Christ My Song - 1345
'Twas a dark and fearful hours
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
'Twas a dark and fearful hour.
"Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me."
(Luke 22,42)
1. 'Twas a dark and fearful hour,
'twas beyond example so,
when, as one bereft of pow'r,
or as one oppressed with woe,
Jesus to his Father prayed,
that the cup might pass away:
what a load on him was laid,
when the Saviour thus could pray! PDF - Midi
2. But it was the Father's will,
not his own, he came to do,
all his pleasure to fulfill,
and for this all else forego.
Hence the cup his Father gave,
drank he, bitter as it was.
This, and nothing else could save;
nothing, nothing but the Cross.
3. Through this channel, this alone,
mercy flows, all others barred;
he who mediates, must atone
for the guilt, nor can be spared;
though his Son the victim is,
God will magnify his law;
ponder this, O ponder this.
Let our minds be filled with awe.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 24.