Christ My Song - 1516
O Saviour! thou this day didst make - The Incarnation
(John S. B. Monsell/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The Incarnation.
"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,
(and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten
of the Father,) full of grace and truth." (John 1,14)
1. O Saviour! thou this day didst make
thyself incarnate for our sake,
to share with us the griefs of life,
its watchings, weariness, and strife. PDF - Midi
2. Thou didst in flesh thyself entomb,
abhorring not the Virgin's womb,
all human life to soothe and save
up from the cradle to the grave.
3. Sweet Infant! on thy mother's breast
the Hope that makes our children blessed,
O Holy Child, amid the play
their bright companion day by day:
4. there's not an hour of life below,
a want, a weakness, or a woe,
in which, to help the human heart,
thou didst not bear thyself a part.
5. Thou who wast rich, becoming poor,
to give us riches that endure;
thou who wast high, becoming low,
that we might to thy stature grow.
6. Thou, God of Heaven, by human birth
a man of sorrows upon earth,
that we may draw our best relief,
from thy dear fellowship in grief.
7. Lowly to us, O Lord, as thou
in thy humility dost bow,
so high our nature lift with thine,
till human things become divine;
8. and when the mortal would well nigh
forget his immortality,
O, let this festal day reprove
such wrong to thine incarnate love!
John S. B. Monsell, Hymns of Love and Praise, 1877, 112-113.
Hymn title from the index, page 173.