Thomas Kelly
Thomas Kelly (1769-1855) has written many fine hymns, some of which (361) you may find here:
l A l B l C l D l E l F l G l H l I l J l K l L l M l N l O l P l Q l R l S l T l U l W l Y l
- A
- A clearer view of things unseen
- A land I know there is
- An absent Lord I serve and love
- And art thou, gracious Master, gone
- Angels heard with admiration
- Arise, ye saints, arise
- As a lamb led forth to slaughter
- As one to self-indulgence prone
- At our Father's table meeting
- Awake, awake, O arm of God!
- "Awake, O sword," awake and smite
- Awake our souls! awake our tongues!
- Awake, ye saints, awake and watch
- Away, away! thy work is done!
- Away! he calls thee hence away
- Away! thou dying saint, away!
- A B C
- B
- Base among the base
- Behold the Lamb, with glory crowned!
- Behold the man! how glorious he!
- Beloved associates in the strife
- Beloved one, thy place no more
- Better two than one
- Beyond the world a city stands
- Bless, my soul, the name of Jesus
- Blessed be the Lord for ever!
- Blessed fountain, full of grace!
- Blessed, whom Jesus keeps
- Born in a stable he
- Born in sin, and doomed to die
- Boundless glory, Lord, be thine!
- Bring no money here, nor price
- Broken was his body; broken
- A B C
- C
- Chief of sinners, Lord, am I
- Child of promise, looked for long!
- Christ is born, go tell the story
- Christians an arduous fight maintain
- Come and let us praise our King!
- "Come in, thou blessed of the Lord"
- Come, O Lord, the heavens rending
- Come praise the Lord, exalt his name
- Come, ye saints, look here and wonder
- Courage, ye who fighting are
- Crowns of glory, ever bright
- A B C
- D
- Deal gently with thy servant, Lord
- A B C
- E
- Endless praises
- Eternal honour be to him
- Every good possessing
- Every knee shall bow to Jesus
- Exalt the name of him who bore
- A B C
- F
- Fly abroad, and tell the story
- Fly, ye seasons, fly still faster
- For the hope we have of life
- For whom is yonder crown prepared
- From far I see the glorious day
- Fruit we have of God's election
- A B C
- G
- Glad I am to have thee
- Glad I was today
- Glad we keep the feast today
- Glory be to him who saved us
- Glory, glory everlasting
- Glory, glory to our King!
- Glory to God above
- Glory to God on high!
- God has turned my grief to gladness
- God is for us
- "God is love," his word has said it
- God of hope and consolation
- Going home, and going quickly
- Good and faithful are thy words
- Grace is the sweetest sound
- Gracious Lord, my heart is fixèd
- Ground of my hope, the Cross appears!
- A B C
- H
- Had David done as Saul advised
- Half a wreck, by tempests driven
- Hark! a voice! it cries from heaven
- Hark, ten thousand harps and voices
- Hark! ten thousand voices cry
- Hark! that shout of rapturous joy
- Hark the notes of angels singing
- Hark! the solemn trumpet sounding
- Hark! 'tis the trumpet's sound
- Hark, 'tis a martial sound!
- Hark! what sounds salute our ears
- Have we known indeed, and tasted
- Having nothing, yet possessing all things
- He comes! the Saviour full of grace
- He's gone! see where his body lay
- He who saved us when assaulted
- He whom all the prophets told of
- Himself he cannot save
- Ho, ye thirsty! here's a spring
- Homeward bound, the way is dreary
- Hope in Christ our Lord possessing
- Hope is the anchor of the soul
- How blessed and how bright the day
- How blessed is he, whom God forgives
- How pleasant is the sound of praise!
- A B C
- I
- I have sinned, but thou hast suffered
- I know I should be wholly his
- I love the sacred book of God
- I need not blush to own that he
- If belovèd, why belovèd?
- If I had wings, then would I go
- If Jesus rose not from the grave
- If worldly thoughts so much employ
- In form I long had bowed the knee
- In him, whose presence gladdens heaven
- In our Lord we have redemption
- In the region of light and of glory
- In this world of sorrow
- In trouble, Lord, I sought thy face
- Is it not God appoints it so?
- Is not this a brand
- Is the Lord among us?
