Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: The praise of heav'n to him is due (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1387

The praise of heav'n to him is due
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

The praise of heaven to him is due.

"His great love wherewith he loved us." (Ephesians 2,4)

1. The praise of heav'n to him is due,
  to him who died, ye saints, for you:
mysterious is the Saviour's love,
  it brought him down from heav'n above. PDF - Midi

2. There's something here we cannot teach;
  'tis something that we cannot reach;
'tis deep as the abyss below,
  'tis high as heav'n, what can we know?

3. But sweet it is to taste this love,
  'tis far all other joys above;
'tis more than we can well express,
  'tis peace, and joy, and blessedness.

4. What else but love, mysterious love,
  could bring the Saviour from above?
Could make him lay his glory by,
  and come to suffer, and to die?

5. This love we sing, and so we ought,
  this love surpassing human thought:
th' unfolding of this love will be
  the work that fills eternity.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 221.

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