Christ My Song - 1501
Israel's Keeper, never sleeping - The Lord's protection
(Carl Johann Philipp Spitta/Richard Massie/
Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The Lord's protection.
1. Israel's Keeper, never sleeping,
watch o'er us with tender care,
who commit to thy safe keeping
home and hearth with daily prayer:
under thine almighty wings
keep us safe from hurtful things. PDF - Midi
2. Let thy grace always attend us,
keep us ever in thy sight;
mightily from sin defend us,
be with us both day and night!
Be to us a shield and sun,
be our Life, till life is done!
3. We are here but guests and strangers,
thou art everywhere at home;
bar our doors, secure from dangers,
when we go and when we come:
both our souls and bodies keep,
when we wake and when we sleep.
4. Oh, how safe our habitations
in the care of One so true!
Never fail thy sweet compassions,
every morning they are new;
and thy mercies far exceed
all that we can ask or need.
5. Hallelujah! praise and glory
should be paid by all to thee;
heart and tongue with joy adore thee,
here and in eternity,
where with millions of thine own
we shall stand before thy throne.
Richard Massie, Lyra Domestica II, 1864, 41-42.
Translated from the German Hüter Israels, behüte - Des Herrn Obhut
of Carl Johann Philipp Spitta.