- It has not fully yet appeared
- "It is finished!" sinners, hear it
- It is not we who can direct
- A B C
- J
- Jacob's star is risen at last
- Jesus comes, by crowds attended
- Jesus comes, the Judge of all
- Jesus drains the cup of sorrows
- Jesus gave his life, to save us
- Jesus gives his people freedom
- Jesus is the Lord my Shepherd
- Jesus is the Lord's anointed
- Jesus leaves his throne of glory
- Jesus, my Lord, to thee
- Jesus our Lord is King
- Jesus soon will come to bless us
- Jesus, the Shepherd of the sheep
- Jesus, we hail thee Israel's King
- Joyful be the hours today
- Joyful let us raise our voices
- A B C
- K
- Keep us, Lord, O keep us ever!
- King of kings, and Lord of lords!
- A B C
- L
- Let all who name his blessed name
- Let crowns of glory wreathe the head
- Let God arise
- Let others labour to possess
- Let sinners saved give thanks, and sing
- Let us sing, for we have reason
- Lo, he comes! let all adore him!
- Lo! the infant Saviour lies
- Lord, dissolve my frozen heart
- Lord, I put my trust in thee
- Lord, I trust in thee, O never
- Lord, let the people of thy love
- Lord, let thy Spirit from above
- Lord, 'tis good to know thy grace
- Lord, we plead thy promise given
- Loss is gain, and pain is pleasure
- A B C
- M
- Make thy face to shine upon us
- Many foes our march opposing
- Many perils, many crosses
- Mighty is the arm that saves us
- Mine was a hopeless case
- Much I love the honoured name
- Much there is to harm us
- Much there is to turn us
- Much there is to try us here
- My Father knows my feeble frame
- A B C
- N
- Neither "voice" we have, nor "vision"
- Never leave us nor forsake us
- No strength at all belongs to us
- No strength have I, no strength at all
- None to help us, no, not one
- Nothing but the purest grace
- Now let us all together sing
- Now may the Spirit from above
- Now may the Spirit, sent from heav'n
- Now may the Spirit's power be felt
- Now praise we, and bless we, the Lord
- Now raise a solemn, cheerful strain
- Now we sow in tears
- A B C
- O
- O had I the wings of a dove
- O how good and pleasant
- O Israel to thy tents repair
- O Zion, when I think on thee
- Of Jesus we'll sing
- Of sinners the chief
- Once to other lords we bowed
- Our Father sits on yonder throne
- Our rest be here, the Cross beneath
- Our souls, they cleave unto the dust
- Ours is a pardon bought with blood
- A B C
- P
- Praise, O Lord, we know becomes us
- Praise the God of our salvation
- Praise the Lord
- "Praise the Lord," 'tis meet we should
- Praise the Lord, who died to save us
- Praise the Saviour, ye who know him
- Praises more than we can render
- Precious volume! what thou doest
- A B C
- Q
- Quick and powerful is the word
- A B C
- R
- Rejoice, the Lord is risen
- Rescued from the lake infernal
- A B C
- S
- Salvation is of God alone
- Saviour, be thou with us, going
- Saviour, send a blessing to us
- Saviour, send us help from heaven
- Saviour, this is what I ask
- Saviour, through the desert lead us
- Saviour, 'tis to thee
- Saviour, we have seen thy goings
- Saviour, work in us thy pleasure
- Say, who they are who have believed
- Say, why art thou cast down, my soul?
- See! he comes, his work is done
- See the holy victim smitten
- See the saints in heaven appearing
- See where the Lord his glory spreads
- Seed of the woman, looked for long
- Send thy Spirit, Lord, from heaven
- Shall I be ashamed of Jesus?
- Shepherd of the chosen number
- Sing aloud to God, our strength
- Sing of grace, the grace of Jesus
- Sing of him, the Lord, who
- Sing of him who bore our guilt
- Sing of him who came to save us
- Sing of him who gives us
- Sing of him, who left a throne
- Sing of him who lives for ever
- Sing of Jesus, sing for ever
- Sing, sing his lofty praise
- Sing the Saviour's praises
- Sing we praise to God above
- "Sinner, I am thy salvation"
- Sinner, wilt thou still go on?
- Sons of Zion, raise your songs
- Spared a little longer
- Stricken, smitten, and afflicted
- Sweet is the savour of his name
- Sweet were the sounds that reached our ears - Sweet sounds
- A B C
- T
- The atoning work is done
- The battle is the Lord's
- The Cross! a theme of joy to some
- The Cross! my hope, my boast, my theme
- "The cup of salvation", the cup that we drink of
- The day of God at length appears
- The demon, Lord, expel
- The God himself, who reigns on high
- The God of glory dwells on high
- The head that once was crowned with thorns
- The heavens declare thy glory, Lord!
