Christ My Song - 1164
'Tis to us no cause of sorrow
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
'Tis to us no cause of sorrow.
"Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow."
(James 4,14)
1. 'Tis to us no cause of sorrow,
that we cannot tell today,
what it is will come tomorrow;
'tis enough that we can say,
"He, whom we our Father call,
knows the future, knows it all." PDF - Midi
2. Happy they, who, all committing
to their Father's care and love,
let him choose what most is fitting,
and of all he does approve;
they are free from anxious care,
blessed in this his people are.
3. Teach us, O our God and Father,
teach us to obey thee thus;
be thy choice our portion, rather
than what might seem good to us;
'tis not meet we should refuse
aught that thou, our God, shalt choose.
4. Future things with thee are present,
all to come thine eye can see;
safe it is for us, and pleasant,
future things to trust to thee;
then thy people happy are,
when on thee they cast their care.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 653.