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Hymn score of: The Saviour bears a lovely name (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1217

The Saviour bears a lovely name
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

The Saviour bears a lovely name.

"Sing praises unto his name, for it is pleasant." (Psalm 135,3)

1. The Saviour bears a lovely name,
  of sacred pow'rs possessed;
it takes away the sinner's shame,
  and gives his conscience rest. PDF - Midi

2. No name on earth is half so great,
  howe'er extolled by fame;
nor can celestial tongues repeat
  a more exalted name.

3. Though music has the pow'r to please,
  (and oft I feel its pow'r,)
the name of Jesus sweeter is,
  and captivates me more.

4. However sweet the flow'r that spreads
  its perfume o'er the fields,
his name a richer fragrance sheds,
  and more refreshment yields.

5. Sweet name ! the sinner's blessed relief,
  his medicine, food, and joy!
'Tis help in trouble, ease in grief,
  'tis gold without alloy.

6. Jesus, thy name is dear to me,
  it saves me from my foes;
armed with its pow'r, I need not flee,
  though earth and hell oppose.

7. In many painful conflicts past,
  thy name has brought me through;
nor wilt thou leave the worm at last,
  whom thou hast saved till now.

8. No; in thy heav'n I shall appear,
  and cease to know "in part";
my strengthened faculties will bear
  to see thee as thou art.

9. Then shall my cup of joy o'erflow
  with still increasing store;
my only heav'n, thy name to know
  and praise thee evermore.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 241.

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