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Hymn score of: Child of the Eternal Father - The high calling (Gerhard Tersteegen/Frances Bevan/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 878

Child of the Eternal Father - The high calling
(Gerhard Tersteegen/Frances Bevan/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

The high calling.

Psalm 45,9.

1. Child of the Eternal Father,
  bride of the Eternal Son,
dwelling-place of God the Spirit,
  thus with Christ made ever one; (PDF - Midi)

2. dowered with joy beyond the Angels
  nearest to his throne,
they, the ministers attending
  his beloved one:

3. granted all my heart's desire,
  all things made my own;
feared by all the powers of evil,
  fearing God alone;

4. walking with the Lord in glory
  through the courts divine,
queen within the royal palace,
  Christ for ever mine;

5. say, poor worldling, can it be,
  that my heart should envy thee?

Frances Bevan, Hymns of Ter Steegen, Suso and others 1, 1899, 9-10.
After Gerhard Tersteegen's "Gott selbst mein Vater ist" (Blumengärtlein 1, Nr. 54).

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