Christ My Song - 446
I go to life, and not to death - I go to Life
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
I go to Life.
1. I go to life, and not to death,
from darkness to life's native sky;
I go from sickness and from pain
to health and immortality.
Let our farewell then be tearless,
since I bid farewell to tears;
write this day of my departure
festive in your coming years. PDF - Midi
2. I go from poverty to wealth,
from rags to raiment angel-fair,
from the pale leanness of this flesh
to beauty such as saints shall wear.
Let our farewell then be tearless,
since I bid farewell to tears;
write this day of my departure
festive in your coming years.
3. I go from chains to liberty;
these fetters will be broken soon;
forth over Eden's fragrant fields
I walk beneath a glorious noon.
Let our farewell then be tearless,
since I bid farewell to tears;
write this day of my departure
festive in your coming years.
4. For toil there comes the crownèd rest;
instead of burdens, eagle's wings;
and I, even I, this life-long thirst
shall quench at everlasting springs.
Let our farewell then be tearless,
since I bid farewell to tears;
write this day of my departure
festive in your coming years.
5. God lives! Who says that I must die?
I cannot, while Jehovah lives!
Christ lives! I cannot die, but live;
he life to me for ever gives.
Let our farewell then be tearless,
since I bid farewell to tears;
write this day of my departure
festive in your coming years.
Horatius Bonar, Hymns of Faith and Hope II, 1872, 79-80.