly)
- Every knee shall bow to Jesus (Kelly)
- Glory, glory to our King! (Kelly)
- Hail the day that sees him rise (Charles Wesley)
- Nichts fürcht ich mehr - Mein Lebensglück (Rüegg)
- O Captain of God's host (Heber)
- Jesus our Lord is King (Kelly)
- Every good possessing (Kelly)
- Bless, my soul, the name of Jesus (Kelly)
- Resting from his work today (Whytehead)
- "It is finished!" sinners, hear it (Kelly)
- Dort am Kreuz starbst du für mich - Mein guter Hirte (Rüegg)
- Lord, I put my trust in thee (Kelly)
- Top / Übersicht
- March / März 2015
- Sweet the moments, rich in blessing (Allen/Shirley)
- O God! my sins are manifold, against my life they cry - Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
- Now may the Spirit, sent from heav'n (Kelly)
- "Sit thou on my right hand, my Son!" saith the Lord - Ascension Day and Sunday after (Heber)
- Fürchte dich nicht / Be not afraid (Jesaja 41,10/Isaiah 41,10) (r)
- On that eternal love of thine - "Thou remainest" (Helyar)
- Dass Gott, der Herr der Welt zu mir spricht - Abraham (Rüegg)
- Away! he calls thee hence away (Kelly)
- Herr, was du willst, das soll mein Wille sein - Abrahams Antwort (Rüegg)
- Manchmal fühle ich mich so ganz allein - Gott ist da (Rüegg)
- Who yonder on the desert heath - Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
- Manchmal ängstigt mich die Frage - Weil er meine Sünde trug (Rüegg) (r)
- At our Father's table meeting (Kelly)
- When Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil - Seventh Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
- Und doch will ich dir danken - Dennoch (Rüegg) (r)
- The day of God at length appears (Kelly)
- Und wieder liegt ein Tag vor mir - Verzage nicht! (Rüegg) (r)
- Ich hab nun lang auf Sand gebaut - Der Herr, mein Fels (Rüegg) (r)
- To our Lord a throne is giv'n (Kelly)
- Du hast einst die Erde gegründet - Du bist derselbe (Psalm 102,26-28) (r)
- Dass du in Liebe an mich denkst - Nur Gnade (Rüegg) (r)
- Light hath arisen, we walk in its brightness - The Walk of Faith (Bonar)
- Welch ein Schauen wird das sein (Rüegg) (r)
- Oh thou whom neither time nor space - Fifth Sunday in Lent (Heber)
- Es strahlt vom Ufer drüben (Rüegg) (r)
- There was joy in Heaven! - Third Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
- Ein Sehnen und Verlangen - Christenheimweh (Rüegg) (r)
- The Cross! a theme of joy to some (Kelly)
- Was bin ich, Herr, wenn ich nicht mehr bei dir bin? - Was bin ich, Herr ...? (Rüegg) (r)
- Oh hand of bounty, largely spread - Second Sunday after Epiphany (1) (Heber)
- Wo hab ich je solche Schönheit gesehn - Von der Schönheit des Herrn (Rüegg) (r)
- Lo the lilies of the field - Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
- Deine Liebe ist so treu - Deine Liebe (Rüegg) (r)
- The saints shall have joy in the morning (Kelly)
- Es ist wunderbar zu wissen - Der Herr, mein Freund (Rüegg) (r)
- Lord, 'tis good to know thy grace (Kelly)
- Es war ganz finstre Nacht, als er als kleines Kindlein kam (Rüegg) (r)
- The night is now far spent (Kelly)
- Steine sind für uns ein Zeichen für das Wirken unsres Herrn - Denk Steine! (Rüegg) (r)
- God is gone up with a merry noise - Easter Day (Heber)
- Als im dürren Erdreich Davids Wurzel wieder spross - Er aber (Rüegg) (r)
- The light is sweet, and pleasant is (Kelly)
- Ein Dankeschön an dich (Rüegg) (r)
- Life nor Death shall us dissever - Fifth Sunday after Easter (Heber)
- In dir allein ist meines Herzens Ruhe! - In dir allein (Rüegg) (r)
- Glory, glory everlasting (Kelly)
- Top / Übersicht
- February / Februar 2015
- Heute ziehts mir die Gedanken - Der Herr, das Licht der Welt! (Rüegg) (r)
- Forth from the dark and stormy sky - Second Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
- Ich will singen, singen, singen (Rüegg) (r)
- God has turned my grief to gladness (Kelly)
- Noch eine kurze Zeit (Brorson/Gottsched) (r)
- Det er en liden tid (Brorson) (r)
- Rescued from the lake infernal (Kelly)
- I sit in my silent chamber - Nocturn (Palmer)
- Winter ist es. In dem weiten Reiche - Im Winter (Spitta)
- "Jesus" was written broadly on the cross - The Writing on the Cross (Burlingham)
- Hark! hark! hark! - There's Room for Thee! (Burlingham)
- Oh King of earth and air and sea! - Fourth Sunday in Lent (Heber)
- The Spirit, coming in his pow'r - Thirst for God (Kelly)
- Wondrous is the simple story - The Death of Christ (Burlingham)
- "Trust ye in the Lord for ever" (Kelly)
- Death, the Grave, and Resurrection - In the Hill Country of Judah (Burlingham)
- I praised the earth, in beauty seen - Forth Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
- When we stand on Pisgah's summit (Kelly)
- Alas for the city, deserted and lonely - A Lament (Burlingham)
- Jesus, my Lord, to thee (Kelly)
- Oh wondrous City: pure, translucent gold! - The Holy City – The New Jerusalem (Burlingham)
- Lord, I trust in thee, O never (Kelly)
- Though sorrows rise, and dangers roll - St. James Day (Heber)
- The winds were howling o'er the deep - Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (2) (Heber)
- 'Tis the last trumpet's voice (Kelly)
- "Come in, thou blessed of the Lord" - Receiving a Member (Kelly)
- Blessed, whom Jesus keeps (Kelly)
- An absent Lord I serve and love (Kelly)
- Oh more than merciful! whose bounty gave - Good Friday (Heber)
- 'Tis to us no cause of sorrow (Kelly)
- Our rest be here, the Cross beneath (Kelly)
- Glad I am to have thee - The Bible (Kelly)
- Go forth to sow, O sowers - Sowing the Seed (Burlingham)
- Lord of Mercy and of might - Quintquagesima Sunday (Heber)
- No strength at all belongs to us (Kelly)
- We sing the Saviour's praise (Kelly)
- When we cannot see our way (Kelly)
- I weep, but do not yield - The Rod (Bonar)
- Spirit of Truth! on this thy day - Whit Sunday (Heber)
- Lord, let thy Spirit from above (Kelly)
- We sing of him who died (Kelly)
- The mighty God our father is - "If Children, then Heirs" (Kelly)
- The earth was without form and void - "Let There Be Light" (Burlingham)
- Thy promise, Lord, just suits my case - "My Grace is Sufficient for thee" (Kelly)
- To keep the lamp alive - Dependence (Cowper)
- Awake our souls! awake our tongues! (Kelly)
- Lord! whose love, in power excelling - Third Sunday after Epiphany (Heber)
- Top / Übersicht
- January / Januar 2015
- In spirit, Lord, we dwell with thee above - His Table (Burlingham)
- Sing aloud to God, our strength (Kelly)
- Hope in Christ our Lord possessing (Kelly)
- When one whom ... - I Am With You Alway (Burlingham)
- The Lord of Might, from Sinai's brow - Sixth Sunday in Lent (Heber)
- Things unseen engage us now (Kelly)
- To tell the Saviour all my wants - The Hidden Life (Cowper)
- While in the world we still remain (Kelly)
- Oh, can we be forgetful, Lord - "My Bow in the Cloud" (Burlingham)
- As one to self-indulgence prone (Kelly)
- Thy death – Lord Jesus! Death wherein we died - "Until He Come" (Burlingham)
- What is life? 'Tis but a vapour (Kelly)
- Oh Saviour, is thy promise fled? - Third Sunday in Advent (Heber)
- His master taken from his head - On the Death of a Minister (Cowper)
- From far I see the glorious day (Kelly)
- Lord! I thank thee thou dost listen - The Loving-Kindness of the Lord (Burlingham)
- 'Tis Jesus in the sunshine - Jesus Only (Burlingham)
- The trumpet shall sound (Kelly)
- It is not we who can direct (Kelly)
- On the Lord depending - "Wait on the Lord" (Burlingham)
- Gracious Lord, our children see - Prayer for Children (Cowper)
- Is not this a brand (Kelly)
- God must acquaint his comforters with grief - Comforted of God (Burlingham)
- The Saviour, what a noble flame - Jesus hasting to suffer (Cowper)
- Beyond the world a city stands (Kelly)
- O Christ, thy precious blood was shed - Eternal Redemption (Burlingham)
- Winter has a joy for me - I will Praise the Lord at all times (Cowper)
- Ye must suffer ere ye serve - "Lord, what wilt Thou have Me to Do?" (Burlingham)
- With heav'n in view, we tread the path (Kelly)
- To see the Saviour as he is (Kelly)
- Yes, I love the name that is (Kelly)
- 'Tis my happiness below - Welcome Cross (Cowper)
- Let us sing, for we have reason (Kelly)
- Oh how could I forget him - The Remembrance (Kern/Winkworth)
- Wie könnt ich sein vergessen (Kern)
- Top / Übersicht
- December / Dezember 2014
- My Saviour! I can think of thee - Suffering and Rest (Burlingham)
- Oh, Jesus! ever present Friend - Going Out and Coming In (Burlingham)
- Belovèd! still 'tis "Onward!" Faint not, the goal is nigh - Onward (Burlingham)
- There's one sweet day the Christian heart holds dear - The Lord's Day (Burlingham)
- Lord Jesus, 'tis exceeding gain - Apart (Burlingham)
- Oh Saviour, whom this holy morn - Christmas Day (Heber)
- The Lord of all things, in his humble birth (Guyon/Cowper)
- Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comes (Doddridge)
- The Saviour, Jesus, left the skies - Jesus, The Saviour (Burlingham)
- The Father sent the Son - The Sent One (Burlingham)
- There is a land where troubles never come - The Promised Land (Burlingham)
- Oh, make me, Jesus, Saviour - With the Lowly is Wisdom (Burlingham)
- O blessèd Lord! we own in all our sorrow - Thou drewest near (Burlingham)
- Lord Jesus Christ, in glorious worth made known - The Father Loveth the Son (Burlingham)
- Jesus Christ, the Shepherd True - Light and Love (Burlingham)
- The clouds that gather overhead - Have Faith in God (Burlingham)
- 'Tis not far off – the hour - Waiting for Christ (Burlingham)
- Thou art our refuge, O Eternal God - Thou art our refuge (Burlingham)
- Ye heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ, arise! - Awake! (Burlingham)
- Bright, bright Home! Beyond the skies - Watching for the Morning (Burlingham)
- 'Tis a long and a toilsome day - Homeward Bound (Burlingham)
- In the sun and moon and stars - Second Sunday in Advent (2) (Heber)
- "Good courage"! Good success! - "Songs in the Night" (Burlingham)
- "What things were gain to me" - What things were gain (Burlingham)
- Through the long vista of the bygone days - A Song of Remembrance (Burlingham)
- When the night is dark and dreary - "Toiling in Rowing" (Burlingham)
- Thou art coming, mighty Saviour! - The coming King (Burlingham)
- The Gospel is of God - The Gospel of God (Burlingham)
