Christ My Song - 1306
To whom should those in trouble flee?
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
To whom should those in trouble flee?
"Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord."
(Psalm 130,1)
1. To whom should those in trouble flee?
To whom, O Lord, but unto thee?
For thou alone canst soothe our grief,
and thou alone canst give relief. PDF - Midi
2. When in the lowest depths we are,
when all is grief, and all is care,
we cry to thee, and not in vain;
a word of thine relieves our pain.
3. 'Tis sweet to be assured of this,
to taste the comfort sweeter is;
but sweeter far, to reach the shore,
where grief and trouble are no more.
4. To see the object of our love
enthroned in majesty above;
to see the angels own his claim;
to hear the angels sound his name.
5. We look, not without hope, for this;
for all is ours, if we are his:
the Lord will "grace and glory" give;
his people shall for ever live.
6. Yes, the delight of heav'n is theirs;
from sorrow free, and free from cares;
no conflicts there, no toil, no strife,
a blessed and immortal life.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 708.