- The light is sweet, and pleasant is
- The Lord, his way is in the storms
- The Lord is coming in the clouds
- The Lord is my help and my shield
- The Lord is my strength
- The Lord is risen indeed
- The Lord, "the only wise", is he
- The mighty God our father is
- The night is now far spent
- The people of the Lord
- The praise of heaven to him is due
- The privilege I greatly prize
- The promise, Lord, that thou hast given
- The saints shall have joy in the morning
- The Saviour bears a lovely name
- The Saviour leads his people on
- The Spirit, coming in his pow'r
- "The Spirit of the Truth" is he
- The trump of God is heard on high
- The trumpet is sounding, the Lord is appearing
- The trumpet shall sound
- There is a family on earth
- There's not a name beneath the skies
- Things unseen engage us now
- This is, of a truth, the Prophet
- Thy precious gift, O Lord, impart
- Thy promise, Lord, just suits my case
- "Thy way, O Lord, is in the sea"
- 'Tis a blessed thing to know
- 'Tis good, 'tis sweet, 'tis passing sweet
- 'Tis meet that we should humbled be
- 'Tis sweet to know the sacred name
- 'Tis the last trumpet's voice
- 'Tis the Lord, I know it is
- 'Tis to thee we owe allegiance
- 'Tis to us no cause of sorrow
- To God, my Saviour, praise is due
- To God our Saviour and our King
- To heaven's eternal King
- To him alone, whose name is love
- To him that sits upon the throne
- To him, "the only wise"
- To him who left his throne
- To him who reigns in heaven above
- To him who washed them in his blood
- To him whose name is "love"
- To Israel's God let praise be given
- To our Lord a throne is giv'n
- To see the Saviour as he is
- To the cross, away, away!
- To thee, O Lord our God, we come
- To thee, O Lord, we turn our eyes
- To thee we come, our God, to thee
- To wait for that important day
- To whom should those in trouble flee?
- "Trust ye in the Lord for ever"
- 'Twas a conflict while it lasted
- 'Twas a dark and fearful hour
- 'Twas a foolish thing to say
- 'Twas he who made the world that said
- A B C
- U
- Unfold, O Lord, to us unfold
- Unknown by men, the Christian lives
- Unto us a Son is given
- A B C
- W
- We have not seen the Saviour's face
- We'll sing in spite of scorn
- We'll sing of the Shepherd that died
- We'll speak of Christ
- We look for joys to come
- We need not be ashamed to own
- We ought to sing for joy today
- We praise and bless the Saviour's name
- We're bound for yonder land
- We sing of him, and so we should
- We sing of him who came from heav'n
- We sing of him who died
- We sing the praise of him who died
- We sing the praise of him who gave
- We sing the Saviour's praise
- We sing with joy today
- "We walk by faith, and not by sight"
- We were lost, but God has found us
- Weep no more, ye saints, why should ye?
- Welcome, welcome, Holy Child!
- What for us is more befitting
- What is life? 'Tis but a vapour
- What love is this the Father shows
- What love, what pleasure, what surprise
- What pleasure there is in expecting the season
- What should keep me from the cross?
- What thou hast
- What tongue can tell, what fancy paint
- When a believer yields his breath
- When the Lord rebukes his servant
- When two or three together meet
- When we cannot see our way
- When we stand on Pisgah's summit
- Whence those sounds symphonious
- Whence those unusual bursts of joy
- Wherever our Master may call us
- While I wandered, Jesus sought me
- While in the world we still remain
- "Who is this that calms the ocean?"
- Who shall condemn the Lord's elect?
- Why sleeps the harp of Judah now?
- Why those fears? behold 'tis Jesus
- With heav'n in view, we tread the path
- A B C
- Y
- Ye saints, come and join in the praise of the Lamb
- Ye who know the Lord, draw nigh
- Yes, a call there is
- Yes, I love the name that is
- Yes, "the battle is the Lord's"
- Yes, the day is at hand; rejoice, then, ye saints
- Yes, Lord, thou hast the words of life
- Yes, the Lord has thus far led us
- Yes! "the Lord is good", I know it - The Lord is good
- Yes, the Lord no more is found
- A B C