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Hymn score of: Light beams upon my inward eye - The Wanderer's Return (Charlotte Elliott/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 970

Light beams upon my inward eye - The Wanderer's Return
(Charlotte Elliott/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

The Wanderer's Return.

"Before I was afflicted I went astray." (Psalm 119,67)

1. Light beams upon my inward eye,
  new thoughts awake, new things I see;
is this "the day-spring from on high,"
          shining on me? PDF - Midi

2. The God of love my soul has met;
  he gently draws me from above;
and though I do not love him yet,
          I long to love.

3. My time of suffering and distress
  has proved his time of pardoning grace;
now, that he chastens but to bless
          I clearly trace.

4. Earth's vanities my soul beguiled,
  I never sought his will to know;
but to reclaim his wandering child,
          he brought me low.

5. The past appears a feverish dream
  of folly, and insensate mirth,
and now the things eternal seem
          of boundless worth.

6. My soul, once dead, begins to move,
  roused by a Hand divine from sleep,
my heart, once cold, begins to love,
          my eye to weep.

7. Lord, while this heavenly light is shed,
  which, while I gaze, seems still t' increase,
shall not my wandering steps be led
          to paths of peace?

8. Light of the world! Thou, thou hast shone,
  with life and healing in thy ray!
Now clear my path, and lead me on
          to realms of day.

Charlotte Elliott, Selections from the Poems of Charlotte Elliott, 155-156.

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