Christ My Song - 999
My Saviour! when I come to die - The Sheltering Wing
(Charlotte Elliott/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The Sheltering Wing.
1. My Saviour! when I come to die,
look down on me with pitying eye,
for thy sweet mercy's sake;
shield my foreboding, trembling heart,
from the accuser's fiery dart!
Thy wings my covering make! PDF - Midi
2. Thou knowest, Lord, my only plea
is sovereign grace, too rich, too free,
too omnipotent to doubt;
it drew me – led me to thy feet;
to hear thee those blessed words repeat,
"Ne'er will I cast thee out."
3. In childhood, through that grace divine,
to thee my heart did I resign;
and though in after years
I wandered far in sin's dark track,
mercy pursued and brought me back,
with floods of contrite tears.
4. Still has that mercy led me on;
for more than "forty years" has shone
o'er life's long pathway traced;
and now, methinks, I see it gleam
from far, o'er Jordan's billowy stream,
wither my footsteps haste.
5. Saviour! Thy voice can banish fear,
and if thou deignest to draw near
when most I need thine aid;
if, when the cold waves round me swell,
"the everlasting arms" I feel,
I shall not be dismayed!
6. Mercy will bear me safely through,
mercy, sweet mercy, still pursue,
brightening the dark rough wave,
and land me on that peaceful shore
where enemies are known no more,
omnipotent to save.
Charlotte Elliott, Selections from the Poems of Charlotte Elliott, 239-240.