Christ My Song - 1379
Beloved one, thy place no more
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Beloved one, thy place no more.
"That they may rest from their labours." (Revelation 14,13)
1. Beloved one, thy place no more
is here below; 'tis henceforth there
where things but dimly seen before,
in all their truth and worth appear. PDF - Midi
2. Away! away! thy race is run;
long hast thou waited for this day.
The work assigned thee here, is done,
'tis God that calls thee hence away.
3. Eternal life thy portion is,
the fruit of love, his love who bore
the cross below; the grace is his:
he bears a name all names before.
4. His will is, that his people be
with him above, for ever there;
the glory of their Lord to see,
and (strange to tell) his throne to share.
5. 'Tis wondrous all, from first to last;
it first and last applies to what
had no beginning in the past,
and in the future endeth not.
6. Rejoice, then, happy saint, rejoice!
The door before thee open is;
thou soon shalt hear the bridegroom's voice,
and take thy place with him and his.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 369.