Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: Who knows how near my life's expended? - Hope in Death (Aemilie Juliane Countess of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt/Henry Mills/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1542

Who knows how near my life's expended? - Hope in Death
(Aemilie Juliane Countess of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt/
Henry Mills/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Hope in Death.

1. Who knows how near my life's expended?
  Time flies, and Death is hasting on:
how soon, my term of trial ended,
  may heave my last expiring groan!
    For Jesus' sake, when flesh shall fail,
    with me, O God, may it be well! PDF - Midi

2. Death comes when night the world is hiding, –
  he comes too in the glare of day, –
wherever I am here abiding,
  at once I may be called away:
    For Jesus' sake, when flesh shall fail,
    with me, O God, may it be well!

3. Lord, lead me oft to think of dying,
  that when the hour of trial's come,
my soul may then, on Christ relying,
  sink all its terrors in his tomb: –
    and for His sake, when flesh shall fail,
    with me, O God, may it be well!

4. And now, betimes, would I provide me
  that sure support whereon to rest,
and cheerful say – "What shall betide me,
  choose, Lord, as thou shalt see it best!"
    And when my heart and flesh shall fail,
    for Jesus' sake may it be well!

5. Awake in me desires for heaven!
  Help me to view the world aright;
far from my heart its wiles be driven,
  while endless joys allure my sight:
    for Jesus' sake, when flesh shall fail,
    with me, O God, may it be well!

6. My many sins! – O veil them over
  with merits of thy dying Son!
I here thy richest grace discover, –
  here find I peace, and here alone:
    and, for his sake, when flesh shall fail,
    with me, O God, may it be well!

7. His bleeding wounds give me assurance
  that thy free mercy will abide;
here strength I find for death's endurance,
  and hope for all I need beside:
    for Jesus' sake, when flesh shall fail,
    with me, O God, may it be well!

8. Nothing from Christ my soul shall sever,
  nor life, nor death ; – things high nor low:
I take him as my Lord forever,
  my future trust, as he is now:
    and for his sake, when flesh shall fail,
    with me, O God, may it be well!

9. Then come my end today, tomorrow,
  I know, through Christ, 't will work my good:
the world may in the prospect sorrow, –
  but I rejoice through Jesus' blood:
    and for his sake, when flesh shall fail,
    with me, O God, may it be well!

10. I live, meantime, in thee confiding,
  of death have no appalling fear;
enough for me – My God is guiding,
  through faith my future hopes are clear:
    thy grace in Christ will never fail,
    and when I die, 't will all be well.

Henry Mills, Horæ Germanicæ, 1856, hymn 127.
Translated from the German Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende! - Andenken an den Tod
of Aemilie Juliane Countess of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt.

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