Christ My Song - 2001
The wondering sages trace from far - Epiphany Hymn
(Ernst Lange/Frances Elizabeth Cox/
Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Epiphany Hymn.
I am the root and the offspring of David,
and the bright and Morning Star. (Revelation 22,16)
1. The wondering sages trace from far
bright in the west the Morning-Star;
a light illumes the western skies,
seen never in the east to rise. PDF - Midi
2. Eternity produced its blaze,
Time's Fullness hails its nearer rays;
its brightness chases night away,
and kindles darkness into Day.
3. O Jesus! brightest Morning-Star
shed forth thy beams both near and far,
that all, in these our latter days,
may know thee, and proclaim thy praise.
Frances Elizabeth Cox, Hymns from the German, 1864, 43.
Translated from the German Im Abend blinkt der Morgenstern - Epiphaniaslied
of Ernst Lange.