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Hymn score of: Many sorrows hard and bitter - Marah (Frances Bevan/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 877

Many sorrows hard and bitter - Marah
(Frances Bevan/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)


“The Lord showed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet.” (Exodus 15,25)

1. Many sorrows hard and bitter,
  many comforts sweet and soft;
thus my cry as joyful singing
  evermore shall mount aloft. (PDF - Midi)

2. Song of marvellous rejoicing
  as in Heaven the blessed sing,
for the love of Christ has filled me
  with his sweetest plenishing.

3. Joy no thought of man conceiveth,
  howsoever deep his lore;
none can tell but he who hath it,
  hath it now and evermore.

4. Ill they spake, “Can God provide us,
  cheer amidst the wilderness?”
He a feast of joy has furnished,
  feast of sweetness, love, and bliss.

5. In the desert Bread he giveth,
  so that nought we crave beside,
raineth the delight of Heaven,
  we are more than satisfied.

6. Thus my sorrow turns to music
  and my cry to sweetest song;
weeping to eternal gladness,
  Night is short – the Day is long.

Richard Rolle, †1349.

Frances Bevan (after Richard Rolle), Hymns of Ter Steegen and others 2, 1899, 16-17.

            PDF - Midi