Christ My Song - 1034
Is life's evening long and dreary? - Lines for the Aged
(Charlotte Elliott/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Lines for the Aged.
1. Is life's evening long and dreary?
Gone the treasures once possessed?
Is thy spirit faint and weary?
Dost thou long to be at rest?
On this sweet promise fix thy sight:
"At evening time it shall be light." PDF - Midi
2. "Light is sown" for thee, and gladness,
even in this vale of tears;
soon will pass the night of sadness,
grief will fly when morn appears:
but still, to faith's illumined sight,
"At evening time it shall be light."
3. Look not on the ills around thee;
earth grows darker every hour;
let not crime's increase confound thee;
limited is Satan's power.
Look on to regions pure and bright:
"At evening time it shall be light."
4. Dwell not on the growing weakness
that precedes thy frame's decay!
Rise above depressing sickness;
catch the dawn's approaching ray.
Faith can discern the Day Star bright:
"At evening time it shall be light."
5. See thy Saviour bending o'er thee,
even to old age the same;
set life's one chief end before thee,
still to glorify his name;
while on himself is fixed thy sight,
"At evening time it shall be light."
Charlotte Elliott, Leaves from the Unpublished Journals, Letters, and Poems of Charlotte Elliott, 199-200.