Hannah K. Burlingham
Hannah K. Burlingham (1842-1901) has written many fine hymns, some of which (90) you may find here:
l A l B l D l E l F l G l H l I l J l L l M l N l O l S l T l W l Y l
- A
- Ah, Jesus Lord, thou art near to me - We will we glad and rejoice in thee (tr)
- Alas for the city, deserted and lonely - A Lament
- Alone! – a stranger here - Alone
- Art thou afflicted? O belovèd, pray! - Is any afflicted? Let him pray
- Away with Egypt's burdens - Out of Their Bondage
- A B C
- B
- Belovèd! still 'tis "Onward!" Faint not, the goal is nigh - Onward
- Blessèd be God, my God! who, ever near - "Blessed be God"
- Bright, bright Home! Beyond the skies - Watching for the Morning
- Burdened and plagued within - In the Far Country
- A B C
- D
- Death, the Grave, and Resurrection - In the Hill Country of Judah
- A B C
- E
- Eternity for glory - The Eternal Day
- Everlasting glory - The Mighty Saviour
- A B C
- F
- Fear not, beloved, go calmly on - Led Safely
- A B C
- G
- Go forth to sow, O sowers - Sowing the Seed
- God must acquaint his comforters with grief - Comforted of God
- "Good courage"! Good success! - "Songs in the Night"
- Grace and peace and glory yonder - Grace and Peace
- Great gain is thine, belovèd one, exchanging - Far Better
- A B C
- H
- Hark! hark! hark! - There's Room for Thee!
- Help me, my God, be thou thyself my guide! - Help of God
- High at God's right hand is seated - "We see Jesus"
- His name is Jesus! None beside - "His name Jesus"
- How patiently, O Lord, thy love endures! - The Patience of Hope
- A B C
- I
- I have a mighty Friend - Always Confident
- I know, O Lord, though all around is dark - Trusting in Jesus
- I'm waiting for thee, Lord - "Over There"
- I praise thee, blessed God - A Wayside Song
- In spirit, Lord, we dwell with thee above - His Table
- A B C
- J
- Jesus Christ, the Shepherd True - Light and Love
- Jesus, thou precious One, what depths of love - The Unseen Loved One
- "Jesus" was written broadly on the cross - The Writing on the Cross
- A B C
- L
- Laid up for those who fear thee, Lord - My Times are in Thy Hand
- Lord! I thank thee thou dost listen - The Loving-Kindness of the Lord
- Lord Jesus Christ, in glorious worth made known - The Father Loveth the Son
- Lord Jesus, 'tis exceeding gain - Apart
- Lord, to be with thee in thine own abode - Before the Presence of His Glory
- A B C
- M
- Mine own Belovèd's voice! - "The voice of my Belovèd"
- My Saviour! I can think of thee - Suffering and Rest
- A B C
- N
- Not the reproach of men - Fear not
- Not yet the dawn – the things around - The Watchers
- A B C
- O
- O blessèd Lord! we own in all our sorrow - Thou drewest near
- O Christ, thy precious blood was shed - Eternal Redemption
- O Christian, search the Scriptures! - A Song for the times
- O City, golden-bright!
- O for a deeper knowledge of thy ways! - "That I may Know Him"
- O God of matchless grace - Accepted in the Beloved
- O Jesus, Friend unfailing - The unfailing Friend (tr)
- O thou, who from Eternity - The Unchanging One
- O weary soul with guilt oppressed - Let him that heareth say "Come"
- Oh bright will be the waking - Treasure Trove
- Oh, can we be forgetful, Lord - "My Bow in the Cloud"
- Oh, Jesus! ever present Friend - Going Out and Coming In
- Oh, make me, Jesus, Saviour - With the Lowly is Wisdom
- Oh, the love of Christ is boundless - Boundless Love
- Oh wondrous City: pure, translucent gold! - The Holy City – The New Jerusalem
- On the Lord depending - "Wait on the Lord"
- Onward, and upward, and forward today! - A Birthday Song
- A B C
- S
- Say where doth Wisdom dwell? - "Where shall Wisdom be Found?"
- Shall I forsake the ways divine - "Faint yet Pursuing"
- Sing we our choral strain - Worthy art Thou
- A B C
- T
- The clouds that gather overhead - Have Faith in God
- The cross! The cross of Jesus Christ our Lord - "Jesus Christ and Him Crucified"
- The earth was without form and void - "Let There Be Light"
- The earthen pitcher frail - Giving and Receiving
- The Father sent the Son - The Sent One
- The glory shines before me
- The Gospel is of God - The Gospel of God
- The pilgrimage cares and calamities past - A Song by the Way
- The Saviour, Jesus, left the skies - Jesus, The Saviour
- There is a land where troubles never come - The Promised Land
- There's one sweet day the Christian heart holds dear - The Lord's Day
- This is thy love, my God! - Lost and Found
- Thou art coming, mighty Saviour! - The coming King
- Thou art home at last, each waymark past - Home at last
- Thou art my Joy, Lord Jesus! - The God of my Salvation
- Thou art our refuge, O Eternal God - Thou art our refuge
- Thou living God! how blessed are all - Victories
- Thou, Lord, art all to me - "My Portion for Ever"
- Through the long vista of the bygone days - A Song of Remembrance
- Thy death – Lord Jesus! Death wherein we died - "Until He Come"
- 'Tis a long and a toilsome day - Homeward Bound
- 'Tis Jesus in the sunshine - Jesus Only
- 'Tis not far off – the hour - Waiting for Christ
- A B C
- W
- We wait for thee, O Son of God - The Day of Glory (tr)
- "What things were gain to me" - What things were gain
- When one whom ... - I Am With You Alway
- When the night is dark and dreary - "Toiling in Rowing"
- Wondrous is the simple story - The Death of Christ
- A B C
- Y
- Ye heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ, arise! - Awake!
- Ye must suffer ere ye serve - "Lord, what wilt Thou have Me to Do?"
- A B C