- Top / Übersicht
- November 2014
- Hosanna to the living Lord! - Advent Sunday (Heber)
- Mine own Belovèd's voice! - "The voice of my Belovèd" (Burlingham)
- Oh bright will be the waking - Treasure Trove (Burlingham)
- Say where doth Wisdom dwell? - "Where shall Wisdom be Found?" (Burlingham)
- The earthen pitcher frail - Giving and Receiving (Burlingham)
- Shall I forsake the ways divine - "Faint yet Pursuing" (Burlingham)
- Eternity for glory - The Eternal Day (Burlingham)
- The cross! The cross of Jesus Christ our Lord - "Jesus Christ and Him Crucified" (Burlingham)
- High at God's right hand is seated - "We see Jesus" (Burlingham)
- Thou, Lord, art all to me - "My Portion for Ever" (Burlingham)
- I'm waiting for thee, Lord - "Over There" (Burlingham)
- I know, O Lord, though all around is dark - Trusting in Jesus (Burlingham)
- Oh, the love of Christ is boundless - Boundless Love (Burlingham)
- O Christian, search the Scriptures! - A Song for the times (Burlingham)
- Great gain is thine, belovèd one, exchanging - Far Better (Burlingham)
- Fear not, beloved, go calmly on - Led Safely (Burlingham)
- The pilgrimage cares and calamities past - A Song by the Way (Burlingham)
- O Jesus, Friend unfailing - The unfailing Friend (Küster/Burlingham)
- Burdened and plagued within - In the Far Country (Burlingham)
- Alone! – a stranger here - Alone (Burlingham)
- Blessèd be God, my God! who, ever near - "Blessed be God" (Burlingham)
- O God of matchless grace - Accepted in the Beloved (Burlingham)
- O for a deeper knowledge of thy ways! - "That I may Know Him" (Burlingham)
- Sing we our choral strain - Worthy art Thou (Burlingham)
- What sudden blaze of song - Christmas Day (Keble)
- Thou art home at last, each waymark past - Home at last (Burlingham)
- Awake, my heart; arise, my tongue - Spiritual apparel (Watts)
- Top / Übersicht
- October / Oktober 2014
- Lo! what a glorious sight appears - The Kingdom of Christ among Men (Watts)
- His name is Jesus! None beside - "His name Jesus" (Burlingham)
- How patiently, O Lord, thy love endures! - The Patience of Hope (Burlingham)
- Thou living God! how blessed are all - Victories (Burlingham)
- Help me, my God, be thou thyself my guide! - Help of God (Burlingham)
- I praise thee, blessed God - A Wayside Song (Burlingham)
- Jesus, thou precious One, what depths of love - The Unseen Loved One (Burlingham)
- O City, golden-bright! (Burlingham)
- O weary soul with guilt oppressed - Let him that heareth say "Come" (Burlingham)
- Thou art my Joy, Lord Jesus! - The God of my Salvation (Burlingham)
- Not yet the dawn – the things around - The Watchers (Burlingham)
- This is thy love, my God! - Lost and Found (Burlingham)
- O thou, who from Eternity - The Unchanging One (Burlingham)
- Everlasting glory - The Mighty Saviour (Burlingham)
- Not the reproach of men - Fear not (Burlingham)
- I have a mighty Friend - Always Confident (Burlingham)
- Lord! much we need thy Shepherd-care - Looking Upward (Burlingham)
- Away with Egypt's burdens - Out of Their Bondage (Burlingham)
- Why should these eyes be tearful - The Victory of Faith (Palmer)
- Onward, and upward, and forward today! - A Birthday Song (Burlingham)
- Lead us, O Lord, to Bethlehem - Show us Jesus (Bonar)
- The glory shines before me (Burlingham)
- Lord, thou art mine - Lord, Thou art Mine (Bonar)
- Risen Son of God, this day - The Light of the Risen One (Bonar)
- The Son of God descends - The Just for the Unjust (Bonar)
- By sleep he consecrated sleep - The Things that God hath Cleansed (Bonar)
- Lord, to be with thee in thine own abode - Before the Presence of His Glory (Burlingham)
- Top / Übersicht
- September 2014
- 'Tis a dead world through which I walk - I am with thee (Bonar)
- Food of the soul, eternal bread - Bread enough and to spare (Bonar)
- Make use of me, my God! - Use Me (Bonar)
- Hear the glad words of grace - "Go in peace" (Bonar)
- Art thou afflicted? O belovèd, pray! - Is any afflicted? Let him pray (Burlingham)
- It is not death to die (Malan/Bethune)
- Grace and peace and glory yonder - Grace and Peace (Burlingham)
- From the cross the blood is falling - Juxta Crucem (Bonar)
- Not what I am, O Lord, but what thou art! - The Love that Passeth Knowledge (Bonar)
- Jesus! gentle Sufferer, say (Monsell)
- Laid up for those who fear thee, Lord - My Times are in Thy Hand (Burlingham)
- O ever sacred spot - The Place of Prayer (Palmer)
- Thou know'st my longings to be taught of thee - Who teacheth like him? (Bonar)
- Soon this corruptible - Resurrection (Bonar)
- 'Tis a sharp rugged hill, that seems to mock - To the Mark (Bonar)
- The gems of earth are still within - It doth not yet appear what we shall be (Bonar)
- Now I have found a friend - Jesus is mine (Hope) (r)
- Poor fainting spirit, still hold on thy way - The Day is at Hand! (Elliott)
- Is life's evening long and dreary? - Lines for the Aged (Elliott)
- Refuse him not, O man! - Hear, and your souls shall live (Bonar)
- Thy thoughts are here, my God - The Book of God (Bonar)
- I want that adorning Divine - The Pilgrim's Wants (Elliott)
- Bring the bright day to me - Bring the Bright Day (Bonar)
- One Christ we feed upon, one living Christ - Communion (Bonar)
- Top / Übersicht
- August 2014
- The pilgrim spirit journeys on - An Exile's Hymn (Elliott)
- The Christ of God hath come - Made of a Woman (Bonar)
- He came a leper, all unclean and foul - As many as Touched Him (Bonar)
- Home of holy light - Our Father's House (Bonar)
- By the cross of Jesus standing - The Cross (Bonar)
- Full many a bud and flow'ret fair - The Unfading Flower (Elliott)
- O thou, the contrite sinner's Friend! - Prayer to the Heavenly Intercessor (Elliott)
- I look along the past, and gather themes - Thankful Memories (Bonar)
- This year will prove a happy one - New Year's Day (Elliott)
- O ye of little faith - Doubt not (Bonar)
- Jesus, Lamb of God, for me - Repentance at the Cross (Palmer)
- Shine on, sweet sun, and let my day - Shine on (Bonar)
- Sinful, sighing to be blessed - The Penitent (Monsell)
- Give thou thy youth to God - The Days of Thy Youth (Bonar)
- Life is coming, death is going - Even so, Amen (Bonar)
- Sounds the trumpet from afar! - The War Song of the Church (Bonar)
- O Holy Comforter - The Comforter (Palmer)
- The thought of death inspires no fear - So shall we ever be with the Lord (Elliott)
- No, not despairingly - Confession and Peace (Bonar)
- All the earth this day is crying - The Cry of the Needy (Bonar)
- I follow thee, O gracious Son of God! - Follow thou Me (Bonar)
- I come, I rest beneath - Beneath His Wing (Bonar)
- He bore the sin! - Complete in Him (Bonar)
- He has come! the Christ of God - A Bethlehem Hymn (Bonar)
- I close my heavy eye - Ever Near (Bonar)
- They hear his voice! - The Shepherd's Voice (Bonar)
- Top / Übersicht
- July / Juli 2014
- Shut in with God, as in his tent - Enter into thy Closet (Bonar)
- My path through the desert grows dreary - The Fear of Death is fallen upon me (Elliott)
- All gone, all gone! for this life gone - All gone (Elliott)
- When waves of trouble round me swell - It is I: be not afraid (Elliott)
- Jesus! thou in heaven art pleading - To Comfort Me (Elliott)
- Christ is my hope, Christ is my life - For a Dying Bed (Elliott)
- Oh, never can I serve thee here - A Hymn (Elliott)
- Oh, thou glorious world unseen - Thoughts of Heaven (Elliott)
- I am a passing stranger here - The Pilgrim's Hymn (Elliott)
- Praise ye the Lord, all things that be! - Praise (Bonar)
- My soul, thou art weary within me and faint - In due Season we shall Reap if we Faint not (Elliott)
- Thine and yet ours, O Lord! - My Cup (Bonar)
- Lie still, lie still - All in Him (Bonar)
- He looks on us, we look on him - Eye to Eye (Bonar)
- Kneeling on the earth, he prays - Passio Christi (Bonar)
- Rich in mercy, great in love - The Children's Cry (Bonar)
- My God! how wonderful thou art - Our Heavenly Father (Faber)
- Till he come we own his name - The Supper and the Advent (Bonar)
- O love invisible, yet infinite - Divine Love (Bonar)
- Not what these hands have done (Bonar)
- Keep silence, God is speaking - The Still Small Voice (Bonar)
- We sing the praise of him who died (Kelly)
- Think, oh, think, my heaven-born spirit - Why art thou cast down, O my Soul? (Elliott)
- I come to thee once more, my God! - The End of Man (Faber)
- As on a vast eternal shore (Prentiss)
- Take me, O my Father, take me - Self-Surrender (Palmer)
- There was no angel midst the throng - The Divine Deliverer (Hinsdale)
- Top / Übersicht
- June / Juni 2014
- The new-born child of gospel grace - The new Convert (Cowper)
- I heard the voice of Jesus say - The Voice from Galilee (Bonar)
- Love Divine, all loves excelling (Charles Wesley)
- Jesus is God! the solid earth - Jesus is God (Faber)
- Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear - Sun of my Soul (Keble)
- A sinful man am I - Come unto Me (Bonar)
- O God, whose favourable eye - True and False Comforts (Cowper)
- All hail the power of Jesu's name! - On the Resurrection (Perronet)
- My God, how perfect are thy ways! - Jehovah our Righteousness (Cowper)
- Constrained by their Lord to embark - The Disciples at Sea (Newton) (r)
- When darkness long has veiled my mind - Peace after a Storm (Cowper)
- The saints should never be dismayed - The Lord will Provide (Cowper)
- No strength of nature can suffice - Love Constraining to Obedience (Cowper)
- Hear what God the Lord hath spoken - The future Peace and Glory of the Church (Cowper)
- Lord, my soul with pleasure springs - True Pleasures (Cowper)
- Jesus, whose blood so freely streamed - Jehovah-Shalom – The Lord send Peace (Cowper)
- He who on earth as man was known - The Refuge, River, and Rock of the Church (Newton)
- My God! is any hour so sweet - The Hour of Prayer (Elliott)
- May heavenly guides attend thee! - To a Friend setting out on a Journey (Elliott)
- It is said that the exile who chances to hear - On Sacred Music (Elliott)
- A voice beloved thus spoke of late - To a Mourner (Elliott)
- Thou, through whose all-prevailing name - The Name above every Name (Elliott)
- Ransomed spirit! heavenward hasten! - To the Passing Spirit (Elliott)
- Top / Übersicht
