Christ My Song - 561
Be still, my soul, be still - Be still
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Be still.
1. Be still, my soul, be still!
Unquiet is the world without;
all strife, and fickleness, and doubt:
seek thou the steadfast will! (PDF - Midi)
2. One home, one haven alone
there is; one sacred resting-place,
the everlasting truth and grace
of the unchanging One.
3. Here is the blessed balm,
each pain to soothe, each wound to heal,
and to the ruffled spirit seal
the everlasting calm.
4. To the one stormless clime
my waysore feet still hourly bend,
this brief unrest of earth to end,
this fever-dream of time.
5. Give rest, my God, within,
'mid strifes and dark uncertainties,
the tumults and the vanities,
the passion and the sin.
6. Speak thou, and winds shall cease;
the life-long storm at length is o'er,
I rest, I rest, upon the shore,
where breathes the balm of peace!
Horatius Bonar, Hymns of Faith and Hope III, 1878, 14.