Christ My Song - 564
Peace upon peace, like wave on wave - Divine peace
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Divine peace.
1. Peace upon peace, like wave on wave,
this is the portion that I crave, –
the peace of God, which passeth thought,
the peace of Christ, which changeth not. (PDF - Midi)
2. Peace like the river's gentle flow,
peace like the morning's silent glow,
from day to day, in love supplied,
an endless and unebbing tide.
3. Peace flowing on, without decrease,
from him who is our joy and peace,
who, by his reconciling blood,
hath made the sinner's peace with God.
4. Peace thro' the night and thro' the day,
peace thro' all windings of our way,
in pain and toil and weariness,
a deep and everlasting peace.
5. O King of peace, this peace bestow
upon a stranger here below!
O God of peace, thy peace impart
to every troubled trembling heart!
6. Peace from the Father and the Son,
peace from the Spirit, all his own;
peace that shall never more be lost,
of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Horatius Bonar, Hymns of Faith and Hope III, 1878, 38-39.