- Mai 2014
- I take my pilgrim staff anew - Hymn for the New Year (Elliott)
- Oh yes! there is a land of light! - The Better Country (Elliott)
- Calm was the hallowed night! - A Christmas Hymn (Elliott)
- Why, why art thou so fearful - Fear Not (Elliott)
- And does my parting hour draw nigh - Rejoicing in Hope (Elliott)
- Thou for whom we look, now aid me - The Bridegroom Cometh (Elliott)
- God of my life! Thy boundless grace - I come to Thee (Elliott)
- Thou, who searchest every heart - Abba, Father (Elliott)
- O God, my God, these aching thoughts control - A Meditation and Prayer (Elliott)
- My Saviour! when I come to die - The Sheltering Wing (Elliott)
- My God! the dreaded hour draws near - When Expecting Suffering (Elliott)
- When earth's supports and comforts fail - Look Upward (Elliott)
- Holy Comforter! my Guide! - The Holy Comforter (Elliott)
- My God and Father, while I stray - Thy Will be Done (Elliott)
- "My home, my home, my happy home!" - My Home (Elliott)
- Spirit of truth, of power, of love - The Comforter (Elliott)
- Lie down in peace to take thy rest - By the Deathbed of a Friend (Elliott)
- Father! when thy child is dying - Prayer for a Departing Spirit (Elliott)
- Leaning on thee, my Guide, my Friend - Leaning on her Beloved (Elliott)
- Oh! when the exile views his home - Return unto thy rest, O my Soul (Elliott)
- I heard the voice of Love divine - Blessed are they that Mourn (Elliott)
- I need not fear to die - Why should I Fear to Die? (Elliott)
- While ceaseless love and ceaseless care - Hymn for a Dying Bed (Elliott)
- Ever patient, gentle, meek - The Perfect Example (Elliott)
- When passing through deep waters - In Deep Waters (Elliott)
- Oh! if I walked by sight, not faith - Light and Darkness (Elliott)
- Holy Comforter! who guidest - Strong Consolation (Elliott)
- Top / Übersicht
- April 2014
- Mourner! is thy heart still grieving - To a Bereaved Christian Friend (Elliott)
- O much beloved! fear not to die - To Die is Gain (Elliott)
- Lord, when I see thee as thou art - Prayer against Impatience (Elliott)
- O faint and feeble-hearted! - Be not Faithless, but Believing (Elliott)
- The twilight hour is come - The Twilight Hour (Elliott)
- Speak, my Saviour, speak to me - Go and Sin no More (Elliott)
- Lord, by thy hand withdrawn apart - Thoughts in Seclusion (Elliott)
- Lord of all power and might! - Prayer for Faith (Elliott)
- Embosomed in the fragrance sweet - Our prayers (Bonar)
- Now, pilgrim! of thy journey home - To an Aged Christian on his Birthday (Elliott)
- Light beams upon my inward eye - The Wanderer's Return (Elliott)
- Fount of everlasting love - Spiritual refreshing (Palmer)
- When winds are raging o'er the upper ocean - The Secret (Stowe)
- Acquaint thyself with God! - Divine acquaintanceship (Bonar)
- På dunkel stig går Gud framåt (Cowper) (r)
- God moves in a mysterious way - Light shining out of darkness (Cowper) (r)
- Oh for the peace which floweth as a river (Crewdson)
- Surely Christ thy griefs has borne (Toplady)
- Feelest thou disquiet, care, unrest - Give Me thine Heart (Elliott)
- Bleibt bei dem, der euretwillen - Bleibet in Jesu (Spitta)
- Top / Übersicht
- March / März 2014
- Great Captain of salvation - Burial (Deck)
- Hark! what voice of love is speaking - More than Conqueror (Elliott)
- Every good and perfect gift - God the Giver of all (Bonar)
- From earth retiring - Almost home (Bonar)
- When all outward comfort flies - The Ever-present Helper (Elliott)
- Ist der Weg auch noch so lang - Ermunterung (Spitta)
- Jesus, my Saviour! look on me - A Song in the Night (Elliott)
- There is a fountain deep and pure - The Fountain (Elliott)
- Saved by blood, I live to tell - Hear what he has done for my soul (Newton)
- Ein Pilger schickt sich an zur Fahrt - Heimgang (Spitta)
- O God! may I look up to thee? - The Young Believer's Prayer (Elliott)
- Breathe from the gentle south, O Lord - The waiting soul (Cowper)
- Calm me, my God, and keep me calm - The inner calm (Bonar)
- I come, my Lord, to offer up to thee - I come, my Lord! (Elliott)
- My body is weary and weak - Faint, yet Pursuing (Elliott)
- I can gaze on that beautiful sky - Above the Heavens (Elliott)
- What is the lesson I am taught - The Daily Lesson (Elliott)
- I know in whom I put my trust - The Christian's Trust (Arndt/Winkworth)
- Ich weiß, an wen ich glaube (Arndt)
- Far from the world, O Lord, I flee - Retirement (Cowper)
- Cling to the Crucified! - Abide in him (Bonar)
- Jesus, thy boundless love to me (Gerhardt/John Wesley)
- The world can neither give nor take (Mason/Selina)
- Come, ye saints, look here and wonder (Kelly)
- Holy Spirit! mighty God! - Prayer to the Holy Spirit (Elliott)
- I look to thee! I hope in thee! - Onward and Upward (Elliott)
- Top / Übersicht
- February / Februar 2014
- Ever would I fain be reading - Christ our Example (Hensel/Winkworth)
- Immer muss ich wieder lesen - Jesus in der Heiligen Schrift (Hensel)
- Conquering Prince and Lord of glory (Tersteegen/Winkworth)
- Siegesfürst und Ehrenkönig - Anbetung Jesu bei seiner Himmelfahrt (Tersteegen)
- Oh, Jesus Christ, grow thou in me - He must increase, but I must decrease (Lavater/Smith)
- Come, saints, praise the Lamb, rejoice in his name! - A song of praise (Deck)
- Oh for a heart to praise my God! (Charles Wesley)
- Joy and gladness! joy and gladness! (Bethune)
- When o'er Judea's vales and hills - Hymn to the Redeemer (Coxe)
- Still, still with thee, when purple morning breaketh - When I awake, I am still with thee (Stowe)
- Wouldst thou learn the depth of sin - Gethsemane (Monsell)
- Come, Lord, and tarry not - Come, Lord (Bonar)
- Jesus, I love thee evermore (Benedict)
- The veil is rent. Lo! Jesus stands - The Day of Atonement (Deck)
- Fierce was the wild billow - Christ in the tempest (Anatolius/Neale)
- Art thou weary, art thou languid - Art thou weary? (Stephen/Neale)
- Chief of sinners though I be (McComb)
- Heavenward still our pathway tends - Heavenward still! (Schmolck/Cox)
- My faith looks up to thee - Faith (Palmer)
- Jesus, I rest in thee - Rest in Jesus (Deck)
- Are there no wounds for me? (Hinsdale)
- Where high the heavenly temple stands (Bruce)
- Jesus, how sweet thy memory is! (Bernard/Alexander)
- Hark, my soul! it is the Lord - "Lovest thou me?" (Cowper)
- Top / Übersicht
- January / Januar 2014
- O holy Saviour! Friend unseen! - Prayer to the Saviour (Elliott)
- O Heaven! Sweet Heaven! the home of the blessed (Nevin)
- O Lord! 'tis but a little while - "Rejoicing in hope" (Deck)
- Long did I toil, and knew no earthly rest - I am his, and he is mine (Lyte)
- Holy, holy, holy Lord - Doxology (Deck)
- When along life's thorny road - "Looking unto Jesus" (Deck)
- O Jesus, Lord! 'tis joy to know - The Head in heaven (Deck)
- Lamb of God! thou now art seated - The Lamb of God (2) (Deck)
- "Abba, Father!" we approach thee - Worship (Deck)
- Lord, we are thine: our God thou art - Lord, we are thine (Deck)
- It is thy hand, my God! - Chastening (Deck)
- We're not of this world that fadeth away - Wilderness song (Deck)
- Oh happy day! when first we felt - Oh happy day! (Deck)
- When first I heard of Jesus' name - The attractions of Christ (Deck)
- "THE LORD IS RISEN!" – Oh, what joy - "The Lord is risen indeed" (Deck)
- O Lord, 'tis joy to look above (Deck)
- Lord, thou hast said it, thy Word standeth sure - "It is well" (Deck)
- He speaks! The gracious words I hear - Thee, only thee (Bonar)
- Thou must deny thyself - Deny thyself (Bonar)
- Love not the world! (Bonar)
- Love thou the truth - Let your light shine (Bonar)
- O Jesus, gracious Saviour - Succour for the tempted (Deck)
- O Lord, my heart aspires - Aspirations (Deck)
- We bless our Saviour's name - The Lord's supper (Deck)
- Lamb of God! our souls adore thee - The Lamb of God (Deck)
- O Lord, who now art seated - Constraining love (Deck)
- Jesus, my Saviour! Thou art mine - Jesus, my Saviour! (Deck)
- Top / Übersicht
- December / Dezember 2013
- My home! 't is not here in a region of death - The believer's home (Deck)
- Rejoice, believer, in the Lord - Perseverance (Newton)
- All have their work to do - Hymn for a child (Deck)
- Lord, when I wander from thy side - Cleaving to the Lord (Deck)
- On thee, O Jesus, strongly leaning - Fellowship with Christ (Bonar)
- Lo, he comes! let all adore him! (Kelly)
- Oh, what is thy Beloved? - My Beloved (Deck)
- Oh, our God, how full of blessing - "Abba, Father" (Deck)
- Saviour, I long to follow thee - Following Christ (Deck)
- O Jesus Christ, our Saviour - Looking to Jesus Christ (Deck)
- Teach me thy love, O gracious Son of God! - My life-long prayer (Bonar)
- Jesus, I come to thee - Heart breathings (Deck)
- O Lord, when we the path retrace - The path of Christ (Deck)
- To Jehovah, God of might - Glory to God (Bonar)
- Christian, wouldst thou fruitful be? - "Abide in me" (Deck)
- Jesus, spotless Lamb of God - Jesus, spotless Lamb (Deck)
- Lord, what am I? I once for answer sought - As he is, so are we (Deck)
- Where shall I go, my Lord, from thee? - "Will ye also go away?" (Deck)
- Light of the cradle! shine - Manifold Light (Bonar)
- There is a place of endless joy - Heaven (Deck)
- The angel has come down - The Foreglow (Bonar)
- Soon shall our Master come - Waiting for the Master (Deck)
- He comes! Emmanuel comes! - Behold, he comes! (Deck)
- Come, ye lofty! come, ye lowly! (Gurney)
- In the Book of Life enrolled - A harp of gold (Deck)
- Top / Übersicht
- November 2013
- Bearer of sin, he came to earth - "With his stripes we are healed" (Bonar)
- Lord Jesus, when I think of thee - Joy in the Lord (Deck)
- JESUS, our life, is risen - Praise to Jesus (Deck)
- Wake, ye saints, from sleep awake - Waking the slumberers (Deck)
- Rest of all rests art thou - Our first and last (Bonar)
- Oh, there are many tears and sighs - "Ho! every one that thirsteth" (Deck)
- There were two worn and weary ones - Jesus at the well of Samaria (Deck)
- My Saviour! I am thine (Doddridge)
- My Saviour, I am weary - The soul's resting-place (Deck)
- Let not your heart be faint (Latrobe)
- Lord Jesus, are we one with thee? - Union with Christ (Deck)
- O Lamb of God, still keep me - Safe keeping (Deck)
- Jesus, my Lord, 'tis sweet to rest (H. B.)
