Christ My Song - 976
O faint and feeble-hearted! - Be not Faithless, but Believing
(Charlotte Elliott/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Be not Faithless, but Believing.
1. O faint and feeble-hearted!
Why thus cast down with fear?
Fresh aid shall be imparted;
thy God unseen is near.
His eye can never slumber:
he marks thy cruel foes,
observes their strength, their number;
and all thy weakness knows. PDF - Midi
2. Though heavy clouds of sorrow
make dark thy path today,
there may shine forth tomorrow
once more a cheering ray.
Doubts, griefs, and foes assailing,
conceal heaven's fair abode;
yet now, faith's power prevailing,
should stay thy mind on God.
Charlotte Elliott, Selections from the Poems of Charlotte Elliott, 199-200.