Christ My Song - 916
The angel has come down - The Foreglow
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The Foreglow.
1. The angel has come down,
the glory now has shone,
the shepherds see the light and hear the voice.
Fear not; behold I bring
glad tidings of your King;
let all the nations of the earth rejoice. PDF - Midi
2. Sing a new song tonight,
sing all ye stars of light,
the Lord of Glory leaves his glorious heaven.
To earth behold him come
from his celestial home;
to us a Child is born, a Son is given!
3. O music of the past,
the sweetest and the last
of all the notes of ages gone is this,
that tells of the great birth,
that sings of peace on earth,
and man restored to more than primal bliss.
4. O lingering night, speed on!
Arise, thou golden sun,
and bring up in its joy the day of days,
when the eternal Word,
creation's King and Lord,
takes flesh that he may flesh to glory raise.
5. O wailing winds, be still,
o'er sea and plain and hill;
O storm and thunder, cease your tumult, cease;
and breathe, thou loving gale,
thy odours soft exhale,
to greet the coming of the Prince of Peace.
6. He comes to breathe our air,
our very flesh to wear;
he comes to die our death, to bear our load;
he comes to still our fears,
to wipe our falling tears,
to heal and bless, – Jesus, the Son of God!
7. Upon yon silent peak
I see the foreglow break,
that tells of glory earth has never known;
the glory of the King,
to whom all tribes shall bring
the homage, and the honour, and the crown.
8. Sing out, ye sons of men,
a louder, loftier strain!
Lift up your voice, O happy Bethlehem!
Let psalm and hymn ascend,
and with the incense blend
arising from thy shrine, Jerusalem!
Horatius Bonar, Hymns of the Nativity, 1879, 8-10.