- Hath not each heart a passion and a dream? - With him, all things (Tersteegen/Bevan)
- Dass du in Liebe an mich denkst - Nur Gnade (Rüegg)
- I would bear in my body the dying - "The marks of the Lord Jesus" (Bevan)
- Manchmal ängstigt mich die Frage - Weil er meine Sünde trug (Rüegg)
- He took our flesh! - Christ for us (Bonar)
- In dir allein ist meines Herzens Ruhe! - In dir allein (Rüegg)
- In evil long I took delight - Looking at the Cross (Newton)
- Jesus, how much thy name unfolds (Bowley Peters)
- The atoning work is done (Kelly)
- O thou Redeemer of our race - Advent hymn (Ambrose of Milan/Palmer)
- Great Ruler of the land and sea - The sailor's litany (Bonar)
- God of my life, to thee I call - Looking upwards in a storm (Cowper)
- Dich zu lieben, dich allein! - Nur du! (Rüegg)
- Behold the glories of the Lamb - A new song to the Lamb that was slain (Watts)
- Blessed morning, whose young dawning rays - Blessed resurrection morn (Watts)
- Top / Übersicht
- October / Oktober 2013
- There is a balm for every pain - Oil and vine (Tersteegen/Bevan)
- Let me but hear my Saviour say - Christ our Strength (Watts)
- Du machst alles, alles gut! - Alles gut! (Rüegg)
- Hosanna to the Prince of light (Watts)
- In faith we sing this song of thankfulness - The blessed Hope (Bevan)
- No other voice than thine has ever spoken - The Shepherd's voice (Bevan)
- Jerusalem! thou glorious City-height - The City that hath foundations (Johann Matthäus Meyfart/Bevan)
- Jerusalem, du hochgebaute Stadt - Vorschmack des Himmels (Johann Matthäus Meyfart)
- At the Lord's right hand there are pleasures - The divine love (Bevan)
- For him the wilderness did not sing - The Outcast (Bevan)
- Who are these who come amongst us - Ambassadors for Christ (Bevan)
- Take me, Jesus, to thy breast - Evensong (Tersteegen/Bevan)
- As the bridegroom to his chosen - My God (Tauler/Bevan)
- To praise him in the dance! O glorious day! - The dance (Suso/Bevan)
- Am I not enough, mine own? - The inheritance (Tersteegen/Bevan)
- "O Father! not my will, but thine be done!" - "Out of the depths" (Suso/Bevan)
- "I am not;" O words unwelcome - "I am not" (Suso/Bevan)
- "To me to live is Christ," and yet the days - The Master’s hand (Suso/Bevan)
- To learn, and yet to learn, whilst life goes by - The task (Tersteegen/Bevan)
- Oh when shall the fair day break - The night watch (Suso/Bevan)
- Top / Übersicht
- September 2013
- To thee, Lord, my heart unfoldeth - The meeting (Suso/Bevan)
- As the lily of the valley - The garden of God (Tauler/Bevan)
- Now have I seen thee and found thee - The finding (Suso/Bevan)
- In the great and terrible wilderness - The cloven Rock (Bevan)
- Child of the Eternal Father - The high calling (Tersteegen/Bevan)
- Many sorrows hard and bitter - Marah (Bevan)
- Des Herren priesterlich Geschlecht - Königliches Priestertum (Tersteegen)
- The race of God's anointed priests - The royal priesthood (Tersteegen/Bevan)
- Now – borne upon the still, the boundless deep - The dwelling of the Lord (Bevan)
- In the world ye shall have tribulation - The hermit's cell (Bevan)
- I know not the song of thy praises - A new song (Bevan)
- O God, a world of empty show - At rest (Bevan)
- Stillness midst the ever-changing - The quiet land (Bevan)
- In him we live, in him we move - The far and the near (Bevan)
- Not built with hands is that fair radiant chamber - In his tabernacle (Bevan)
- O Holy and mighty and marvellous Word - The hearing ear (Bevan)
- Long hast thou wept and sorrowed - After many farewells (Heusser/Borthwick)
- Herz, du hast viel geweinet - Nach manchem Abschied (Heusser)
- O Lord, I have loved the fair beauty - The courts of God (Bevan)
- In thy tabernacle, Lord, I offer - A song of the temple (Bevan)
- No distance now! the far-off and the near - Let us draw near (Bonar)
- Lamb, thy white-robed people feeding - The Lamb of God (Bevan)
- All fair within those Children of the light - Thy hidden ones (Bevan)
- It was as if upon his breast - The Land of promise (Bevan)
- All hail! O glorious Son of God - Risen and ascended (Bevan)
- Lord Jesus, all my sin and guilt - Change of raiment (Bevan)
- What! Know ye not - Know ye not? (Bonar)
- Age of the ages - The winter is past (Bonar)
- Top / Übersicht
- August 2013
- When it is well with thee before thy God - Intercession (Bonar)
- The Master saith, 'My time is now at hand' - The Master's voice (Bonar)
- Poor stranger, in the Master's name - The cup of cold water (Bonar)
- The Master hath his word fulfilled - Pentecost (Bonar)
- Fair world of earth, and air, and clouds, and sea - In him was life (Bonar)
- Upon the Rock I plant my foot! - The eternal Rock (Bonar)
- Rejoice, my soul, the Christ has come! - Christmas Cheer (Bonar)
- My past, O Lord, with all its scenes - Lord, increase our faith (Bonar)
- To my beloved ones my steps are moving - Homeward (Bonar)
- We yield to death; the fight is lost - The last enemy (Bonar)
- Giver of rest! - Human weariness and divine rest (Bonar)
- Hem of the seamless robe - The seamless raiment (Bonar)
- Out in the dew and cold he stands - The drops of the night (Bonar)
- In the death of Christ I die - Who is he that condemneth? (Bonar)
- My tempted soul, arise and fight! - Toward the mark (Bonar)
- Thy yoke! All other yokes are hard - The yoke of the true Master (Bonar)
- Thinner and thinner grows the veil - Beyond the mists (Bonar)
- In God, your God, be strong - Be strong (Bonar)
- A homeless Stranger amongst us came - Bands of love (Bevan)
- Top / Übersicht
- July / Juli 2013
- We slept – a sleep of death, and yet of dreams - Sleeping and waking (Bevan)
- Thou knewest not where to lay thy head - His dwelling-place (Bevan)
- My Beloved, from earth's many voices - The inner chamber (Bevan)
- Glorious River of God's pleasures - Rivers in the desert (Bevan)
- I go on my way rejoicing - The vessel of wrought gold (Bevan)
- O path which no eagle knoweth - Thy footsteps are not known (Bevan)
- From the brightness of the glory - The Evangelist (Bevan)
- Art thou weary, sad, and lonely - The last knock (Bevan)
- There sounds a glorious music - The song of Christ (Bevan)
- Sometimes a light surprises - Joy and Peace in Believing (Cowper)
- It ends – the vigil of high festival - The last watch of the night (Bevan)
- Souls of men! why will ye scatter - Come to Jesus (Faber)
- Who are these whose faces are irradiate - Citizens of Heaven (Bevan)
- One with Christ – within the golden City - The end of the journey Priest (Bevan)
- Sweet to trace his toiling footsteps - The great High Priest (Bevan)
- Top / Übersicht
- June / Juni 2013
- We are come unto Mount Zion - Arrived (Bevan)
- O glad the wilderness for me - The blessed country (Bevan)
- Vig fra mig, onde frister! (Timm)
- Wake thee, O Zion, thy mourning is ended - The day of joy (Palmer)
- In the silent midnight watches - Christ knocking at the door (Coxe)
- Sinners Jesus will receive - The welcome (Neumeister/Bevan)
- Jesus nimmt die Sünder an - Der Freund der Sünder (Neumeister))
- The day is gone – my soul looks on - Twilight (Freylinghausen/Bevan)
- Der Tag ist hin; mein Geist und Sinn - Abenddämmerung (Freylinghausen))
- We glory only in the cross - The true cross (Bonar)
- Through good report and evil, Lord - We follow thee (Bonar)
- Jesus, Lord, in whom the Father - More than Heaven (Bevan)
- Wearily my spirit sinketh - The Everlasting Arms (Winkler/Bevan)
- Meine Seele senket sich - In des liebsten Vaters Schoß (Winkler))
- Thou sweet beloved Will of God - The Will of God (Tersteegen/Bevan)
- Rich, our God, art thou in mercy - Brought nigh (Bevan)
- One place I have in heaven above - The hidden path (Bevan)
- Light of life, so softly shining - Light of life (Bonar)
- Tale of tenderness unfathomed - The pearl (Bevan)
- In the depths of his bright glory - The secret of the Lord (Bevan)
- From the Rock that God has riven - The river of God (Bevan)
- Ye know not what ye ask! (Bonar)
- Wherefore goest thou with me? - A Light to lighten the gentiles (Bevan)
- In the distant land of famine - My welcome (Bevan)
- He found me the lost and the wandering - It is finished (Bevan)
- The land! the glory of all lands - Emmanuel's land (Bevan)
- I was journeying in the noontide - Beyond the brightness of the sun (Bevan)
- 'Midst the darkness, storm and sorrow - The Bride (Bevan)
- My God, within thy secret place - God's hidden ones (Palmer)
- Top / Übersicht
- May / Mai 2013
- From the glory and the gladness - The gospel according to Paul (Bevan)
- Jesus, the One unchanging - A song (Bevan)
- Glorious and solemn hour - The border of his sanctuary (Bevan)
- O Lord, the most fair, the most tender - The chase (Suso/Bevan)
- O Name, the psalm and the music - Jesus (Bevan)
- To heart and soul how sweet thou art - Whiter than snow (Bevan)
- Still, O soul! the sign and wonder - The sin-offering (Bevan)
- No more veil! God bids me enter - Brought nigh (Bevan)
- God in heaven hath a treasure - Light of a Stone most precious (Bevan)
- Come, children, on and forward! - Pilgrim song (Bevan)
- Soul, journeying through the desert wild - Childhood (Bevan)
- On, O beloved children - Pilgrim song (Bevan)
- Oft comes to me a blessed hour - The Sabbath year (Bevan)
- Peace! O restless heart of mine - The ark of God (Bevan)
- Name of Jesus! highest Name! - The Name above every name (Bevan)
- O God, through Christ the living way - Found (Bevan)
