Christ My Song - 1088
Say where doth Wisdom dwell? - "Where shall Wisdom be Found?" (Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
"Where shall Wisdom be Found?"
(Compare Job 28 and Proverbs 8 and 9.)
1. Say where doth Wisdom dwell?
Hath she her pathway through the hoary deep?
Whose million waves, in answering fall and swell,
their ceaseless vigil keep? PDF - Midi
2. Builds she her nest on high,
like eagle throned on the perpetual hills?
Whence naught escapes her far-discerning eye,
of countless human ills?
3. Is earth her fixed abode?
Hath she her dwelling with the sons of men?
Revealing all the mysteries of God,
in simplest form to them?
4. Wisdom, where art thou now?
Who fears the Lord, thou art his guest divine;
thy name is written on his truthful brow,
proclaiming him as thine.
5. Herein would I rejoice;
from every evil way, by thee, depart;
and listen daily to thy still small voice,
with understanding heart.
6. Wisdom, thine eyes are pure,
too pure to look on aught that doth offend;
thy paths of peace and pleasantness are sure,
unfailing to the end.
Hannah K. Burlingham, Wayside Songs, 1901, 126-127.