Christ My Song - 1954
'Tis good, 'tis sweet, 'tis passing sweet
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
'Tis good, 'tis sweet, 'tis passing sweet.
"Wait on the Lord." (Psalm 27,14)
1. 'Tis good, 'tis sweet, 'tis passing sweet,
to join with those who wait and pray;
who sit at the Redeemer's feet,
to hear what God the Lord will say. PDF - Midi
2. The privilege of doing so
is great, we know; exceeding great;
but we should feel, as well as know,
that we are blessed, when at his feet.
3. To us, O Lord, reveal thy love,
while at thy feet we lowly fall;
descend in power from above,
and bless us now, O bless us all.
4. O teach us, Lord, to watch and pray;
and should the day of trial come,
be near us then, our guide and stay,
nor leave us, till we reach our home:
5. that home, where all thy people meet.
Tho' scattered here, they meet above;
with welcomes loud each other greet,
and sing the praise of him they love:
6. of him who washed them with his blood;
of him who saved them by his grace;
who made them kings and priests to God,
and brought them to behold his face.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 152.