- Wanderer, rest thy weary feet - The land of rest (Bevan)
- Thou who givest of thy gladness - The home (Bevan)
- The evening comes, the sun is sunk and gone - The shadow of his wings (Bevan)
- The head that once was crowned with thorns (Kelly)
- Hope of our hearts, O Lord, appear! - The Church waiting for the Son from heaven (Denny)
- Bride of the Lamb, awake! awake! - The Church cheered with the hope of her Lord's return (Denny)
- Ye desolate children of sorrow! - The refuge (Denny)
- Top / Übersicht
- April 2013
- Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart - The heart watching for the morning (Denny)
- O earth, rejoice! from Salem see - The King in his beauty (Denny)
- Lord, dearest Lord! to thee I call - Love that never faileth (Denny)
- Where, in this waste unlovely world - Rest for the weary (Denny)
- To Calvary, Lord, in spirit now - Calvary and the kingdom (Denny)
- What grace, O Lord, and beauty shone - The forgiving One (Denny)
- 'Tis finished all – our souls to win - Our Friend in heaven (Denny)
- He's gone – the Saviour's work on earth - The rejected One, of whom the world was not worthy (Denny)
- Children of light, arise and shine! - Looking unto Jesus (Denny)
- Each pang I feel is known to thee - The thorn (Palmer)
- Eternal Father! Thou hast said - The Jubilee (Palmer)
- O tell me, Jesus, to my heart - Self-questioning (Palmer)
- We thank thee, Lord, for weary days - Companionship (Bevan)
- This is the day of toil - Pressing on (Bonar)
- The hart panteth after the waters - The thirst of God (Suso/Bevan)
- Rejoice ye with Jerusalem! (Bonar)
- Allured into the desert, with God alone, apart - The secret of his pavilion (Bevan)
- Thee would I trust, my God - Repose in God (Palmer)
- From the palace of his glory - The joy that was set before him (Bevan)
- 'God is love,' by him upholden - Love (Monsell)
- Rise, my soul! to Heaven ascend - The link with Heaven (Monsell)
- In the Paradise of glory - The Paradise of God (Bevan)
- The little while! how nearly gone - Tomorrow (Bevan)
- Top / Übersicht
- March / März 2013
- Jesus! where'er thy people meet - On opening a place for Social Prayer (Cowper)
- Heute ziehts mir die Gedanken - Der Herr, das Licht der Welt! (Rüegg)
- Christ, of heaven the life and grace - Paschal hymn (Palmer)
- I go from grief and sighing - The victory of the Lamb (Heermann/Bevan)
- In the bosom of the Father - Above and below (Bevan)
- O Gud min kære Fader hør! - Bøn (Johan Ernst Heilmann)
- Steine sind für uns ein Zeichen für das Wirken unsres Herrn - Denk Steine! (Rüegg)
- Saviour! thou hast done much, but we want more - The returning Dove (Monsell)
- Jerusalem the golden (Bernard of Cluny/Neale)
- God of Truth, tho' thy hand - Ever nigh (Monsell)
- Und wieder liegt ein Tag vor mir - Verzage nicht! (Rüegg)
- O Gott, o Geist, o Licht des Lebens - Gebet um des Heiligen Geistes Einwirkung (Tersteegen)
- Thou Breath from still eternity - The Breath of God (Tersteegen/Bevan)
- Hvad hjalp det mig, algode Gud! (Timm)
- The Spirit breathes upon the Word - The light and glory of the Word (Cowper)
- Wondrous joy, thy joy, Lord Jesus - The song of his joy (Bevan)
- This is the feast of heavenly wine - Welcome to the table (Cowper)
- O Lord, in my songs I have praised thee - The new song (Suso/Bevan)
- Alting tjener dem til gode - At alting tjener dem til gode, som elske Gud (Lund)
- Jesus! my Master! when I feel - Watching in Gethsemane (Monsell)
- Als im dürren Erdreich Davids Wurzel wieder spross - Er aber (Rüegg)
- Wo hab ich je solche Schönheit gesehn - Von der Schönheit des Herrn (Rüegg)
- There is a Day of rest before thee - Tomorrow (Kunth/Bevan)
- Es ist noch eine Ruh vorhanden - Die Ruhe des Volkes Gottes (Kunth))
- Lo! the storms of life are breaking (Alford)
- Top / Übersicht
- February / Februar 2013
- Lord, thou knowest that I love thee! - The Penitent (Monsell)
- Bort med al trøst, som ej består - Den sande trøst (Lund)
- Und doch will ich dir danken - Dennoch (Rüegg)
- O mighty Breath of God - Hymn to the Holy Spirit (Bonar)
- Ye sons of earth, prepare the plough - The sower (Cowper)
- Hvor er jeg – Gud! jeg ser din magt - Skabningen, som Guds tempel (Lund)
- Bete nur, betrübtes Herz (Johann Gottfried Krause)
- Jerusalem celestial - The City of the Great King (Bonar)
- Innig bei dir weilen - Du (Rüegg)
- With what bright and holy charm - Unconscious helpers (Monsell)
- From this green earth of ours - Praise goeth up to thee (Bonar)
- Sag mir neu, dass du mich liebst (Rüegg)
- O Jesus Krist! jeg takker dig - Den rige mand og Lazarus (Timm)
- Honour and happiness unite - The Christian (Cowper)
- Hvo, som vil høre Herrens Ord - Peters Fiskedræt (Timm)
- Awake, glad soul! awake! awake! - Eternal Spring (Monsell)
- The world is grown old, and her pleasures are past - Forth Sunday in Advent (Heber)
- I would see Jesus now, when life is bright - I would see Jesus (Bonar)
- Where the faded flower shall freshen - The meeting-place (Bonar)
- Für den Herrn ist nichts zu schwer! - Meinem Herrn ist nichts zu schwer! (Rüegg)
- Hærskarernes højlovet Gud! - Om englene (Lund)
- Saviour, I come for rest! - The call obeyed (Borthwick)
- Look on the better sacrifice, O Lord - The better sacrifice (Bonar)
- Hvor salig er min sjæl, når den - Guds lyst til at skabe (Lund)
- Kun Gud er stor - Nogle af Guds egenskaber (Lund)
- O how I love thy holy word - Afflictions sanctified by the word (Cowper)
- Top / Übersicht
- January / Januar 2013
- Awaked by Sinai's awful sound (Occom)
- Ask ye what great thing I know (Schwedler/Kennedy)
- Wollt ihr wissen, was mein Preis? (Schwedler)
- Shall I never wash thy feet? - Thou shalt never wash my feet (Bonar)
- My Jesus, as thou wilt! - Thy will be done (Schmolck/Borthwick)
- Mein Jesus! wie du willst - Dein Wille geschehe (Schmolck)
- Am Grab des Christen singet man (Pfeil)
- How long, O Lord, in weariness and sorrow - How long? (Borthwick)
- Father, thou needest not our praise - Old hymn of praise (Bonar)
- Stille, mein Wille! Dein Jesus hilft siegen - Stille, mein Wille! (C.A.D.v.Schlegel)
- God forbid that I should glory - I glory in Christ (Bonar)
- The Rock was smitten, and from it - They drank of that Rock (Bonar)
- Thee would we follow to the cross - Discipleship (Bonar)
- Be still, my soul! – the Lord is on thy side - Submission (Borthwick)
- Rest, weary soul! - Rest (Borthwick)
- Long days and nights, upon this restless bed - In me ye shall have peace (Bonar)
- Lord, this is not Jerusalem - Our Refuge (Bonar)
- O blind, O blind in sin - Rise; he calleth thee (Bonar)
- Strange and mysterious is my life - The inward Warfare (Newton)
- Seeking thy lost ones here on earth - Lovest thou me? (Bonar)
- When I shall wake on that fair morn of morns - The day of satisfaction (Bonar)
- Ever gladness, never sadness - The eternal pendulum: ever, never (Bonar)
- Long hath he waited for you, long - Unchanging love (Bonar)
- O that my ways were made so strait - O that my ways were made so direct … (Toplady)
- Does the way seem long and lonely? - Angel ministers (Bonar)
- Under thy shadow (Bonar)
- I lean upon no broken reed - I know whom I have believed (Bonar)
- Light of the world, I come to thee! - The Light of life (Bonar)
- I've found a joy in sorrow - Pilgrim discoveries (Crewdson)
- Top / Übersicht
- December / Dezember 2012
- With thanks we closed the year - New Year's thanksgiving (Bonar)
- Most at home among the angels - Heavenly places (Bonar)
- So they said, who saw the wonders - It is well (Borthwick)
- In thee, O God, the hosts above - A hymn of love (Palmer)
- Not thine, not thine, but THEE - Not thine, but thee! (Bonar)
- O thou! who by a star didst guide (Neale)
- As with gladness men of old (Dix)
- Lord! how oft shall I forgive? - Forgiveness (Monsell)
- The Lord receives his highest praise - A Living and a Dead Faith (Cowper)
- Ere God had built the mountains - Wisdom (Cowper)
- Lord! in all I offer thee - The best offerings (Monsell)
- Almighty King! whose wondrous hand - Grace and Providence (Cowper)
- To Jesus, the Crown of my hope - Longing to be with Christ (Cowper)
- The Saviour hides his face! - Mourning and Longing (Cowper)
- Dear Lord! accept a sinful heart - Self-acquaintance (Cowper)
- O Lord, my best desire fulfil - Submission (Cowper)
- Sin enslaved me many years - The Heart Healed and Changed by Mercy (Cowper)
- My former hopes are fled - The Shining Light (Cowper)
- Grace, triumphant in the throne - Not of Works (Cowper)
- Heal us, Emmanuel, here we are - I am the Lord that Healeth thee (Cowper)
- Thy mansion is the Christian's heart - The House of Prayer (Cowper)
- When Hagar found the bottle spent - For the Poor (Cowper)
- Of all the gifts thine hand bestows - Praise for Faith (Cowper)
- My soul is sad, and much dismayed - The Valley of the Shadow of Death (Cowper)
- Fierce passions discompose the mind - Contentment (Cowper)
- Top / Übersicht
- November 2012
- I will praise thee every day - O Lord, I will praise thee (Cowper)
- Work in me, Lord, thy wondrous will - Work in us (Monsell)
- Gently think and gently speak - Gentleness (Monsell)
- Blessed hope! that we the sinful - The hidden hope (Monsell)
- Abide with us, the shades of eve - Abide with us (Monsell)
- Love of Christ which passeth knowledge - Love of Christ (Monsell)
- Mighty Father! Blessed Son! - Mystery (Monsell)
