Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: On earth awhile, 'mid sufferings tried (Peter Abelard/Edward Abiel Washburn/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 605

On earth awhile, 'mid sufferings tried (Peter Abelard/Edward Abiel Washburn/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

On earth awhile, 'mid sufferings tried.

(In terris adhuc positam.)

1. On earth awhile, 'mid sufferings tried,
  still hears the Church, the holy Bride,
her Lord from heaven, calling with daily cry,
  bidding her heart to ascend to him on high. (PDF - Midi)

2. "Draw me," she answers, "after thee;
  stretch thy right hand to succour me:
on wingèd winds thou soarest to the skies;
  without thy wings, how can I thither rise?"

3. Ask for the pinions of the dove,
  to hasten to that nest of love;
ask thou the eagle's plumes of tireless might,
  that thou may'st climb to the eternal height.

4. Both wings and eyes will he bestow,
  that thou the sun's unclouded glow
with thine undazzled glances may'st behold,
  and drink the blessedness to man untold.

5. Only to wingèd beings given
  is that fair home of upper heaven;
and there the holy soul finds kindred place,
  to whom our God shall grant the wings of grace.

Peter Abelard, translated by Edward Abiel Washburn,
in: Schaff, Philip: Christ in Song, 1869, 308-309.

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