Christ My Song - 1404
Glory to God above
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Glory to God above.
"Take a psalm." (Psalm 81,2)
1. Glory to God above;
object and source of love,
ever the same.
Maker of all he is,
heav'n, earth, and hell are his:
glory, ye saints, in this,
praise ye his name. PDF - Midi
2. They who forgiven are,
they who his favour share,
joyful may be.
Joyful in him they love:
joyful in him they prove,
gracious all thought above;
blessed is he.
3. Praise our exalted Lord;
praise him with one accord;
praise him with songs.
Hymns to his honour sing,
joyful your tribute bring,
to our eternal King,
honour belongs.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 224.