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Hymn score of: The God of glory dwells on high (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1230

The God of glory dwells on high
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

The God of glory dwells on high.

"He humbled himself." (Philippians 2,8)

1. The God of glory dwells on high,
  he rules the armies of the sky,
ten thousand thousand round him stand,
  obedient to the King's command. PDF - Midi

2. The God of glory, moved by love,
  descends in mercy from above;
and he, before whom angels bow,
  is found a man of grief below.

3. This love is great, too great for thought,
  its length and breadth in vain are sought;
no tongue can tell its depth and height,
  the love of God is infinite.

4. But though his love no measure knows,
  the Saviour to his people shews
enough to give them joy, when known;
  enough to make their hearts his own.

5. Constrained by this, they walk with him,
  his love, their most delightful theme;
to glorify him here, their aim;
  their hope, in heav'n to praise his name.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 683.

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