Christ My Song - 632
O ever sacred spot - The Place of Prayer
(Ray Palmer/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The Place of Prayer.
"Enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door,
pray to thy Father which is in secret." (Matthew 6,6)
1. O ever sacred spot,
where clamour cometh not,
where earth may be forgot,
and peaceful stillness undisturbed may reign;
I joy that I may know
such holy calm below,
nor feel life's restless flow,
when thy sweet solitude well pleased I gain. PDF - Midi
2. While lowly here I kneel,
my God, thy love reveal,
and give thy child to feel
a Father's blessing falling on his head;
I see thy smile benign,
I hear thee call me thine,
for thee I all resign,
and evermore would by thy will be led.
3. Hither, O Christ, I flee,
that I by faith may see
thy face unveiled to me,
and all the secrets of my heart may tell;
may lean upon thy breast,
lull all my fears to rest,
and – joy of joys the best –
hear thy loved voice known to my soul so well.
4. Tell thou my longing heart,
dear Lord, that mine thou art;
then all afresh shall start
the tears of grateful tenderness and love;
give me that precious stone
that bears a name unknown,
the pledge that thou wilt own,
and make me to behold thy face above.
5. Oft as I enter here,
great Comforter, be near,
my wrestling soul to cheer,
let thy best gifts and graces all be mine;
in thine own perfect light,
O give me visions bright
of things beyond my sight;
fill my whole being with the life Divine!
Ray Palmer, The Poetical Works of Ray Palmer, 1876, 64-65.