Christ My Song - 1067
Blessèd be God, my God! who, ever near - "Blessed be God"
(Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
"Blessed be God."
"The Lord hath heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer." (Palm 6,9)
1. Blessèd be God, my God! who, ever near,
my cry has heard;
dispelled all doubt, chased every faithless fear,
by his sure word.
Fainthearted, weary, 'twas before his throne
I spread my case;
he strengthened me and made his peace my own,
taught me his grace. PDF - Midi
2. The Almighty, my "exceeding great reward,"
my God, my shield,
I fear not, 'gainst the myriad foes abroad,
to take the field!
I go to conquer, in the name of One
whose power prevailed:
the Man who, God-forsaken, stood alone
whilst hell assailed.
3. Not only stood, but his dear life laid down,
death to destroy, –
and his redeemed (once Satan's captives) brought
to endless joy.
For God, his righteous Father, raised him from
among the dead;
and made him, "over all things," to the Church
th' exalted Head.
4. O precious Jesus! Christ of God, to thee
each knee shall bow!
They shall thy Lordship soon confess, who dare
reject thee now.
Thou Stone! despised of builders, planted firm
by God's right hand,
with all the "living stones" – his dwelling-place,
shalt glorious stand.
5. We wait not long before the trump shall sound
that calls us Home!
And Lord, thou knowest with what fervent joy
thy Bride will come!
Hushed every prayer: past, perils of the way;
beyond all need,
ours shall be praise throughout Eternal Day;
praise, Lord, thy meed!
Hannah K. Burlingham, Wayside Songs, 1901, 46-47.