Christ My Song - 1953
The promise, Lord, that thou hast given
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The promise, Lord, that thou hast given.
"And I will take away the stony heart." (Ezekiel 36,26)
1. The promise, Lord, that thou hast giv'n,
emboldens us to seek thy face;
O send the Spirit now from heaven,
the Spirit he of power and grace. PDF - Midi
2. When he awakens life, we live,
when he enlightens, then we see;
we have what we from him receive,
without him nothing good can be.
3. Lord, send thy Spirit, send him now,
and let us feel a present power;
before thy throne, behold, we bow,
be this to us a blessed hour.
4. "The heart of stone", O Lord, remove,
replace it with "a heart of flesh";
now manifest to us thy love,
and by thy grace our souls refresh.
5. Lord, hear us from thy throne above,
and now thy Holy Spirit give,
that we may learn to walk in love,
and henceforth to thy glory live.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 158.