Christ My Song - 1515
The Lord, to whom I pleaded - Gratitude to Christ
(F. L. Jörgens/Henry Mills/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Gratitude to Christ.
1. The Lord, to whom I pleaded,
has sent me what I needed,
his constant grace I own.
My strength all help denied me,
but Jesus all supplied me;
his arm I'll trust, and his alone. PDF - Midi
2. Of my escapes from dangers,
mid friends, or foes, or strangers,
would I the number tell, –
my heart, with love o'erflowing,
its faith to rapture growing,
proclaims "The Lord doth all things well!"
3. My glad and thankful spirit
can never reach thy merit,
thou holy One and true!
But praises and thanksgiving,
as long as I am living,
shall crown thy name with honours new.
4. Be thine my every treasure,
without all stint or measure, –
I naught withhold from thee:
or aught, if I would spare it,
from me in mercy tear it, –
thyself be all in all to me!
5. On thee my wishes centre, –
forbid that self should enter!
I would in thee be lost:
for thou of all art worthy, –
O may I live before thee,
and in thy love forever trust!
6. In kindness, do thou teach me
how best thy smiles may reach me,
thou Prince of matchless grace!
Then, with thy smiles to nerve me,
while soul and body serve me,
I'll ask them both to show thy praise.
7. My pledges – I repeat them, –
O make me true to meet them,
while time for me shall last!
From every ill withhold me,
and by thy Spirit mould me
for life with thee, when Time is past!
J. L. Jorgens, (Missionary to W. Indies) d. 1827.
Henry Mills, Horæ Germanicæ, 1856, hymn 66.
Translated from the German Der Herr ist meine Stärke!
of F. L. Jörgens.