Christ My Song - 1940
Now raise a solemn, cheerful strain
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Now raise a solemn, cheerful strain.
"Come before his presence with singing." (Psalm 100,2)
1. Now raise a solemn, cheerful strain,
the noblest, sweetest theme invites;
'tis he who bore our sin and pain,
and in our welfare now delights. PDF - Midi
2. 'Tis Jesus high upon his throne,
the praise of all the hosts above;
who rules the universe alone,
the God of everlasting love.
3. 'Tis Jesus in the form of man,
and lower than the angels made,
to execute the gracious plan
in God's eternal purpose laid.
4. 'Tis Jesus hanging on the cross,
(mysterious spectacle of woe!)
for whom his people count but loss
the richest portion here below.
5. 'Tis Jesus risen from the dead,
and now in heaven "both Christ and Lord",
his people's advocate and head;
their joy, their crown, their blessed reward.
6. Ah! Lord, how feeble is our song!
How much below thy matchless love!
But by thy grace we hope, ere long,
to raise a nobler strain above!
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 194.