Christ My Song - 873
I know not the song of thy praises - A new song
(Frances Bevan/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
A new song.
"He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God.” (Psalm 40,3)
1. I know not the song of thy praises,
till thou teach it, my God, to me –
till I hear the still voice of thy Spirit,
who speaketh for ever of thee – (PDF - Midi)
2. till I hear the celestial singing,
and learn the new song of thy grace,
and then shall I tell forth the marvels
I learnt in thy secret place.
3. Thy marvels, not mine, far surpassing
all thoughts of my heart must they be –
I can but declare the glad tidings,
as thou hast declared them to me.
Frances Bevan (after Richard Rolle), Hymns of Ter Steegen and others 2, 1899, 117.