Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: "Who is this that calms the ocean?" (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1265

"Who is this that calms the ocean?"
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Who is this that calms the ocean?

"What manner of man is this?" (Mark 4,41)

1. "Who is this that calms the ocean?"
  thus they cried, who were on board,
when they saw the wild commotion
  cease, as Jesus spoke the word;
    when the sudden calm they saw,
    wonder filled their minds, and awe. PDF - Midi

2. He, who bids the tempest riot
  on the deep, and makes it swell,
he alone the storm can quiet,
  saying to it, "peace, be still":
    he, whose pow'r to all gives birth,
    all in heav'n, and all in earth.

3. He who calms the sea when raging,
  stills the tumult of the soul;
by his word the storms assuaging,
  storms no other can control:
    but he binds them with his hand,
    and they cease at his command.

4. Ye who, all your hope deriving
  from yourselves, have laboured long
to allay the storm by striving,
  but have found the storm too strong,
    from the hopeless labour cease,
    Jesus gives the troubled peace.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 277.

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