Christ My Song - 1192
The day of God at length appears
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The day of God at length appears.
"But who may abide the day of his coming?" (Malachi, 3,2)
1. The day of God at length appears,
but who its terrors may abide?
It far exceeds the sinner's fears;
it humbles all the sons of pride. PDF - Midi
2. Hark! 'tis the trumpet's awful sound;
it shakes the pillars of the earth;
its mighty voice is heard around:
O where is now the worldling's mirth!
3. The Judge appears: around his seat
ten thousand times ten thousand shine;
the dead are quickened, small and great;
the living changed by pow'r divine.
4. But mark the issue of the day!
Some are received with joy to heav'n;
while others, turned with shame away,
from God and happiness are driv'n.
5. How blessed are they who welcome now,
in him who fills the judgment-seat,
the Saviour whom they loved below,
and longed with great desire to meet.
6. Their cup is full, their joys abound,
no wish unsatisfied have they;
in seeing him their heav'n is found,
and ev'ry sorrow flies away.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 64.