Christ My Song - 704
We walk on earth – and to its ways - Thoughts in Heaven
(John S. B. Monsell/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Thoughts in Heaven.
For our conversation is in Heaven. (Philippians 3,20)
1. We walk on earth – and to its ways
our time and thoughts are given,
yet, amid all its busiest days,
our hearts may be in Heav'n. (PDF - Midi
2. Nothing so lightens the dull load
life's urgent claims impose,
as close communion with our God:
it is our best repose.
3. When vexed with ills, which we despair
to baffle, or control,
the lifting of the heart in prayer
sheds sunshine on the soul.
4. When disappointed in the love
we leaned on too secure,
what joy it is to look above,
and feel – one Friend is sure!
5. When, wearied with life's ebb and flow,
we for 'still waters' sigh;
O how it sweetens change below
to think of rest on high!
6. Thus we in peace our souls possess,
tho' all around be fear,
full of the blessed consciousness
that Heav'n is sure, and near.
7. Dark clouds may o'er us threatening stand,
we can sing on, and smile,
the sunshine of the sunless land
lies round us all the while.
8. We can bear any cross, or grief,
if, with their gloom, be given
this one sweet secret of relief,
to keep our thoughts in Heav'n.
John S. B. Monsell, 'Spiritual Songs', 1864, 165-166.