- When, by the busy crowd of life - The touch of Faith (Monsell)
- The God, who made the silver stars - The Providence of love (Monsell)
- We walk on earth – and to its ways - Thoughts in Heaven (Monsell)
- Doubting soul! lay down thy fears - Doubtings (Monsell)
- Dich zu lieben, dich zuerst - Liebe leben (Rüegg)
- Higher! higher to aspire! - Higher, higher (Monsell)
- It is not with uncertain step - The road (Darby)
- Top / Übersicht
- October / Oktober 2012
- Jag vet, på vem jag tror och hoppas - Jag vet på vem jag tror (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Oh! bright and blessed scenes - Home (Darby)
- And is it so, I shall be like thy Son - The hope of day (Darby)
- Oh! the joy of the salvation - The endless song (Darby)
- Jesus, canst thou receive - A child's enquiry (Darby)
- Lord Jesus, source of every grace - Expectation (Darby)
- Oh, bright and blessed hope! - Fulness of joy (Darby)
- There is rest for the weary soul - Rest (Darby)
- I'm waiting for thee, Lord - The soul's desire (Darby)
- We'll praise thee, glorious Lord - Love displayed (Darby)
- Father, thy sovereign love has sought - Love divine (Darby)
- I'm waiting for the glory - Waiting for the glory (Darby)
- Father, in thine eternal power - The Father's grace (Darby)
- Blessed Father, infinite in grace - The Father's love (Darby)
- Soon we taste the endless sweetness - The Tree of life (Darby)
- To live of thee – blessed source of deepest joy! - Echo of songs in the night (Darby)
- O Lord, thy glory we behold - Unfoldings (Darby)
- And shall we see thy face - Hope (Darby)
- Top / Übersicht
- September 2012
- Rest of the saints above - The saints' rest (Darby)
- Es ringt die Welt sich müde - Das Reich Gottes ist Friede und Freude (Spitta)
- Father, thy name our souls would bless - Sons (Darby)
- O Jesus, precious Saviour - Patience of hope (Darby)
- This world is a wilderness wide - A song for the wilderness (Darby)
- O Lord, thy love's unbounded - Unchanging love (Darby)
- Sing without ceasing, sing - The upward way (Darby)
- Mid evening shadows let us all be watching - Laudes ad nocturnum (Gregory/Palmer)
- Behold, the shade of night is now receding! - Laudes ad matutinum (Gregory/Palmer)
- Holy Ghost, that promised came - Hymn to the Holy Ghost (Palmer)
- O Christ, the same through changing years - Conquering and to conquer (Palmer)
- O Christ, I long to know thee - The vision of Christ (Palmer)
- Jesus, these eyes have never seen - Unseen, not unknown (Palmer)
- Thou, Saviour, from thy throne on high - The tranquil hour (Palmer)
- Come, Jesus, with the coming night - Evening worship (Palmer)
- Eternal Father, mighty Lord - A hymn of praise (Palmer)
- Father, while the shades of night - Morning worship (Palmer)
- Top / Übersicht
- August 2012
- O Christ, our King, Creator, Lord! - The Lordship of Christ (Gregory/Palmer)
- Lord, thou on earth didst love thine own - The unity of love (Palmer)
- O Heer! tot Wien ik roep - Zelfonderzoek en terugkeer (Spitta/Riemens)
- Ak Herre, hvilket brud - Tilbagevenden til sig selv og til Gud (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Ah, Lord! why am I thus? - Reflection and return (Spitta/Massie)
- Ach Herr, was ist geschehn - Einkehr und Rückkehr (Spitta)
- Jesus, thou Joy of loving hearts! - Jesus the Beloved (Bernard of Clairvaux/Palmer)
- Praise him! Praise the conquering King! - Christus Victor (Palmer)
- My God, though far above my thought - The love that stoopeth (Palmer)
- All things to mine eyes are bright - The hour of joy (Palmer)
- The crowns of earth are jewelled dust - The Crown (Palmer)
- Away from earth my spirit turns - The bread of life (Palmer)
- Thine holy day's returning - Sabbath morning (Palmer)
- Stand for Christ (Palmer)
- O Spirit of the living God - The inspiring Spirit (Palmer)
- Son of God, who 'midst the throne - The Lamb enthroned (Palmer)
- Before thy throne with tearful eyes - The Dayspring (Palmer)
- Stealing from the world away - Evening worship (Palmer)
- I give my heart to thee - I give my heart (Palmer)
- Top / Übersicht
- July / Juli 2012
- In the dark days of grief - De profundis (Palmer)
- Thy holy will, my God, be mine - Submission (Palmer)
- I know, my God, that thou art near - Private worship (Palmer)
- Was ist das Leben ohne Jenen - Wer den Sohn Gottes hat, der hat das Leben (Spitta)
- Lord, thou wilt bring the joyful day! - The coming glory (Palmer)
- We stand in deep repentance - Penitential hymn (Palmer)
- Yes, kind Saviour, grieving - The consenting heart (Palmer)
- When downward to the darksome tomb - The resurrection (Palmer)
- And is there, Lord, a rest - The heavenly rest (Palmer)
- Top / Übersicht
- June / Juni 2012
- Wir haben immer Friede (Spitta)
- With the Sabbath's holy dawning - Sabbath morning worship (Palmer)
- Lord, I would heavenward ever press - The rest of faith (Palmer)
- Smile, O my God, on me - A present God (Palmer)
- Lord, my weak thought in vain would climb - Unfaltering trust (Palmer)
- Top / Übersicht
- May / Mai 2012
- Herr, vor deinem Angesichte - Selbstprüfung (Spitta)
- Jesus, I love thy charming name - Christ precious to the believer (Doddridge)
- Lo! God to heaven ascendeth! - Hymn for Ascension Day (Sacer/Cox)
- 'Tis only for a season - Only for a season (Bonar)
- Himmel, er du her på jorden! - Følelser ved alterens sakramente (Lund)
- My song shall bless the Lord of all - Jehovah Jesus (Cowper)
- To those who know the Lord I speak - Seeking the beloved (Cowper)
- Jeg ved du lever, Jesus Krist! (Timm)
- Where climbs thy steep, fair Olivet - Gethsemane (Palmer)
- Come, Holy Ghost, in love - Come, Holy Ghost (Robert II/Palmer)
- Ever as I onward go - Burdens (Palmer)
- Sure the record; Christ has come! - These are the true sayings of God (Bonar)
- Top / Übersicht
- April 2012
- Du kennst mein Herz, o Gott, und weil du's kennest - Der Herr ist treu ... (Spitta)
- A great and mighty wonder (Anatolius/Neale)
- Hvad er jeg, Gud! hvad er jeg dog (Timm)
- Since o'er thy footstool here below (Muhlenberg)
- When inward turns my searching gaze - Jesus the all in all (Palmer)
- There is a fountain filled with blood - Praise for the Fountain opened (Cowper)
- Thy Father's house! Thine own bright home! - The Father's house (Palmer)
- Jesus, sun and shield art thou - The First and the Last (Bonar)
- That Holy One - Consider him (Randolph)
- In the day when silent sorrow - "God shall wipe away all tears" (Bonar)
- Meek and lowly let me be - Meek and lowly (Bonar)
- To the name of God on high - Give glory (Bonar)
- Top / Übersicht
- March / März 2012
- Holy Spirit, spring of gladness - To the Holy Spirit (Bonar)
- I see my Lord, the pure, the meek, the lowly - Via Dolorosa (Palmer)
- I need no priest save him who is above - My High Priest (Bonar)
- How goes the fight with thee - Our battle (Bonar)
- Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe / Him on yonder cross I love - Our Requital (Greding/Winkworth) (bilingual)
- Him on yonder cross I love - Our Requital (Greding/Winkworth)
- Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe (Greding)
- Come to Calvary's holy mountain (Montgomery)
- On the great love of God I lean - Love our resting-place (Bonar)
- Not to ourselves again - Not to self (Bonar)
- Let not terrors haunt thee - The Good Shepherd (Palmer)
- Into the heaven of the heavens hath he gone - The song of the Lamb (Bonar)
- No, not the love without the blood - The blood that speaketh better things (Bonar)
- I thank thee, Lord, for using me - Forget not all his benefits (Bonar)
- Lord, give me light to do thy work - Light for work (Bonar)
- Jesus! I live to thee (Henry Harbaugh)
- Jesus, this heart within me burns - My Beloved is mine (Palmer)
- My Father God, lead on! - Father, lead on (Palmer)
- Come, Jesus, Redeemer, abide thou with me - Abide with me (Palmer)
- Heil ons, de Vader heeft ons lief - De Vader heeft ons lief (Spitta/Riemens)
- Vel os, vor Fader har os kær - Faderen elsker eder (Spitta/Reventlow)
- How blessed are we, that God of us - The Father loveth you (Spitta/Massie)
- Wohl uns, der Vater hat uns lieb - Der Vater hat euch lieb (Spitta)
- Rise, my soul, thy God directs thee - God in the wilderness (Darby)
- Brightest and best of the sons of the morning! - Epiphany (Heber)
- From every stormy wind that blows - The Mercy-seat (Stowell)
- Rejoice, all ye believers (Laurentii/Borthwick)
- Ermuntert euch, ihr Frommen! (Laurentii)
- On earth awhile, 'mid sufferings tried (Abelard/Washburn)
- There is no love like the love of Jesus (Littlewood)
- I say to all men, far and near - The whole World restored in Christ (Novalis/Winkworth)
- Ich sag es jedem, dass er lebt (Novalis)
- Thou Lord of all, on earth hast dwelt (Tregelles)
- Top / Übersicht
- February / Februar 2012
- Alone with thee! Alone with thee! - Alone with Christ (Palmer)
- Day of judgment! day of wonders! - The Day of Judgment (Newton)
- What powerful, mighty Voice, so near - The call (Darby)
- Jesus, thy Church, with longing eyes - Second Coming of Christ (Bathurst)
- In this great world of ours - The strength of evil (Bonar)
- The chariot! the chariot! its wheels roll on fire - The chariot! the chariot! (Milman)
- The time is short! - Linger not (Bonar)
- Press up the hill! - Up the hill (Bonar)
- Let me call nothing dark or ill - Transformed darkness (Bonar)
- The grave is empty now, – its prey - The grave is empty now (Claudius/Mills)
