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Hymn score of: Jesus leaves his throne of glory (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1443

Jesus leaves his throne of glory
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Jesus leaves his throne of glory.

"As Christ also loved the church." (Ephesians 5,25)

1. Jesus leaves his throne of glory,
  leaves it, and comes down to earth;
sinners, hear the wondrous story,
  joyful news – the Saviour's birth.
    What but love could bring him here?
    His the name to sinners dear. PDF - Midi

2. His is love, all thought too high for,
  angels cannot reach its height;
saints, 'twas you he came to die for,
  you he clothes in robes of white,
    you he washes with his blood,
    makes you "kings and priests to God".

3. "Life for life" – 'tis justice claims it,
  life for life is freely giv'n:
awful stroke! 'tis justice aims it,
  and he falls, "the Lord from heav'n";
    dies a victim, on the tree;
    dies, O sinner, dies for thee.

4. Here discordant things agreeing,
  meet in blessed harmony;
sinners to this refuge fleeing,
  are from guilt and terror free:
    justice here and grace unite,
    'tis a joyful, wondrous sight.

5. Here we should abide for ever,
  loving and admiring too;
keep thy servants, Lord, and never
  let us say, or let us do
    ought displeasing in thy sight,
    ought that will not bear the light.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 719.

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