Christ My Song - 1254
Sing of Jesus, sing for ever
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Sing of Jesus, sing for ever.
"Sing unto the Lord, bless his name." (Psalm 96,2)
1. Sing of Jesus, sing for ever,
of the love that changes never.
Who or what from him can sever
those he makes his own? PDF - Midi
2. With his blood the Lord has bought them;
when they knew him not, he sought them,
and from all their wand'rings brought them,
his the praise alone.
3. Through the desert Jesus leads them,
with the bread of heav'n he feeds them,
and through all the way he speeds them,
to their home above.
4. There they see the Lord who bought them,
him who came from heaven, and sought them,
him who by his Spirit taught them,
him they serve and love.
5. Let his people sing with gladness,
other mirth than this is madness,
mirth it is that ends in sadness,
be it far away.
6. 'Tis the saints have solid treasure,
they can sing with holy pleasure,
and their joy will know no measure,
in the final day.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 216.