- Das Grab ist leer, das Grab ist leer - Das Grab ist leer (Claudius)
- Sweet was the hour, O Lord, to thee - The well of Sychar (Denny)
- When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streaming - Help, Lord, or we perish! (Heber)
- Awake, sweet harp of Judah, wake! - The Hiding-place (White)
- Trembling before thine awful throne (Hillhouse)
- Watch, for ye know not when the Master cometh - Watching for the Master (Bonar)
- If I only have thee (Novalis/Bethune)
- For the first time I see - The Eye Opening on the Cross (Bonar)
- Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrow - "O Lord, thou Knowest!" (Borthwick)
- Rest of the weary - Rest (Monsell)
- Through the love of God our Saviour - All is well (Bowley Peters)
- I suffer, that I may behold - Divine Discipline (Bonar)
- See, the ransomed millions stand! (Conder)
- Hosianna in der Höhe - Siehe, dein König kommt zu dir (Spitta)
- Rock of the desert - The Desert Rock (Bonar)
- Top / Übersicht
- January / Januar 2012
- Woher kommt mir Hilfe in finsteren Nächten - Er wacht über mir (Rüegg)
- Fließe hin, mein Leben - Habt ihr auch je Mangel gehabt? (Spitta)
- Viel ist nicht dem Menschen nötig - Gott ist mein Heil (Spitta)
- Selig, wer vor aller Welt verborgen - Köstlich vor Gott (Spitta)
- Der Herr ist meine Stärke (Spitta)
- Not in thine anger, Lord - Psalm 6 (Bonar)
- Lass mich deine Liebe rühren - Ihr sollt verkündigen die Tugend dessen ... (Spitta)
- Oh help me o'er this river - Jesus, Help! (Bonar)
- The cross stands firm - The Same for Ever (Bonar)
- The cross, it standeth fast - Cross and Throne (Bonar)
- Thee in the loving bloom of morn - God in all, and all in God (Bonar)
- Top / Übersicht
- 2011
- Ah, Lord, the world is dark! - Light in darkness (Bonar)
- Hoe eindeloos en zonder perk - Ik zal den Here loven te aller tijd (Spitta/Riemens)
- Hvor du, min Gud, mig føre vil - Altid vil jeg prise Herren (Spitta/Reventlow)
- No language can express, O Lord - I will praise the Lord at all times (Spitta/Massie)
- Wie ist doch ohne Maß und Ziel - Ich will den Herren loben allezeit (Spitta)
- The Throne of his Glory – as snow it is white - Hymn for Advent (Muhlenberg)
- Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Muhlenberg)
- Carol, brothers, carol - A Christmas Carol (Muhlenberg)
- Finish thy work, the time is short - Finish thy work (Bonar)
- Yes, I will always love (Guyon/Cowper)
- God comes; – and who shall stand before his fear? (Theodore of the Studium/Neale)
- To thee, to thee alone, Lord, would I hearken - True thinking (Bonar)
- Vaak valt ons hier het leven - Dorre tijden (Spitta/Riemens)
- Tit bliver livet øde - Den tørre tid (Spitta/Reventlow) (r)
- Our life is often dark - A time of dearth (Spitta/Massie)
- Das Leben wird oft trübe - Die dürre Zeit (Spitta)
- King of kings! ascend thy throne - The coming reign (Bonar)
- Peace upon peace, like wave on wave - Divine peace (Bonar)
- We take the peace which he has won - The gift of peace (Bonar)
- Come, all ye nations, utter all your praises - Laudate (Bonar)
- Good is thy will, O Lord, and good thy way - Furnace Heat (Bonar) (r)
- Be still, my soul, be still - Be still (Bonar)
- Sinks the swift sun - The glory to be revealed (Bonar)
- Niets haalt voor ons in waarde - Geloofsleven (Spitta/Riemens)
- Det kan ej bedre være - Troslivet (Spitta/Reventlow)
- What greater blessedness can be - The life of faith (Spitta/Massie)
- Was kann es Schönres geben - Glaubensleben (Spitta)
- Almighty Comforter and friend - Prayer to the Spirit (Bonar)
- Help me, my God, to speak - Heart and lip (Bonar)
- I lay my sins on Jesus - The Substitute (Bonar)
- 't Is mij in 't Godsgebouw zo goed! - In het bedehuis (Spitta/Riemens)
- Jeg er så lykkelig hos Gud - Andagt (Spitta/Reventlow)
- How good it is, Lord, to be here - Devotion (Spitta/Massie)
- Mir ist so wohl in Gottes Haus - Andacht (Spitta)
- I was a wandering sheep - Lost but Found (Bonar)
- One there is, above all others - A Friend that sticketh closer than a Brother (Newton)
- Three hours the land was wrapped in gloom - The hidden cross (Bonar)
- Cheer up, my soul, there is a mercy-seat - The Effort (Newton)
- How tedious and tasteless the hours - None upon earth I desire beside thee (Newton)
- Now at the Father's side - Remember me (Bonar)
- Beyond the smiling and the weeping - A little while (Bonar)
- Peace! earth's last battle has been won - The kingdom (Bonar)
- Suffer me to come to Jesus - The child coming to Jesus (M'Cheyne)
- I LITTLE thought, when last we met - We'll meet again (M'Cheyne)
- Ich weiß, ich werde selig werden - Ich weiß, an wen ich glaube, und bin gewiss (Spitta)
- Jeg ved, at salig vil jeg blive - Jeg ved, på hvem jeg tror, og er sikker i min tro (Spitta/Reventlow)
- I know, Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son - I know in whom I believe (Spitta/Massie)
- Ik weet, dat ik zal zalig worden - Ik weet, Wien ik gelove! (Spitta/Riemens)
- Quickly bright life withers - For ever perfect (Bonar)
- Seamless and fair - Let us not rend it (Bonar)
- Thine Handmaid, Saviour! can it be? - Come, follow me! (Muhlenberg)
- Victor of night! - The Victor (Bonar)
- From the far East we come - The Signal Star (Bonar)
- Sweet song of life! oh, sound again - The song of life (Bonar)
- Look, child of time, he comes, the Son of God! - The Christ of the ages (Bonar)
- Dead unto sin through him who died - Dead and alive (Bonar)
- He must grow greater - He must increase, I must decrease (Bonar)
- In the hour when guilt assails me - Christ my all (Bonar)
- There lies a land beyond these clouds - Strangers and pilgrims (Bonar)
- I hinder not, nor would reprove thy tears - Comfort in tribulation (Bonar)
- He called them, and they left - Follow Me (Bonar)
- They did not die! - Sleep in Jesus (Bonar)
- Deine Liebe ist so treu - Deine Liebe (Rüegg)
- All night upon the city wall - The stone rolled away (Bonar)
- Zaaier, ga in Gods naam henen - IJverig aan den arbeid! (Spitta/Riemens)
- Ven, drag ud til Herrens ære - Til dagværket (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Cheerfully to work proceed - Our daily work (Spitta/Massie)
- Gehe hin in Gottes Namen - Zum Tagwerk (Spitta)
- 'k Geloof, en daarom spreek ik blij - Ik geloof (Spitta/Riemens)
- I believe, and so have spoken - I believe (Spitta/Massie)
- Jeg tror, og derfor siger jeg - Jeg tror (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Ich glaube, darum rede ich – Ich glaube (Spitta)
- Yes! – my Redeemer lives, to save us - Yes! – my Redeemer lives (Heusser/Mills)
- Ich weiß, dass mein Erlöser lebet - Mein Erlöser lebt! (Heusser)
- Not far from any one of us - The fellowship of the unseen (Bonar)
- King of kings, and wilt thou deign - Thy Kingdom Come! (Muhlenberg)
- Ziet, wat grondeloze liefde - Ziet, welk een liefde! (Spitta/Kehrer)
- Se dog, hvor den gode Fader - Se, hvilken kærlighed (Spitta/Reventlow)
- See, O see, what love the Father - See what love (Spitta/Massie)
- Sehet, sehet, welche Liebe - Sehet, welch eine Liebe! (Spitta)
- In this the wondrous love of God - "Herein is love" (Bonar)
- Eternal Father, gracious One - Laudate Deum (Bonar)
- Take these things hence! - The purging of the temple (Bonar)
- O wär ich ganz dein Eigen - So nimm nun, Herr, meine Seele! (Spitta)
- Viele Stimmen, laute, leise - Einhörung (Rüegg)
- When the leaves of life are falling - The comfort of the Holy Ghost (Bonar)
- Sore sick of sin, and longing to be free - I am poor and needy (Bonar)
- Who touched me? - Luke 8,45 (Bonar)
- O Heer, mijn God, zoals 'k Uw beeld - Mijn God (Spitta/Riemens)
- O Gud, min Gud, sådan som dig - Min Gud (Spitta/Reventlow)
- O God, my God, just as I thee - My God (Spitta/Massie)
- O Gott, mein Gott, so wie ich dich - Mein Gott! (Spitta)
- I thought upon my sins, and I was sad - Christ our peace (Bonar)
- Ten virgins, clothed in white - Oil in the lamp (M'Cheyne)
- We have heard the voice of trembling - Israel's song of hope (Bonar)
- Heil u, wier zielsbegeren - De dienst des Heren (Spitta/Riemens)
- O, lykkeligt det hjerte - Herrens tjener (Spitta/Reventlow)
- The man is highly blessed - The servant of the Lord (Spitta/Massie)
- O hochbeglückte Seele - Der Diener des Herrn (Spitta)
- Around one name they gather - None other name (Bonar)
- A pilgrim through this lonely world - The Man of Sorrows (Denny)
- It tarries long - Not in vain (Bonar)
- O love that casts out fear - The love of God (Bonar)
- O komm, du Geist der Wahrheit - Pfingsten (Spitta)
- O kom, du Gud for sandhed - Pinse (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Draw, Holy Spirit, nearer - Whitsunday (Spitta/Massie)
- Daal neder, Geest der Waarheid - Pinksterlied (Spitta/Riemens)
- Hard to be won! No, no - Easy to be entreated (Bonar)
- Bear thou my burden (Bonar)
- Not in the silence only - Ever with thee (Bonar)
- Fill thou my life, O Lord my God - Life's praise (Bonar)
- Geloofd zij God, het licht brak door - Na de beproeving (Spitta/Riemens)
- Ak, atter stråler solen klar - Efter Bedrøvelsen (Spitta/Reventlow)
- The Lord be praised, that in my heart - After affliction (Spitta/Massie)
- Gottlob, das Licht geht wieder auf - Nach der Trübsal (Spitta)
- Go to Jesus when you're weary - Go to Jesus, tell him all (Grosart)
- Doubt it not – thou too shalt come - Words of Cheer (Heusser/Borthwick)
- Endlich, endlich wirst auch du - Ermutigung (Heusser)
- Jesus, thy love alone - Thee, Only Thee (Bonar)
