Christ My Song - 1926
Many foes our march opposing
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Many foes our march opposing.
"Help us, O Lord our God! for we rest on thee,
and in thy name we go against this multitude."
(2 Chronicles 14,11)
1. Many foes our march opposing,
Lord, we turn our eyes to thee,
all our wants and fears disclosing,
helpless to thy power we flee;
O protect us! O protect us!
neither skill nor power have we.
O protect us! O protect us!
neither skill nor power have we. PDF - Midi
2. See our foes with proud defiance
call thy people to the fight!
Lord, on thee is our reliance,
thee whose arm is clothed with might:
Saviour, guard us! Saviour, guard us!
let not thine be put to flight.
Saviour, guard us! Saviour, guard us!
let not thine be put to flight.
3. Not of human armour boasting,
do we venture to the field;
in defence so feeble trusting,
soon we would be forced to yield:
God of Israel! God of Israel!
be thyself our sword and shield.
God of Israel! God of Israel!
be thyself our sword and shield.
4. On thy faithfulness relying,
we may boldly meet the foe;
all his boasted power defying,
while we come defended so:
God will save us; God will save us;
this our enemies shall know.
God will save us; God will save us;
this our enemies shall know.
5. Let the fainting soul be cheerful,
let the timid now be brave:
why should they be faint or fearful,
whom the Lord delights to save?
Whom he rescues, whom he rescues,
Satan can no more enslave.
Whom he rescues, whom he rescues,
Satan can no more enslave.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 254. Repetitions added.