Christ My Song - 899
Sweet shades and fields that glow with summer flowers - The summer day (Frances Bevan/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The summer day.
Canticle of Canticles 1.7.
1. Sweet shades and fields that glow with summer flowers,
how dear are ye to me!
Alone with Jesus, doth my heart adore him,
that ye are fair to see.
Sweet shades and fields that glow with summer flowers,
how dear are ye to me!
Nought seen in you but tender grace revealing,
how fair his thoughts must be.
Sweet shades and fields that glow with summer flowers,
how dear are ye to me!
How soft the breathings of thy love, Lord Jesus,
I rest my heart on thee. PDF - Midi
2. All, all that buds, and blossoms, and rejoices,
hath my Beloved made;
his wisdom and his tenderness and gladness
told forth in leaf and blade.
All, all that buds, and blossoms, and rejoices,
hath my Beloved made;
all moves unto the music of his power
that fills the woodland glade.
All, all that buds, and blossoms, and rejoices,
hath my Beloved made;
but heaven and earth, in all their radiant glory
to him are midnight shade.
3. Lord Jesus, thee to meet and to adore thee,
I sit here all alone –
all else may vanish as the mists of morning,
thou art mine all, mine own.
Lord Jesus, thee to meet and to adore thee,
I sit here all alone;
to drink afresh the river of thy pleasures,
know more of the unknown.
Lord Jesus, thee to meet and to adore thee,
I sit here all alone;
and lose myself, and find that thou art only,
beside thee nought and none.
4. Alone with thee to dwell, O my Beloved,
is heaven on earth begun;
whilst vanity of vanities outwearies
all hearts beneath the sun.
Alone with thee to dwell, O my Beloved,
is heaven on earth begun;
above the midnight and the noonday glory,
our resting-place is won.
Alone with thee to dwell, O my Beloved,
is heaven on earth begun;
and thou my joy, mine everlasting Heaven,
my pilgrim journey done.
G. T. S.
Frances Bevan, Hymns of Ter Steegen, Suso and others 1,
1899, 37-39.