Christ My Song - 141
I give thee back thine own again - Resignation
(Carl Johann Philipp Spitta/Richard Massie/
Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
1. I give thee back thine own again,
with heart resigned, tho' aching;
what comes from thee I know is gain,
the giving and the taking.
What best I love, what most I prize,
I lay a willing sacrifice,
my God, upon thine altar;
it came from thee, and still is thine,
thy gift I cheerfully resign,
nor doth my faith e'er falter. PDF - Midi
2. With my free will I give it thee;
I say not "It is taken;"
it doth no discontent in me,
nor one hard thought, awaken;
a grudging and repining heart
would only aggravate the smart,
and draw down thy displeasure;
for what I give thee, give thou me
a larger share, my God, in thee,
and in thy heavenly treasure.
3. Thou tookest it; I know thou hast
safe lodged with thee my treasure;
and therefore, though my tears flow fast,
I give it thee with pleasure.
'T is better there than here to be;
and should I one day come to thee,
it will not then repent me,
that unto thee I gave the best
and dearest treasure I possessed:
ah, no! it will content me.
4. I only ask for faith, while still
on this poor earth I linger,
to take alike the good and ill,
and see in all thy finger;
to bless thy name for all thou dost,
and put in thee my steadfast trust,
whatever may befall me;
to cast on thee my daily care,
and every trial meekly bear,
to which thy will may call me.
5. O let me, thou eternal God,
with this strong faith embrace thee,
nor wish for any other good,
as long as I possess thee.
Through all the changes of my life,
in weal and woe, in peace and strife,
in wealth and tribulation,
thou shalt be all in all to me,
till I awake, made like to thee,
in heavenly transformation.
Richard Massie, Lyra Domestica II, 1864, 49-50.
Translated from the German Nimm hin, was dein ist, Gott, nimm's hin - Hingabe
of Carl Johann Philipp Spitta.