- På Jerusalem det ny (Grundtvig)
- Ascribe ye strength to God - The mighty God (Bonar)
- Top / Übersicht
- 2010
- O verblijdt u, volk des Heren - Verblijdt u in den Heer te allen tijd! (Spitta/Riemens)
- Årsag har I vel at fryde - Glæder eder i Herren altid (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Pour out all your heart in praises - Rejoice in the Lord always (Spitta/Massie)
- Freut im Herrn euch allewege - Freuet euch in dem Herrn allewege (Spitta)
- Zuivre bronwel, die van boven - Het Woord des Levens (Spitta/Riemens)
- Livets Ord, du rene kilde - Livets Ord (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Word of Life, eternal Fountain - The Word of Life (Spitta/Massie)
- Wort des Lebens, lautre Quelle - Das Wort des Lebens (Spitta)
- I know thy poverty, but thou art rich - An aged pilgrim (Bonar)
- Speak thou to me, O Son of God - Speak, for thy servant heareth (Bonar)
- O love of God, how strong and true - The Love of God (Bonar)
- Yes, for me, for me he careth - The elder brother (Bonar)
- Liefelijk en heilig tevens - Gij hebt de woorden des eeuwigen levens (Spitta/Riemens)
- Til den stund vi ret os glæde - Du har det evige livs ord (Spitta/Reventlow)
- O how blessed the hour, Lord Jesus - Thou hast the words of eternal life (Spitta/Massie)
- O wie freun wir uns der Stunde - Du hast Worte des ewigen Lebens (Spitta)
- Forgotten! no; that cannot be - Everlasting remembrance (Bonar)
- Under dine vingers skygge (Timm)
- Rest, weary Son of God, and I, with thee (Bonar)
- Til himlene rækker din miskundhed, Gud! (Ingemann)
- Like mist on the mountain, like ships on the sea - Children called to Christ (M'Cheyne)
- When this passing world is done - I am debtor (M'Cheyne)
- Within a vineyard's sunny bound - The barren fig-tree (M'Cheyne)
- Lo! he comes with clouds descending (Charles Wesley)
- Dark was the night, the wind was high - They sing the song of Moses (M'Cheyne)
- Ich hab nun lang auf Sand gebaut - Der Herr, mein Fels (Rüegg)
- Es ist noch nichts verbrochen - Ermunterung (Lange)
- Der Herr ist auferstanden! - Der Auferstandene (Lange)
- The Lord of life is risen! (Lange/Harbaugh)
- Exalt, exalt, the heavenly gates (Joseph the Hymnographer/Neale)
- I once was a stranger - The Lord our righteousness (M'Cheyne)
- The tomb is empty: wouldst thou have it full - He is Risen (Bonar)
- Enhver, som bor i den Almægt'ges skygge - Tillid til forsynet (Lund)
- Ach! in 's werelds woest gedruis - Heimwee (Spitta/Kehrer)
- Ah! how empty is the heart - Homesickness (Spitta/Massie)
- O, min sjæl, den er så tom - Hjemve (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Ach, uns wird das Herz so leer - Heimweh (Spitta)
- O sjæl! vær stille i din Gud (Timm)
- Tot God is mijne ziele stil - Mijne ziele is stil tot God (Spitta/Riemens)
- Dybt bøjer sig min sjæl for Gud - Min sjæl tier imod Gud (Spitta/Reventlow)
- My soul in God abideth still - My soul is still in God (Spitta/Massie)
- Zu Gott ist meine Seele still - Meine Seele ist still zu Gott (Spitta)
- Sorrig og elendighed (Kingo)
- So komm, geliebte Todesstund - Doch, Jesus, deine Liebe macht (Sophie Elisabeth)
- Så kom, forønskde dødens stund - Dog for min Jesu kærlighed (Sophie Elisabeth/Brorson)
- Lobt den Herrn, denn nah ist er - Lobt den Herrn! (Ingemann/Rüegg)
- Lover Herren! han er nær - Lover Herren! (Ingemann) (Norsk)
- Lover Herren, han er nær - Lover Herren! (Ingemann) (Dansk)
- Die dem Herrn anhangen (Spitta)
- O min sjæl! sig hvorpå grunder - Langfredag (Timm)
- Einsam, verlassen, kein Mensch, der mich liebt (Rüegg)
- Was bin ich, Herr, wenn ich nicht mehr bei dir bin? - Was bin ich, Herr ...? (Rüegg)
- Ein Dankeschön an dich (Rüegg)
- Heer! des daags vermoeinis en bezwaren - Des avonds (Spitta/Riemens)
- O Lord, who by thy presence hast made light - Evening (Spitta/Massie)
- Herre, dagens arbejd og dens møje - Aftensang (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Herr, des Tages Mühen und Beschwerden - Am Abend (Spitta)
- Es ist wunderbar zu wissen - Der Herr, mein Freund (Rüegg)
- Es war ganz finstre Nacht, als er als kleines Kindlein kam (Rüegg)
- Es strahlt vom Ufer drüben (Rüegg)
- Welch ein Schauen wird das sein (Rüegg)
- O Heer, mijn God! wiens trouwe hand - IJver en trouw in het ambt (Spitta/Riemens)
- Min Herre Gud, hvis gode hånd - Udfør redeligt dit embede (Spitta/Reventlow)
- My Lord and God, whose gracious hand - Do thy duty faithfully (Spitta/Massie)
- Mein Herr und Gott, des gute Hand - Richte dein Amt redlich aus (Spitta)
- Es wird mein Herz mit Freuden wach - Sonntagsfrühe (Spitta)
- Mit hjerte slår med glade slag - Søndag morgen (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Awake, my heart, this day of rest - The Sabbath morning (Spitta/Massie)
- Verhef, mijn ziel! uws Scheppers lof! - Zondag-morgen (Spitta/Molster)
- The billows swell, the winds are high - Temptation (Cowper)
- Højpriset vorde Gud af dig - Menneskets fornuftige sjæl (Cramer/Lund)
- Lobsinget Gott, und betet an! (Johann Andreas Cramer)
- Trustingly, trustingly - My Pilgrimage (Bonar)
- Gud er med os, når dagen viger - Gud er med os (Timm)
- Ein Sehnen und Verlangen - Christenheimweh (Rüegg)
- Gå nu hen og grav min grav (Arndt/Hauch/Hammerich) (Norsk)
- Gå nu hen og grav min grav! (Arndt/Hauch/Hammerich) (Dansk)
- Go and dig my grave today! (Arndt/Winkworth)
- Geht nun hin und grabt mein Grab - Abschied von den Schatten (Arndt)
- Oprecht van hart en vroom te zijn - Gods geboden zijn niet zwaar (Spitta/Molster)
- O vid, det er ej vanskeligt - Guds bud er ikke svære (Spitta/Reventlow)
- It is not after all so hard - God's commandments are not hard (Spitta/Massie)
- Am Ende ist's doch gar nicht schwer - Gottes Gebote sind nicht schwer (Spitta)
- O God, my God, an anguished heart - Contrition (Timm/Tait)
- O Gud, min Gud! det bange hjerte - Almindelig Bededag (Timm)
- Herre! hvo fatter dig? (Timm)
- Seid mir gegrüßt, ihr grünen Schatten - Die Sprache der Natur (Heusser)
- Vor Herres Jesu mindefest (Grundtvig)
- Happiness, thou lovely name - Happiness found (Toplady)
- Hjælp mig, o Gud, at prise - Guds magt og godhed i skabningen (Lund)
- Wij zijn des Heren, in leven en sterven - Wij zijn des Heren (Spitta/Kehrer)
- We are the Lord's, whether we live or die - We are the Lord's (Spitta/Massie)
- Din er jeg, Gud, i døden som i livet - Jeg er din (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Wir sind des Herrn, wir leben oder sterben! - Wir sind des Herrn (Spitta)
- Through night and tribulation - The Pilgrimage of the Soul (Ingemann/Tait)
- Igennem nat og trængsel (Ingemann)
- Bliv hos mig, kære Herre Krist! (Timm)
- Vraag niet, wat ik blijf ontberen - Mijne ziel dorst naar den levenden God (Spitta/Riemens)
- Spørg mig ikke, hvi jeg sørger - Min sjæl tørster efter den levende Gud (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Ask not, what it is that ails me - My soul thirsteth after the living God (Spitta/Massie)
- Fraget doch nicht, was mir fehle - Durst nach Gott (Spitta)
- Min længsel, al min lyst er Gud - Kærlighed til Gud (Lund)
- På dunkel stig går Gud framåt (Cowper)
- Oh! for a closer walk with God - Walking with God (Cowper)
- Ich will singen, singen, singen (Rüegg)
- O Lord, I would delight in thee - Delight in Christ (Ryland)
- Just as thou art (Cook)
- Du hast einst die Erde gegründet - Du bist derselbe (Psalm 102,26-28)
- Gottes Pläne und Wege sind wunderbar - Gedanken des Friedens (Rüegg/Jeremia 29,11)
- 'Twixt gleams of joy and clouds of doubt - Thou changest not (Shairp)
- Nicht menschlicher Rat - Des Herrn Fürsorge (Knapp/Newton)
- Though troubles assail - The Lord will provide (Newton)
- 't Loflied zij U toegezongen - Goddelijke leiding (Spitta/Riemens)
- Lad min sang på tonens vinge - Berømmelse af Guds førelse (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Praise, all praise, to thee be given - Heavenly guidance (Spitta/Massie)
- Lob sei dir, mein Gott, gesungen - Lob göttlicher Führung (Spitta)
- How wondrous are the works of God (Hart)
- Now I have found a friend (Hope)
- Jesus, my Lord! my life! my all! (Medley)
- Constrained by their Lord to embark - The Disciples at Sea (Newton)
- God moves in a mysterious way (Cowper)
- Oppressed with noonday's scorching heat - The Shadow of the Cross (Bonar)
- Weent niet over Jezus' smarten - Weent niet over Mij, maar over uzelven (Spitta/Kehrer)
- Græder ej for Jesu smerte - Græd ikke over mig, græder over Eder selv (Spitta/Reventlow)
- Wherefore weep we over Jesus - Weep not for me, but weep for yourselves (Spitta/Massie)
- Weint nicht über Jesu Schmerzen - Weinet nicht über mich, weinet über euch (Spitta)
- Top / Übersicht
- 2009
- Hoe zal 't ons zijn, als we eindlijk, moê van 't dwalen - Hoe zal 't ons zijn! (Spitta/Kehrer)
- Hur blir oss då, när Gud oss äntligt låter - Fröjdernas morgon (Spitta/Lundberg)
- Hvor herligt, når den hårde strid får ende - Hvor herligt! (Spitta/Reventlow)
- What shall we be, and whither shall we go - What shall we be? (Spitta/Massie)
- Wie wird uns sein, wenn endlich nach dem schweren - Wie wird uns sein? (Spitta)
- Rufe mich an in der Not (Rüegg)
- Fürchte dich nicht / Be not afraid (Jesaja 41,10/Isaiah 41,10 (bilingual)
- Sei, Jesus, meines Lebens Lust (Grundtvig/Rüegg)
- Vær, Jesus, da mit liv, min lyst (Grundtvig)
- Det er en liden tid (Brorson)
- Noch eine kurze Zeit (Brorson/Gottsched)
- Top / Übersicht