Christ My Song - 156
O thou, who holdest in my heart - After the Holy Communion
(Carl Johann Philipp Spitta/Richard Massie/
Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
After the Holy Communion.
1. O thou, who holdest in my heart
the chief and dearest place,
my life, my peace, my joy who art,
who crownest me with grace! PDF - Midi
2. There is not one like thee, the best
and truest friend to me;
the heart can find no real rest,
until it rests in thee;
3. till thou its doubts and fears remov'st,
and makest it secure,
that the same love wherewith thou lov'st
for ever will endure.
4. Relying on thy word, O Lord,
I sought thee and I found,
for firm reliance on thy word
with sure success is crowned.
5. Yes, thee I found, who in my heart
dost hold the dearest place,
my life, my joy, my peace who art, –
who crownest me with grace!
Richard Massie, Lyra Domestica II, 1864, 62.
Translated from the German O du, den meine Seele liebt - Nach dem heiligen Abendmahle
of Carl Johann Philipp Spitta.