Christ My Song - 64
How wondrous are the works of God
(Joseph Hart/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
How wondrous are the works of God!
1. How wondrous are the works of God,
displayed through all the world abroad!
Immensely great, immensely small,
yet one strange work exceeds them all. PDF - Midi
2. He formed the sun, fair fount of light,
the moon and stars, to rule the night;
but night and stars and moon and sun
are little works compared with one.
3. He rolled the seas, and spread the skies;
made valleys sink, and mountains rise;
the meadows clothed with native green,
and bade the rivers glide between.
4. But what are seas or skies or hills,
or verdant vales or gliding rills,
to wonders man was born to prove?
The wonders of redeeming love!
5. 'Tis far beyond what words express,
what saints can feel, or angels guess.
Angels, that hymn the great I Am,
fall down and veil before the Lamb.
6. The highest heavens are short of this;
'tis deeper than the vast abyss;
'tis more than thought can e'er conceive,
or hope expect, or faith believe.
7. Almighty God sighed human breath;
the Lord of life experienced death;
how it was done, we can't discuss:
but this we know, 'twas done for us.
8. Blessed with this faith, then let us raise
our hearts in love, our voice in praise;
all things to us must work for good,
for whom the Lord hath shed his blood.
9. Trials may press of every sort;
they may be sore, – they must be short;
we now believe, but soon shall view
the greatest glories God can show.
Joseph Hart, in: Philip Schaff: Christ in Song, 1870, 331-332.