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Hymn score of: Bring the bright day to me - Bring the Bright Day (Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 513

Bring the bright day to me - Bring the Bright Day
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Bring the Bright Day.

1. Bring the bright day to me,
  light up its joy within;
thy heavenly sunshine, Lord,
  in all its joy pour in. PDF - Midi

2. Pour in thy heavenly health,
  remove all pain and ill;
with strength divine and true,
  my feeble being fill.

3. Fill, and it shall be filled,
  this empty soul of mine;
with thy all-quickening sap,
  fill me, thou living vine.

4. Thou living vine, me fill,
  dead though I long have been,
until each withered branch
  shall freshen into green.

5. Speak but the quickening word,
  and death shall quickly die,
this mortal is exchanged
  for immortality.

Horatius Bonar, Hymns of Faith and Hope III, 1878, 95-96.

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